Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 101: Peach Blossom Ghost

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The farther away from the main island of Heaven, the stronger the sense of detachment from the soul.

Junjun can no longer jump at will. She had to pay careful attention to where she appeared every time she jumped. Because, after getting close to the star lock platform, the space becomes very unstable, and the randomness is very large. A collapse point may appear anytime and anywhere, which will unbalance the space structure and cause a small-scale void squeeze.

You can do whatever you want in the world. Because the spatial structure of the human world is stable without any flaws. But not here. She has to be careful and careful.

There are fewer and fewer floating islands around.

It was silent, and she could almost hear her own heartbeat. Moreover, the temperature dropped so fast that the energy flow of the Immortal Magic Barrier on the conjoined body was much slower.

This cruel environment made her feel even more depressed.

I haven't reached the Suoxingtai yet, it's so harsh, what kind of bad situation should the Suoxingtai be?

When I thought that my mother had been imprisoned for six or seven years in a harsh place like Suoxingtai, I couldn't help feeling a little sad.

However, Junjun is a person with clear priorities. She knows that she can't be influenced by her personal emotions right now. It is necessary to ensure a safe and stable arrival at the star lock platform. After all, the soul carried in this body is not only her, but also her uncle.

"Uncle Shi..." She thought of Qiao Xunlai for no reason.

"Mr. Zuochuan... Zuochuan... Is there anyone with the surname Zuo?"

Under the general thoughts, she was startled, and suddenly realized a possibility. The uncle's name should not be fake...

She eagerly wanted to personally ask Qiao Xun if that was the case. But as soon as the thought moved, it stopped again.

Although I don't know what the uncle is thinking about, but according to his habits, it should be a more critical and important issue, so he will specifically say that he needs to think about it.

never mind……

Let's wait until he's done thinking about it.

The itch is unbearable, but it must be endured.

Because of the instability of the space, her speed is getting slower and slower. Safety is more important than everything else, but don't even get past the destination, and get bruised and bruised by events such as being squeezed by the void in the middle.

With this idea in mind, Jun Jun gathered his mind and looked forward.

The lock star platform is close to Chichi. However, in this interval of Chi Chi, there is a violent collapse zone. A large number of collapse points are distributed in it, and the positions change randomly, strangling everything that constitutes the space.

Jun Jun glanced through the crash zone and looked at the Lock Star Terrace.

Can't see a fairy. There was no one outside, except for two giant statues that were in ruins and decay. The statue on the left holds a heavy bow, and the statue on the right holds a long sword. Especially the statue of the **** holding a long sword, the head is broken in half.

Not only is the statue broken, the prison guarded by the statue is also dilapidated and miserable, with corners and walls missing in many places.

This lock star platform does not look like a prison, but an abandoned ruins that no one cares about.

Jun Jun slowly inhaled and exhaled slowly to adjust the operation of the immortal energy in his body to the best.

Activated both physically and mentally.

Then, her eyes flashed blazing red flames. After the flame disappeared, a pair of peach blossom eyes became as red as blood.

Immortal magic energy was fully mobilized. Wrapped her whole body, swept out.

Like an arrow from a string, it penetrates the crash zone. Arrive directly at Lock Star Island. In the rear, a blazing fire trail was left behind. The fire marks looked as if the crash zone was divided into two halves.

After successfully arriving, Jun Jun took a long breath.

Her hands trembled slightly. The load on her body from crossing the crash zone made the skin of her whole body turn slightly red. There was even a brief fainting.

But fortunately, it's only a momentary thing.

After her body recovered, she called out in consciousness,

"Uncle Shi? We're here."

There was silence in consciousness.

She waited silently.

After more than a dozen breaths, Qiao Xun's voice came faintly,

"Soon. I thought it would take a while for you to cross that order breakdown zone."

Jun Jun hehe smiled,

"Never mind. I'll be here in an instant."

"You are too reckless. This is a huge burden on the body. If you are not careful, it is easy to dissolve the meridians. At that time, all your cultivation will be lost."

Junjun took a breath,

"It's just the body... Shishu doesn't care. Anyway, even if I die in the collapse zone, Shishu will just step on my body and go out."

"...Since you know that your death will be the result, then you should cherish life even more."

Junjun didn't want to continue the discussion, and changed the topic bluntly,

"Master, what's your name?"

"My name is Qiao Xun."

"Ah? Mr. Kokawa really is a fake name!"


Jun Jun said with contempt,

"You said you wouldn't lie to me."

"The name is just a codename."

"No. Names are important signs and symbols."

Qiao Xun compromised,

"You are right."

Junjun sighed,

"I don't know why, I'm not surprised at all... Uncle Shi is really the kind of person who doesn't make people feel surprised when he does anything."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because Uncle Shi sometimes doesn't look like a specific person, but..." Jun Jun thought for a while, "Do you know Totem?"


"Yes, you are sometimes a symbol like a totem."

Qiao Xun thought for a while in silence, and said in a toneless voice:


"What was the uncle thinking about when he was silent before?"

"Think about Lan Yuedong."

"Sister Yuedong... Then have you come up with the result?" Jun Jun asked curiously.

Qiao Xun was silent for a while, and then said:

"Junjun, Lan Yuedong is probably not the princess-like sister Yuedong you know."

"What do you mean?" Jun Jun frowned.

"It's hard to explain this matter to you in words. You might as well take a look at the results of my insight."

Qiao Xun did not hide anything from Junjun. He directly shared his deep insight into Lan Yuedong with Junjun.

After being sluggish for a while, Jun Jun digested the information given by Qiao Xun.

Then, she became more obsessed with the lake,

"Uncle Shi, what is the dust of the finite world?"

"I didn't understand it before. But now, I think it should refer to a limited wanderer who is free from the shackles of the limited world, but has nowhere to go and nowhere to go."

"so complicated……"

"Knowing this is really too heavy for you."

"Although I don't understand, what do you mean, what is Sister Yuedong...'Limited Vagabond'?" Jun Jun raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Well. In the Immortal Realm, the limited wanderers have a more pleasant name. 'Stars'."

"The stars... out of the world, but there is nowhere to go... But, what's going on with Sister Yuedong?"

Qiao Xun did not answer immediately.

He recalled that before he came to the Immortal Realm, the stars Wang Liangyi asked him.

At that time, Wang Liangyi said that if he encountered it and understood it, he would help to do it.

Now it seems that the thing Wang Liangyi said should have something to do with Lan Yuedong.

Lan Yuedong, a person who loves to watch the stars.

This made Qiao Xun wonder, could she be one of the four "stars" of Wang Liangsi, Ce, Ge Daoyi, and Ge Dao2?

Deep insight into her did not answer this question. Her secrets are hidden deeper.

"Uncle Master?"

After being reminded by Junjun, Qiao Xun realized that he had been silent for a long time. He says:

"Lan Yuedong is not an ordinary person. She is either a projection of a certain group of stars in the human world, or a reincarnation of a fading consciousness in the human world. Now it seems that she has a very strong longing for the starry sky, and she should be the same as her original body. The finite wanderer is one of the stars concerned."

"so complicated……"

"You should know, sooner or later."

"Forget it... I'll take care of it for now." Jun Jun angrily.

She cast her gaze to the prison in the distance,

"Uncle Shi, do I just break in handsomely, or do I go in handsomely?"

"Break in."

"Uncle Shi, don't think it's strange that there is no living immortal here..."

Qiao Xun laughed,

"Because there is no magic here, it is a place that the roots of the world cannot take care of. Those immortals who are in the immortal class, when they come here, are inferior to the gods. The magic in the body will continue to escape until it is completely emptied."

"Hey, why didn't my fairy magic escape?"

"Because, you used the method I gave you to cultivate to become an immortal. My method is a little more difficult, but the result is that the effect of integration is excellent. It can be said that the immortal arts you have cultivated are part of you, unlike the Other immortals can only be said to borrow the energy of the world."

"Doesn't that mean that I'm a genius!" Junjun raised his chin and said proudly.

"Shouldn't I be a genius?"

"Didn't the uncle say that your method is very difficult. But it only took me more than six years to become an immortal. I'm not a genius yet!"

"……as long as you are happy."

"Hey~" Jun Jun became serious, "But isn't Heavenly Court afraid of the prisoners detained here escaping?"

"Hehe, the order breakdown zone outside is the best prison. I can only say that you are very lucky, and you haven't seen the scene of order breakdown." Qiao Xun said, "It was a terrifying incident that I could only escape. "

"Is it so scary!" Jun Jun was afraid for a while.

"You are really big-hearted, and you rushed past."

"Don't say it, say it again, I don't dare to pass it when I go back."

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you. When you find your mother, call me again."

After speaking, Qiao Xun started to wait again.

Junjun complained softly,

"What, leave all the dirty work to me..."

Complaining in the mouth, the action did not fall at all.

She quickly entered a fighting state and was very focused. Everything in her surroundings became part of her senses.

Slight changes are magnified to the extreme in her senses.

She transformed into a fiery red light and rushed straight towards the two statues outside the prison.

The two huge statues suddenly woke up. Dandan fluorescence is formed on their surface.

Afterwards, the bow-holding statue moved its back and bent its bow. On the bowstring, a faint black slender bow was formed.

After the bow is out of the string, the speed is extremely fast.

Junjun didn't react at all and was shot in the left shoulder.

The dark black bow exploded on the left shoulder. There was no scene of flesh and blood flying, but a vortex the size of a fist formed on her shoulders.

She immediately felt her body fall into this vortex again. In the vortex, there was a faint glow that made her feel cold all over her body.

At this time, Qiao Xun's voice sounded,

"You just go ahead and leave the rest to me."

"it is good!"

No one believes in Qiao Xun more than Junjun.

With Qiao Xun's words, she didn't care that she was being torn by the vortex, and rushed forward in a daze.

At the same time, Qiao Xun was not idle.

He knew very well what the means of attack of the two gods were.


Yes, the concept as opposed to concrete. That's why he asked Junjun to leave it alone. Because at the level of Junjun's understanding, he doesn't know the difference between concepts and specifics at all, and he can't control it at all.

The concept attack of the idol reminded him of the concept life he faced when he helped Sayuri Gomo on Earth, the Hollow Walker. Like Sasori's divinity, the shrine maiden served the same greatness and sublime.

The Hollow Walker's attack is a conceptual attack.

The statue in front of him clearly exists. But they can carry out conceptual attacks, which seems to show that ... they are just tools, just symbols of a certain concept.

What is the concept of...

Then you will have to wait until you break them to find out.

Qiao Xun covered their conceptual attack with the haze of the demon's curse. The way to deal with conceptual attacks was already too familiar to him when he fought Michael. So he said, Michael is the one who understands the conceptual world. "Master~www.readwn.com~ Junjun is a person who looks elegant and demure, but her attack methods can be said to be quite violent.

Without any worries, her violent attacks were all poured onto the two statues.

Blast, crash!

After all, the idols are made of stones and metals. No matter how hard it is, there are limits.

Once this limit is trampled by the ever-increasing pressure, the result will only be turned into powder.

Under the attack of Junjun, the two statues of Huge and Shan turned into dust in the sky. In this windless environment, it settles slowly.

Qiao Xun couldn't help but say:

"You are too violent."

Junjun doesn't think it's a bad word at all, but rather proud of it,

"When I helped His Majesty clean up the political prisoners in the court, I didn't even leave their ashes."

"You really are a born devil."

"Humph, in my opinion, if it is an enemy, then it must be smashed to the ground. I will never spare their lives." Junjun solemnly preached his ideas, "Uncle, what do you think, obviously yes Enemies, you have to go to great lengths to persuade them not to be enemies with yourself, that is not virtuous, it is not strong enough. In my opinion, as long as you are strong enough, then you have no enemies, and the whole world is your friend. "

"...What a peach blossom ghost with a face."

Junjun said with satisfaction:

"Well, Uncle Shi also thinks I'm good-looking, right!"

"You don't care about the word 'ghost' at the back."

"I don't understand!"

Jun Jun refreshingly crossed the gate of the prison guarded by the two statues and stepped in.

Qiao Xun silently used the curse haze to wrap up the concept carried by the idol and study it.

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