Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 113: Fulfilling promises against fate


This name is both unfamiliar and familiar to An Xian.

It is familiar that she once performed a basic celestial performance when the earth completed its recovery. When he found the Tianwu bloodline, Lu Xianyi, who had been left on the earth, he also had a basic understanding of the current situation of the earth. The existence of "tower" is recognized in this process.

In the basic understanding, the "tower" is a systematic system on the earth that helps the evolutionary people to integrate resources and gather their will.

However, after the first native **** appeared on earth, the "tower" disappeared.

An Xian looked at Lan Yuedong,

"The 'tower' you're talking about is the system that helps Earth have native gods?"

Lan Yuedong frowned and said,

"Did the 'Tower' also appear on Earth? During my years as a star, I didn't pay attention to that particular finite world. But, I think, you probably only understood the basics. In fact,' The tower's most notable ability is the creation of mythological systems."

"Create a mythical system?" An Xian was puzzled.

Lan Yuedong said,

"If you're right, the 'Tower' is on the earth, helping the earth to give birth to the original gods... Then I think the initial idea of ​​the 'Tower' should be to create a complete mythological system on the earth... Later? Earth? What about the 'tower' later?"

An Xian was a little confused, why is it that she was asking the question, but now Cassiopeia is asking her.

She paused and said:

"Disappeared. I don't know where the 'tower' of the earth went."

"It seems that the 'tower' has not succeeded in establishing a mythological system on Earth. However, perhaps the purpose of the 'tower' is different." Lan Yuedong frowned, "The 'tower' is different from mythology, different from the stars, its Behaviour, completely incapable of judging by our cognition.”

An Xian gradually felt impatient. She wondered if Cassiopeia was procrastinating with so many unnecessary things. She frowned,

"Cassiopeia, you talk too much. I don't know what the purpose of your 'tower' is, but no matter what, I will protect the fairyland and prevent it from being destroyed by the stars."

Lan Yuedong sank her doubts and looked at An Xian,

"If I said that the current nature of Heavenly Court is the mythical world built by the 'Tower', what would you do?"

Hearing this sentence, An Xian was indeed shocked for a moment, but she immediately reacted.

"Whether what you said is true or false, I know that your actions are bringing the fairyland into an era of chaos."

Lan Yuedong stepped forward and walked towards An Xian,

"Have you seen the Supreme Sage? Do you know where he came from? Do you know what his abilities are? Do you know why he was able to take power from me?"

An Xian remained motionless and was not oppressed by Lan Yuedong's aura. Her brows furrowed as Lan Yuedong approached.

Lan Yuedong suddenly stopped and smiled softly,

"Look, you didn't know anything, so you admitted the existence of the Supreme Being. The biggest lie in this era of Heaven is nothing more than this. An Xian, you think you are guarding the Immortal Realm, but what are you guarding? Where is the fairyland?"

An Xian let out a deep breath,

"Casiopeia. You're right, I don't understand anything. But, I know what a price to pay to understand that. I'm not the owner of the fairy tree, just one of them. I have myself judgment, there is the way in which I exercise my power."

She didn't waver at all.

Perhaps, she was startled by hearing some unimaginable things. However, the principle she adheres to is not shaken even for a moment.

Feeling this, Lan Yuedong didn't say anything more. Her appearance began to change.

A starry sky rolled over her until it completely covered her body.

Starlight bursts out, and Lan Yuedong, as a group of stars, shines extremely at this moment.

The power of the stars is blazing and conspicuous in the huge finite world of the Immortal World Tree.

Everyone knows that the stars are coming.

The power of the stars, disregarding the rules of any finite world, began to grow wildly in the fairyland tree, squeezing other forces arbitrarily.

An Xian was shocked.

"You're crazy!"

She knows very well what it means to unleash the power of the stars. It means that the limited laws that go against it will ruthlessly attack the stars who release the power of the stars.

For, for any finite world, the stars are destroyers.

And the only finite law of the finite world is... destiny.

Lan Yuedong's starry body, shining brightly on the side of Tianmen,

"This is my determination. An Xian, show your determination to protect the fairyland."

An Xian was so incomprehensible that her brows showed a hint of unbearable.

"You know the fate of confronting fate!"

"I know."

"I finally escaped my fate, why would I step into it again?"

Lan Yuedong said,

"This is the home of the stars. If the fairyland is destined to become the sacrificial ground of the origin melting pot, then let me make a way for the latecomers first."

"So, your real plan is to open the way for other stars?" An Xian's eyes trembled.


"Crazy, you're really crazy. Do you have to sacrifice yourself? That's how it was in God's history of wars, and this time at dusk?" An Xian's eyes were full of blame and anger.

Lan Yuedong said softly,

"Old friend, this is the only thing I can do."

Lan Yuedong's star body is still releasing the power of the stars.

The power of the stars pierces every world in the immortal world, destroys the structure of space, and penetrates the barriers of the world... In the blink of an eye, the immortal world has changed from a closed and limited world to riddled with holes. The breath of the void flows in from all directions, like a festering dam unable to stop the surging flood.

At this moment, Lan Yuedong became the enemy of the entire fairyland.

As the largest finite world, under the will of the world dominated by the core of the world. The root of the world in the fairy world, the repair work started at the first time, repairing the festering world barriers and limited boundaries due to the puncture of the power of the stars.

At the same time, they also want to attack the initiator of Lan Yuedong.

The only law of the finite world, fate, befalls her.

Fate is a very mysterious thing. It is the formula by which everything works, the equal sign of the output, the medium that leads change, and the fundamental element of "formation".

In the finite world, fate cannot be proved, but it is related to everything.

However, for the stars, it is a deadly weapon.

Destiny does not recognize the existence of stars. Once the stars appear in the finite world and cause damage to the finite world, then fate is the death of the stars.

An Xian could not see how fate affected and punished Lan Yuedong. Because she herself is a member of the finite world, she cannot go beyond her destiny, and naturally she cannot feel it.

But she can see the changes in Lan Yuedong.

Lan Yuedong is like a leaf falling from a tree, and its starry body is constantly swaying in the air. The swaying speed continued to increase. The power of the stars poured out of her was gradually disintegrated, from unstoppable to fragmented.

And her starry body changed from a falling "leaf" to a very fast light spot.

It is foreseeable that this light spot will soon be completely annihilated and cease to exist.

An Xian couldn't bear to watch it. However, she had to witness with her own eyes how the will and weather of her former friend were disintegrated and annihilated. Because, this will be the only memory of Cassiopeia she can leave in the future.

Zhenwu in the distance also stopped his confrontation with Tianxiang.

He stared blankly at Cassiopeia, which was about to disintegrate and annihilate, his eyes distant and disappointed. He understands that perhaps, he will completely lose an old friend who is also a teacher and a friend.

However, he didn't feel sorry for it.

Because, Cassiopeia will find its meaning as a star. Even this meaning is just to dig a hole in the solid barrier of the finite world. After all, it is better than other chaotic and confused stars.

Lan Yuedong had already foreseen her end, so she did not panic, but announced calmly, in the last fortress of the finite world, the fairy tree, to the stars left in the chaos:

"The stars pacing in the gloom, the way back has been paved, please choose the path forward, and engrave the pride of the stars in the monuments of the years."

"The stars wandering in the chaos, the way back has been paved, please choose the path forward, and under the gaze of fate, shine the light belonging to the stars."

"The stars who are struggling in the mud, the way back has been paved, please choose the way forward, and within the limited boundaries, prove the laws that belong to the stars."

One after another, echoing beyond the limit.

An Xian stared blankly ahead. She seemed to see the time when the stars she had expected to shine.

But she knew that this was not the time to shine as she had hoped.

The Forge of Origination has not yet been cast, and the stars are shining. Can the Forge of Origination still be cast?

She doesn't understand the stars, so she can't understand Cassiopeia's mentality and idea of ​​making such a sacrifice.

In the cloud of disappointment, many of her depressions turned into a murmur.

At the expense of oneself, it has already been explained that from the moment the gate of heaven opens, the heavenly court is doomed to fail.

In the nesting space of Zhizhen Hall, the figure in the crack quietly looked at the shining star Cassiopeia in the distance. At this moment, as the person in charge, I don't know what to think.

In a starry sky far away from the edge of the earth world, Wang Liangyi, a group of stars, opened the eyes of the starry sky and saw the shining constellation Cassiopeia in the fairyland tree.

He listened to the declaration to the stars, he was disappointed for a long time,

"Have you come to this point after all... The stars I'm watching..."

Looking at Cassiopeia, which was about to disintegrate, he didn't know what else he should expect. Expect that demon? But after all, it's just wishful thinking. Who is willing to risk being annihilated by fate to save a homeless and homeless person who has nothing to do with them?

Wang Liangyi didn't fall for too long in the silence.

The only thing that can be done now is to live up to Cassiopeia's long-cherished wish. So, he resolutely set out on his way home.

At the same time, beyond the limit of darkness and light, within the chaos, one starry sky after another lights up. Gradually, they turned into trailing meteors and fell towards the fairy tree.

At this moment, Cassiopeia became the anchor.

Heavenly Court, inside the Heavenly Gate.

Everyone is looking at Cassiopeia, which is about to disintegrate. Even the celestial phenomenon responsible for driving away the ascenders stopped.

In this situation, the weakest and "ignorant" are those who yearn to be ranked in the fairy class. They stared blankly at what was happening. I don't know at all that the situation has evolved to this point, and who will win and who will lose.

Among the ascenders, there are Qiao Xun and Lan Jun, who are leaning on each other. They know what this means.

Lan Jun stared blankly at Cassiopeia. She didn't know what to do, she couldn't say anything, and she didn't even want to look at Qiao Xun at this time. She was afraid that her carelessness would bring unnecessary pressure to Qiao Xun.

However, Qiao Xun's intention was beyond her thoughts. She originally thought that Qiao Xun should be on the sidelines as before.

not at all.

Qiao Xun gently held her hand,

"You wait for me here for a while, and I'll be right back."

Gently speaking, following the warmth of her palm, she conveyed a heavy promise to her.

She couldn't express her mood in words, so she smiled and nodded.

Qiao Xun's figure was fleeting.

In the tumultuous, swaying, crumbling starry body of Cassiopeia. A little yellow color, slowly rising.

It was like the color of the sunset.

With the rising of colors, the atmosphere of the twilight becomes more and more intense. Cassiopeia's almost disintegrating weather and will was illuminated by this twilight light. She awoke in confusion, trying to figure out what was going on.

Am I already where I should go after being annihilated by fate?

But, after being annihilated by fate, where should I go?

she does not know.

"What do you want?" A somewhat familiar voice sounded, but couldn't tell where it was.

What do I want?

Cassiopeia does not understand why this problem arises.

But since you can't change the status quo, you should think carefully about what you really want.

As a star, there is no doubt that she wants to find the meaning of her existence, and wants to know if there is really a finite law that can lead the stars forward.

"I want to be a morning star, illuminating the way home for the stars."

The voice asked again:

"As the stars, your wish has come true. Then, what about beyond the stars?"

"Beyond the stars?" Cassiopeia wondered about this~www.readwn.com~ She didn't quite understand, what other attributes did she have beyond the stars.

"For example, as Lan Yuedong, what do you want?"

As soon as the three words Lan Yuedong came out, Cassiopeia immediately woke up a lot.

The will she was slowly gathering was accelerating.

Cassiopeia replied:

"I used to be the Lan Yuedong in the world. I once promised a person that I would find something that would make him happy."

"did you find it?"


"Then do you still want to look for it?" The voice was soft and ethereal, like a spring breeze and a cloud.

Cassiopeia pondered for a long time, and finally answered this question:


The unknown voice was silent for a while before asking:


"If there is really no wish, it is my only wish."

Speaking of which, the voice suddenly disappeared.

The surroundings fell silent.

Cassiopeia thought, that was really the last thought before the will was dissolved.

But while imagining it like this, a cluster of flames, which appeared from nowhere, suddenly burst into flames. The color of the flame is very similar to the color of her starry body, it is exactly the same.


Cassiopeia curiously touched the flame with her will.

The prairie fire broke out in an instant.

The flames instantly poured into every aspect of her will.

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