Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 106: Nan Tong, the destined pain

The sea of ​​bitterness is tumbling, and there is no life.

The dark sea and the dim sky together create an atmosphere of "desolation and desolation" in the bitter sea.

Most of the entire Bitter Sea is pitch-black water. The black like ink made people wonder if what was surging here was water. Or, it is mixed with some filth.

Qiao Xun hangs over the bitter sea, looking into the distance.

In the middle of the bitter sea, there is a big tree. In the black and gray world, only the big tree shows high vitality and lush colors. Even if it is far away, it can be seen by people and cannot be ignored.

That may be the only life in the sea of ​​misery.

Joe cruised to the tree.

When he got closer, he had a more intuitive sense of how big the tree was. Its swollen clusters of roots almost form an island in the sea. The trunk of the big tree is not straight, but like a craggy cliff, with extremely bumpy, cracked bark, showing a very heavy sense of age.

This is obviously a very old tree.

But it is such an ancient tree with a leafy canopy. The huge tree canopy covers an area comparable to a human city. The strong vitality shows the meaning of being in the prime of life, and it does not make people feel that it is a very old tree.

Qiao Xun stood on one of the many roots and looked up.

The tree is so big that if you stand too close, you can't tell it's a tree.

A voice sounded behind Qiao Xun,

"This tree is called 'Netherworld'. With its name, it used to be an existence used to induce the reincarnation of life and death."

Joe looked around, his eyes changing. His brow trembled slightly,


Yihong is not the same as before. In the past, if she didn't show her air, she was an introverted and even dark high school girl. Zhang Yang's breath is a half-mad monster that is arrogant and ruthless. But now... her long hair has turned red, a little messy, but more beautiful, her skin is dyed a sickly pale, dull and colorless, and the whole person looks weak and bloodthirsty. However, this sense of incongruity and contradiction, as a whole, has a strange beauty.

However, this is definitely not the beauty that people want to get close to. Instead, you can only watch from a distance.

If it weren't for her familiar voice and her iconic vertical child, Qiao Xun would never think she was Yihong.

Yihong did not take his words, but continued:

"However, since the stars have changed, it's just a tree."

After speaking, she walked past Qiao Xun and stepped forward lightly.

When her back was about to be completely covered by the thick fog, Qiao Xun reacted and followed.

Yihong walked in front, her tone was hazy,

"If you have any doubts, you can ask, and I will try my best to answer them."

Qiao Xun looked at her back, and after being silent for a while, he asked:

"Why did you become like this?"

Yihong replied,

"I told you. My essence is a demon, but for some reasons that have not been revealed for the time being, I have become a human, and now I am just returning to the demon path."

"What were you like?"

"One eye. My left eye is my essence." Yihong's footsteps landed silently and lightly.

Baimeng Book

Qiao Xun felt uncomfortable, but couldn't say why. he asks:

"That eye, what exactly is it?"

"I don't know, I'm looking for the answer." Yihong said here, turned her head and smiled, "Don't you like me like this?"

She had a smile on her face, but she didn't feel like she was smiling.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I don't like it very much."

"It's very direct. However, this is not something I can decide." Yihong said, "I'm sorry, I always make you see the ugly side."

"It doesn't matter." Qiao Xun said casually. Then, he asked, "What are you doing here in Immortal Realm?"

"Immortal Realm is the final return of the stars. If you want to say, I am one of the stars, and so are you. Therefore, you should not ask me why I came to the Immortal Realm, but why the Immortal Realm will be the final return of the stars." Yi Hong Youyou talking. She stopped for a moment and looked at the sea of ​​bitterness in the distance, her blood-red messy long hair was thrown back.

"Why?" Qiao Xun realized for the first time that he was also one of the stars.

When he thought about the "stars" before, he usually excluded himself subconsciously.

Yihong said,

"Because, any other finite world is not qualified to become a group of stars returning home."

Qiao Xun frowned and asked,

"Why do the stars have to return home?"



Yihong continued to move forward. Her body is not clear, it looks like a freehand painting, except that it can be seen that the color is red, she can't tell what it is,

"Fate...the source of the tragedy of the finite world, the cruel first rule. I can't express it in words. But if you have to understand it, it is probably really the gods' 'cause must have effect, everything is false'. That set." Yi Hong said ambiguous. But she didn't look like she didn't want to make it clear, but it was really difficult to make it clear.

"You have the ability of 'fatalism'." Qiao Xun mentioned something he was more concerned about.

Yihong nodded,

"Well. This is also the most direct reason why I came to Immortal Realm. Because of fatalism, I came here."

Qiao Xun's tone sank slightly,

"I probably don't need to say more about Zhuang Lianxin."

"You should have some doubts about that."

"Yes. I want to know, why did you make such a thing?"

Yihong said,

"You obviously know, otherwise you wouldn't be looking for me specifically."

"Is it really for disturbing the heaven?"

"Well, however, this is just an incentive." Yihong's tone remained unchanged, and her eyes were always indescribably low, "The origin of life is the key to everything."

Qiao Xun did not rush to ask about the origin of life, but asked,

"How did you originally plan to break the separation between the world and heaven? What would you do without me?"

Yihong turned around and faced Qiao Xun. She looked at Qiao Xun seriously,

"You are my means."

"Me?" A very obvious sense of separation immediately surged in Qiao Xun's heart. For the first time, he felt that things were gradually starting to get out of control, "Why?"

Yihong approached Qiao Xun step by step, her messy red hair swayed violently,

"I know you will come to the Immortal Realm, and I also know that you will find a way to break the separation between the human world and the heaven. Everything I do is prepared for you. I have set up the stage for you, and the rest only needs you to perform immediately. And your performance is also very wonderful, causing the chaos in the heaven at this moment without revealing any flaws."

Qiao Xun's eyes flickered,

"But, why do you know?"

Yihong laughed. This time, she smiled sincerely. Her eyes, expressions and feelings are all familiar to her,

"Because, fatalism. Fate, created all this."

Qiao Xun was stunned.

Yihong stretched out her hand, held his hands lightly, closed her eyes, and didn't say a word.

A feeling gradually surged up in Qiao Xun's heart.

Gradually, he understood what Yihong meant by "fate, created everything".

That is the tragedy of the finite world, an unavoidable attribution.

That is to say in a nutshell:

There is a certain number in the dark.

At this moment, Qiao Xun deeply understood why so many people pursued infinity all their lives.

Yihong's hands are very warm, the exact opposite of her current image.

After a while, she opened her eyes, let go of her hand, and continued to walk forward,

"I have been waiting for you in the fairyland. I know that you will definitely come."

"Also because of fatalism?"

Yihong shook her head,

"No, fatalism just decided that I will set the stage for you. But I think your return is my own determination, not a determination of fate."


"Because of one person."


Yihong's footsteps were a little slower.

"A child named Nan Shizukuto."

Qiao Xun paused and froze in place,

"You know her?"

"Yeah." Yihong said, "She has a special bond with you, and I got to know her."

"where is she?"

"You've already seen her."

Qiao Xun didn't dare to think further. He showed a rare flinch,

"Have I seen her?"

Yihong looked at him, did not say it directly, but slowly told a story in a tone of storytelling:

"I came to Immortal Realm earlier than her. After she landed in Immortal Realm, I discovered her because of your special connection with her. When I saw her, I immediately realized that she is very important to you, not you and her. Had some shared experiences, but...she is the root of the world you need 'Earth-Life'."

Qiao Xun took a deep breath and looked up, his shoulders tense and hard to relax.

Yihong continued,

"I didn't expect that the 'Earth' would turn into life completely. However, I think about it now, after all, the root of the world itself is a symbol of 'life'. I got along with her for a while, during that time , I understand her experience, and she also understands where she came from and where she ends up."

Yihong took a deep breath and said softly:

"However, do you know that after knowing her destination, she is not sad, but very happy. Because, in that case... she can realize her wish as a person and as Nan Shizukuto."

"What wish?" Qiao Xun frowned.

Yihong smiled and said,

"Adventures with you."

Qiao Xun felt unable to breathe.

Yihong walked forward,

"But she's reluctant to put you in a difficult situation. So, she asked me to help her. Help her to fulfill her final destiny." Yihong said ashamedly, "But I'm not a person with a very good brain. There's no such thing as a happy solution. So, I arranged for her to be a supporting role to complete a wonderful performance with you."

Qiao Xun has realized it. But he hoped that Yihong, the mastermind behind the scenes, would say it himself,

"What about specifics?"

"Specifically... Lanjun is Nan Shizukuto."

Hearing this sentence, Qiao Xun's heart suddenly calmed down. He says:

"Zhuang Lianxin once had an experience of seeing a visitor from outside the sky."

The words were simple, but Yihong knew what he wanted to express,

"That visitor is Nan Shizukuto."

"But at that time, Junjun was already born. The time should not be right."

Yihong smiled,

"You are really careless."


"That's a wrong memory. In fact, Zhuang Lianxin gave birth to Lan Jun after meeting Nan Shizuku Tong first."

"False memory...Is this your arrangement too?"

Yihong nodded,

"Yes, in order to prevent you from guessing that Lan Jun is Nan Shizukuto."

"Why are you afraid that I guessed it in advance?"

Yihong was silent for a while before saying,

"Because I think you care about Minami Shizuku... This may affect your performance."

Qiao Xun closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Yihong, you are amazing."

Yihong shook her head and said nothing.

Now, everything is sorted out.

No wonder Lan Jun is so convinced that he cares about her, no wonder she is so unreasonable, so deliberately in love with herself... No wonder she will say something like destiny. Now that I think about it, all of this, for her, is a matter of course, but she just changed her identity and continued to do the same thing.

Qiao Xun's tone became erratic,

"Why tell me? If you don't say anything... then she probably achieved her goal. The day I take her away, I won't be in a difficult situation."

"It's very simple. You should just feel this kind of sadness well... Why do you make Nan Shizukuto feel sad for you~www.readwn.com~ You can't feel sad for her even for a moment?"


Yihong does not blame herself,

"When I helped Nan Shizuku do this, I emptied all her memories. In other words, she would never recall that she was Nan Shizuku, and would never know that she had ever had a relationship with you. The so-called fate of the past life. However, the bond between her and you has already penetrated into her soul. That is her mark, and I cannot bear to clear it. Therefore, Lan Jun's falling in love with you is destined to be her soul. The mark is the only proof that she has survived in the world."


The sea of ​​bitterness is still surging, even if it has penetrated into the depths of the netherworld. The miserable sound of the waves of the bitter sea still swirled in my ears.

Qiao Xun's heart has never been so bitter and cold as it is now.

He thought about his own emotional experience so far...

It seemed that every emotional experience went smoothly... Even though he had the experience of breaking up with Lu Xianyi, he was not hurt because of it, because, he felt, it was just a small setback at the right time.

Now, he is deeply aware.

Nan Shizuku Tong, perhaps, will be the pain in his heart that he can't let go of all his life.

When he was in deep depression, Yihong's voice sounded in his ears,

"Qiao Xun. Why are you so sad? Nan Shizukuto has never disappeared... She is not like Agnes, she will never appear in your life again. She is in the world of fairyland, right there. In the plum garden... in your heart. Why bother?"

Her voice grows farther and farther,

"Qiao Xun... Journey to the Sea of ​​Bitterness, let's do this for now. I have something to do, and you have something to do... But, in the end, we will meet again with a brand new attitude."

The voice disappeared, and Yihong's back completely disappeared.

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