Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 173 - 136 Tactics Against Blazing Academy

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*Line Break*

"Brother Feng, how can you praise yourself like that?" Xiao Wu rolled her eyes at Chen Feng.

"I'm just stating a fact." Chen Feng shrugged.

"As Xiao Feng said, the All-Rounder or Fusion Paths is not suitable for high-level Spirit Masters. The Titled Douluo on the face of the entire continent can be counted by our two hands. It is simply impossible to form a Team nor move as one." Grandmaster sighed.

"Using Spirit Bones and self-created Spirit Abilities to make up for one's shortcomings is indeed a very good method, but this method is indispensable with opportunity and talent."

There is another point that Chen Feng did not say, that is, continuous combat prowess.

In the Douluo Continent, even a Titled Douluo would be afraid of an inescapable siege by an army. The Heaven Dou Empire's Imperial Clan did not even have a Titled Douluo Guardian or Clan Member, yet they could firmly sit on the throne. The only reason they could hold onto the throne is their army.

Even experts like Titled Douluo, if they use their Eighth and Ninth Spirit Abilities several times in a row, their Spirit Power will be almost exhausted, and their continuous combat prowess drops sharply.

However, Chen Feng has no shortcomings in this regard. His total Spirit Power is tens of times, maybe even dozens of times than that of his opponents of the same Rank. In addition, he can integrate Attribute Light Orbs to restore his own Spirit Power and recover from any fatigue he may acc.u.mulate from the battle. So, he can battle continuously and even defeat an Empire's army.

"Brother Feng, of Thunderclap Academy and Elephant Armoured Academy, who do you think will win?" Tang San asked suddenly.

"Thunderclap Academy." Chen Feng said without hesitation.

"Why?" Tang San wondered why Chen Feng was so sure that Thunderclap Academy would win. Judging from the overall strength of the Contestants from both Teams, the gap between them is not large, and Hu Yan Li also has a Spirit Bone which narrows the gap further.

"Elephant Armoured Academy takes a single Attribute to a limit, whilst Thunderclap Academy's Contestants play to their strengths and have members with delegated responsibilities. Thunderclap Academy's Team has members that are responsible for using Lightning to Control, to Attack and Support, unlike Elephant Armoured Academy, where their Contestants are all responsible for everything." Chen Feng answered.

"This is not only the case with Thunderclap Academy but also Godwind Academy, Blazing Academy and Sky Water Academy, they all have members with delegated responsibilities whilst Elephant Armoured Academy doesn't. Therefore, it is most likely that Elephant Armoured Academy will lose when facing them."

Grandmaster was shocked and said: "Xiao Feng's observation is keen. The other four Elemental Academies have not faced strong opponents before nor exposed their cards. Yet Xiao Feng can deduce this, this is admirable."

"Grandmaster, let's remain and watch the Elemental Academies' Matches, it will help us witness their strength and make strategies accordingly." Chen Feng proposed.

"Yeah." Grandmaster nodded slightly.

In the next few days, Shrek Academy won their Matches easily, and Chen Feng only participated in one Match. The only reason he participated was that the opponent Team had students with Staff Spirits.

Ten Rounds of the Qualifiers had passed in a blink of an eye, and Shrek Academy has achieved a perfect record of victories. The other Four Elemental Academies have obtained a similar record.

These five Academies are at the top for a reason, their strength greatly surpasses other Teams.

Elephant Armoured Academy's record was horrible, of 10 Matches, they had won 5 and lost 5. Their results can only be regarded as mid-range. Of course, this is mainly because Elephant Armoured Academy ran into Shrek Academy and the other Four Elemental Academies in the first few Rounds.

Today, the Shrek Academy Team will enter the Eleventh Round. Their opponent is Blazing Academy. Both teams have a perfect record of victories, their Match is on the Main Spirit Fighting Platform.

As usual, Grandmaster gave the information he collected to Tang San and then left. As for the strategy to be used in the Match? That had been left to the students.

"Finally! We will a stronger opponent, Brother Feng, can I participate in this Match, I must let them see what a real flame is." Ma Hongjun said.

"Fatty? You are getting more and more swollen. It must mean your power is increasing! How about you fight the 7 from Blazing Academy by yourself? I want to see how you burn them all to cinders." Oscar spoke while patting Ma Hongjun's shoulder.

"Do you think I'm a perverted monster like Brother Feng?" Ma Hongjun rolled his eyes at Oscar.

"I have previously fought with the other party's Deputy Captain. Her Third Spirit Ability can repel opponents away. It is best if we do not besiege her. Her Fourth Spirit Ability is also powerful, but it takes a long time for it to acc.u.mulate power." Zhu Zhuqing suddenly added.

"Brother Feng, what strategy will we use?" Tang San asked.

"Tang San, your Blue Silver Grass should be immune to fire, right?" Chen Feng smiled.

"Brother Feng, how did you know?" Tang San said in shock.

"Last time when you were trapping the Unicorn Armoured Beast, Fatty's *Phoenix Roar Air Strike* didn't burn your web." Chen Feng answered.

"Ah yes, Brother Feng reminded me, I also felt that it was strange when my flames didn't burn his web." Ma Hongjun added.

Everyone looked at Tang San.

"After absorbing the Octagonal Mysterious Ice Grass and the Infernal Delicate Apricot, my Blue Silver Grass became immune to both ice and fire." Tang San nodded and explained the source of his ability.

"If that is the case, even if Brother Feng does not participate in the Match, we can easily defeat Blazing Academy." Ma Hongjun said.

"Blazing Academy is the Second Elemental Academy we will face. I intend to defeat them and suppress them in the Match so that many Academies will choose to forfeit when they Matchup with us in the future, giving us more time to recover and get stronger." Chen Feng said.

"Brother Feng, won't this expose too much though?" "Tang San questioned.

"No, the Contestants for this Match, is I, Zhuqing, Xiao San, Mubai, Tai Long, Huang Yuan and Jing Ling. There will be no Auxiliary Spirit Master in the Team. During the Match, we will attack together and f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y breakthrough Blazing Academy's defences." Chen Feng stated the strategy for the Match.

"Brother Feng, why am I not part of the Team?" Ma Hongjun asked, he was almost crying now, after all, he had not participated in any Match at all!

"Fatty, you are our hidden trump card, how can you appear so early." Dai Mubai patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder and comforted him while hiding a gleeful smile.

"Let's watch the Match together in the audience, it is easier and more comfortable than them who have to spend energy and fight," Oscar said.

"Go away, go away!" Ma Hongjun said disgustingly.

"This Sister won't be part of the Team this time, I will stay with you." Jiang Zhu smiled.

"It is so great Sister Jiang Zhu will be with me." Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up; he began pretending to be naïve again.

"Welcome to the Eleventh Round of the Qualifiers, in the Central Arena, is Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy! Let us welcome and give the Contestants from both Academies a warm applause." The host flew in the air and announced in a loud voice.

"Blazing! Blazing!"

"Shrek! Shrek!"

In an instant, the spectators began shouting and cheering one after another. Some support Blazing Academy, but most support Shrek Academy.

Huo Miao was also in the audience, every Match that Shrek Academy had, she had come and cheered for them, she had cheered most for Chen Feng though.

"Shrek Academy has defeated Elephant Armoured Academy, one of the Five Elemental Academies. If they can defeat Blazing Academy, then their status will once again rise to a higher level." The host said loudly.

"Shrek win Streak! Shrek win Streak!"

Shrek Academy's fans immediately began shouting about Shrek's winning streak and cheered as well as supported Shrek Contestants.

"Blazing Academy has also not lost and has a perfect record of victories! Let us wait and see who can maintain this winning streak from these two teams."

As the host warmed the atmosphere, the Contestants from both Teams had already begun walking towards and onto the Stage.

The participating Contestants in the Blazing Academy are all about the same age. They are around 20 years old. Their Captain walked in front of them, he was Huo Wushuang, a Rank 42 Attack System Spirit Ancestor. His Martial Spirit is a One-Horned Tyrant Dragon.

The man next to Huo Wushuang was also a Power Attack System Spirit Master, his Martial Spirit is a Fire Leopard, with a Spirit Power Rank of 38.

At the end are two males and one female. The female is naturally Huo Wu. The two strong men who are tall and valiant may seem like Power Attack Spirit Masters, but they are Auxiliary System Spirit Masters. Only their Support contained a certain attack capability. If the opponents were not powerful, their support characteristics would not even be seen. Their Spirits were also strangely identical, both had Sparks. That is right, Sparks, an unusual spirit.

The referee went to the centre: "Both Teams line up and salute each other."

Fourteen Contestants from both sides stood in two rows and saluted each other.

As the Captain, Chen Feng and Huo Wushuang stood in front of each other with Huo Wu and Zhu Zhuqing right next to them. The Match had not yet begun, and the smell of gunpowder was in the air.

Huo Wu said, "I will defeat you this time."

Zhu Zhuqing responded, "If I can beat you once, then I can Beat you twice."

Huo Wushuang said in a deep voice, "Today will be the end of your winning streak."

Chen Feng did not speak but extended three fingers.

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