Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 110: "The Stars" Blue Moon Winter

Evolving from the pollution of the world 0110 "Stars" Lan Yuedong

Heavenly Main Island.

Because of several rounds of investigation and exploration, the root cause of the collapse of the Star Locking Platform could not be found, and the various prisoners scattered from the Star Locking Platform had a huge impact on the Heavenly Court's prevention system. Therefore, Emperor Zhenxuan, who was in charge of investigating the cause, had to stop the investigation and, according to the arrangement, work with Emperor Zhenxiang to maintain stability.

Under the leadership of the two great emperors, the immortal class was fully deployed, all kinds of supernatural powers and magic weapons were fully displayed, and they gradually recovered the decline, achieved basic stability and resistance, and avoided the mythological nature, that is, the immortal class system was directly impacted.

Another great emperor, Zhenming the Great, is responsible for the follow-up cooking of the controlled criminals.

At present, it can be dealt with directly. If it is more difficult, it is temporarily locked in the eighteen layers of **** in the underworld, and it will be cleaned up later.

In general, from the panic at the beginning of the collapse of the Lock Star Platform, until now, I am basically relieved for the time being, and then I only need to break it one by one.

Of course, the premise of all subsequent arrangements is that there will be no third round of crises.

Therefore, Heavenly Court has a group of immortals who are specially responsible for guarding against the third round of crises. They are stationed at various key guards, strictly monitor everyone internally, and externally, expand the monitoring perspective to the entire immortal world. After all, it cannot be ruled out that there are some small worlds that will take this opportunity to make trouble.

It seems that it has entered the stage of orderly and patient cooking.

The main island, Zhizhen Hall.

As the current leader of Heavenly Court, the place where the Supreme Sanctuary works, lives, and is a symbol of its own nature, after the collapse of the Star Locking Platform, it can be regarded as the safest place in the entire Heavenly Court.

On the one hand, there is a special class of immortals who are responsible for guarding them. On the other hand, the supreme saint is himself the supreme immortal standing on the top of his character.

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Emperor Zhenxuan, who had just dealt with a more difficult "outside the territorial gangster" criminal, came here in a hurry.

When the guards saw him, they hurriedly saluted.

The tall and burly Emperor Zhenxuan waved his hand at will, then passed them and entered the huge gate of the Zhizhen Hall.

Once inside, he nodded slightly to show respect. There is no one inside.

But Emperor Zhenxuan didn't make any extra moves, and said directly:

"We have entered the stage of changing the situation on offense and defense. Sage, do you want to restart the Tianmen incident some time ago?"

In the empty hall, his voice echoed for a while, and then the voice of the Supreme Sage faintly sounded,

"The collapse of the Lock Star Platform was not an accident, it was deliberate. If we can't predict the next arrangement of the enemy, then we will soon be passive again."

Zhen Xuan frowned,

"Yes, there is currently no indication that there will be a third round of crisis."

"There are many things that don't need to look for signs. When there are really signs, it will be too late to react."

"Sage, but we have no direction to guard against. We don't even know what kind of enemy we are facing."

The Supreme Saint did not speak for a long time. The Great Hall fell into a long silence.

Emperor Zhenxuan's tall body drew out a long shadow.

After a while, the Supreme Being said:

"Anyone is our enemy. The stars, the origin, are our enemies."

Emperor Zhenxuan was a little stunned,

"Sage, when did the fairyland fall to this point? Wasn't we the core myth of fighting against demons?"

"But, the ring of truth has been restarted, heaven has returned, and the rulers and loners have gradually lost their identity. So far, only the fairy world can be left alone. All eyes will fall here. Qunxing regards Immortal Realm as the way back, and Origin believes that Immortal Realm is the best return point. Only by being firmer in our original choice can we stand to the end in this big elimination.”

The Great Emperor Zhenxuan said sadly,

"Is the twilight of the finite world about to come?"

"Before dusk, touch infinity."

"Sage, is the mission of the Origin Furnace really going to infinity?"

"We firmly believe that."

Emperor Zhenxuan did not speak. After a while, he lifted his shoulders and propped up his burly figure,

"Zhen Xuan, you will definitely live up to your trust."

"No matter who our enemy is, as long as we find out what its purpose is. Now it seems that it is nothing more than to put pressure on Heavenly Court itself and cause the order to collapse. We will guard against this moment, and wait until the Origin Furnace is cast, no more. means are useless.”

"Ascension speaks volumes."

"Nothing else, just stop here."

"Zhen Xuan retire."

Emperor Zhenxuan withdrew to the Zhenzhen Hall.

With the words of the sage, he was very firm in his heart. No matter how the Heavenly Court will be attacked, as long as you keep the mythical nature and wait for the Origin Furnace to be perfectly formed.

It won't be too long.

According to calculations, the casting of the Origin Furnace will not wait too long.

Maybe, just recently.

Emperor Zhenxuan didn't think about anything else, and quickly devoted himself to the stability maintenance work.


The people on the Sendai are densely packed.

It almost fills the entire place where the futon can be dropped in Sendai.

Lan Jun opened his eyes and watched from time to time, and found that most of the people who came here were people who were too old, and they were basically on the verge of soaring. Thinking about it, it should be that the Heavenly Court Immortal Class is full, and they have no way to ascend, so they have been staying in the world.

The feeling they gave Lan Jun was that if he didn't soar, his lifespan would end.

Probably because of this, I was called by this Sendai, and came from far away.

Thinking like this, Lan Jun was sure that someone must have done it on purpose. After all, it was chosen at a time when Heavenly Court was weak. It is really hard not to suspect that it is deliberately targeting Heavenly Court.

Thinking about it, she poked Qiao Xun's waist and asked curiously:

"Did you already know this was going to happen?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It's not. It's just that this kind of thing is easy to predict. For the current Heavenly Court, the most direct way to supercharge is to let a large number of people soar, occupy the position of the Immortal Class, and put pressure on the root of the world. Heavenly Court Immortal Class It’s not enough in itself, forcibly occupying it, it can only occupy the immortal class that has been occupied by the origin of life.”

"Then, who do you think led the ascent this time?" Lan Jun asked curiously.

Qiao Xun thought about it, and still chose to shake his head.

"do not know."

He thought about whether it could be Yihong, or whether it could be the Zhenwu Great Emperor not far away...but there was no certainty.

In his view, this is probably not entirely controlled by a specific person.

After all, the initiators of a chain of events are, strictly speaking, very lowly related.

Just like Yihong, who dominated the first half of the Tianmen Incident, he, Qiao Xun, dominated the second half, and destroyed Suoxingtai. Before the two met, Qiao Xun didn't know Yihong's plan. And the current situation of ascending to Sendai, it is not good that others are taking advantage of the situation.

According to Yihong, the current fairyland is the final destination of the stars. It also shows that any group of stars may be involved in it.

Therefore, he prefers the huge chess game of Immortal Realm. It is not a contest between the two sides like the black and white, but a joint contest of a very large group. They are not related to each other, only some people will have a common tacit understanding, just like him and Yihong.

Everyone can manipulate the pieces on the board to achieve their own goals.

It's like... a brawl.

"You don't even know..." Lan Jun opened his mouth slightly.

Joe Tour said,

"If you can't be sure, you naturally don't know."

"In other words, do you still have some guesses?"

"Well, everyone can have their own guesses, and so can you."

Lan Jun smiled awkwardly,

"I'm still too weak to guess."

"It doesn't matter. If this matter is a torrent, it's okay to act as a drop of water in the torrent. No one person can decide the direction of the torrent, which is all the 'drops' guide together. A finite world , cannot be dominated by individual will, this is the meaning of the existence of 'fate'."

"So profound..." Lan Jun's eyes blurred, "Fate. Is it fate that we meet?"

"Anything that happens is written by fate."

"That's terrifying." Lan Jun shrank his head, "It's like everything is doomed. Good, bad, good or bad, it's all doomed."

"Because it's so scary, so many people have pursued infinity one after another, trying to escape this 'tragedy'. In this case, those who don't know the so-called are actually happy. No pressure."

Lan Jun covered his ears,

"In that case, it's better that I don't know."

Qiao Xun looked at her.

she smiled,

"Just kidding. I don't do anything to hide my ears."

"It's okay, even if you steal the bell, I will give you the best bell."

"Hey, do you condone me so much?" Lan Jun stared at Qiao Xun in disbelief.

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"It's not a bad thing to hide your ears and steal the bell. When I traveled in the limited world, the most painful people I saw were those who had no goals, didn't know where to go, didn't know where to go back, had no faith, no People of self. However, there are many such people, and most of them are strong in a world. After touching the invisible barrier, time gradually lost their will. This is also a portrayal of the tragedy of the limited world."

He inhaled slightly, exhaled, frowned, and said softly:

"Instead of becoming that person, I'd rather you deceive yourself. At least, the premise of deceiving yourself is that you still have yourself."

Lan Jun heard that, although he didn't know why Qiao Xun said such a thing, he was a little moved. She promised:

"I will never become a person without self... Also, I will not deceive myself. One day, I don't know what to do. If there are stars in the sky, I will catch them, and if there are mountains in front of me, I will climb. There will be something to do..."

"But before..." Qiao Xun said a little.

Lan Jun knew that he wanted to say that she was so depressed before. She sniffed, turned her head away, and whispered:

"That's because there's no you. Without you, what's the point..."

Qiao Xun smiled slightly and said nothing.

But he said in his heart, I just don't want you to think so...

Thinking about it, Qiao Xun was in a daze with a rare look on his face.

Seeing his expression, Lan Jun felt that he should not be able to give him a satisfactory answer. However, she didn't think she had said anything wrong. What you say is the truest thought in your heart. If it's true, what's wrong?

When she wanted to wake Qiao Xun, Dengxiantai suddenly trembled slightly.

Then, everyone on Sendai's futon glowed with white light.

The light, like a layer of water film, gradually covered every immortal seeker present.

When everyone was amazed and delighted, a figure gradually appeared in front of Xiantai.

The man came from the white halo and said as he walked:

"You are the stars in the sky, you are a bright member, you should be in the fairy class."

The voice disappeared, and the visitor revealed his true body.

Lan Jun looked over, his eyes gradually dulled.

She distinctly remembered the face. Eyebrows, lips, nose, cheeks... She remembered them all.

Lan Yuedong, the blue moon winter that disappeared for seven years.

According to her seniority, she is an aunt, but she was always called her sister before.

When Lan Yuedong first showed his face, Lan Jun was happy and surprised. But immediately, she felt an unprecedented strangeness in Lan Yuedong.

That strangeness is not the usual feeling of unfamiliar people. It's more like, separated by an era, or even several eras... Countless times gathered together, a sense of longevity.

At this moment, Lan Jun suddenly realized that he didn't know Lan Yuedong at all. In other words, this stranger who looks exactly like Lan Yuedong.

She stared blankly at Lan Yuedong who came out of the halo and stared at everyone indifferently.

"She...is Sister Yuedong?"

Qiao Xun looked at Lan Yuedong calmly.

He had long determined that Lan Yuedong was not an ordinary person. So, he was not surprised when Lan Yuedong appeared here in this way. There's even a "really so" feeling.

As expected, he should have long felt that Lan Yuedong was one of the stars. As a group of stars, appearing in the world as a mortal must have extraordinary intentions.

Now it seems that Lan Yuedong may be the mastermind behind the matter of ascending to Sendai.

What Qiao Xun cared about was instead why did he have communication and contact with her so early?

Could this also be the pull of fate?

Or is it that Yihong arranged for her to contact her in advance...

It's possible~www.readwn.com~ However, now, it doesn't matter which possibility. What matters is what is happening now, or what is about to happen.

Joe Tour said,

"Lan Yuedong is her, but she is not Lan Yuedong."

Lan Jun asked in confusion,

"Then who is she?"

"The stars. But which ones, I don't—"

When Qiao Xunzheng said these words, a very mysterious feeling suddenly surged in his heart. This feeling instantly pulled him back to the time when he was about to enter the fairyland and asked Wang Liangyi for help. At that time, Wang Liangyi hoped that he would help with something in the fairy world, but he didn't say what it was, just said that if he encountered it, he would know.

Now, this feeling of "knowing" has become very clear and clear.

Qiao Xun let out a deep breath of the turbid air that had been squeezed for a long time. The unknown "pressure" that Wang Liangyi gave him was released at this moment.

It turned out that what Wang Liangyi said was to help "Lan Yuedong".

"Huh?" Lan Jun questioned Qiao Xun's abrupt end.

Qiao Xun said again,

"It doesn't matter who she is, the important thing is that we are on her side for the time being."

"Ah, is that so?"

Qiao Xun felt a lot more relaxed and said with a smile:


"Okay, although she should be a very unusual existence, she must also be the sister Yuedong I know. Standing on her side, I will definitely support her!"

"She's your aunt."


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