Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 109: This day is beautiful

"Next, where are we going?"

On a prairie, Lan Jun stood lightly on a grass, looking at Qiao Xun behind him in the distance.

Qiao Xun said,

"In a different way, go to heaven again."

Lan Jun turned around and asked curiously:

"If you go to the Heavenly Court, it's fine to use the previous method. Why do you want to change it?"

Qiao Xun glanced at her, did not answer the question, and continued to walk forward,

"I can change it if I want."

"What..." Lan Jun felt that Qiao Xun should not be such a person. She took a step and came to him, "I don't believe it."

"If you don't believe it, pull it down."

Lan Jun's eyes were hot,

"Then let me guess?"

Qiao Xun didn't speak.

Lan Jun poked his finger on his chin and began to think...

"Well... I was the one who ascended to heaven before, and then you parasitized in my consciousness. In essence, it was like I was alone in heaven facing everything." She raised her brows, "I understand! Before you Treat me as a **** that is manipulated arbitrarily, and I don't want to do that now, so you have to change it!"

Qiao Xun's pace quickened,

"It's an agent, not a pawn."

"Agent..." Lan Jun pondered, "Isn't that a meaning!"

While she was thinking about it, Qiao Xun had already gone far.

"Hey, wait for me!" She quickly chased after her. In order to prevent being thrown away again, this time she simply grabbed Qiao Xun's wrist.

Qiao Xun did not resist.

"It's really different..." Lan Jun whispered.

"What's the difference?" Qiao Xun glanced at her.

"Attitude towards me... You seem, um... how do you say it." Lan Jun thought for a while, "You are willing to accommodate me."

"I'm afraid you'll make trouble."

"I won't make trouble. When have I ever made trouble? When did I not do things according to your orders?" Lan Jun attacked Qiao Xun repeatedly, "It was you who scolded me so badly before. After scolding, he shook his hand and left. I really thought you wouldn't come back."

Qiao Xun didn't answer her words,

"Forget it, I don't want to argue with you."

"It's obviously a silent rebuttal, but he wants to say 'don't want'..." Lan Jun whispered, "I really want to save face. A cheapskate."

No matter what she said, Qiao Xun didn't retort, just walked forward in a muffled voice.

Now it was Lan Jun's turn to think carefully. What does it mean? Unlike his character, what kind of trouble does he make if he doesn't say a word? You didn't give me any face before... Could it be that you think I'm annoyed and don't want to pay attention to me? Or is there something big brewing?

Lan Jun glanced at Qiao Xun's profile from time to time.

Every time I look at it, it's that calm and calm look.

It's so strange...

Qiao Xun didn't say a word, but Lan Jun became nervous instead.

After walking like this for a while, she finally couldn't stand it anymore and said awkwardly:

"If I do something wrong, you can point it out clearly and I'll change it. You don't want to say nothing, in that case...in that case...I'll be very sad."

Qiao Xun turned to look at her with a puzzled expression,

"What's wrong?"

Lan Jun paused,

"No, you ask me what's wrong?"

"Yes, you suddenly stopped and said something was wrong and asked me to point it out..."

Lan Jun asked,

"You didn't speak just now, what happened?"

Qiao Xun said,

"There's nothing more to say, just relax and think about the next thing."

Lan Jun frowned,

"So, aren't you pretending to be cold?"

"Why should I pretend to be cold?"

"Because, because I just called you a cheapskate..." Lan Jun suddenly felt a little less confident. She realized that she might be a little sensitive and worrying.

"Stingy...Is this a curse word?" Qiao Xunwang started, "However I listen, it sounds like a coquettish word."

Lan Jun stared at him in a daze, the color on his face changed rapidly, and then hurriedly defended himself,

"I didn't act like a spoiled child! I was just evaluating your attitude towards me before!"

Qiao Xun nodded,


"Oh?" Lan Jun stared, "Is there only 'oh'?"

"What else should there be?"

"Shouldn't you deny me, and then turn around and say what's wrong with me?"

"You're telling the truth. Of course I won't deny you. My attitude towards you was really bad before."

Lan Jun touched her forehead, and then touched Qiao Xun's forehead,

"I don't have a fever..."


Lan Jun took two steps back, like looking at a stranger.

"you've changed."


"You're not pretending to be a monster, right?" Lan Jun looked at him suspiciously, "You're so kind to me. It's not the same as before."

Qiao Xun turned around and walked forward,

"You still don't want to be nice to you, right?"

"No, but why, why are you being so nice to me?" Lan Jun looked serious, and seemed to have to ask this question clearly.

She simply grabbed Qiao Xun and prevented him from going forward.

Qiao Xun lowered his head slightly, exhaled heavily, and said,

"Do you really want to know?"

"I want to, I really want to!" Lan Jun said loudly.

On the vast grassland, there were only the two of them. The wind blows, the waves are rolled up, and the blue waves are swaying, reflecting the dim yellow of the sunset, and the overlapping shadows are heavy.

Qiao Xun said softly,

"Because the sky is beautiful."

Lan Jun looked slightly confused. She shook her head, pursed her lips,

"Why exactly?"

Qiao Xun's expression became a little unsteady, and he said a little embarrassedly:

"Because I care about you."

Lan Jun let go of him and stared blankly at the sunset on the distant mountain ahead.

Her long silver-white hair was burning with the light of the setting sun, and her red pupils seemed to have a crystal trickle flowing.

Although after Qiao Xun came back, she was completely sure that he cared about her.

But at this moment, listen to him say it himself. This kind of feeling... The feeling in my heart, Lan Jun couldn't describe it, she just felt like she was living in a small person, she couldn't bear it at all, she kept beating up and down, left and right, itchy and numb.

She whispered:

"I am very happy."

Qiao Xun kept his back to her, not letting her see his expression.

Although he didn't see his own expression, he expected it to make people laugh. Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing,


"What's wrong?" Lan Jun asked.

"I always feel like I've lost something." Qiao Xun rubbed his fingers restlessly, "but think about it, it's worth it for your words in exchange for the little things I lost."

"In exchange for me... It's a strange word. But it should be a good word." Lan Jun couldn't help raising the corner of his mouth.

Qiao Xun turned to look at her.

Happiness hangs in the corners of her eyes, and happiness is written on her face.

But this made him feel a little sad.

Because, in front of her, is the root of the world that he seeks day and night - "life".

Lan Junlu gave Qiao Xun a big smile.

The shallow pear vortex makes this face a little girlish. But her white-haired and red-eyed image made her look like an old monster with a high level of cultivation. These two contradictory feelings, all in her body, reveal an amazing sense of harmony and a unique "exclusive taste".

Qiao Xun subconsciously reached out and pinched her nose.

Lan Jun didn't expect it, she was stunned for a while, until Qiao Xun let go of her hand, she didn't react.

"What are you doing!"

Qiao Xun turned around,

"It's just fun."

Lan Jun didn't get angry, instead she touched her nose and whispered:

"Fox's nose is very sensitive..."


Inspector Qiao exhaled and stretched his hand back,

"Enough rest, it's time to hurry. Catch me."

"Okay." Lan Jun nodded obediently. She held Qiao Xun's hand carefully and lightly.

Cool, a little rough...

Is this the way a man's hand feels? Lan Jun's thoughts were wide-ranging. Before, I just grabbed my wrist, and this was the first time I held my palm directly.

Contrary to her feeling, Qiao Xun felt that her hand was a little too hot, and it was too small, so it was hard to exert force when holding it.

No matter how hard it was, he simply turned over his hands, pulled her to the front, and then intertwined his fingers.

Lan Jun, as a pure-hearted little fox demon, had never seen this battle before, and suddenly felt a little flustered and wanted to run away.

Qiao Xun exerted a little force and clasped her hand tightly,

"do not move."

The breath fell on her forehead, making her a little dizzy, she just snorted softly, and then she calmed down.

Then, Qiao Xun took a step forward, and the surrounding space instantly fell to a point.

At this point, with the two of them, they crossed all the magical power barriers and came to the top of the immortal mountain in the sea in one step.

At this moment, there are already many people in the immortal mountain on the sea.

Qiao Xun released Lan Jun.

Lan Jun hurriedly took a step sideways, blushing.

Qiao Xun glanced at her,

"Oh, you molested me before, but you weren't shy at all, why, now you have it again?"

Lan Jun sniffed and whispered:

"Is active energy the same as passive energy?" She was ashamed to continue to say such words, looked around quickly, and then asked, "What is this place?"

"Go to Sendai."

"Climbing to Sendai? Never heard of it, is it the place to go to Sendai?"

Qiao Xun said,

"Yes. However, this is the legacy left by the previous Heavenly Court."

"Oh!" Lan Jun suddenly remembered something, "Didn't you say you wanted to tell me the story of the old heaven?"

"Didn't I just want to tell you now, don't worry, find a place to sit down first."

On the large Ascension Sendai, many people were sitting, and there was an identical futon under their buttocks.

They all closed their eyes and seemed to realize something.

After Qiao Xun and the two appeared, only a few people opened their eyes to take a look, then immediately closed their eyes and continued to comprehend.

Just two steps out, Lan Jun suddenly widened his eyes.

"That's Xiaoyan!"

Having said that, she is about to go to say hello.

Qiao Xun grabbed her,

"do not."

"What's wrong?"

"Follow my plan, don't act rashly. We are just two ordinary immortal seekers, and we must not mix anything else."

"Eh...but what if Xiaoyan sees us?"

"Don't worry, he won't recognize it." Qiao Xun said, "I modified our existence attributes."

This is the old method of the demon's "lazy" trait.

Although it is an old method, it has the best effect and is the most convenient to use.

"What?" Lan Jun didn't understand at all.

Qiao Xun has a clear priority, knowing that now is not the time to say this,

"No hurry, I will tell you later, we will spend a lot of time together."

"Eh..." Lan Jun couldn't help laughing when he heard this, then immediately became serious, "Okay, okay."

The two of them put one on the ground, and a futon automatically appeared under their buttocks.

Qiao Xun glanced at the front. Chang Yan sat upright with his eyes closed, and beside him was a young man. Of course he knew who this young man was. It was Emperor Zhenwu who originally intended to evolve the earth into the root of the world and use it to build a mythical world.

However, this great emperor seems to be one of the "stars" now. In his existence, there is no longer any sign of the finite world, of course, it may also be hidden by him.

However, Qiao Xun has reason to believe that after Zhenwu's plan failed, he fell outside the limited world and became a group of stars.

Because, his intention to "shape his own world" will not be accepted by today's heaven. Therefore, there is definitely no place for him in the current heaven. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.

But his more plans remain to be seen.

Qiao Xun sat upright. Lan Jun was next to him.

He closed his eyes and opened a conscious horizon that only he and Lan Jun could enter.

In this special horizon, Qiao Xun said:

"The mythology of the immortal world is not the same, it has changed. Today's heaven is governed by the 'Supreme Supreme Saint'. But a long time ago, it was not him, but a man named 'Jade Emperor' The **** of the Supreme'. The Heavenly Court led by the Supreme Jade Emperor is now called the Old Heavenly Court. This Xiantai is a product of the Old Heavenly Court. The Suo Xingtai, where Zhuang Lianxin was imprisoned before, is also a product of the Old Heavenly Court."

"Then what about the Jade Emperor's current person?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I don't know. Maybe it has disappeared, maybe it has turned into a group of stars, and it radiates light in a lightless and dustless place outside the finite world."

Contents related to the stars and the limited world... Lan Jun was stuffed into his head by Qiao Xun before.

It has been digested for a long time. Although there are still many things that I don't know very well, they are clearer than most immortals.

she asked curiously,

"Are you a star?"

"Why do you think so?"

"Because you definitely don't belong to the fairy world. Then, you haven't told me your story, so you have such doubts."

Qiao Xun was silent, and was very moved.

For him, everything about Junjun is transparent. Her whole life was revealed to him in its entirety.

To her, he was, without a doubt, mysterious and unknown.

Qiao Xun did not answer whether he was a star first, but asked another question:

"Are you worried that I will leave without saying goodbye?"

Lan Jun hesitated ~www.readwn.com~ and didn't say anything clearly. She adjusted slightly, and then said naturally and normally:

"It's impossible not to worry. But if you leave without saying goodbye, there's nothing I can do. After all, you don't owe me anything, so you just leave."

"Do you want to go on an adventure with me?"

"Of course I do. I think I'm alive to take risks with you."

"What is this nonsense……"

"I can't say it nicely." Lan Jun said seriously, "But this is my most direct idea."

"I promise you." Qiao Xun said, "I will never leave without saying goodbye in the future."

"How wonderful..." Lan Jun looked in a trance.

Joe went to the previous topic,

"The definition of the stars is very broad. It can also be said that I am one of the stars, because I don't really belong to any world."

"The stars... What is the meaning of the existence of the stars?"

Lan Jun's ordinary question made Qiao Xun fall into contemplation.

He was also thinking about the meaning of the existence of the stars.

Yihong did say that the stars also have their way back. But why do stars exist? She didn't say it, maybe she didn't know it herself.

Perhaps, all the stars are confused about the meaning of their existence.

This is probably the root cause of "the stars have their way back".

It is precisely because I don't know the meaning of my existence that I have to embark on the journey home, to explore, to seek.


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