Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 104: Mission Doubt in the Forge of Origins

After the Suo Xingtai collapsed, the Heavenly Court responded very quickly, and immediately blocked the entire Heavenly Court space, not allowing anyone to go out.

Then, there is a comprehensive control and investigation.

Emperor Zhenxuan, one of the four great emperors, was instructed to investigate everything in the heavenly court to find out why the Suoxingtai collapsed, and who had approached there before the collapse.

The Great Emperor Zhenxuan immediately performed a celestial performance on the matter of Suoxingtai. He quickly determined that the collapse of Suoxingtai did not happen naturally, and that there were indeed other people who interfered with it. He even made a clear path of travel.

This travel trajectory is exactly the trajectory of Junjun's journey from the southern area of ​​Heaven to the Star Locking Platform.

However, what puzzled him was that apart from this trajectory, no information could be derived. The breath, means, identity, and purpose of the initiator he wished to know were all shrouded in a very strange haze.

This kind of haze, just feeling it, made him shudder.

He realized that the Lock Star incident this time may be more serious than he imagined.

Relying on Tianyan's insight and failed to produce results, he immediately changed his method. At this time, everyone in the heavenly court conducted a review, and marked all those he thought were abnormal.

In this way, he discovered Lu Yixuan and Lu Xianyi who were wandering around the heaven.

Of course, he knew Lu Yixuan, the celestial being named "Tian Shou", his status among the celestial beings was only in "Tian Wu"... If he had to say it, his status was comparable to his status among the true immortals. Although it is hard to say, there are also existences similar to the supreme saints in the gods, but because of some special reasons, they are not considered.

Emperor Zhenxuan had no doubts that Tianshou Lu Yixuan had the ability to destroy the Lock Star Terrace. But he couldn't figure out what reason she would have to do such a thing.

However, at this critical moment, Lu Yixuan was very suspicious anyway.

He didn't think much, took a step and landed directly in front of Lu Yixuan and Lu Xianyi.

The Great Emperor Zhenxuan is very urgent now, and he has not restrained his breath. He landed suddenly, and immediately squeezed the surrounding space into a small-scale contraction. This has no effect on Lu Yixuan, but it is a kind of pressure for Lu Xianyi soon after becoming an immortal.

Lu Xianyi couldn't help groaning, then hid behind Lu Yixuan.

Lu Yixuan accuses Emperor Zhenxuan in a protective manner,

"what do you mean?"

Emperor Zhenxuan was tall and burly, almost taller than Lu Yixuan and Lu Xianyi combined. The figure is more than three times their size. His eyes gleamed, his clothes swollen,

"Tian Shou, why are you here?"

Lu Yixuan looked at him, raised his eyebrows,

"Can't I be here? When did the sage rule that gods are not allowed to enter the heavenly court?"

"I ask you, why are you here?" Emperor Zhenxuan would never argue with Lu Yixuan. He has dealt with her.

Lu Yixuan said,

"Can't I bring my junior over here to relax?"

Emperor Zhenxuan stared at Lu Xianyi with two copper bell-like eyes.

"Is she the otherworlder brought back by Tianwu?"

"Great Emperor Zhenxuan, do you even want to ask this?"

Emperor Zhenxuan turned to look at Lu Yixuan,

"Suo Xingtai collapsed, what do you know?"

Lu Yixuan's face was cold,

"Want to throw the blame on me? I advise you to take it easy."

"I ask you, what do you know?"

Lu Yixuan laughed. The attitude and tone of Emperor Zhenxuan's words were completely interrogating them, and he didn't take himself seriously at all. As Tianshou, of course she won't eat this kind of loss. She said lightly:

"The matter of the Suoxingtai collapse, I know that Heaven is going to suffer. I also know that this is what you deserve. Come to think of it, in order to support that origin life, you broke the heavenly space into pieces. That Suoxingtai It collapsed."

Emperor Zhenxuan's energy instantly enveloped Lu Yixuan.

Lu Yixuan didn't show weakness, showed his energy, and suddenly broke free from the shackles of Emperor Zhenxuan. She looked at him fiercely,

"If you don't want to feel the feeling of being under fire, you'd better learn how to respect others. Heaven is your home ground. I may not be able to beat you, but it can definitely make Heaven even more chaotic."

Emperor Zhenxuan stared at Lu Yixuan for a while, then walked away. He was sure that Tianshou had nothing to do with the collapse of Suoxingtai, and there was no need to stay for a meaningless fight.

Lu Yixuan looked at the shadow of Emperor Zhenxuan leaving, and said in a deep voice,

"As far as you know, you can only cover me with Qi. If you cover Miaomiao, you will definitely be unable to eat and walk around today."

Lu Xianyi said,

"Your Highness, everyone has gone far, so don't speak harshly."

"What does it mean to speak harshly? It's just telling the truth."

Lu Xianyi pursed her lips and did not speak.

Lu Yixuan was in a hurry.

"Hey, don't you think I'm a phony person who only dares to talk and don't do anything!"

"I didn't say it."

"Your expression, isn't it?"

Lu Xianyi said,

"Okay, Your Highness. Don't make meaningless quarrels."

"Hmm..." Lu Yixuan was suddenly speechless. The corners of her mouth twitched, and she said dejectedly, "I'm old, but it's not enough for you young people."

When Lu Xianyi didn't hear it, she asked with a frown.

"Emperor Zhenxuan looks very anxious... Is the collapse of the Suo Xingtai that serious?"

"At any time in the past, it can only be said to be serious, but it can't reach the point where a great emperor can be rushed to this state. However, at this point in time, it is very sensitive. Two days ago, Tianmen was just broken. , I haven't solved it yet, and this matter immediately came out. Internal and external troubles..."

"Oh..." Lu Xianyi seemed to understand, "However, what is the origin of life that Your Highness just said?"

Lu Yixuan's heart skipped a beat.

"You heard me."

Lu Xianyi was a little speechless.

"I'm right behind you, and I'm not deaf, so why can't I hear..."

Lu Yixuan looked thoughtful,

"No, I should have used the sound barrier technique..."

"You have dementia!" Lu Xianyi couldn't take it anymore, "If you don't want to tell me, just tell me, do you have to be a rascal?"

"...Your words hurt people. I'm your senior!"

"Senior is about to look like a senior!" Lu Xianyi couldn't accept anything, but this time, she glared at Lu Yixuan hard.

Lu Yixuan looked up,

"Growing up, rebellious."

"..." Lu Xianyi felt really tired talking to her, so she simply pursed her lips and didn't say a word.

Lu Yixuan sighed and said quietly,

"It would be nice if you could be half as hard to me as you were to An Xian." She shook her head, and said, "We all know that the world exists, but we rarely know how the world was born. In the process of pursuing and exploring, we uniformly refer to the birth of the world as 'origin'. Origin life is life that was born with the world. But in fact, our understanding of origin life is very limited."

"Then what do you mean when you say that the heaven has raised a life of origin?"

"Actually, it's just a broken origin life. How it came to the fairyland has not been verified. Many people believe that it existed before there were living beings in the fairyland. It is even said that it created the fairyland today. , so it also has another name, 'Ancient Immortal'. About a thousand years ago, Heavenly Court found it in a root of the fairy tree. But at that time, it was almost completely absorbed by the fairy tree. In order to make it After recovery, Heavenly Court has freed up a large number of immortal classes to support."

"Ancient immortal... What is the purpose of feeding it? It shouldn't be to cure it."

Lu Yixuan looked at Lu Xianyi,

"You do know what the virtues of people in Heaven are. Indeed, it is not to cure it. It is to use its 'essence of origin' to reshape the furnace of origin."

Lu Xianyi felt that there was a lot of information, so she asked cautiously,

"What is the Origin Furnace?"

"Legend, the finite world was born from the furnace. Everything we know, and everything we don't know, comes from the furnace of origin."

"Remodeling...meaning, the furnace of origin is broken?"

"It can't be described as 'broken'. It's 'disappeared', 'non-existent'."

"What's the meaning?"

Lu Yixuan said,

"The Forge of Origination is not some kind of appliance, not the kind of furnace we usually know. It is a symbol, a symbol of a mission. Its mission is to create a finite world. When the mission is completed, it ceases to exist. But there are also people I feel that the mission of the Origin Furnace has not been completed. It is just because of some unknowable things that I have withdrawn from the stage ahead of time. That is what people in Heaven think. Of course, this is just a conjecture, and no one can be sure. So, you should listen The story is good."

"So, Heavenly Court reshapes the Origin Furnace to make it continue its unfinished mission?"

"That's what it means."

Lu Xianyi frowned,

"What is the mission of the Origin Furnace that the court thinks?"

Lu Yixuan's eyes were dark and mysterious,

"They believe that the mission of the Origin Furnace is to create infinity, not finiteness. It's just that the mission has not been completed and disappeared, making it impossible to reach infinity."

"Infinite... This is the word again." Lu Xianyi's mind fluttered, and her eyes gradually became clear.

Lu Yixuan reached out and waved in front of her,


Lu Xianyi came back to her senses,

"Ah, what's wrong?"

"You just lost your mind. What are you thinking?"

"No, nothing."

"A dishonest child is not likeable."

"I don't want to please you."

Lu Yixuan paused, grabbed her shoulder,

"I have told you about the origin of life and the origin of the furnace, do you still want to hide anything from me!"

Lu Xianyi tried to break free, but could not break free. She knew that His Royal Highness Tianshou was really here. At the same time, she also knows that although making up a reason is not enough. Lying in front of Tianshou Highness is the most unwise move.

She lowered her head and said helplessly,

"I thought of an old man."


"Don't ask so detailed..." Lu Xianyi's eyes were dodged.

With her appearance, Lu Yixuan couldn't help but ask,

"My dear?"

"..." Lu Xianyi remained silent.


Lu Xianyi still didn't speak.

But Lu Yixuan was sure.

"It's actually a sweetheart!"

Lu Xianyi was immediately discouraged. She knew that once His Highness Tianshou wanted to investigate, she would not be able to hide it from her no matter what.

Lu Yixuan smiled lightly,

"What did I think it was? Look at how nervous you are. It's like a rabbit whose ears were caught."

Her relaxed tone relieved Lu Xianyi's nervousness and anxiety.

Lu Xianyi paused,

"His Royal Highness Tianshou, don't you criticize me?"

"What are you criticizing for?"

"There's actually... a sweetheart or something..." Lu Xianyi lowered her head and was almost silent.

"It's not strange for a decent girl to have a sweetheart..."

"But... I'm a goddess."

"It's impossible for a goddess to have a sweetheart?" Lu Yixuan raised her eyebrows.

"Isn't that what the Tianwu lineage is like... The ancestors of Tianwu hate men very much."

"She is her, you are you. I said it earlier, don't take the initiative to put yourself in An Xian's weird circle." Lu Yixuan said these things seriously, "Speaking of which, An Xian also It's just that I put myself in a weird circle of 'hating men'."

"What's the meaning?"

"I still can't tell you about these things. After all, it's a secret between me and An Xian." Lu Yixuan sighed, "Miaomiao, love, you need to love generously. To restrain one's emotions, yes One of the stupidest things a person can do. So, even if you disrespect my senior, I don't blame you. Because, at least you won't pretend to be a good child in front of me like everyone else--"

Lu Xianyi interrupted her,

"I want to explain this. It's not that I disrespect you, it's just that what you did is really bad."

"...Good boy, I like your outspoken character." Lu Yixuan asked instead, "By the way, why did you suddenly become hypocritical and think of your sweetheart?"

Lu Xianyi's face turned red.

"It's not being hypocritical... It's the infinite you said before, it just reminds me of him."

Lu Yixuan immediately frowned and asked seriously,

"Why do you associate Infinity with him?"

Lu Xianyi pursed her lips,


Lu Yixuan looked at her strangely.

The pressure in her eyes... made Lu Xianyi breathless. But she held her breath and didn't say anything.

Lu Yixuan looked at her distressed appearance and gave up.

"Do you have to keep any secrets?"

"No, it has nothing to do with him in the first place. I don't want to involve him. Anyway, you people are skilled, and everything you do will bring harm to a large number of innocent people."

"It's fine if you don't say it. I'll act by myself!"

"No!" Lu Xianyi grabbed her wrist.

Lu Yixuan said,

"Miaomiao, do you think you can physically stop my conscious response?"

Lu Xianyi suddenly became discouraged, and squatted on the ground in reproach. She didn't know what to do to stop Lu Yixuan from playing the person she was thinking of, so she had to threaten herself with guilt and grievance,

"His Royal Highness Tianshou, if you involve him, I will definitely find a way to kill you in the future."

Lu Yixuan swallowed his saliva,

"What a bad boy."

She couldn't help but wonder, what kind of monster is Miaomiao's sweetheart, who can fascinate Miaomiao like this?

Lu Xianyi's threat made her even more determined that she must act in heaven.

She acted immediately.

The power of heaven's performance is born from her and spreads out.

After a breath, she frowned;

After ten breaths, she frowned tightly;

After a hundred breaths, she changed her standing position;

After a thousand breaths, she gave up.

Then, she looked at Lu Xianyi and said quietly,

"Miaomiao, are you lying to me? You actually don't have a sweetheart at all..."

Lu Xianyi immediately refuted,

"Why didn't I!" She did not allow others to question her love.

"But I acted in heaven, and only showed a thick gray-black fog..." Lu Yixuan raised his eyebrows, "Is it possible, is your sweetheart some kind of fog?"

"It's your own incompetence!"

Being questioned about his acting ability, Lu Yixuan couldn't stand anymore~www.readwn.com~ Nonsense! My Heavenly Acting is the best in the entire Immortal Realm! "

"He... he's not from the Immortal Realm. Maybe, outside the Immortal Realm, there are a lot of people who are more powerful than you in acting."

"How is it possible, the fairy world is the strongest mythical world!"

Lu Xianyi smiled contemptuously,

"The frog at the bottom of the well."

Lu Yixuan's face was stiff. She didn't expect Miaomiao to use such harsh words. Now, it is no longer a battle of ability, but a battle of face, she said firmly:

"It must be that you don't have a sweetheart, you lied!"

"Did I lie, doesn't His Highness Tianshou know? You have to deceive yourself." Lu Xianyi didn't give Lu Yixuan a good attitude.

"That's the problem of your sweetheart, not mine anyway!"

Lu Xianyi's eyelids drooped,

"His Royal Highness Tianshou, you are truly a disgrace to the gods. If you shoot yourself in the foot with a stone, you will have to face the crime to the death."

Lu Yixuan's shoulders trembled,



Lu Yixuan whispered:

"Don't tell An Xian about my success in acting."

"...Not really, Your Highness."

"Exactly! Anyone can laugh at me, but she can't!"


"I promise you that I will sneak you back to Earth in the future."

"Okay, deal!"

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