Evolved From Polluting the World

Chapter 41: old man god

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Jack shouted:

"My dear friends, the VIPs in the VIP area bought the dominance of the last game. They set the rule of 'can't give up, can't surrender' to this game!"

VIP area!

Love gritted her teeth and said:

"It's them!"

Lu Xianyi looked puzzled,

"Do the VIPs have so much authority? You can also buy the dominance of the game."

"Of course! To a certain extent, one of the purposes of random events is to please the VIPs in the VIP area. They are the core layer of the train, and it can be said that most of the work of the train is to serve them. The desperation of the livestock area, the ordinary area The madness is all chips! We are like chess pieces, they are like chess players!"

Joe Tour said:

"This reminds me of the nobles in ancient Rome, didn't they just make fun of the battles between slaves? The three words 'arena' are themselves stained with dirty blood, trading with power and sex. The class here The differences are magnified to the extreme. People in the ordinary area, livestock in the livestock area, and VIPs in the VIP area cannot be said to be of the same race."

"They are like gods, they control everything below." Ai swallowed, her eyes widened, almost tearing the corners of her eyes apart.

Qiao Xun glanced at him a little.

The emotion of love "anger" fell clearly in his perception. Mere hatred of class will not be so unforgettable. Obviously, there is a deeper hatred between love and VIP.

Because his parents were turned into livestock by VIPs?

Maybe this is the reason.

Can't give up, can't surrender. This means that Qiao Xun has no choice. Rather than fighting the security guards, he still wants to fight the glasses man.

Lu Xianyi looked at him worriedly,

"Qiao Xun...maybe..."

"No possibility. Xianyi, I told you before that the maliciousness of the glasses man towards me is not just hatred. I don't know what it is, but I think it is necessary for me to understand. It is very important to me."

Yes, this is important to Joe Tour.

Because, the man with glasses is the only one who has given him a special feeling so far.

That special feeling is... the restlessness of the soul.

Lu Xianyi exhaled, tried to calm down, and said:

"Before you came, Sister Yu told me that you are a person full of uncertainty. Following you, I may grow up differently, or I may fall into the abyss and be invincible."

Qiao Xun smiled and said:

"It's not that bad, miss, why does it feel like I'm going to die, tell me what's on your mind."

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"I just want to say that although I'm usually very out of character and often play tricks on you, in fact, I always know that you are my partner. Game friends, maybe it doesn't sound so good to you, but... you need to know , the game has accompanied me through the most difficult period. So, no matter what, I hope that we can have more opportunities to grow together."


Qiao Xun didn't say a word, and strode towards the octagonal cage.

He doesn't like to make promises casually. Just like he doesn't like people caring too much about him.

Lu Xianyi looked at Qiao Xun's back and exhaled heavily.

She is a guide, and her talents are basically spiritual. In her perennial combat missions, she needs to touch the spirit and consciousness of others. Therefore, she actually has very delicate thoughts on the human heart, but she has always covered it with a careless and cynical image.

For no other reason, a guide cannot be guessed at will.

In the face of Qiao Xun, she treated him in the same way. Until this moment, after she showed him her true inner thoughts, she found that,

Instead, Qiao Xun resisted.

He resists being honest with him.

What kind of person is this.

Love asked nervously:

"Does he have a chance?"

Lu Xianyi shook her head,

"I have no idea."

Although she is a partner with Qiao Xun, she really doesn't know Qiao Xun.

Qiao Xun walked to the octagonal cage. The crowd automatically made way for him, making him look like a valiant soldier.

Indeed, in the eyes of everyone, he was going to die.

"It's so pitiful that I was bought out by VIPs."

"Yeah, there is no right to relinquish, no right to surrender."

"He either wins or he drags it out to the deadline."

"Win? It's definitely impossible! Think about it, who can survive under that guy for 5 seconds, either die or surrender in fright."

"That guy is really weird. I have a 4-car. I met him more than a week ago, and he was still very decadent. He looked like he might become a domestic animal at any time. It was reborn."

"Could it be advanced?"

"Look at his strength, what rank does he have to reach. Can a third-rank spokesperson have this kind of strength?"

"I feel that he can attack the VIP area."

"This guy is really pitiful. It seems that he should be a newcomer. I didn't expect that he finally got to this point. He only needs to give up to get rich points and rewards for second place, but he has to die."

The whispers on both sides fell in Qiao Xun's ears.

Qiao Xun ignored them, still thinking about one thing and establishing a conjecture.

Walking into the octagonal cage, his eyes met the man with glasses.

"You're so lucky that you only faced off in the last round. Halfway through, I was still worried if you would be out early. Now, it feels like it was deliberately arranged to become a Opponent. However, you are also really unlucky, the right to relinquish cannot be used like the right to surrender."

Joe asked:

"Have you ever wondered why the last game is not allowed to give up?"

"I don't care about the others, I just want to kill you."

"Kill me, what does it accomplish for you?"

The man with glasses raised his head slightly,

"Maybe, at the last minute, I should tell you something, for example, my name. My name is Xu Guanghe."

"Are you really Xu Guanghe?"


"Not necessarily." Qiao Xun said with a smile: "Perhaps, after that nightmare, you are no longer you."

Xu Guanghe looked funny,

"I'm not me, who else can I be."

"Of course you are you, but you are not Xu Guanghe. Xu Guanghe is that neurotic loser, a weak and pitiful loser. Xu Guanghe's malice towards me is magnified in you."

Xu Guanghe smiled slightly,

"Maybe you're right."

There was a lot of noise outside, and Jack called out to Mai frantically, urging the passengers to place their bets.

The odds gap for the final game has reached a new high.


With such attractive odds, betting on Qiao Xun is to fight for ten.

But even love doesn't have any courage to bet on Joe Tour. No matter how greedy he was, he couldn't bet in this situation.

"Look, how many people think you can win?"

Joe Tour said:

"In the past, in wars, whether it was an armed revolution or an ideological revolution, there was often a saying that whoever the people fought against would win, but that was based on the basic condition that 'history was created by the people'. Now, you think that on this train, history Was it created by the passengers in the ordinary area or by the livestock living in the cruel hell? The history here is created by the rulers. Whether I can win or not has nothing to do with them, and you are the same.”

And the ruler, now, may be watching from above and watching what happens below.

The referee asks:

"Are you ready?"

Qiao Xun and Xu Guanghe nodded.

"Then, the game begins."

The octagonal cage of the final, the game has begun.

What is fear? The most primitive emotions of living things, the choice of genes for survival. Philosophers can abstract fear as a world problem, novelists can speak of fear as a concrete existence.

But what is fear itself?


At the start of the game, Qiao Xun caught a glimpse of fear itself.

Every cell in his body, every set of gene sequences, was implanted with fear.

Fear became a concrete existence, gnawing at his flesh and blood.

In a trance, Qiao Xun seemed to come to a dark and boundless place, full of unknowns everywhere, forcing him to scream and shout everywhere.

He couldn't feel Xu Guanghe's innate ability, or even the rune fluctuations of his physical energy.

"Gluttony" has no response, and "lust" cannot be expressed.

Qiao Xun, like a child who can't swim, fell into a deep pool and struggled desperately.

Struggling is the embodiment of his desire to survive.

But even though he was struggling, he was still thinking clearly.

He thought, maybe, Xu Guanghe standing in front of him, oh no, "Xu Guanghe" is actually not an evolutionary at all. Evolution is the utilization of the remaining runes, the transformation of the power of the runes into the energy of the body. But "Xu Guanghe" did not have any rune fluctuations.

Under what circumstances can a person without rune fluctuations be able to exert unimaginable abilities?

At this time, Xin Yu's conjecture gave him a clue—

"Perhaps, the evolution in our mouth is actually the recovery of one **** after another."

From under the stage, witnessing "Xu Guanghe" killing the swordsman, to Ai's detailed statement on the invasion of nightmares. A conjecture was born in Qiao Xun's mind, but the reason why the conjecture is a conjecture is because of the lack of actual verification and lack of theoretical support.

Now, the actual verification is in place. Qiao Xun personally verified it with his body.

The "Xu Guanghe" standing in front of him was replaced by the resurrected **** in that nightmare attack.

The ability that "Xu Guanghe" possesses is not something that an evolutionary person can have.

Naturally, others cannot use these evidences to support that conjecture, because it is impossible to know what God is like.

However, Qiao Xun knew.

Because, in his mind, at the end of the long golden steps, a great and vast will was watching him.

When the "fear" of "Xu Guanghe" invaded every trace of Qiao Xun's flesh and blood, he felt a... feeling similar to the great will.

It feels unspeakable, unable to turn its abstract essence into concrete.

But feeling can be felt.


The voice of "Xu Guanghe" resounded in Qiao Xun's thinking space like a divine revelation.

"How does it feel to be swallowed by the purest fear?"

Joe Tour said:

"I know you are not 'Xu Guanghe'."


"I don't know what happened to him in the nightmare, but as it turns out, you occupied him."

"No, I just...have him. He's my true believer."

"you are God."

"God... indeed, that's what you call us."

"Someone once told me that God is just a more powerful evolutionary person. From the perspective of a human being, he is just a more powerful person."

Faith is what keeps many people alive in chaotic times like the past when there is no hope.

They named gods, built temples, erected statues, worshipped gods, placed hope, and fulfilled their vows. If you are indecisive, worship God, worship Buddha, pray to God, and you will be able to realize your wish if you think your heart is sincere.

In modern times, the iron hoof of the industrial revolution has trampled every inch of the "pure land of God", and transformed countless people's belief in God into belief in science.

"God", the middle word from chaos to order, has become the identity of those powerful people disguising themselves.

God once died and is now resurrecting.

Joe Tour said:

"The era that belonged to 'God' in the past may have been great, but the current era does not belong to 'God'."

"Arrogant and ignorant. You should be in awe of everything."

"I fear everything, but not everything."

"Oh, saying so much, you are still swallowed by 'fear'."

Qiao Xun said with difficulty:

"I want to know, what kind of **** are you?"

"You do not deserve."

"Okay. I believe that. Only arrogant people often talk about arrogance."

Qiao Xun completely gave up resistance.

He had long discovered that the innate abilities he possessed were useless to "Xu Guanghe". "Xu Guanghe" is not a specific existence, but an incarnation of God.

To fight magic with magic,

Fight God against God.

"Fear" tampered with Qiao Xun's genes, turning him into a melting pot for "fear".

Outside the octagonal cage, in the eyes of all the spectators, Qiao Xun was firmly grasped by countless black hands pouring out of Xu Guanghe from the moment the game started. Those black hands hugged and covered him.

No one knew what was going on inside, but the scene of "Qiao Xun turned into a man" had already appeared in their minds.

Yes, everyone else has lost, so thoroughly, how can he win? How does he win?

In a one-sided situation, even Jack can't make a wonderful explanation. He can only hope that Qiao Xun, who "will fight back with blood", can give some strength to create a little suspense for this final and create a little bit of an opportunity to explode the atmosphere.

Qiao Xun felt that "fear" constantly invaded his body and invaded his consciousness.

He thought, come on, let's fight to the death.

"Fear" tore apart Qiao Xun's line of consciousness and poured into it.

Shadows cover everything.

However, when "fear" broke into his consciousness, he found that the huge golden-colored long steps were in front of him.

At the end of the long steps, a great and vast will stares at "Fear".

Fear itself to feel fear?

This seems to be a paradoxical question.

But now, in Qiao Xun's mind, this question has been answered.

"Fear" is still fear.

The mad scream resounded through Qiao Xun's consciousness, and the weird and absurd sense of distortion almost ripped Qiao Xun's thinking to shreds.

Qiao Xun can't see "fear" itself, nor can he see the great will itself. He could only judge based on the fluctuating trajectory of his own consciousness, it was a no-suspense battle like a man and an ant.

No ~www.readwn.com~ not even fighting. After all, it is impossible to say something like "a man is fighting an ant".

Just when "Fear" was about to be crushed, outside, the lights of the arena went out.

Darkness enveloped every corner.

Before the audience could be surprised, the lights came on again.

However, when the lights came on, inside the octagonal cage, Xu Guanghe had already fallen.

Qiao Xun stood in the center of the octagonal cage blankly.

After a while, he woke up and turned around.

"Fear" was not crushed, but suddenly left his consciousness.

Looking at Xu Guanghe lying on the ground, Qiao Xun did not hesitate at all, and stepped forward to end his life.

However, he could no longer feel the "fear" in Xu Guanghe's body.

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