Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 108: There are fairy mountains in the sea

Heavenly Main Island.

"So, Heavenly Court uses a lot of immortal classes... In other words, it uses a lot of resources from the immortal world to support that origin life. The fundamental purpose... is also to pursue infinity?"

Lu Xianyi sorted out the relevant stories about the origin of life and the origin of the furnace told by Lu Yixuan, and came to this conclusion.

Lu Yixuan nodded,

"Everything that happens in the finite world...evolves to the end, and it can be said to be the pursuit of the infinite. This itself is the limitation of the finite world, and to put it more informally, it is tragedy. All of us are acting together in a tragedy. The key point is whether there is an actor who can make this tragedy sublime into a fantastic fantasy story."

"Why do you say it's a tragedy?" Lu Xianyi had heard the term "tragedy", but she didn't quite understand it.

Lu Yixuan said,

"Then let's talk about the more mysterious 'fate'. Fate connects everything. Anything that happens can be attributed to the master of fate." She said a little sadly: "Wait for you to grow up in the future. It can be understood to a certain extent.”

"Do you also have a sense of fate that is hard to change?"

Lu Yixuan was silent for a while, then slowly walked forward. The tone is shaky and hazy,

"For a single individual, 'destiny' does not actually exist. Because 'destiny' is the sum of all things, a big collection. It is meaningless to discuss something or someone alone. But also because The ties of 'fate', maybe on the far side, someone yawns, which will trigger a series of force majeure events."

She looked at Lu Xianyi and said mysteriously:

"Fate is like this, it is not changed by individual will. It is limited like this. In this isolated big world, everything is already doomed. It's just that some powerful people can spy on some of the things that are doomed. I want to change. Heavenly Court is doing such a thing."

Lu Xianyi frowned in thought,

"According to what you said, hasn't Heavenly Court peeped into what is already doomed? That's why they tried every means to change it."


"That destined thing must be very bad for them."


Lu Xianyi frowned and said helplessly:

"Your Highness, please be careful and don't perfunctory me."

Lu Yixuan spread his hands,

"I'm not omnipotent, so how can I tell you a definite answer. Besides, I am also a limited part, restricted by fate."

"...Well, I thought it was too simplistic." Lu Xianyi turned to ask, "But...is there any precedents that changed the 'destined thing'?"

"Yes, of course there is. Fate is not a dead end, of course there will be people who go beyond fate to do something."

"What, what!" Lu Xianyi was very curious and pressed step by step, only to stick to Lu Yixuan.

Lu Yixuan smiled mysteriously,

"Have I told you about 'Stars'?"

"It seems to have said..." Lu Xianyi was a little skeptical, "but I don't have any specific feelings, so I probably didn't say it."

"You're stupid, I didn't say it!"

Lu Xianyi blushed,

"Then you still ask me!"

"Who made you so easily induced? This is a weakness that needs to be corrected. Otherwise, even if someone comes in the future, won't you be kidnapped?"

"would not!"

Lu Yixuan coughed,

"Let's get down to business without saying anything else. 'Stars', also known as 'the dust of the finite world'. It refers to those existences that are not bound by the finite world, but cannot touch the infinite. The 'not bound by the finite world' here is not A positive statement. Because the 'stars' are often abandoned by the finite world, or fail miserably in the fight for the myth of the original, and lose their foothold. However, there are indeed existences that are powerful enough to go beyond the scope of the finite world, but That kind of existence is too mysterious, and my knowledge is very limited."

"The stars...sounds like a wanderer."

"Yes, limited wanderers are also their common name."

Lu Xianyi thought for a while,

"As you put it, the stars are basically losers... Then how did they change the 'destined thing'?"

"One constellation can be said to be a loser, and two constellations are two losers, but ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand! Then it is definitely not a loser, a more accurate way to say it. Yes, a group that follows another finite law."

"Another limited law?" Lu Xianyi felt that the topic was getting more and more esoteric.

"'Fate' is a finite law, which is followed by most groups. As for the other finite law... It's not very good, I don't know it very well, I just feel it faintly." Lu Yixuan frowned. , "Probably, what happened in Heavenly Court this time will be a huge turning point. If it is not good, the limited laws that the stars follow will surface."

For Lu Xianyi, these contents were like listening to heavenly books. Very obscure. However, she still tried her best to keep it in her mind, slowly pondering, and slowly understanding.

After talking about the obscure and complicated things, Lu Yixuan loosened his shoulders and said with a smile:

"Okay, it's not good to talk too much, let's take it easy."

"What counts as easy?"

"For example, can Heavenly Court handle this crisis well?"

"Does His Highness Tianshou think it's possible?" Lu Xianyi looked at Lu Yixuan.

Lu Yixuan thought about it,

"With the abilities of the three great emperors and the supreme saint, it's not difficult to solve. It's just—"

"Wait! Isn't that the Great Emperor Sifang?"

"Well, that's right, there are four great emperors in Heaven. From east to west, from north to south, Zhenxuan, Zhenming, Zhenxiang and Zhenwu. However, Zhenwu Emperor... has become a group of stars."

"Ah?" Lu Xianyi's eyes widened, "Why is this?"

"do not know."

"Huh?" Lu Xianyi expressed doubts. Aren't you the most powerful eye in the fairy world? How could you not know?

"Don't look at me with that expression, I really don't know. I tried to act in heaven before, but I couldn't get any results. I guess even the heavens are puzzled by this. After all, Emperor Zhenwu was originally recovered. Yes, but for some reason, its immortal class has been broken and has lost its relationship with the immortal world." Lu Yixuan thought, "If he doesn't say it himself... this secret will probably be kept for a long time."

"All right……"

Lu Yixuan continued the previous topic,

"With the ability of Heavenly Court, it is not difficult to solve this incident. But when the matter develops to this point, no matter how stupid people know, someone must have carefully planned it. Therefore, whether it can be solved or not depends on whether there is still the initiator. other means."

"If it fails?"

"It also depends on the purpose of the initiator, whether it is to subvert the current nature of Heavenly Court, or something else."

"What else could it be for?"

Lu Yixuan thought for a while,

"For example, to prevent Heavenly Court from successfully recasting the Origin Furnace... Or, to capture Heavenly Court's achievements in recasting the Origin Furnace. There are so many possibilities that it's hard to guess."

"So, the current situation is still confusing. However, His Royal Highness Tianshou, I am very curious, if Tianting can't hold on, will he ask Tianxian for help?" Lu Xianyi asked.

"Yes. Moreover, for Tianxian, I also hope to see Tianting successfully recast the Origin Furnace. It is related to the fate of the entire fairyland."

"In this way, there is no contradiction between angels and true immortals."

Lu Yixuan nodded,

"There is no contradiction, but the concept is different. Tianxian is a person who wants to be free, and does not want to be bound by laws."

"Heavenly immortals are asking for Taoism and asking for longevity, and true immortals are asking for gods and asking immortals?"

Lu Yixuan patted Lu Xianyi on the shoulder very happily,

"How wonderful! I understand it very well."

Lu Xianyi rubbed her shoulders and said dissatisfiedly:

"It's okay to start lightly."

Lu Yixuan walked forward briskly with his hands behind his back.

"Let's see how these immortals in the heavenly court deal with the crisis. This kind of learning opportunity is rare. For you, it is much better than being bored."


Lu Xianyi agreed with this, and hurriedly followed.


Ask for the fruit of the Tao...ask for longevity...

For now, as the saying goes, this is the only thing he can think of now. After saying goodbye to his uncle and sister, he did not collapse, but was greatly encouraged and gradually realized his own direction. You don't need to think so much, you don't need to compare yourself with anyone else, and you don't need to add extra ideological pressure to yourself.

Just take one step at a time and move forward patiently and steadfastly.

Follow a road and keep walking, you will always see different scenery.

After leaving the Great Zhou Dynasty, he went to the far-sighted sea in the southern part of the sky. I heard that in the Yuanjian Sea, there is another floating fairy mountain. Immortal mountains are not seen all day long, only those who are destined to be taken care of.

Chang Yan never thought about whether he was a destined person from that immortal mountain. But he wanted to see that fairy mountain.

A large palm leaf is picked from the sea and thrown into the water, it becomes a canoe.

He stepped into the canoe and sailed into the misty sea.

The sea is surging, and the waves are like dragons. But he and the canoe stood still, as if walking on the ground.

There are many strange beasts in the sea, but they can't get close to him.

He really understood that he was indeed the pinnacle of the world. This further strengthened his desire to see the floating fairy mountain. After all, there is nowhere to go in this world, and there is nothing that can attract him.

On a foggy morning.

I don't know what boundary I crossed, stepping on the canoe and suddenly sailed into a calm sea.

People usually say calm sea, just no big waves, but the tide is still there. But here, it's really peaceful. There is no fluctuation in the water surface, only when the canoe passes, will ripples appear slightly and spread to both sides.

The fog is thick and the water is like a mirror.

As the saying goes, the heart is as peaceful as the surface of the water. With his hands behind his back, he stood upright on the canoe, looking straight ahead without looking sideways. The road is clear in the chest, no matter how thick the fog is, it is only a decoration on the road.

Walking into the depths of the fog, suddenly, a huge wave surged.

It is said that the canoe underfoot becomes a palm leaf again. His eyes were gleaming, and he moved with his body, slamming through the huge waves.

The waves were monstrous and cascading.

The waves slapped on the sea, and the water vapor that was set off turned into a psychedelic fog forest.

The misty forest is constantly changing in shape, and all kinds of ghosts appear.

Chang Yan ignored it at all and walked straight through.

Until he pushed aside the richness, looked up, and saw a high mountain piercing the sky.

The mountains float on the calm sea, ethereal and dreamy.

"It turns out that there are really immortal mountains at sea..."

As the saying goes, the mood is quiet and not too excited. In other words, this is the nature of a person seeking immortals.

He stepped forward and started climbing.

Around this almost vertical mountain, a long staircase was built.

As the saying goes, step by step, slowly climb to the top of the mountain.

However, this time he couldn't calm down no matter what. On the top of the mountain, there is no immortal clouds floating and immortal birds and birds that he imagined, and there is no roof to climb to the immortal in one step. There is only one futon, and sitting on the futon is a handsome, thin boy who looks like he is only fifteen years old.

Chang Yan stared blankly at the young man meditating with his eyes closed, not knowing what to do for a while.

Until the boy opened his eyes.

At that moment, Chang Yan felt that he saw a huge, lonely starry sky. The boy's eyes seemed to contain a lot of incomprehensible light.

The young man looked at Chang Yan and asked:

"What's your name?"

"Changyan..." Changyan didn't know why, but he said his name involuntarily.

Teenager asked:

"Begging for a fairy?"


"Sit down, there are more seats."

More places?

What does it mean? Common sayings are not very understandable. However, he still sat down according to the boy's words.

I planned to sit directly on the ground, but just as my **** was about to hit the ground, a futon appeared out of nowhere and placed it under it. He stood up startled.

The young man said in a low voice,

"Don't worry. You can come here, it means you have the qualifications to become an immortal. If you come second, it also shows that you are the most powerful immortal cultivator in the world who aspires to become an immortal."

"What's the meaning?"

"I realize it myself~www.readwn.com~ After finishing speaking, the boy closed his eyes again.

Chang Yan is unclear, so he sat down cautiously.

As soon as I sat down, a mysterious feeling surged in my heart. It seems to clearly see a slowly paved avenue. As long as you walk on this avenue, you can seek the fruit of the Tao and ask for longevity.

However, out of caution, he did not step into the avenue, but carefully observed the surroundings.

The top of the mountain is indeed a flat open space. It’s not so much a mountaintop as it’s a purpose-built platform.

Other than that, nothing special.

The only thing worth looking into is this mysterious young man.

After waiting for a while, he finally couldn't help asking,

"Who are you?"

The young man opened his eyes and looked at Chang Yan. He did not answer the question immediately, but fell into a state of deep thought.

After some hard thinking, he replied softly:

"My name is Jiang Youle."

"Jiang Youle... Where are you from?"

"A visitor from outside the sky."

"Huh?" Chang Yan was surprised.

"Don't worry, just wait patiently."

"What are you waiting for?"

Young Jiang Youle said,

"Wait until the gate of heaven opens for us."

Confused as usual,

"Why did the gate of heaven open for us?"

"Because someone was on the other side of the door and opened the door."

This... said it is the same as not saying it.

Chang Yan was about to ask again, the young Jiang Youle closed his eyes,

"Wait patiently."

Chang Yan was speechless, so he closed his eyes and started... Waiting patiently.

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