Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 107: Are you interested in me?

There is no solar term today, and there is light snow in the sky.

The stove in the atrium was smoking. There is a small tea table under the eaves. Zhuang Lianxin sat on the right side of the tea table, and Lan Zhiwei sat on the left.

Lan Zhiwei was carrying a small thermos in his hand, and when he saw that the tea in Zhuang Lianxin's cup was about to run out, he immediately stood up, hunched over, and carefully filled her with it.

The eunuchs and palace ladies who were waiting in the distance only dared to kneel. Because His Majesty the Holy Emperor had to personally deliver tea and water, they could only kneel.

Zhuang Lianxin said softly,

"How can an emperor be so cautious."

There was a warm smile on her lips. Although he said so verbally, his happiness was not restrained.

Lan Zhiwei tapped the handle of the teapot leisurely and leisurely,

"I'm not an emperor, just a man trying to make up for his mistakes."

Zhuang Lianxin looked away,

"It's not your fault. It's enough to remember it now. If you make up for your faults and so on... Let's talk about it later when you really make a mistake."

"The lady is right."

"Stupid mouth."

Lan Zhiwei smiled.

Zhuang Lianxin's eyes were highlighted with a touch of pink. This is not makeup, but the mark she should have as a fairy fox. As soon as he smiled, the corners of his eyes squeezed, and this smear of pink became a line that was neither thick nor thin,

"Eighteen years."

"Well." Lan Zhiwei's tone gradually drifted away, "Eighteen years..."

Zhuang Lianxin tilted her head to look at him,

"Do you have any other thoughts?"

"Do you care about this?"

"I don't care." Zhuang Lianxin said, "Of course you are the emperor, but what I love is not the emperor, but Lan Zhiwei. I don't care how many people the emperor loves, but Lan Zhiwei loves other people, so I care a lot. "

Lan Zhiwei said,

"There are still some rumors about me in the imperial capital. Saying that I am not a womanizer... Come to think of it, with this rumor, you know if I have anything else in my heart."

"I don't believe these words. You just tell me."

Lan Zhi smiled,


"That's it." Zhuang Lianxin's face was cold, "However, you should marry a queen concubine or something. Always leave a descendant of the throne."

After saying this, Lan Zhiwei understood what Zhuang Lianxin meant. She will not be his queen. However, he can understand. After all, she is a **** in the sky, how could she really be the queen of the world just for a couple of loves?

Lan Zhi nodded slightly,

"you're right."

Zhuang Lianxin looked at the atrium of the plum garden,

"I'll just stay here... It's good. The deep palace is too cold and too small. It's not as big and warm as this place."

"That's what the emperor's family is like."

After Lan Zhiwei finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he frowned with some worry,

"Are you okay Junjun?"

Zhuang Lian frowned,

"It's not very good. After she came back, she fell into a strange state. On the surface, everything seemed normal, but it always made me feel very sad. I couldn't ask, and she wouldn't tell me." She sighed, "Oh, it's my mother who owes her..."

Lan Zhiwei was even more ashamed,

"If you owe everything, I'll face it shamelessly."

"You have no face to face her." Zhuang Lianxin didn't take care of Lan Zhiwei's face.

Lan Zhi slightly sighed,

"She's been standing in the backyard since morning."

"Well, I haven't moved. Ask her, and she said she's cultivating."

Lan Zhiwei's heart sank slightly. He could probably guess the reason why Junjun was so low, and nine times out of ten, it was related to Mr. Zuochuan.

But this kind of thing is not something that Lan Zhiwei can decide to dominate. Even he himself owes so much to Mr. Zouchuan, so how could he have the idea of ​​controlling him?

Perhaps, it can only be resolved by time.

Lan Zhiwei looked at Xiaoxue in the sky... Gradually, she became a little dazed.

Zhuang Lianxin glanced at him and didn't ask him what he was thinking.

For a man of this age, there are always a lot of things to think about, not to mention, he is an emperor. If it weren't for the debauched drowsy monarch and the mediocre and inactive monarch, emperors have always been like this throughout the ages.

Zhuang Lianxin got up gently. She didn't move much, and after she left, she didn't disturb Lan Zhiwei in the slightest.

She crossed the atrium to the corridor in the backyard, and stood on the side of the Moon Gate and looked at the backyard.

Snow has started to collect on the trees, on the ground, on the roofs.

On the garden side of the backyard, Lan Jun stood quietly. She was thinly dressed and had a thin back. He stood motionless in the snow, his shoulders covered with snow. What showed even more white awns was her long hair, which was completely pure white.

Seeing this appearance, Zhuang Lianxin thought it was her eyes, so she rubbed her eyes and looked carefully. Junjun, she is indeed white.

she called out in horror,

"Your Majesty!"

Lan Jun turned his head and looked at her.

When Zhuang Lianxin saw the face of Lan Jun, she was suffocated, and hurriedly walked up,

"How did you become like this?"

Lan Jun's eyes were red, but his face was extremely pale. Facing Zhuang Lianxin's inquiry, she just squeezed the corners of her mouth,

"I'm ok."

Zhuang Lianxin held her long hair on her palm, her eyes sad,

"You understand your hair, but you still say it's fine. Junjun, why did you become like this?"

Lan Jun looked at his white hair and looked up,

"Even if there is a saying of 'whiteheaded overnight', I don't think I am like this. Mother, I won't be vulnerable to that level. The sad things I encounter will not make me unable to live. already."

"Then what's going on? And your eyes, even if they're a red fox, aren't as red as they are soaked in blood."

Lan Jun lowered his head, thought for a while, and said with a smile:

"Maybe I should be like this."

"What are you talking about!" Zhuang Lianxin was angry and anxious, "You are so good to tell your mother, what's the matter? I've been bored in my heart, and sooner or later something will go wrong."

Lan Jun looked away and said in a low voice,

"What can go wrong..."

"The knot in your heart will become a calamity if you don't understand it for a long time... It will greatly affect your future cultivation and Dao."

"Avenue... I don't know what avenue I have." Lan Jun frowned, reluctant to say more.

"Junjun, you are an immortal, and you should understand that the Dao is everything you need to become an immortal."

Lan Jun shook his head,

"I don't even know what I should do, how can I know what avenues..."

"The immortal world is so big, you can still go and see it... Besides, I heard that there is a wider world outside the immortal world." Zhuang Lianxin really wanted to cheer up her only daughter, and tried her best to persuade her. " You can go to the realm of the gods and find your own opportunities... and there are countless worlds, there will always be a place you like."

Lan Jun didn't even want to think about what Zhuang Lianxin said,

"Mother, enough is enough."

Zhuang Lian looked at her worriedly,

"It's really my mother's fault... I left you early and made your boyhood hard." She complained to herself, "It is said that a child who leaves your mother is a mud that no one cares about... Junjun is naturally not a mud. , but I'm not even mud, so I can't help you in the slightest."

Lan Jun looked up and said helplessly,

"Even if you blame yourself again, I won't compromise because of you. Besides, it has nothing to do with you in the first place. I didn't have a hard time in my youth, I was very happy, and very plump."

"Then why are you so sad now?"

Lan Jun suddenly stopped, and after a long time, he said quietly,

"I just don't know what to do..."

"Isn't this just a knot?" Zhuang Lianxin frowned, "I won't sit back and watch you look like this. If you don't know what to do... just go to Daqian World with your mother."


"Forget it, Your Majesty... Dad needs you more than I do. He's already thirty-seven years old, and he has lived half his life in this world. Half of his life has been hard, and when he becomes an emperor, he is also alone, and he can even talk on the pillow. There are no people." Lan Jun lowered his shoulders, "As for me, you can treat me as I am in the sentimental moment that women often have. It will be fine in a while."

"What's that like? How do I—"

Lan Jun interrupted Zhuang Lianxin,

"Okay, mother, seriously, now, no one can help me. You don't need to blame yourself, I just want to think about something quietly. When I figure it out, everything will be fine. "

"You've been thinking about it for several days." Zhuang Lianxin still didn't give up.

"Then think about it for a few more days."

After Lan Jun finished speaking, he simply walked away and disappeared.

Zhuang Lianxin looked at the place where she disappeared, and wanted to track her location for the first time. As a result, after some searching, there was no clue at all... She was both happy and sad. The happy thing is that my daughter is very powerful now, even more powerful than many immortals who are in the fairy class. The sad thing is that it is difficult for me to participate in my daughter's life.

This is probably how most parents feel when facing grown-up children.

After leaving Meiyuanzi, Lan Jun returned to his original place.

The wild peach forest in the back mountain of Yushan Town.

Whenever something unhappy happens, she likes to come to this place.

Even after so many years, this place has changed a lot from before. But to her, as long as the place exists, its meaning will never change.

Standing in the bare wild peach forest, Lan Jun thought nothing and closed his eyes. The winter wind blew past my ears, whirring and scratching.

It seems that this is good, and unhappy things will never come again.


A voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

Her heart ached suddenly. For a while, I couldn't tell whether it was the painful cry of my own memories, or the mental confusion...

These are two words that she will never forget. Because these two words are the prelude to tearing.

"What are you doing?" Another voice sounded.

She was startled, opened her eyes in astonishment, and turned away instinctively.

Qiao Xun frowned at her,

"Standing here like a fool to show a joke?"

Lan Jun opened his mouth blankly, not understanding what he was going through. what happened? Why is he back again? It won't really be like my mother, it has become my heart robbery! But how can it be so real? The way he scolds me is so true! The look, posture, tone...it's exactly the same!

Qiao Xun frowned,

"Don't be stupid."

Lan Jun was at a loss, and suddenly became a little stuttered,

"You, you... are you Shishu?"

"It's only a few days, so you forgot me?"

"But didn't you leave... why did you come back?"

Qiao Xun turned his head away and said coldly:

"You haven't squeezed out your remaining value."

"I knew that you must care about me!"

"Affectionate. What about me deserves my attention?"

Lan Jun laughed so hard that he couldn't open his eyes,


Qiao Xun said in disgust,

"think too much."

"I think too much!" Lan Jun raised his head and said confidently: "Now, I am even more certain, we must be destined!"

"Why are you so sure?" Qiao Xun raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Because you clearly left, but came back again... Isn't this a destiny?"

"What is the logic!"

Lan Jun said solemnly,

"Unless you pat your chest and say you don't care about me!"

"What does this have to do with it?"

"Look, you changed the subject. If it was before, you must have said it directly." Lan Jun's eyes flashed with wisdom, "So, I am sure that after being separated for a few days, you must find that you can't live without me. !"

Qiao Xun said disdainfully,

"You mean, what do you have that I can't live without?"

Lan Jun's eyes are very calm,

"Me. I have only me... Uncle Shi, I have probably met you in my last life."

Qiao Xun was heartbroken,

"Why do you think so?"

"Because, I'm really hopeless, it's up to you."

"Good vulgar."

Lan Jun just smiled at him. Qiao Xun realized that she really felt that way.

Do not know why……

The more Lan Jun was happier, the more sad Qiao Xun felt in his heart.

He knew more clearly that some things were really irreversible.

He stared at her blankly, his lips parted lightly, and he murmured:

"Can I give you a name?"

Lan Jun was stunned for a while. Although he was very confused, he happily agreed.

"Okay! What's the name?"

When he was about to say those three words, Qiao Xun fell into silence again.

Lan Jun didn't urge him and waited patiently.

After a while, Qiao Xun chuckled and said:

"Forget it, Lan Jun sounds good."

"What! I'm obviously looking forward to it!" Lan Jun pursed his lips, very dissatisfied. Then, her eyes lit up again, "However, what name did you think of for me?"


"Tell me..."

"Don't say it." Qiao Xun insisted, "Don't say it, don't say anything! It's rotten in my heart for a lifetime!"

Lan Jun widened his eyes,

"That's too much! Bring up people's interest and let it go?"

Joe Tour said,

"Just treat it as a willful punishment for you."

"Will... What kind of self-willingness am I? I have always been well-behaved, sensible, obedient, beautiful, lovely, generous, filial, honest, kind, gentle and beautiful!"

"..." Do I have to emphasize that I am pretty and cute...

This is both visual sense... Qiao Xun understands ~www.readwn.com~ Even if he is reincarnated, his character is completely carved out of a mold.

He changed the subject again,

"What's wrong with your hair?"

Lan Jun first laughed,

"Does it look good?"


Lan Jun is very satisfied with Qiao Xun's evaluation. In her opinion, this is a high evaluation given by Qiao Xun! She spread her hands,

"I don't know what's going on... However, this is definitely not a vulgar plot like losing my head overnight because of sadness!" She said seriously, "I think this is probably my long-cherished wish in my last life."


Lan Jun raised his brows and said unsurely:

"I was either a person with white hair and red eyes in my last life, or...you like white hair and red eyes..."

"I never said I liked it."

"It may also be that in my last life I hoped to become a person with white hair and red eyes!"

Totally right!

Qiao Xun was shocked. I can't help but wonder if Yihong has cleared Nan Shizuku's memory. Otherwise, how did Lan Jun inherit the wish of the white-haired Chitong?

Nan Shizuku Tong has said more than once that she will dye her hair white, wear a red beauty boy, and then make his heart move...

Qiao Xun's mind drifted away...

Lan Jun raised his hand and brushed his long white hair, his eyes glowing with spring, biting his lips, and asked in a soft tone:

"Are you interested in me?"

Qiao Xun looked at her blankly. For some reason, a tear fell from the corner of his eye.

Lan Jun was in a hurry all of a sudden,

"Hey, why are you crying! It's not hard to see how scary people are crying! I can't change back, can't I change back? Don't cry, I don't see other people crying!"

Qiao Xun turned his back,

"It's just sand in your eyes. You're not worth my tears."

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