Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 40: Don't give up, don't surrender

Only three of the top 12 are left.

Qiao Xun, an unknown man with eyes, and a swordsman.

The word "swordsman" seems out of place in contemporary society. It sounds like something that only appears in costume dramas, ancient dynasties novels, comics or picture books.

However, he is indeed a swordsman, standing in a corner of the arena, alone. He carries a sword behind his back, and he is dressed in a very retro style. He does not look like a modest and unfamiliar gentleman, but a wanderer with a sword in all corners of the world. A bleak, lonely but unrestrained atmosphere lingers around him.

Qiao Xun admits that he is short-sighted and does not know if the time comes to 2035, whether there really exists an existence like the costume drama Jianghu Ranger. Or, that swordsman just likes this outfit, just like some girls like Lolita.

Three people will face off for another round, so there is no doubt that if the lottery is drawn, one person will be bye.

The three stood on the lottery table at the same time and took out their own lottery from the box at the same time.

Jack raised his arms and shouted:

"Friends, let's wait and see!"

The man with glasses looked at the swordsman with a smile and said:

"This is a showdown between me and him."

He pointed to Qiao Xun.

The swordsman's deep and clear eyes made no sound. His voice was hoarse, as if he had been burned by coals through his throat, which was hard to hear.

"I'm here for only one purpose, to practice swordsmanship. I won't miss any opportunity to practice swordsmanship."

The man with glasses restrains his smile,

"Do you think that's cool? Like those disgusting idealists, hypocritical and stupid."

Without saying a word, the swordsman opened his signature—

number 1.

This means that the bye will only be born between Qiao Xun and the glasses man.

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"It seems that I have a one-in-two chance of watching the play offstage."

"Yes, you have a one in two chance of surviving another round."

The glasses man opens his signature——

number 1.

The swordsman's eyes immediately became sharp. Because, now, he has an opponent.

"Luck is on my side for the time being." Qiao Xun said.

The man with glasses gently blew the sign away from his palm, turned around, and walked towards the only remaining octagonal cage, saying as he walked:

"I don't believe in luck, life and death are the only truth."

There was nothing else in the eyes of the swordsman, carrying the sword on his back, he also walked towards the octagonal cage.

Jack excitedly announced that this round of duel was: Death in the Shadows and the ruthless Swordsman.

Qiao Xun quietly looked at the back of the man with glasses, and after a moment of silence, he returned to the crowd.

Lu Xianyi smiled and said:

"You're bye."

"There is always something to face, it doesn't matter whether the bye or not."

"However, let's get to know it better."

Love suddenly squeezed in from outside the crowd.

He looked normal, nothing out of the ordinary.

Joe asked:

"where did you go?"

"Identity authentication problem, cooperate with the people in the restraint area to investigate and check." Ai said simply.

"what is the problem?"

"I used to live in 1 car with my parents. After they became livestock, I was no longer eligible to live in 1 car, and then I went to 5 car with the remaining points. My identity certification has always been I was entrusted to my parents, but they went to the livestock area, which is equivalent to the cancellation of the household. I did not conduct independent identity authentication, and then I found out the identity authentication information in the restraint area, and asked me to re-apply for identity authentication.”

Clear and logical.

Qiao Xun nodded and said:

"This train system is quite strict."

Love looked around and asked:

"How's the battle on your side?"

"I'm in the top three, this is a bye."

"This is the top three!" Ai's eyes widened.

"if not?"

"It's... oh, too."

What is it? I don't know if I love myself, but I just feel that it seems that everything Qiao Xun has done is quite normal.

Qiao Xun looked blankly at the man with glasses in the octagonal cage and asked softly:

"Love, what kind of nightmare was the nightmare attack you participated in before?"

"Black horror, didn't you say it before?" Ai was a little surprised, wondering why he asked again.

"I want to know the details."

"Details... let me think about it." Ai thought about it, and then said: "To be precise, all of us came to a dead city. The time in the nightmare is not synchronized with the outside, and it takes everyone to survive for a week. All kinds of horror stories happen randomly throughout the week. Sadako, zombies, ghosts, ghosts, stuff like that, a hodgepodge of horror stories, everything."

"Nightmare invasion... How did it come about? Is it a large-scale spiritual talent, or is it some kind of brain computer technology?"

Love frowned and thought about it,

"Specifically, I'm not very clear."

"Didn't your parents tell you? They must have been in a lot of nightmare attacks too."

"I think about..." Ai recalled what he heard from his parents when he was a child, "they did say something. However, the description is rather vague, and if I really want to say something specific, according to my understanding, nightmares are more invading. Like a large pollution event, it just happened in the spiritual world."

In the evolutionary world, the spiritual world exists objectively and can be reproduced. Some information talents are devoted to the study of the spiritual world.

"It's a pollution incident, so there must be a source of pollution."

"Well, it is true according to common sense."

"So, do you have any thoughts on the source of pollution from nightmares?"

Love stopped, "Think, what can I think. I was lucky to hide for seven days in my nightmares, and I didn't explore much. However, Mr. Qiao, why are you suddenly so interested in this matter? Really? If you really want to know, you can wait for the next nightmare to invade and explore it yourself, what I said may cause information errors to you."

"I don't have time to explore it myself..." Qiao Xun looked at the man with glasses in the octagonal cage.

Lu Xianyi responded quickly and thought actively. She frowned and asked:

"Do you think that the man with eyes will have such a huge change, maybe it has something to do with that nightmare attack?"

"I can't be sure because I haven't experienced it myself. Love, think about it again, did you notice anything extraordinary in your nightmare."

Love thought sullenly.

What happened in the nightmare is either very ordinary or extraordinary, where can I explain it clearly.

During the seven days of Nightmare Time, most of him hid in a closed and narrow basement, and all kinds of terrifying events could only pass him by at most.

Hard to say...

"Well, on the sixth day of the nightmare time, I left the hiding spot to go out to find something to eat. Well, in a nightmare, the human spirit will be hungry. In the city streets outside, for a minute, maybe, There was a scene of a tengu eclipsed the moon. That is, there was a big shadow covering the moon, and there was nothing special to say after that."

"Shadow... ok, thanks."

Love asked curiously:

"Could it be that you thought of something based on my prompt?"

"I didn't expect anything."


Odds on the broader market have gradually stabilized.

Glasses men than swordsmen: 1.2:5.6.

The odds vary widely, and such odds hardly appear in a matchup outside of the glasses man. After all, this is the top 12, and everyone's strength is relatively close.

However, the man with glasses bluntly said with absolute superiority in every match that he was not on the same level as everyone else.

Jack is adding oil and vinegar to the explanation. The swordsman is standing in the octagonal cage with his sword on his back, quietly looking at the man with glasses.

Looking at the painting style of the swordsman alone, there is a feeling of "Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng". But if you add other people, he looks out of place. Of course, here, a person's appearance, personality, gender are not important, only the strength is important.

When the time is up, the referee announces the start of the game.

Jingle Bell--

The bell for the start of the game rang.

The swordsman was very fast, but in the blink of an eye, he drew his sword out, and came to the man with glasses with the sound of breaking the air.

Sword, be quick;

sword, be accurate;

Sword, be ruthless.

For a swordsman who does nothing but seeks swords, the world may be impetuous and dirty. But he can never deny that he lives in this world, is not detached, and is limited by the world.

No matter how fast his sword is, it must follow common sense in physics and the basic energy conversion formula of the body.

Swords are tools, never part of strength. In the evolutionary world, the key defining indicators of strength are the strength of innate ability and the conversion rate of body energy.

The tip of the sword flickered and came to the throat of the man with glasses.

At that time, the tip of the sword was less than 1cm away from the glasses man's throat. If he gave the swordsman half a force, he could pierce his throat and cut his carotid artery.

However, without that half of the force, the situation is completely reversed.

Shadows poured out of the man with glasses, breaking the swordsman's sword inch by inch. The clanging sound of Jian Duan was very harsh, loud and sharp, like an eagle with a high-pitched tune.

The sword is broken, and the journey of a swordsman is over.

Shadows covered him and swallowed him. He stared blankly at an unknown place, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

From when he took out the sword to when he fell, the time interval was 4s.

Even the swordsman whose strength was recognized by everyone did not last longer than the other opponents of the glasses man.


If at first, all the passengers would scream excitedly because of the power of the man with glasses.

But now, they would be terrified of his power.

Is this... the strength of ordinary passengers?

What is his rank?




Or higher...deacon?

Why, such a powerful man, would appear here?

Who is he.

The passengers couldn't understand it and tried to understand it, but Jack didn't, he was just in charge of the atmosphere of the random ring.

The passionate voice sounded from his mouth, and spread to every corner of the arena along the microphone. His voice was hoarse, and he was extremely frenzied:

"4 seconds!!!!! Everyone, have you seen it? The swordsman we had high hopes for ended up in the top three. We have witnessed the rise of the swordsman with our own eyes. He is like an unknown grass, breaking through the rock. Obstruction, come out, breathe the air of freedom, and grow! Grow! Keep growing! Eventually grow into the towering tree in our eyes! But now, the towering tree is easily broken, as if it fell from the sky The lightning strikes the tree trunk as relentlessly. Maybe I shouldn't call our victor the lightning, he is the 'day' that sent the lightning! Cheers! Scream! Crown the one true God, roar!"

The sound of agitating emotions once again succeeded in arousing the hot emotions of the passengers.

The ordinary passengers in the area, who were obviously opposed to each other and competed with each other, reached a consensus at such an instant that the glasses man standing in the octagonal cage was invincible.

Jack begins to stir up emotions for the next duel. He said sarcastically:

"The child who's 'remaining blood will kill', are you still there? Did you see it? What do you think about the showdown just now? If I were you, I would abstain now. Child, don't surrender Feeling ashamed, you must know that some gaps in strength cannot be bridged by passion. Your life is more important than your dignity. "

Lu Xianyi and Ai looked at Qiao Xun with complicated expressions, wondering what his plans were.

Qiao Xun quietly looked at the man with glasses in the octagonal cage without saying a word.

"Qiao Xun..."

Qiao Xun stretched out his hand and motioned to Lu Xianyi not to say anything.

The man with glasses stood in the octagonal cage, raised his head proudly and revealed, saying:

"Come, stand in front of me and be my opponent."

Even love can't help but say at this time:

"Mr. Qiao, don't be fooled. His existence is very strange, I think, take a step back and think of a way slowly, not to fight this one. Anyway, there are laws restricting him, and he doesn't dare to shoot at you in private. Accumulating well and improving your strength is the key.”

Persuading teammates to give up is certainly not a disservice. But the powerful strength of the man with glasses really fell into their eyes. It was too unusual and beyond recognition.

The atmosphere was extremely stiff.

Qiao Xun's brain was spinning rapidly. Of course, he wasn't struggling to decide whether to surrender, but rather, he was judging what the glasses man's energy was based on.

But at this moment, a whisper suddenly sounded in Jack's ear on the high platform:

"In the last game, you are not allowed to give up, you are not allowed to surrender. It is not only a competition, but also life and death. Violators will be executed on the spot. It is said that everyone in the VIP area has bought out the dominance of this game."

Jack shivered immediately when he heard the sound.

In a trance, he thought he had heard it wrong,

Actually! The one who actually gave the instructions himself! Second train conductor! The existence of the two trains with the second right to speak! The nature of this game has changed.

He exclaimed with great excitement:

"Friends, I have to announce one thing. The last duel, can't give up, can't surrender, the decisive battle will be until the last moment!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the field.


what happened?

How did this rule suddenly appear?

There was a commotion off the field, and there was a lot of discussion among the passengers.

Love widened her eyes and didn't understand,

"how so!"

Qiao Xun frowned and asked:

"Is something wrong?"

"The rules of any random event are fixed, and once it starts, ~www.readwn.com~ will not make any changes. There has never been a temporary change of the rules before, and in the previous random arena, there was no last match at all. Give up the rule that you can't surrender. Now you've added the rule temporarily!"

"Is it incredible?"

"It's incredible! Any rules on the train are made by the conductor, the only truth that can be followed in the train. It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be a temporary rule."

Lu Xianyi said:

"It seems that the match between you and the man with glasses has been focused on."

Qiao Xun's eyes were erratic. He is not quite sure what is the reason for the temporary addition of rules. He looked at the octagonal cage, where the man with glasses stood expressionlessly.

Is it because of him?

In a room in the restraint area, the lights are off. The projector creaked and turned, and the light was projected on the screen, and in the light path, fine dust floated. There was only one person, sitting in the middle, quietly watching the picture on the screen.

In the picture, the man with glasses stood expressionlessly in the octagonal cage, waiting for Qiao Xun to arrive.

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