Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 118: The "feel" of the origin

"World" says:

"Presumably you should know that he fell asleep because of the brand of fate."

Yihong nodded,

"It's too reckless, how can you confront fate so directly. Even if it's a demon... but it's still in the home field of fate."

"He is indeed the kind of person who is desperate for promises."

"Promise... how much is the promise worth." Yi Hong's tone was full of blame.

"The World" said,

"Qiao Xun is a person who has put a lot of shackles on himself. After realizing that he is a demon, the most thing he thinks about is to prove that he is Qiao Xun, not a demon. For him, it is a matter of Very important, meaningful thing."

"It's good to be a devil, do you have to emphasize that you are Qiao Xun? It's better now, to be like this."

"The World" asked:

"Don't you wish he was just a devil?"

"I..." Yihong was at a loss for words. She doesn't look over her head.

"World" says:

"If he is really just a demon, doing what a demon is supposed to do, performing the mission fulfilled by a demon... Then this already boring world will be completely in despair. I hope, he will be the one whose end has rotted and stinks. Today, welcome the people of tomorrow."

"You're talking big again. You can only talk big. I don't want anything, I just hope he's doing well." Yihong didn't want to say anything vague to the "world", and said directly: "Since you found me, it must be Think of a way to save him. Don't say, you called me over, just let me make up your mind. "

"The World" said,

"'Fate theory' is your innate ability as a primordial demon. Your understanding of fate is almost to the point of blending with fate. Because of fate, you can always feel Qiao Xun's will, the same, And because of fate, you can... bear the brand of fate for him."

"World"'s eyes shone with a deep, dim light.

Yi Hong looked at her seriously,

"you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Why are you so clear?" Yi Hong expressed doubts.

"World" said slowly:

"Because I am the first will to fight against fate."

"...Failed, or succeeded?"

"The World" said,

"If I fail, then I'm just an ordinary finite world now."

"According to you, shouldn't the first finite world be the first will to fight against fate? Otherwise, it's just an ordinary finite world."

"The World" smiled slightly,

"But have you ever thought about where your destiny comes from?"

Yihong frowned,

"Do you think fate is the incarnation of the first finite world?"

"In the long past, I have spent a long time, setting foot in all the areas of the finite, and have not been able to find the first finite world. I can only think that either it has collapsed, or it is everywhere." The world" said, "This is a question of fate or limitation. I can't confirm my conjecture. Before fate is still the only law of the finite world, no one can verify it."

Since it is an unverifiable statement, Yihong will not continue to pay attention.

She knew that with this kind of question, you either found the key point and understood it instantly, or you couldn't understand it at all. she asked:

"What will happen if I bear the mark of his fate?"

"The world" doesn't hide it from her,

"Your personal will will disintegrate faster. Until you completely return to the original demon."

Yi Hong said in a relaxed tone,

"It sounds very ordinary. The return to the original demon is an inevitable thing in itself. It's just acceleration, there's nothing unacceptable."

But the "world" saw that she clasped her hands tightly. The knuckles showed dry white marks on the already pale skin.

"Xiaohong, if you still have a crush...you can decide after you think about it clearly."

Yihong shook her head,

"I have nothing to be attached to. As Yihong, my relative has long since passed away, and my old friend Agnes has already entered her desired destination. Qiao Xun... Maybe it will give me another look. If you are a man, then, what to bear for him, it is not such a difficult thing when you think about it. Just treat it as a good thing, anyway, I hardly did anything good. "

"Nianwei. When I was on Earth, I gave her the surname 'Yi' according to your message." "World" said, "Is she worthy of your affection?"

Yihong raised her head,

"She doesn't need me. I'll just make her not recognize herself. It's a very realistic thing. The best thing I can do for her is to stay away from her."

"It's cruel to her."

"Reality is always cruel. If she really wants to be herself, she should leave me behind."

"The World" said,

"It is always difficult to understand between people."

Yihong didn't say anything more. The vortex in her vertical pupil began to spin, accelerating until it became mad and violent.

Through the ties of fate, she felt Qiao Xun's will to sleep.

Without hesitation, she entered his will. In the depths of his will, he stared at the imprint of fate in his will with crazy vertical pupils. Those scabies-like marks, like cancer cells, spread in Qiao Xun's will, as if to completely obliterate them.

Yihong's vertical pupils let out a crazy breath, covering those marks, and then continuously inhaling into the vortex.

Suddenly, she seemed to hear the scream of fate.

Yihong struggled to maintain her sobriety amid the screams that almost drove people crazy. It wasn't until he completely transferred all his destiny's imprints to his vertical pupil that he let out a dull sigh of relief. Shaky, almost fell directly to the ground.

She leaned against Qiao Xun and stood up reluctantly, covering her vertical pupil with one hand. There was continuous black and red, like blood mixed with pus, shooting out from between her fingers.

Her already blurred body, therefore, became even more blurred, almost illusory, and seemed to disappear at any time.

The messy long hair also changed from bright red to a lifeless dark red.

She shook her head and said weakly:

"It's more uncomfortable than I thought."

The "world" is trying to support her.

She interrupted immediately,

"Don't come near me!"

"Little Red..."

Yi Hong said in a painful tone,

"I'm a walking plague now, and my body is full of destructive diseases. It's better not to come near me, I don't want to dirty you."

"The World" stopped,

"Xiaohong, if you regret it later. Just blame me."

Yi Hong covered her vertical pupils and gasped for breath.

"What's your fault? I've never regretted anything. If it wasn't Qiao Xun lying here, you wouldn't be able to convince me with 10,000 reasons. Also, when he wakes up, you just take the credit, no need Say what I did."

After speaking, she turned around and walked into the distance.

When she could no longer go, the vortex in the vertical pupil became crazy again, and then dragged her away from here, leaving only a stench of black blood.

"World" bowed his head and looked down.

She made up her own study on Earth, where Hei Leather's "Visitors" often stayed. Completely reproduced. This is the room that Qiao Xun is familiar with.

In the study, Qiao Xun lay quietly on the sofa, as if he was taking a nap.

A warm wind blows outside the window, turning the pages on the desk. "World" lost the name of "Ce" and became Yu Xiaoshu, sitting at the desk, watching Qiao Xun in a daze.

Under the soft light, in the cool breeze, under the gentle gaze.

The sleeping Qiao Xun slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing the warm yellow ceiling and the reddish-brown bookshelves. He suddenly had a feeling... Probably had a long dream.

He sat up with his arms up, and after feeling Yu Xiaoshu's gaze, he turned to look at her.

Yu Xiaoshu smiled and said,

"you're awake."

Qiao Xun pressed his forehead,

"I...haven't I slept for a long time?"

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"It won't be long."

Qiao Xun stood up, walked to the window, and looked outside... He only saw a deep space with nothing. The impressions and memories before falling asleep gradually became clearer. Finally, he sighed,

"Fortunately, you just fabricated this bookstore, and you didn't intend to deceive me to the end."

"How could I deceive you." Yu Xiaoshu's tone was indifferent.

Qiao Xun turned to look at her,

"I saved Cassiopeia, it should have been a full-scale attack by fate. Although I fell into a deep sleep, my body's sensory memory told me that under normal circumstances, I could not wake up from a deep sleep. You saved me I."

Yu Xiaoshu said casually,

"It's just to wake you up, it's not a rescue." She didn't want to take Yihong's credit. Even if Yihong told her to hide it, she would not let Qiao Xun feel that she saved him.

Qiao Xun said,

"That's it... Even if you are the second finite world, it shouldn't be so easy."

Yu Xiaoshu did not respond to this statement, she asked with a smile,

"How, do you have any special feelings when confronting fate for the first time?"

Qiao Xun's eyes were clear,

"answer me."

Yu Xiaoshu turned his head and said nothing.

Qiao Xun continued to ask,

"What makes you reluctant to tell me the truth about my awakening?"

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"Why do you have to ask clearly?"

"I don't want to fail any reason for wishing me to wake up."

Yu Xiaoshu frowned,

"It's because of this that you end up in this situation, don't you understand?"

"Understood, but I won't correct it." Joe looked straight at her.

Yu Xiaoshu rarely showed irritability and anger,

"You're too self-righteous. You always try to figure things out, and don't care about other people's thoughts. You never thought about what kind of price someone would pay to wake you up?"

Qiao Xun said in a low voice,

"That's why I asked you why."

"Then why don't you think about it, the person who saved you didn't want you to know?"

"I don't want me to know... It must have cost a lot." Qiao Xun went to Yu Xiaoshu and stared at her.

Yu Xiaoshu got up and walked away.

"No matter how you ask, I won't tell you."

Qiao Xun looked at her silently. After a while, he said in a slow and deep tone:

"Yu Xiaoshu, do you also get emotional?"

Yu Xiaoshu turned his back to him, frowned, and didn't answer.

Qiao Xun said,

"I always thought you were rational. In your eyes, everything and anyone is a farce and a farce clown. Your unrestrained and unrestrained demeanor makes you appear mysterious and powerful, and your casual attitude is all about saying, You can leave at any time without any burden. But now, you are both self-blame and irritable. Yu Xiaoshu, you must know that I have never felt your emotions before, and your desires are completely enclosed in an unbreakable fortress. Why, you Will it reveal flaws?"

Yu Xiaoshu gritted his teeth and said,

"Since you want to know so much what you paid to save you. Well, I'll tell you. To save you, I paid a great price! Yihong also paid a great price, is that enough?"

Qiao Xun said softly,

"I'm sorry. I just really don't want you to suffer alone." He looked lost, "I don't want to lose anyone anymore."

Yu Xiaoshu suddenly realized that although Qiao Xun kept saying that she was emotional, he himself was even more emotional. She quickly realized that maybe it was Nan Shizuku Hitomi's incident that made him feel very painful, so she didn't want Nan Shizuku Hitomi's incident to happen a second time.

"Actually, nothing."

Qiao Xun sat on the sofa, covering his face with his hands,

"Don't, don't choose to sacrifice yourself in order to take care of my mood. I don't like that kind of thing very much, that feeling of powerlessness and frustration, I don't want to experience it again. Obviously... as long as you say it well... no matter what Bad, at the very least, give me a chance to get involved."

Yu Xiaoshu looked at his appearance and thought he was right. He is indeed a man who is afraid of loneliness.

"Qiao Xun, no matter what, I will accompany you."

Qiao Xun exhaled heavily,

"Sorry for worrying you. But, compared to me, how are you and Yihong?"

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"I'm fine, but in order to get to the finish line, my will has withered a part of it. It's good to cultivate for a while."

"So, we are now in the end of the fairyland?"

"Well, only here will you not be discovered." Yu Xiaoshu said, "You are too messy. You have no idea what it means to save Cassiopeia. Although you failed to fight against fate, you also messed up the established The fate of the arrangement. Everything that was originally destined to happen was all messed up because of you."

"I always thought that I would eventually fight against fate."

"You are right. Fate is a hurdle that must be overcome in the pursuit of infinity." Yu Xiaoshu sighed, "Although I paid a heavy price to fight against fate in advance, it can't be regarded as a failure~www.readwn. com~ After all, the next confrontation will not be so passive."

Joe asked,

"Where's Yihong? Where is she?" He clutched his chest, "I don't seem to feel her existence anymore. Is the fatalism she left on me invalid?"

Yu Xiaoshu said,

"Where she went, I don't know. However, she transferred the fate brand in your will to her own will. As for the failure of fatalism... Probably she didn't want you to find her and cut it off herself."

Joe asked:

"What will happen to her?"

Yu Xiaoshu was silent for a while, but chose to tell the truth.

"Her personal will will disintegrate. However, it is not because of the Fate Brand. The Fate Brand just accelerates the process."

"Why?" Qiao Xun looked at her blankly.

Yu Xiaoshu sighed,

"Because of Yihong, I have found the meaning of my existence." She looked out the window, "She is the eye of the origin, the original demon, representing the original 'feeling'. Long ago, many finite worlds have been circulating One way of saying it is to say: 'The demon is the feeling of the world.' Although the definition of demon has been much broader today. Yihong is the feeling of origin. Returning to the origin is her inevitable destination."

Qiao Xun stared blankly at the dark, deep sky outside the window, and murmured:

"The feeling of origin..."

No wonder she was in the sea of ​​bitterness before, when she said goodbye, in the end, she would meet with a brand new attitude.

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