Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 103: parted ways

Every island in the heavenly space is different, and sometimes even in the same area, it may have a completely different climate, ecology, etc. Maybe it's snowing on one island, and it's sunny on another island right next to it.

The appearance of this situation is related to the fact that the heavenly space is completely dominated by the nature.

This is the system of mythology. The characteristics of the fairy class in the mythology system determine the regional characteristics. Rather than being governed by the roots of the world that make up the world, as most other finite worlds are.

An uninhabited floating island to the east of the main island of Heaven.

It is probably spring on the island, and the peach blossoms are in full bloom.

A gust of wind blew, rolling up layers of petal rain. In the rain of petals, Jun Jun, who was controlled by Qiao Xun, took Zhuang Lianxin's wrist and walked lightly.

Qiao Xun glanced at Zhuang Lianxin, did not speak to her, and instead woke up the sleeping Junjun with his heart.

"Do you want me to feel the mother-daughter reunion scene for you?"

Jun Junyou woke up and turned around, she rarely said forcefully,

"No, let me do it myself."

After listening to her, Qiao Xun immediately returned the control of his body to her. Then, sneak into the depths of her consciousness and observe secretly.

The previous consumption could not be recovered in such a short period of time. So, as soon as you regain control of your body, weakness catches up.

Junjun's complexion turned from healthy ruddy to pale. Her eyes, at a speed visible to the naked eye, changed from cold to haggard and weak.

One did not stabilize and slumped to the ground.

Zhuang Lianxin hurriedly stepped forward to support her,

"Junjun, what's wrong with you?"

Junjun smiled slightly,

"Just a little tired."

Zhuang Lian hugged her lovingly,

"Sure enough, you paid a lot to save me."

Jun Jun was silent. He stared blankly at the sky over the island. Suddenly, she felt that she had gained a lot because she had achieved her biggest goal over the years. I feel like I've lost a lot again, because... Then what?

The goal of "saving her mother" supported her to move forward and made her stand tall and become a strong person who would not be easily defeated.

Today, this goal has been achieved. It seems that the strong and unyielding character she has always shown is unnecessary... It seems that it is best to become the good girl who always talked about her mother before.

Silent, dazed... Tears flowed down.

She doesn't cry anymore. Seven years ago, I haven't cried since I cried for the last time in front of my uncle.

But now, these unstoppable tears have turned into sympathy for the loss of his mother and the inability to recognize his father in the past seven years, and the uncle is taking advantage of his experience.

Tears penetrated Zhuang Lianxin's clothes. She felt the frailty of the child who had been away for so many years.

Her mind was pure, and she didn't know that at this moment, her daughter had such complicated inner activities. I just thought it was the joy of reunion and cried.

"Good boy, good boy..."

Zhuang Lianxin gently stroked Junjun's hair.

Jun Jun's shoulders trembled. Her heart was filled with guilt all of a sudden. Because, she suddenly found that she was not so happy after reuniting with her mother... Instead, there was a kind of fear and loss that she could not find a reason to continue to adventure with her uncle.

She remained silent, not saying a word. So much so that Zhuang Lian asked worriedly,

"Junjun, are you injured?"

Jun Jun just pursed his lips and shook his head. Then, she stood up and adjusted her mood before saying:

"Mother, you are suffering."

Zhuang Lianxin said with a smile,

"Not to mention suffering. It's just boring to be alone. I always worry about you. But now, it seems that my worry is unnecessary. I didn't expect to see you again in this way. "

Junjun bowed his head,

"You'll be fine."

"Jun Jun..." Zhuang Lianxin spoke cautiously. She doesn't know what her daughter has gone through these years and what kind of child she has become, "How did you... rescue me?"

Junjun said with a smile,

"I was just cultivating, and then I became an immortal, and then I heard that you were locked in the Lock Star Terrace, so I went to save you."

A mother's love for her children is often very broad and tolerant.

As another person, Zhuang Lianxin would definitely ask, how did he become a fairy under the blockade of the heavenly court, and how did he make a scene that caused the Suoxingtai to collapse.

But, as a mother. She didn't ask anything, but felt that the child must have suffered a lot in the process. she said affectionately,

"It's really hard for you."

"Mother is fine."

"How did you come here all these years?"

Jun Jun pondered and said with a smile:

"I came here as usual. Hmm...cultivation, reading...eating, sleeping..."

For some reason, Zhuang Lianxin always felt that Junjun was a little awkward. As if he had something to say but couldn't say. Of course, this awkwardness was still embraced by her mother's love. She held Junjun's hand,

"It's good...it's good that you can grow up safely..."

Junjun said in a low voice:

"Mother, too, you'll be fine if nothing happens."

Zhuang Lianxin was like asking what happened to Junjun after he was taken away by Heavenly Court. But I felt that it must be a long story, and I couldn't tell for a while, so I stopped. She looked back at the direction of the main island of the Heavenly Court, and when she saw the towering fairy drapery there, she said in shock,

"Junjun, you seem to have caused a big trouble."

"Mother won't blame me."

"How come. Besides... this is the fault of Heaven."

Junjun didn't think much about it,

"Can Heavenly Court solve it?"

"The solution can definitely be solved. But the key is what price you are willing to pay. None of the prisoners in the Suoxingtai are easy to mess with. In fact, with my ability, it is far more than being detained in the Suoxingtai."

"Then why?"

Zhuang Lianxin's expression was complicated,

"Maybe it has something to do with something else."

"What's up?"

Zhuang Lianxin looked at Junjun. Some hesitant to say. On second thought, Junjun is his own daughter and also a demon, that is the same position, there is nothing that can't be said. she exhaled,

"At that time, I was still a demon in Heaven. Thanks to Heaven's decision to become a demon, I got a class to work in the Immortal Grass Garden. One day nineteen years ago, someone found me. She It's mysterious, and I still don't know who she is. But...she told me a long, long story..."

Zhuang Lian leisurely recounted the story.

Jun Jun listen. Qiao Xun also listened.

This is a story about "demon". Basically, it can be said that it tells the experience of the large group of "demon" from its birth to the present. From being a part of the finite world, to being rejected by various myths, to the extent that he no longer has his own place to stand.

Qiao Xun knew the story. Because many people have told him. Among them, Yihong also told him in great detail.

However, this made Qiao Xun react again. He did not ask Wang Liangyi why he brought the monsters in the fragmented world and the nested world to the earth.

Wang Liangyi, as one of the "stars", what does it have to do with demons?

After Zhuang Lianxin finished telling the story, he took a deep breath and continued:

"The mysterious person also told me that the real reason why Heavenly Court blocked the world is because the Immortal Class is full. And the reason why the Immortal Class is full is that Heavenly Court has occupied a large number of Immortal Classes for their own selfish desires."

"My own desires?"

"The mysterious man didn't tell me. However, even if she did, I definitely wouldn't understand. She just let me feel it... I can't forget that feeling..." look.

"What did you feel?" Jun Jun asked suspiciously.

Zhuang Lianxin said,

"She said it was an uncontrollable future. I saw scenes where the stars were dark, life was dark, and everything fell into a state of despair." Zhuang Lianxin said in a difficult tone, "I can't describe the specific scene. In short...then It made me feel scared and terrified. I couldn't help but realize that I had to do something to stop that from happening."

"So, you created the immortal way privately, were demoted to the mortal world, leaked the secret, and then locked up in the Star Locking Platform?"

"Why are you so clear." Zhuang Lianxin was a little surprised.

Junjun paused,

"I save you, of course I have to know this."

Zhuang Lianxin sighed,


Jun Jun frowned and asked,

"Mother, could that mysterious person deliberately induce you to do this?"

Zhuang Lianxin smiled bitterly,

"Now that I think about it, I was probably inspired by her. But, I think, as a sensible person, I would indeed do that."

"Then why did she choose you?"

"Probably, I am also the reason for the demon."

"Also?" Jun Jun asked, "Is that mysterious person also a demon?"

"Well. I don't know what kind of demon she is. But her breath makes me feel kind, and it makes me feel that I must be of the same origin with her. Even, I will have a feeling of taking the initiative to get close to her. It's like ...she's like the one who gave birth to me."

"Ah?!" Jun Jun asked in surprise, "Could it be grandma?"

Zhuang Lianxin shook his head,

"No, your grandmother died before she cultivated into an adult form."

"...Then why do you feel that way?"

Zhuang Lianxin said,

"I don't know. But I do have that feeling. It is because of this feeling that I choose to believe her."

Junjun said cautiously,

"It's not good that she deliberately created this feeling to confuse you."

Zhuang Lianxin smiled bitterly,

"It's also possible that I'm really a weak-hearted person who trusts others easily."

"Mother, this is called kindness!"

"Kindness... Sometimes it's not a good character."

Speaking of here. The direction of the main island of Heavenly Court suddenly released a huge halo. The halo quickly spread to the entire heavenly space. Where the halo reaches, a barrier similar to a water curtain emerges.

When Zhuang Lianxin saw it, his face changed abruptly,

"That's the natural magic!"

"Benge Immortal Art?"

"It's an immortal art that only the Great Immortals from the Four Sides and the Supreme Saints can do. It seems that they want to block the entire Heavenly Court to prevent the prisoners who escaped from the Lock Star Terrace from fleeing to other places." Zhuang Lian's brows were very worried.

Junjun quickly asked,

"Can't everyone leave?"

"Mostly. Because some prisoners are spiritual things, and even more mysterious... Mysterious body. These prisoners may hide in some weaker true immortals. Most of the heavenly courts need to conduct a comprehensive investigation to avoid such hidden dangers. ."

Mysterious body... that is, the so-called conceptual life.

"Isn't that bad for us? If we investigate it, we will definitely find out that it was me who caused the Suo Xingtai to collapse." Jun Jun said.

Zhuang Lianxin nodded,

"We have to run away."

At this time, Qiao Xun's voice sounded in Jun Jun's mind,

"Go to the world."

"Ah?" Jun Jun exclaimed in surprise.

Zhuang Lian asked,

"What's wrong?"

Junjun shook his head quickly, "No, nothing, I'm trying to figure out a way."

Then, she asked in her heart,

"We finally came to heaven and then to the world?"

"The purpose of coming to heaven has been achieved, and then go to the world for the next step."

"But... my goal has been achieved."

"...Are you going to part ways with me?" Qiao Xun asked.

Jun Jun paused and said in a low voice:

"If you have to let me follow you, it's not impossible."

"If you are so reluctant, it is better to separate as soon as possible."

"Don't, don't! I think, I want to continue the adventure with Uncle Shi!"

"Then stop talking nonsense."

Junjun complained,

"Be nice to me, won't you?"

Qiao Xun didn't talk nonsense, and directly grabbed control of his body from Junjun.

Then, in Zhuang Lianxin's eyes, her daughter was like a different person. The eyes are cold, the breath is gloomy.

Qiao Xun simply said,

"Take my hand."

Zhuang Lian was stunned. This imperative tone...what's going on?

"Come on." Qiao Xun said seriously.

Zhuang Lian came back to his senses and grabbed it obediently.

Then, the curse haze briefly erupted around Junjun's body.

The next moment, Qiao Xun and Zhuang Lianxin disappeared into the heaven.

At the same time, the immortal art of nature completely enveloped the heaven and completely blocked everything.

Jun Jun, who has been deprived of body control, can only protest strongly in his mind,

"Before using my body, can you ask my opinion first!"

"You said it yourself, use it if you want." Qiao Xundan replied.

Junjun said angrily:

"But it can't be so rude. How can you be more polite to women. You directly pull my consciousness out and make me very dignified!"

"Your dignity is worthless."

"...But, what if my mother misunderstood me?"

"Don't deceive yourself." Qiao Xun said.

Junjun suddenly became nervous,

"What are you deceiving yourself?"

"You know it well. You don't love your mother as much as you did when you were young."

Junjun argued,

"This... It's just because I grew up and didn't rely much on my mother. It's not that I don't love her."

"I didn't say you didn't love her."

"Then what do you mean?"

Qiao Xundan said indifferently:

"Junjun, you are also a person who is not affectionate. Emotions, for you, are probably just a tool to achieve your goals. Your love for Zhuang Lianxin is almost exhausted the moment you reunite with her. So , You are not very happy to meet her again."

Junjun issued a very strong rebuttal to Qiao Xun's remarks. She seemed to be deeply stimulated,

"You are talking nonsense! I love my mother very much, you have no right to say that to me! You are obviously an out-and-out bastard~www.readwn.com~ a ruthless devil!"

Qiao Xun did not refute, but asked lightly:

"Then tell me, why are you unhappy when you meet Zhuang Lianxin again?"

Junjun's voice trembled,

"I just... I have always followed you for the reason of 'saving my mother'. Now, this reason can no longer be used, and I can't find a new reason, so I am very sad!"

"for me?"

"Do you want me to say it myself!"

"Junjun. Ignoring your own mother's feelings for someone who took advantage of you and whom you fully understand?"


Qiao Xun said bluntly,

"Why is such a person not a merciless person? In your heart, I am more important than your mother? Lan Jun, this is ridiculous."

Junjun said bitterly,

"But...but that's how I feel...I don't know what's going on."


These two words instantly stabbed Jun Jun's heart.

After Qiao Xun finished speaking, he didn't speak again and remained silent.

After arriving in the human world, he returned the control of his body to Junjun.

In the human world, there is no need to worry about being observed, so he left Junjun's body directly, recovered his true body, and then disappeared without saying goodbye.

The place to reach the world is the wild peach forest behind Yushan Town.

This is where Qiao Xun and Junjun first met. Junjun still remembered that at that time, Uncle Shi opened the door and said to her and Chang Yan, "From now on, I will be your guardian."

At that time, Qiao Xun's figure was fixed in her heart.

Junjun stood silently in the wild peach forest, feeling the emptiness in his consciousness, unable to return to his senses for a long time.

She thought, this time, Shishu will probably never come back.

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