Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 116: Clear up misunderstandings, reveal your heart

With the constellation Cassiopeia as the anchor point, the trailing stars kept falling toward the fairy tree, but one after another was forcibly stripped of their identity, and then thrown into chaos by the power of the world.

This wonderful scene is like the final prelude to the big stage.

The stars who rushed to the fairyland tree naturally noticed this situation. They were puzzled, how could so many stars be born in such a short period of time.

And, it seems, they all come from the fairy world.

Those who are qualified to become stars are at least transcendent existences associated with the power of the world. In the immortal world, at least they are all immortals in the immortal class. In this way, it is not difficult to think that these stars who have just been thrown are the immortals who were originally in the Immortal Class.

But, what happened to the high-ranking immortals being abandoned so cheaply?

The stars are puzzled. But that's not their focus anymore.

Strictly speaking, before the stars are thrown, they are deprived of all concrete things that exist in the finite world. Therefore, any group of stars is a conceptual life in the absolute sense. Because the only concepts are the only things that can prove their existence.

For the stars, to return to the finite world, they need to have their own mapping.

Just like Lan Yuedong maps Cassiopeia, Jiang Youle maps Zhenwu.

Building a mapping is not something that can be done in an instant. The constellation Cassiopeia came to the Immortal Realm, and it was also mapped by Lan Yuedong, which had been brewing for such a long time. Not to mention others. But at such a time when the fairyland is riddled with holes, even if it is not easy to establish a mapping, it is by no means as difficult as it used to be.

The stars who are about to fall on the fairy tree began to find ways to create a mapping.

For this, Cassiopeia, who is in the heavenly court, has long thought of it. She noticed that the Immortals were thrown into groups of stars, and she quickly realized that it must be the supreme saint who represented the third finite world "tower", forcibly deprived her of it in order to speed up the casting of the Origin Furnace. The true nature of Xianbanzhong.

The act of crossing the river and demolishing the bridge did not make Cassiopeia angry.

She knew very well that when the mythical calendar collapsed, when the "tower" established a puppet system in the fairy world, it represented that the mythical system of the heavenly court could be abandoned anytime, anywhere.

The immortals were deprived of their identity, and their wills were thrown into groups of stars, but their true bodies had not yet disintegrated.

In this way, Cassiopeia thinks of the precedent that the "world" borrows the name of "Ce", which can make the stars that are about to arrive, borrow the name of these immortals, and use this as a map to land. It can save the preparation work for placing the mapping, and can gain a lot of time.

After thinking of this method, she immediately discussed the feasibility with Zhenwu.

After some discussion, Zhenwu agreed with Cassiopeia's idea.

The two stars, prepare immediately.

They know that the current supreme saint, busy guarding the origin of life, will definitely not leave half a step, and he cannot stop them. The immortal class also completely lost their ability to resist because of the voluntary abandonment of the Supreme Holy Sage. As for the angels, they are now busy dealing with the collapse point caused by the tearing of the world's barriers.

In this way, the situation becomes an ideal situation for "race for time".


Cassiopeia and Zhenwu collected the bodies of the immortals who were scattered into the stars in the heavenly court, and with the power of the stars, transformed them into a map that guides the stars that are about to come.

Every time a map is lit, it means that a star has successfully established a connection with it.

In this situation where everyone is robbing time, there are more and more collapse points in the heaven, and it seems that it has become the most chaotic space in the world of the fairy tree. A large number of collapse point rounds, forming a collapse belt, may cause the structure of the heaven to collapse at any time.

However, no one cares.

The splendid myth of heaven itself is like a high-rise building that collapses in an instant.

Perhaps, at this time, someone will say that the seemingly dazzling heaven is just a beautiful castle in the sky.

Cassiopeia and Zhenwu are both very busy. There was no time to take care of Lan Jun and Chang Yan, the former senior and younger siblings.

The two stood on the edge of the heavenly court, looking at the chaos and disorder everywhere, silent.

Lan Jun's spirit didn't look very good.

Chang Yan is also very confused. He has no way of knowing, where is his avenue... Even the heavens are like this, what's the point of becoming an immortal?

After a while, Lan Jun took a deep breath and her eyes became firmer. she says:

"Xiaoyan, go back to the human world. The human world should be the safest."

As the saying goes,

"What about Senior Sister?"

"I have other things."

Chang Yan paused,

"Senior sister is still very worried about uncle, right?"

"It's pointless to worry." He said so, but the sadness in his eyes did not diminish at all. Lan Jun shook his head, "Xiaoyan, go back."

As the saying goes,

"Senior elder sister has things to do with elder sister, and younger brother also has things to do with younger brother."

Lan Jun glanced at him,

"That's good. You've been pursuing the Immortal Way. I thought you would be at a loss when you saw the collapse of the heavenly court."

"Being at a loss means being at a loss. But, I still remember the words of my uncle. As long as there is still a way in my heart, I can keep moving forward." As the saying goes, "Senior sister...I don't know how I can help you, let alone. I know what I can help Shishu. However, I will try not to cause you any trouble."

"Small words..."

"The power of an individual is too limited. I never thought that one day I would witness such an amazing thing." Chang Yan smiled, "It seems that I am the luckiest thing in my life to know my uncle and sister. The uncle used to like to say 'destiny', so I believe it too, we will meet if we have fate."

Speaking of which, Chang Yan turned around,

"Sister, goodbye."

His back figure gradually disappeared in the increasingly chaotic heaven.

Lan Jun's long silver-white hair fluttered back. She was absent-minded, and she seemed to have become a seed of chaos, the only normal scenery.

After a long time, she packed up her mood and groomed herself and left.

Then, the heavenly court was completely reduced to a chaotic "shooting range" for the stars to fall.

Lan Jun crossed the broken barrier of heaven and rushed to the realm of heaven. Under the control of An Xian, the world of immortals has begun to be closed. In order to prevent more breakdown points from entering it, the barriers of the world are shrouded in a thick layer of immortal enchantment.

There is no doubt that penetrating this barrier will inevitably cause a group of angels to bounce back.

But Lan Jun still chose to wear it.

Sure enough, she just got close, and was immediately attacked by the barrier. Immediately afterwards, some angels who were responsible for guarding the barriers of the world came.

"The Heavenly Immortal Realm is closed, no entry!"

Lan Jun said solemnly,

"I want to meet someone."

"No one is allowed to enter!" The angel who obeyed the order responded solemnly.

Lan Jun gritted his teeth and said without giving up,

"I won't pose a threat to the Heavenly Immortal Realm, I just want to see someone and then leave."

The Heavenly Immortal Guard was about to drive away when he suddenly received an order, and then changed his attitude,

"Please come in."

Lan Jun guessed that someone wanted her to enter. Without hesitation, she passed through the barrier and entered the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Compared to the chaotic scene in the heavenly court, the Heavenly Immortal Realm is really much better. Although there are black crash points in the space in some places, they are basically limited and will not cause more crash points to appear.

As soon as she entered, she was immediately dragged by an irresistible force, crossing the space limit and entering a huge and prosperous palace.

When she came back to her senses, she saw Lu Yixuan standing by the side.

Lu Yixuan's expression was perverse, like the expression of a carnivore looking at its prey.

Lan Jun knew that she was not her opponent, but she did not show her timidity and kept her manners and manners.

"Thank you very much for letting me in."

Lu Yixuan smiled,

"Who are you here looking for?"

Lan Jun didn't know Lu Xianyi's name, but Lu Yixuan, who was vaguely connected, had mentioned the name "Miaomiao". She said tentatively:


Lu Yixuan clicked his tongue twice,

"You don't even know her name, so are you still looking for her?"

"Because of this, I want to know her." Lan Jun replied calmly.

Lu Yixuan shook his head,

"It hurts people's hearts, so what's the reason to see her?"

"I'm sorry for my rude behavior before. I also hope to apologize to her face to face. And, I think, she might care about me."

"Does she care about you?" Lu Yixuan looked Lan Jun up and down, "She only cares about the man who broke her heart."

Lan Jun took a deep breath,

"I'm also very concerned. And I think maybe it was my inappropriate words and actions that caused her unnecessary misunderstanding. If you explain it well, it may make her less sad."

Lu Yixuan waved his hand,

"He's really a sharp-toothed guy. Well, it doesn't need to be so legitimate. I'll make it clear to you first, if you have any behavior or words that irritate her, I will definitely not let you go." Her eyes were cold, "I don't care what you have to do with Cassiopeia and that man."

Lan Jun nodded,

"I have no malice."

With a wave of Lu Yixuan's hand, Lan Jun immediately felt that he had been taken to another place.

After she settled down, she saw Lu Yixuan standing in front of a door, knocking on the door with a completely different attitude and asking:

"Miaomiao? Are you okay?"

A voice came from inside the door,

"His Royal Highness Tianshou, I'm fine, please rest assured. If you have a task for me, please give me the order directly."

"Someone looking for you."

"Please tell me that I'm not feeling well and it's inconvenient to see people."

Lu Yixuan turned around and said to Lan Jun,

"She's not feeling well, please come back."

Lan Jun was stunned for a while.


Then I heard hurried footsteps coming from the door. After opening the door, Lu Xianyi angrily said to Lu Yixuan:

"You directly said that the person is at the door, do you have to come up with a face-to-face report?"

Lu Yixuan waved his hand,

"You asked me to pass it on."

Lu Xianyi turned to look at Lan Jun, frowning, her eyes complicated. With a sigh, she said:

"Sorry, I made you laugh."

Lan Jun shook his head,


"Please come in."

Lan Jun entered Lu Xianyi's room.

Lu Yixuan wanted to go in, but was stopped by Lu Xianyi at the door. Lu Xianyi said solemnly:

"His Royal Highness Tianshou has other things to do."


"Then go find something to do. Don't think about hanging out with the juniors all day long!"

After speaking, she slammed the door shut.

Lu Yixuan was stunned at the door... He was actually educated!

She sighed. No matter what, it's old to attract people.

Afterwards, she didn't bother the two of them much and left.

Inside the door.

Lu Xianyi did the best of the landlord's friendship and brewed tea,

"His Royal Highness Tianshou has a weird personality, but he is not a bully. Please don't worry about it. If you are really dissatisfied, it's okay to say it."

Lan Jun shook his head,

"His Royal Highness Tianshou relieved my anxiety, and there is no dissatisfaction, only words of thanks."

Lu Xianyi nodded, then went to the main topic, first introduced:

"My real name is Lu Xianyi, and I also have the name An Miaomiao in the Heavenly Immortal Realm. However, I would like to call me 'Lu Xianyi'."

In fact, Lu Xianyi almost never emphasizes her name to others. But for Lan Jun, she hopes to treat each other in her real name.

Lan Jun nodded,

"My name is Lan Jun. Maybe there is a real name, but I don't know."

Lu Xianyi was puzzled,

"do not know?"

Lan Jun smiled slightly.

"It's a very complicated story. However, it's not important, so don't worry about it."

Lu Xianyi didn't ask many questions.

"Does Miss Blue have anything to do with me?"

Lan Jun did not detour in words, and said straight to the point:

"About Qiao Xun, I think you have a lot of confusion. The same is true for me. This time, I hope to communicate well and solve the doubts."

Lu Xianyi looked at Lan Jun. She feels that this is a person with excellent demeanor, whether it is his temperament or his unique appearance, it is rare to see him. If you have the heart to compete, you will definitely feel the pressure. She didn't want to have to compete with others, but there was always something in her heart that she couldn't give up. This thought made it difficult for her to make concessions to Lan Jun.

She adjusted her mood and said calmly:

"I told you before that I was the 'lover' before Qiao Xun. The word 'lover' is not common in the fairy world, and it has different meanings. In another world, it means a partner in love. "

"another world?"

"Qiao Xun and I come from the same world..." Lu Xianyi gently told the story that belonged to her and Qiao Xun.

From their first encounter due to the investigation of "Resurrection", to their adventures on the "Sea Train", to the brewing of her emotions, to the confession when they meet again, to the romantic time of snuggling with each other, to the night of affectionate flesh and blood , to a wakeful farewell...

Lu Xianyi's tone was soft. She lost the "naughty" and "fake mature" she used to be when she was young~www.readwn.com~ and no longer was kidnapped by her emotions, and tried her best to express friendship to Lan Jun, a person who had had conflicts.

For Lan Jun, the two-person story described by Lu Xianyi in a world with completely different "world outlook", "cognitive outlook" and "life outlook" is full of fantasy.

She tried to portray such a "free and open" world in her mind. Trying to add a beautiful element called "love" to the story of Lu Xianyi and Qiao Xun.

She also yearns for that simple beauty. Don't worry about "fate and finitude", "stars and nature"... Don't think about anything, just put the other party in your eyes.

After listening to Lu Xianyi's story, Lan Jun suddenly felt that the experience between her and Qiao Xun was so thin and barren.

But she also felt that she loved Qiao Xun, and no one could replace the scorching heat from her soul. She couldn't explain her scorching heat to Lu Xianyi. This feeling can only be felt in the heart alone.

Lan Jun said sadly:

"I didn't know his past. I didn't know your experience with him. Sorry, I treated you as an enemy before."

"It doesn't matter. I believe that you also have your own difficulties. Come to think of it, if I were in your situation, I wouldn't have done better than you."

Lan Jun slowly recounted her experience with Qiao Xun.

Perhaps, people's yearning for beauty cannot be communicated with each other.

Lan Jun envied that Lu Xianyi could have such a simple and pure experience with Qiao Xun. Lu Xianyi yearned for Lan Jun and Qiao Xun to help each other and do such an amazing thing.

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