Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 117: Staring at fate in the end of the finite world

The stories of the two sides are over. The two did not become hostile because of this.

Lan Jun asked:

"Why did you separate from him?"

Lu Xianyi said,

"Because when I was with him, it was an unequal love affair. He changed me easily and made my life trajectory different, but I... But I couldn't change him at all. I can guarantee my life, To fall in love with him. But he can only be 'responsible for this love' and can only 'respect personal choices'. I don't want to be any vassal, I want to be involved in his life, not just planted in his life path There is a landscape tree next to him that made him stop for a while. So, I chose to break up with him."

Lan Jun looked at Lu Xianyi reverently,

"You're amazing. If it were me, I would probably just want to rely on him, and I wouldn't break up without saying anything. I don't have the ability to make myself better..."

Lu Xianyi smiled bitterly,

"If only I had your courage."

"Then, do you still love him?" Lan Jun looked seriously.

Looking at this girl with Qiao Xun written almost in her bones, Lu Xianyi felt withdrawn. Facing Lan Jun, she didn't have any confidence to say that she loved Qiao Xun more, after all, she couldn't make love as the only meaning of existence. It is difficult for her to say whether Lan Jun's love is correct or not. After all, she doesn't know what Lan Jun means to Qiao Xun.

However, when the words came out, Lu Xianyi was ten thousand unwilling to admit defeat. She said firmly:

"I never had a moment when I didn't love him anymore!"

Lan Jun frowned. She showed a very clean, innocent smile,

"Then let's love him together."

At this moment, Lu Xianyi was stunned.

She looked into Lan Jun's eyes, convinced that this was Lan Jun's heartfelt thoughts.

She never thought that Lan Jun's love could be tolerated to such an extent. Facing a rival in love, what Lan Jun thinks about is not competition, but common love.

She looked slightly confused and asked softly:

"Why tolerate me?"

Lan Jun said with a smile,

"I have always felt that the rules of the world are the shackles of human nature. That may make people a social group that obeys the order, but it will also bound the purest emotions. I never give myself shackles, think freely, and feel free. Do it. I also want the people I care about to be free from worries and worries.”

Lu Xianyi was silent. She said slowly:

"Have you ever thought that not everyone is like you. Maybe, I just want to be his only lover."

"It doesn't matter, I may not be his lover. For me, as long as I can take risks with him is enough." Lan Jun was very relaxed. She let go of her psychological precautions. After all, in her opinion, the people Qiao Xun had dated would definitely not be evil people. She believed in Qiao Xun unconditionally.

Lu Xianyi smiled slightly. She didn't answer Lan Jun, but Lan Jun's calm and free love gave her a heavy pressure.

He solved the misunderstanding and got to know Lu Xianyi well. The purpose of Lan Jun's trip has been achieved. She said goodbye quickly.

Before leaving, she gave Lu Xianyi a pendant carved from black jade. This is what she found in the world of Moshan. There is no coloring, it is ink-colored. Because it is very beautiful, she keeps it.

Looking at the ink-colored pendant, Lu Xianyi couldn't recover for a long time.

It was not until Lu Yixuan came to her life that she was awakened. She put away the pendant and said dissatisfiedly:

"You must have eavesdropped again."

Lu Yixuan said,

"I care about you, I'm afraid she will do bad things to you!"

Lu Xianyi said,

"She's a very good person."

"I see." Lu Yixuan said with a tsk tsk, "It's better to say that he is a very stupid person. Love is everything... So stupid, so stupid!"

Lu Xianyi looked up,

"But such pure love is so rare..."

"This kind of love is the easiest to hurt. That Qiao Xun, if she abandons her, won't she find the meaning of living?" Lu Yixuan still didn't recognize Lan Jun, "It's so stupid. Moreover, the two parties who love each other are often the one who pays unconditionally and is easily hurt. It is those who are ruthless and unjust, who are not hurt. They leave as soon as they say it, and leave the mess to others. It's abominable!"

Lu Xianyi looked at her strangely,

"Where did you get so many insights? Why, have you been hurt?"

Lu Yixuan snorted coldly,

"How could I be hurt? I'm on the side of the ruthless. Only I can hurt others."

"Who cares about you."

Lu Yixuan said,

"Then what do you think? This kind of rival in love poses the least threat. With a little trick, she can be willing to give up."

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"Don't think about anything, just do nothing. I won't change my heart for Qiao Xun, but I won't give up the belief in 'firming myself'. When Qiao Xun comes, I will smile at him like before."

After she finished speaking, she turned to Lu Yixuan and shut the door.

Lu Yixuan sighed in the wind alone, these young people... each one has a personality...


The fog and the road.

Layer upon layer, dark clouds overflowing with mist, and a road that is not spacious, but very straight.

The fog can't see through, and the end of the road can't be seen through.

Silent, unchanging. Like thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, this road has always been like this, always unchanged, always silent.

Until a footstep sounded, breaking the long-standing silence.

The steps are light, steady and regular.

A tall woman, holding a man breathing evenly but with his eyes closed, gradually revealed his figure in the mist.

"World"'s long hair was tied with red knots at the ends, and swayed slightly from side to side as he swayed. Hanging in front of her round forehead, which parted from the sea, was a small jade pendant in the shape of a dark red cone.

Her wide sleeve robes also swayed with her steps.

as light as possible. Do not disturb the sleep of the person in your arms.

There is no scenery on the narrow road. The only thing that can be done is to move forward.

The eyes of the "world" never wavered. She walks on the edge of this almost unknown limit, with only one goal, across the boundary of light and shadow, to the end of the road.

This scene, like falling into a time loop, lasted for a long, long time.

But how long is it, I am afraid it cannot be measured by time.

The expression of "The World" remains the same. She didn't think about anything, so naturally she didn't need to make any changes.

Until, she finally crossed the junction of light and shadow. On her face, there was a quiet ease. She lowered her head, looked at Qiao Xun in her arms, and said softly:

"It's coming soon."

No one can define this "immediately" at any level. It may be the next moment, or it may be an absolute barrier that will never change.

All she can do is move forward.

go ahead……

unable to walk;

go ahead……

eyes fixed;

go ahead……


At the end of the road, there is a huge light curtain. Perhaps it cannot be described as "giant", because the measurement of this size requires a reference to be judged. But here, there are only light curtains, no reference objects. It can only be said that at the end of the road, there is a light curtain.

The "world" passes through the light curtain.

Like a fish jumping out of the water, ripples appeared on the light curtain, and water-like light spots swayed.

The world behind the light curtain is nothing.

That is, there is no world.

Behind the light curtain, there is nothing. Like a pristine wasteland that has never been cultivated. Unlike any finite world, there is matter, there is space to hold matter, and there are various types of energy. It is also different from the void where the concept and the concrete are intertwined. Here, there is nothing, and even "darkness" cannot be used to describe it, because "darkness" can only be used to describe "no light".

Here is the place where the finite world and the void are abandoned together. In other words, it is a place that cannot be reached by common people.

This place is so clean that when "World" appears here with Qiao Xun in its arms, it can be directly named after them.

However, the "world" is clear, before them, someone here has already entered.

She closed her eyes and took a step forward.

There is no finite world here, no void, but she, the "world", is itself a great finite world. So, where she is, where she is is meaningful.

This meaningless place began to become meaningful.

Between her gestures, a small finite world, like a dazzling gem, was embedded in this "nothing" place.

There is nothing else in the small world fabricated by "World", just a space that can carry objects. She put Qiao Xun in the small world, and cast a beam of light around him, so that he could only be accompanied by the darkness.

Then, she looked at Qiao Xun and said softly:

"The bond of fate is a two-way street. If Yihong can feel you across the world and the endless void. Then, you should be like this... So, feel it with your heart and feel her will. , call her, and seek her fiery will fixed in the finite world."

Her voice became a kind of stimulation, stimulating Qiao Xun's instinct.

Even though Qiao Xun had already fallen into a deep sleep, because of this stimulation, she instinctively called and searched according to the content of her words.

Like the heartbeat at the birth of life.

From nothing, to a weak trembling;

From weak trembling, to exuberant vitality;

From the vigorous vitality to the burning will.

Suddenly, one eye, in the light and shadow, opened. The erected pupils also swelled with the madness and irritability of the whirlpool. It was not until he saw Qiao Xun's figure that he gradually calmed down.

Then, the vortex in the pupil began to reverse. Soon, Yihong grew out of this eye.

Her vaguely freehand body and messy long red hair immediately became a symbol of "madness" in this temporary fabricated small world.

"The World" smiled lightly,

"Long time no see, Xiaohong."

Yi Hong looked at the tall woman in front of her. She has never seen this woman, but she will use the name "Xiaohong", only "World" and Nianwei. There is no need to think about it, standing in front of you is the "world".

she asked,

"This is where?"

"In my little world."

"Where is your little world?" Yi Hong's vertical pupils showed some irritability.

"The World" answered without haste:

"The end of the limit."

Yihong frowned with her thin and long eyebrows. Her eyebrows were also dyed scarlet blood,

"The end point?"

"The World" said with a smile,

"Fortunately, you didn't regard the limit as infinite."

"I'm not a fool, and you don't have the ability to reach infinity." Yihong turned around and looked at Qiao Xun, who was lying quietly. She stretched out her hand and stroked Qiao Xun's cheek with her pale fingers, "However, you actually know how to communicate with me through fatalism, which is worthy of your status."

"The World" said,

"Xiaohong, do you hate me so much?"

Yihong replied,

"You can change many things. But you often choose to stand by and watch."

"The World" lowered its brows,

"But how do you know that I haven't changed? In the millions of years, I kept changing, but I kept facing the same tragedy. I'm tired and sleepy."

Yihong turned around and looked at her sharply,

"Then why do you want to save him this time? Since you don't think it can be changed, why not let him sink in and dissolve into fate."

"The World" is about to speak.

Yi Hong immediately refuted it again,

"Don't make any big arguments with me, I will never believe any of your words. Your whole being is synonymous with hypocrisy and lies."

The "world" was not angry because of Yihong's wanton derogation. She said slowly:

"There's no other reason, just that I want him to live. What about you?"

These words made Yihong fall into silence. She tried to decipher something in the eyes of "the world". But the pair of cold double suns seemed to be the hardest layer of ice in the finite world, and had no value for exploration at all.

Now, the initiative in the matter has come to Yihong.

All she had to do was say "I don't want to" and leave immediately, and this matter could end immediately.

Looking at Qiao Xun's quiet sleeping face, she fell into a long silence.

Memories, like the pages of a book blown open by the wind, drifted by scene after scene before my eyes.

Yi Hong thought about it carefully, every time she got along with Qiao Xun, she was not happy. It can even be said that he is like the lingering enemy of Qiao Xun. An enemy who could threaten his life anytime, anywhere. In the face of such a person, would you want him to live?

She couldn't figure it out. she asked:

"If I was lying here and he was fine. Would he want me to live?"

Without any hesitation, the "world" replied:

"Hope. He will want you to live."

Yihong's eyes became softer.

"Why are you so sure. You are not him."

"World" says:

"Xiaohong, your connection with him is deeper than mine. You are a pair of people bound by fate. He wants you to live, you know better than me. You are just, it's hard to be sure."

Yi Hong gently pushed away the Liu Hai that covered Qiao Xun's brows~www.readwn.com~ I used to think that he could make me grow up. From a walking flesh and blood who doesn't know what "living" is, to a thinking living person. At that time, I simply felt that such a person who is full of mysterious past and future will surely make life like stagnant water boil. I did grow because of him, and with every improvement he made, I learned more about myself. But I still can't explain, what kind of relationship do we have? Sometimes I can figure it out. If I'm looking for my past, and I'm constantly marching towards obsolete and withering, it's him, who carries my fragile future. "

"World" said Yoyo,

"Many people think that Qiao Xun is a ruthless person, someone who can leave anything at any time, desperate to find himself. But in my opinion. He is not as strong as most people think. He Will be trapped in love, afraid of loneliness, nostalgic, want face, longing for an easy life with nothing to do. I often ask him why he wants to pursue infinity, and his answer is always 'maybe when you reach infinity, you can achieve your desire'. But when I asked him about his When he wishes, he refuses to answer."

"What do you think his wish is?" Yihong asked.

"World" shook his head,

"Guessing a person's wishes is meaningless."

Yihong stopped talking. She looked at Qiao Xun for a long time.

In this empty little world, in this meaningless "end point".

Finally, her slightly hoarse voice sounded,

"How can I help him?"

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