Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 100: The "crumbs" in the fairy

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"Then what should we do now?"

Junjun stood up from the lake, divided his hair into two strands and tied it in front of his left and right chests, exposing the back of his neck.

Joe Tour said,

"Go see your mother and find a chance to rescue her."

"Is it that direct?"

"Isn't this why you came to Heavenly Court?"

Junjun said,

"I thought that Uncle Shi had other arrangements."

"Of course there is, but it needs to be done gradually."

"It shouldn't be that simple."

"Yes. It will make Heavenly Court fall into a situation of internal and external troubles. However, this is not something we should consider. On the contrary, the more chaotic the Heavenly Court is, the more convenient it is for us."

"Is that so...then what should I do?"

Joe Tour said,

"Those who violate the rules are usually detained in the Star Locking Platform. The Star Locking Platform is in the extreme western corner of the Heavenly Court space. It is the most remote place in the entire Heavenly Court. The density of the floating islands there is very low. In an airspace, only Suoxing Island is a sky island. Your mother, Zhuang Lianxin, is being held there."

"What's the difference there?"

"The star lock platform is located in the extreme western corner, which is the most unstable place in the heavenly space. The rules are chaotic, the environment is changeable, there are many void cracks, and there is almost no care of the root of the world, it can be regarded as an impossible place. Basically. , after being locked in, it is impossible to escape on your own."

Junjun said sadly,

"My mother must have suffered."

"Not necessarily. Your mother was originally a demon in the immortal class, but she was demoted to the mortal world because she violated the rules of the sky. Originally, as long as she practiced well, she would return to the immortal class sooner or later, but because she leaked the secret, she was banished to the mortal world. Locked up in the lock star platform. The lock star platform is generally a place to imprison big monsters, evil immortals, and intruders.

"My mother turns out to be an immortal..."


"What law did she violate?"

"Private the way of immortality. That is, privately lead the people who seek immortality from the world into the heaven. As for the leaked secrets, it is nothing more than saying that the immortal class is full."

"Mother...why do you do this?"

"Then you'll have to wait until you see her before asking."

Junjun frowned,

"It's always complicated. Maybe, it's not as simple as I thought."

"What did you think it was?"

"I thought it was a story of a fairy falling in love with a mortal..."

"That's really a lot of stories. There are not so many beautiful and pure love stories in reality. What's more, they are all immortals that involve the root of the world."

"You say that, I feel more that my mother created the immortal way privately, and there are other secrets. From what I know about her... She should not be the kind of person who will give charity because she sees the difficulty of cultivating immortals in the world."

Qiao Xun's voice was soft,

"See your mother, just ask clearly."


Following the guidance of Qiao Xun, Junjun set off.

She turned into an invisible shadow, jumping in the heavenly starry sky full of fairy magic.

Every floating island I see is a star in this starry sky. In other words, there is no real starry sky in heaven, the kind of starry sky that you can see when you raise your head at night in the world. Junjun can't help but ask,

"Uncle Master, if heaven and the world are not the same space. What about the starry sky in the world?"

"It's a silhouette of a finite world."


"Shadow play, have you seen it?"

"You mean, the starry sky in the world is fake?"


"This... That Yuedong sister knows the truth, how sad. She likes watching the stars the most, but the starry sky she likes the most is fake..."

Qiao Xun was silent.

After Junjun's reminder, Lan Yuedong's figure appeared in his mind, becoming more and more clear. Where did the girl who kept saying that she wanted to find a gift that would make him happy?

After the human world and the heavenly court were connected, he conducted a world insight. But in that insight, he didn't have a second impression of Lan Yuedong, which means that he didn't know anything about her.

This is a bit anomalous.

The most unusual thing is that if Junjun hadn't mentioned her, Qiao Xun would not have realized that he had ever had a relationship with Lan Yuedong.

He was lost in thought.

"Uncle Master?"

He didn't pay attention to Junjun.

"Uncle Master!"

"I'm thinking about the problem."

"Suddenly you don't speak, I thought something happened to you."

Qiao Xun did not speak. He seriously thought about the process of getting to know Lan Yuedong and what he had said to her.

very normal. As far as Lan Yuedong's behavior and words are concerned, they are all normal. Then why can't we find out about her? Although that insight was not aimed at her, but she was a mortal person, so she could not leave a little impression.

Qiao Xun became more and more confused.

Could it be that Lan Yuedong still has some secrets?

He decided to conduct an in-depth insight into Lan Yuedong,

"Junjun, I want to think about a question. You can call me again when you arrive at the Lock Star Terrace."

"Oh well."

Then, Qiao Xun entered a state of silence.

All of a sudden, Junjun felt that the atmosphere became very quiet, even a little weird... He knew that the uncle was in his head, but he couldn't feel his existence no matter what. This kind of feeling is very awkward, and it also makes Jun Jun feel inexplicably being peeped.

She was a little nervous, but when she thought of her uncle, she felt an indescribable excitement in addition to her nervousness.

Over time, however, the tension and excitement subsided. Because, she realized, Uncle Shi really wouldn't do anything strange to her body.

Then, Dandan's loss lingered in his heart.

She stopped thinking about things, but gradually became patient and began to think about her own affairs.

She had hardly thought about what she should do after rescuing her mother... But now, she has a feeling in her heart, this feeling is very special. It is intuition, but it is not as unreliable as intuition, but if it is reliable, she does not know the reason. I just feel that I seem to have to follow my uncle.

This is also the reason why she firmly believes that Shishu cares about her.

She couldn't figure it out, and she didn't know how to think about it. Just take this feeling as something "destined by heaven". Maybe it's destiny to meet Uncle Shi, maybe it's destiny to do something amazing with Uncle Shi.

She couldn't think of complicated things. You have to decide according to your emotional mind.

"But, Uncle Shi is such a merciless person... When the time comes, things are done, what should I do if I don't..."


She sighed.

"Maybe, when I get stronger, I'll know what the 'destined' I feel is."

Qiao Xun is right, she is indeed an optimistic person.

As long as you don't think about so many troublesome things, troubles won't bother you.

She was zigzagging in the silent western space of Heaven.

Every time it jumps, it is one point closer to the star lock platform in the extreme west.

The majestic and majestic Heavenly Court Main Island became smaller and smaller in sight.


The main island of Heaven, the witty saying Xianluo Avenue.

... The punchline Xianluo is the title of a true immortal. The avenue built in her name is now the place where the festival is held. Although this Heavenly Court has not held Sheng Yan for a long time, the mission of this avenue is still remembered.

Every day, there will be special gods who come to clean.

Yuxiuyu is an immortal class responsible for cleaning the filth inside and outside the heavenly court. This immortal class has many immortals occupying the seat together. And like this kind of true immortals where multiple immortals jointly occupy a class of immortals... they are often not considered true immortals, because their godheads are basically designated gods. That is to say, it is not obtained by one's own cultivation, but bestowed by the superior true immortal.

Once the godhead is taken back by the upper true immortal, he will no longer be in the immortal class.

For this reason, Heavenly Court often places great importance on the true immortals who are truly ranked in the immortal class by their own abilities. This is also because even if "Lianxin Xianluo" made such a big mistake, Heavenly Court still expects her to correct her mistakes, rather than severely punish her.

Lu Yixuan told Lu Xianyi the experience of Zhuang Lianxin, the "Lianxin Xianluo".

Lu Xianyi was puzzled by this,

"Since the heavenly court cares so much about the true immortals who have achieved the immortal class by their own cultivation, why does it block the world and prevent the immortal cultivators in the world from ascending to the immortal class?"

Lu Yixuan smiled and strolled down Xianluo Avenue with a smile.

"It's very simple. Because there are not enough fairy classes."

"But as far as I know, there are immortal classes in Heaven. Even if one true immortal ascends every year in the world, it will take tens of thousands of years to run out. Besides, some true immortals in Heaven have withdrawn from the immortal class for various reasons. Become a fairy."

"Miaomiao, your thinking is a little rigid."

"Why are you calling this name all of a sudden..."

"It's all the same. Miaomiao...Xianyi...Miaomiao...Xianyi...Well, when you call it another way, there is a special feeling. It's like..." Lu Yixuan thought about it seriously, "It's funny. cat."

"...His Royal Highness Tianshou, please respect yourself."

"Haha... I'm teasing you. Cough, come back, the reason why you say that your thinking is rigid is that you subconsciously think that a class of immortals can have multiple immortals, but you never thought that one immortal can occupy multiple immortals. class."

"Huh?" Lu Xianyi frowned, "I really didn't think about it. Is there really such a fairy?"

"Yes. This is the only reason that can explain the current state of heaven."

"Looking at His Highness's expression, he should know more."

Lu Yixuan smiled mysteriously,

"Of course I do! As the most powerful immortal in the Immortal Realm, these are a piece of cake for me!"

Lu Xianyi felt that she was really like a childish guy waiting to be praised at the moment.

"That being the case, the immortal with the strongest celestial performance in the whole immortal world, the supreme immortal, the most mysterious highness of the Sora Tianshou, can you tell me which immortal occupies a large number of immortal classes?"

Lu Yixuan couldn't stop laughing.

"Of course I can tell you, but!"


"In order to avoid your lack of interest in the middle, I won't tell you first."

"His Royal Highness, is this a bit... shameful..."

"Then why don't you cheer up? Since you're out to play, don't let this face go down."

"Sure enough, he came out to play!"

Lu Yixuan hurriedly changed his words,

"It's not a play, it's a fairy tour with a purpose."

"Isn't that just playing..."

"Miaomiao, you can't think like this."

Lu Xianyi covered her ears,

"Don't instill strange ideas in me! The ancestor of Tianwu is right, you are a person full of strange ideas."

Lu Yixuan said solemnly,

"I'm talking about Xianyi. Don't you think An Xian is a big mountain pressing on your descendants of the Tianwu lineage?"


"An Xian is a person who hates all male creatures. Even the birds and beasts kept in her harem are all female. Don't you think she is very sick? Besides, she also transmits such sick thoughts from generation to generation. Pass it down to your children and grandchildren. You are also required to reproduce by yourself...Isn't this the pain that her own selfish desires have caused you?"

Lu Xianyi said expressionlessly,

"I think that the ancestors of Tianwu just wanted to ensure the purity of the blood, not the pathological thinking you said."

"...you're so smart."

"So, don't feed me strange thoughts. I've been thinking about this all day, but my brain is not enough. If I'm disturbed by your strange words, my brain will be under a lot of pressure." Lu Xianyi said helplessly.

Lu Yixuan raised an eyebrow,

"You little head, what are you thinking about all day long? What troubles do you have at your age!"

"I worry about more things!"

"What?" Lu Yixuan asked curiously.

"Isn't your heavenly acting the best? Why don't you do it?"

"I'm disdainful of acting skillfully for juniors."

"His Royal Highness is really fake. On the one hand, he instills whimsical thoughts on the younger generation, and on the other hand, he says that he disdains the younger generation."

"It's not the same. Besides, I'm not trying to instill whimsy, but to let you not be bound by An Xian. She is an old and stubborn person whose thoughts are rotten to the core. You are a new tender shoot. Miao, don't be influenced by her." Lu Yixuan said it excitedly, but confiscated it, and shook out the story of An Yang, "Your mother couldn't stand the rules of An Xian in the Tianwu clan, and ran away from the fairyland. ."


Lu Yixuan pursed his lips and pretended that he didn't say anything.

Lu Xianyi looked at her suspiciously,

"His Royal Highness Tianshou, what did you say?"


"His Royal Highness, you are too poor."

"No product?"

"The word of the earth. It means low morals and bad morals."

"...Miaomiao, it's not good to talk to the elders like this."

"But you always have to look like an elder!"

"Oh! I said, I said!" Lu Yixuan compromised, "Your mother, An Yang, is the legendary goddess who is most qualified to inherit the mantle of Tianwu, and the entire Tianwu clan has high expectations for her. But! An Yang is beyond everyone's expectations, and openly opposes the concept that the Tianwu clan has always practiced. In particular, he accuses Tianwu himself of An Xian's 'blood theory', believing that it is a violation of the laws of nature, and keeps saying that he must find a proof that she is wrong. The evidence, and then left the fairyland. So far, there is no news."

Lu Yixuan put on the air of an old man,

"Oh, I watched her grow up, watched her rebel, and watched her run away from home."

"Then you didn't do something?"

Lu Yixuan said excitedly,

"At that time, everyone accused her, and I was the only one who strongly supported her! She was inspired by me and became more determined to oppose the 'blood theory'! It was also my idea to run away from home."

"...His Royal Highness Tianshou, you are too disdainful."


"It has the same meaning as no product."

"Learn a new word again!"

"A crumb of crumbs."

Lu Yixuan sighed again,

"But it seems that An Yang has finally lost to the 'blood theory'."

"How to say?"

"Because she gave birth to you."

When Lu Xianyi heard this sentence, her mind exploded, her eyes widened, and she said incredulously:

"I'm only my mother's life?!"

"Ah? Don't you know?"

"Of course I don't know!"

Lu Yixuan said awkwardly:

"I thought An Xian told you~www.readwn.com~ She scratched her neck and looked at the scenery in the distance.

Lu Xianyi collapsed and covered her face,

"My dad turned out to be a pick-up man!"

She can't stand this fact.

Lu Yixuan laughed dryly,

"On the bright side, if you are really the cub born by your mother and a man, then your father will definitely not be able to live. However, you still have to suffer from blood purification."

Lu Xianyi turned a deaf ear and just muttered to herself in a daze:

"No wonder our family has not been treated well by the Lu family since I was a child... It turns out that my identity is in doubt. My mother and father are married on the surface! No wonder my mother left, and he didn't even feel sad..."

Lu Yixuan felt Lu Xianyi's persistent negative emotions, patted his forehead, and grumbled in his heart,

"Oh, you shouldn't talk too much."

She comforted softly,

"Little Miaomiao, it's actually not that bad, you think so, at the very least, you have one more nominal father than the rest of the Tianwu clan. From this point of view, you are much luckier than them. They But since I was a child, I only felt mother's love, not father's love."

Then, Lu Xianyi was even more sad, so anxious that she almost burst into tears.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Lu Yixuan immediately sobbed in self-pity,

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't talk too much, it makes you sad. Uuuuu..."

She was the first to cry, but Lu Xianyi couldn't cry.

Seeing the annoyed look of this elder, Lu Xianyi immediately covered her face and said,

"Enough is enough, don't embarrass your Tianshou family, there are still people watching!"

"Aren't you sad anymore?" Lu Yixuan immediately stopped crying, and couldn't see any sadness at all.


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