Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 114: Fate brand, "strategy" and "world"

Emotion, memory, thinking, judgment, association, fantasy...

Cassiopeia felt that she was being pulled by a pair of hands, heading somewhere.

She doesn't know whose hand is, and where she's going, she doesn't know either. She could only follow along. The only thing I can clearly feel is that her desire has become stronger and stronger.

When she was completely awake, she looked around again. She was shocked and confused.

Because, she came back and did not disintegrate and annihilate under the sanction of fate.

Compared to before, the only thing that has changed is that the originally most closed limited world, the Immortal World Tree, is now riddled with holes.

An Xian looked at her blankly,


Cassiopeia didn't know why, and looked blank.

"Don't you know what happened?"

An Xian said,

"I only saw that when you were on the verge of annihilation, suddenly dusk fell, and then you came back."

"Twilight..." Cassiopeia said in a daze, "So, has the dusk of the finite world come long ago?"

An Xian has a complicated expression. At this point, it is really difficult for her to attack this old friend again.

"Maybe yes. Alas... the decline of the fairy world is irreversible."

After speaking, she left in despair.

"An Xian!" Cassiopeia stopped her.

An Xian didn't turn around, she just asked:

"What else is there?"

"You are still the one who loves the immortal world the most."

"Hmph, you don't need to say more."

After speaking, An Xian walked away. At the same time, convey his will to several other Heavenly Immortals. It is a foregone conclusion that the immortal world is riddled with holes, and more preparations must be made to deal with the follow-up.

In the crowd of ascenders, Qiao Xun returned to Lan Jun's side.

Lan Jun was pleasantly surprised when he suddenly saw his pale complexion, weak expression, and trembling fingers. As soon as he came to her side, he was unsteady on his feet, supporting her shoulders, and almost fell to the ground.

Lan Jun was frightened and nervous,

"What’s wrong with you?"

Qiao Xun shook his head,

"I'm just a little tired, just take a rest."

His eyes were low. I thought to myself, Fate... It really is a big mountain that weighs on everyone's head. This time... reckless.

The more he thought about it, the more exhausted his spirit became, and his consciousness gradually fell into chaos. His senses are gradually saying goodbye to the real world.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible to maintain his disguise with Lan Jun.

As soon as the disguise of the two was lifted, they immediately received a lot of attention.

Changyan and Jiang Youle in the ascendant group discovered them. Cassiopeia on the side of Tianmen found them. Lu Xianyi, who was always on the periphery and did not participate, found them.

Their existence, like performers under the spotlight, is exposed to everyone.

Lu Xianyi thought she was dreaming. She was desperate, didn't say anything, and landed in front of Lan Jun and Qiao Xun with the fastest speed.

At this moment, Qiao Xun has lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

Lan Jun hugged him tightly and drew the barrier, not letting anyone approach.

Lu Xianyi approached cautiously, with only Qiao Xun in her eyes. After touching Lan Jun's barrier, he was immediately attacked.

Lan Jun said angrily:

"Don't get close!"

Looking at Lan Jun's expression, Lu Xianyi was inexplicably aggrieved. For the first time, she seemed very insecure. She didn't know this girl, and she didn't know the relationship between this girl and Qiao Xun. She could only whisper:

"I am with him..."

What is it?

She asked herself once in her heart, then gritted her teeth and said:

"I used to be lovers with him!"

She had to say it so firmly.

Lan Jun still refused to let her get any closer. In Lan Jun's eyes, Qiao Xun, who was unconscious at the moment, was her everything, her most precious thing. For her, anyone who gets close at this moment may cause damage to Qiao Xun. Again, she insisted fiercely,

"Don't get close!"

Lu Xianyi was a little flustered. She found that everything was not what she thought. The reunion of the two she had been looking forward to was completely different from now.

But no matter what, she has to know what happened to Qiao Xun?

She couldn't help but break through the barrier.

Lan Jun did not show any courtesy, and attacked Lu Xianyi with the most ruthless move. In her eyes, Lu Xianyi was an enemy, an enemy who might cause damage to Qiao Xun.

At this time, Lu Yixuan appeared in time to resist Lan Jun's attack.

She is an outsider, undisturbed by emotions, very calm. She looked at Lu Xianyi,

"Miaomiao, do you know him?"

Lu Xianyi nodded and said in a low voice,

"He's the one who told you before."

Lu Yixuan looked at the two people in the barrier with a serious expression. She said to Lan Jun,

"Little girl, calm down."

Lan Jun looked at her vigilantly and did not speak.

Lu Yixuan felt Qiao Xun's breath and said:

"He is seriously injured now and needs to be dealt with in time, otherwise it may be in danger."

Lan Jun hugged Qiao Xun tightly and said nothing.

Lu Yixuan exhaled,

"In that case, I hope you don't blame me for being reckless afterwards."

Having said that, the barrier will be broken.


Cassiopeia descended from the other side. She looked at Lu Yixuan,

"His Royal Highness Tianshou, just leave it to me, if you don't worry about it."

Lu Yixuan was not convinced. The injured person inside was the sweetheart of his dear junior. Why should I leave it to you?

"You? Are you related to them, you?"

Cassiopeia looked at Lan Jun and said softly:

"Junjun, don't be afraid, I'm here, no one can hurt you."

Lan Jun seemed to have found support, and hurriedly said:

"Sister Yuedong, please save Shishu. I don't know what's going on. He seems to be seriously injured!"

Cassiopeia is very clear that Qiao Xun was injured because of himself.

His injuries are all "existential scars" left by the confrontation with fate. It is equivalent to fate inflicting scars on his existence. It is definitely not something that can be cured by ordinary means.

Cassiopeia reassured,

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Saying that, she looked at Lu Yixuan,

"Now you know what I have to do with them."

Lu Yixuan glanced at Lu Xianyi, who was beside her, who was devastated, and said bravely:

"How could there be? Our family, Miaomiao, used to be lovers with him!"

Only then did Lan Jun react. She stood up, stopped in front of her, and said:

"That was before, now it's me!"

When she said this, she was a little unsure of herself. Because Qiao Xun has never said that. But at this time, we must assert our sovereignty strongly!

Lu Yixuan was even less confident, looking at Lu Xianyi,


Lu Xianyi gradually came to her senses from the sudden loss. With sadness in her eyes, she said softly:

"In that case, I hope you can take good care of him."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Lu Yixuan felt a little aggrieved and couldn't vent his anger on his younger generation. Whether in terms of strength or identity, he has been defeated!

She couldn't care less about this, so she comforted Lu Xianyi first.

Jiang Youle and Changyan came one after another.

Chang Yan asked in surprise:

"Sister, what's going on?"

Lan Jun shook her head sadly and said:

"I do not know either."

Jiang Youle's expression was rather complicated. Of course he still remembers Qiao Xun, it was Qiao Xun who made him a star. However, in his cognition, this is not a deep hatred. He said softly:

"He is a devil. If he is hurt by fate... Generally speaking, we have no choice but to rely on him."

Cassiopeia asked:

"You know him?"

Jiang Youle looked up and said sadly:

"I became a star, and I have to thank him for it."

After listening to Jiang Youle's words, Lan Jun became even more anxious.

"Sister Yuedong, what should I do?"

Cassiopeia couldn't come up with anything. She was trying to comfort Lan Junshi with words. A sky light suddenly fell.

After seeing the visitor, Cassiopeia and Jiang Youle were shocked.


Ce... a long-haired woman in a red and white sacrificial dress. She has fair skin, dark eyes, and a tall but thin figure. Her demeanor was as measured, and every movement was just right. This perfect action also made her whole body full of "fake" feeling.

However, she did indeed stand in front of everyone.

She looked at Cassiopeia,

"I'm not Ce, I just borrowed the name of 'Ce'."

"Who are you?"

"Ce" replied,


After speaking, she walked towards Qiao Xun.

Lan Jun stopped in front of her,

"what are you going to do?"

"Ce" smiled slightly,

"He needs a partner like you. Otherwise, his dry soul is too dull and pale. You have the courage to love him more than anyone, and you are more qualified than anyone to make him pay for you. I hope that after this time, you will still love him without any scruples. I sincerely hope that you will have faith in each other."

After speaking, her figure passed through Lan Jun. Come to Qiao Xun.

Lan Jun looked surprised. She turned around and asked in confusion:

"what are you going to do?"

She felt that this stranger might not have come to hurt him.

"Ce" said:

"None of you can help him. He made a sad promise for his sincerity and loyalty. I'm going to take him away. But don't worry, I'll cure him."

Her words are full of persuasion.

"Ce" stroked Qiao Xun's pale cheeks and said:

"It's too reckless. However, this is probably the reason why everyone trusts you."

She hugged Qiao Xun. Against the background of her tall and thin figure, Qiao Xun lying in her arms does not violate the harmony.

She looked at everyone again, especially at Cassiopeia,

"There are not many things that can make him happy. At the end of your life, if you still remember the promise you made to him, it counts as one. That's why he saves you regardless of himself. I hope you can continue to look for the stars. the way back.”

After speaking, she embraced Qiao Xun in her arms, took a step, and disappeared in place.

Lan Jun looked at the place where they disappeared and muttered to herself:

"Can I only trust her?"

Cassiopeia said nothing. She realized that the existence in the name of "Ce" seemed to know everything. There is nothing to hide from it.

Jiang Youle asked in a trance,

"who is she?"

For the first time, he felt this completely incomprehensible, yet very convincing feeling.

Cassiopeia said:

"The last time an existence gave me this feeling was when God's calendar was broken and I faced the third finite world, the 'Tower'. However, she gave me the feeling that she was farther away than the 'Tower', more... kind."

"She said her name was 'World'. Does this mean that she may be the second finite world, or even the first?" Jiang Youle guessed.

Cassiopeia said,

"If that's the case. Perhaps, the twilight of this finite world will be bigger than we imagined. But no matter what, our pace is always the same, and if it is decided from the beginning, we will not change in the middle. Rutted."

Jiang Youle nodded, then he frowned,

"When such a thing happened, the Supreme Being can't do nothing after all, right?"

"His most important duty is to protect that origin life. But now, he can't protect it no matter what."

"Actually, I don't know what kind of existence the Supreme True Sage is." Jiang Youle said, "When he appeared, it was a concept. At that time, before I could fully understand it, the immortal pattern collapsed and fell into recovery. Way to go."

"One thing is certain, he is the arrangement of the 'Tower'."

"'Tower'...'World'..." Jiang Youle was worried, "Can we really deal with these limited world incarnations?"

Cassiopeia thought for a while and asked:

"When I was about to disintegrate and annihilate, did you see the dusk?"

"I saw it, but it's very short, it's just a moment." Jiang Youle asked, "Is there anything special about that?"

"That may be the twilight of the finite world, a proof that it has already come. However, we have never found it." Cassiopeia said here, and did not say any more. She thought more... When he was saving me, he showed a brief twilight, does this mean...

Is he the twilight of the finite world?

This idea just stayed in her mind for a moment. She stopped immediately.

It is impossible to make such an unfounded guess. It is easy to influence the judgment of things.

Cassiopeia took a breath and said to Lan Jun,

"Junjun, we can only trust her. Walking through the river—"

"His name is Qiao Xun!" Lan Jun immediately refuted.

Cassiopeia nodded,

"Qiao Xun's injury is the mark of fate. We can't handle it."

Lan Jun said in a low voice,

"I'm still too weak...I can't help anything."

This sentence... Cassiopeia didn't know how to respond. To be honest, they are all weak and powerless in the face of fate.

Cassiopeia exhaled, took Lan Jun's hand,

"It's okay, I'll accompany you and wait for him to return."

Lan Jun stared blankly at Cassiopeia.

"Are you still the sister Yuedong I know?"

Cassiopeia smiled slightly,

"of course."

"But who are you?"

Cassiopeia replied,

"I used to be the supreme Jade Emperor, and now I am a wandering star~www.readwn.com~ and also the blue moon winter in the world."

She didn't have any reservations about Lan Jun. At this time, trust and openness are the best comforts.

"Jade Emperor..." Lan Jun said, "Uncle Master told me about you. He said that Suoxingtai and Dengxiantai are the splendor left over from your era."

Cassiopeia smiled.

Lan Jun then said apologetically,

"But I'm sorry, my uncle and I broke the lock star platform."

These words made Cassiopeia stunned. She suddenly realized,

"So it's you."


"No, I want to thank you instead." Cassiopeia said gently: "This time, I owe you more."

Lan Jun said sadly,

"It's all thanks to Uncle Shi... I'm just doing chores."

"I believe that Qiao Xun chose you because you have absolutely irreplaceable reasons." Cassiopeia reassured, "Also, didn't you say that the woman who took him away, you are more qualified than anyone else? Let him pay for you. You also said that you are his current lover."

Lan Jun looked into the distance and said quietly:

"It's just my wishful thinking."

"Maybe it's mutual love."

"But will he come back?"

Cassiopeia said:

"I'll be back."

She didn't know the reason, she just felt that people like Qiao Xun would not keep silent.

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