Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 174 - 137 Fusion Abilities

"What do you mean?" Huo Wushuang frowned.

"30 seconds, we will end the Match within 30 seconds." Chen Feng smiled faintly.

"Arrogant, do you think we are a weak team like Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's Second Team?" Huo Wushuang said angrily. Not only him, but the other members of the Blazing Academy team were furious when they heard Chen Feng's words.

In the Contestant Waiting Area, Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's Second Team felt that they had just been hit, humiliated as well as suffered 10,000 critical hits.

"In my eyes, you are not much better than them." Chen Feng answered.

Just when the Contestants of Blazing Academy could not help but want to Attack, the referee's voice sounded again: "Contestants, please possess your Spirits." As soon as his voice died down, colourful lights emerged from the Contestants' Spirit Ring. Both Teams had the best Spirit Ring Configuration but Shrek Academy more so because they had two more Players with 10,000 Year Spirit Rings than Blazing Academy.

As they possessed their Martial Spirit, they began to release invisible pressure and momentum which crashed against the opposing Team.

When the referee left the Stage, the Contestants from both Teams also retreated and got into their formations. Blazing Academy used a triangle formation, while Shrek Academy's Contestants had lined up.

The line-up formation is rarely used. Both the members of Blazing Academy and the audience became very puzzled why Shrek Academy was using such a formation.

As the one-minute preparation time passed, the host announced in a loud voice: "Let the Match begin!"

The moment the host's voice fell, the seven members of Shrek Academy rushed forward at the same time, even Tang San, a Control System Spirit Master charged, but they did not rush straight ahead, rather, they staggered their charge.


Flames rose from the Blazing Academy Players, the red light from the flames filled half of the Stage, it quickly warmed up the atmosphere.

"First Spirit Ability, *Spark Orbs*."

The two Auxiliary Spirit Masters' first Spirit Ring lit up simultaneously, at the same time, they shot sparks everywhere, sending countless small red-light spots in the air which rapidly condensed and became larger. Soon, they hovered above their heads.

There was a loud draconic roar from Huo Wushuang, flames began to rise from his whole body and faintly became a dragon phantom behind his back, and a layer of fiery dark red scales emerged on the surface of his skin.

The Fire Leopard Spirit Master followed Huo Wushuang and let out a roar as well.

Huo Yun and Huo Yu, the two Agility Attack Spirit Masters from both sides. They released a pair of dazzling wings from their backs. Although they did not fly high, they glided in a strange arc-shaped trajectory.

The only one who did not move nor make a move from Blazing Academy was their Control System Spirit Master, Huo Wu.

Shrek's Contestants staggered forward, and while they were moving forward, no one noticed that Zhu Zhuqing had disappeared.

Huo Wushuang was irritated by Chen Feng's words before and thus, he punched Chen Feng. Their fists met and a muffled sound rang out from the collision. Huo Wushuang was sent flying backwards like a cannonball whilst Chen Feng remained unmoving.

"How is this possible?"

After Huo Wushuang landed, he staggered for a few steps before he could stand firm, with blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes looked at Chen Feng in shock. In previous Matches, he had fought head-on with his opponents and had never once lost in a contest of strength. Yet he had only collided once with Chen Feng before he became injured.

The Fire Leopard Spirit Master had fought with Dai Mubai, and despite the boosts he received from his Teams' Auxiliary Spirit Master, he could not bridge the gap that existed between them because of their Spirit Rings.

Not to mention Huo Yun and Huo Yu, who had both decided to take on two Players from Shrek and paid the price. There was no suspense at all in predicting who will come out on top.

Huo Yun faced Tai Long and Jing Ling. Tai Long is a Pure Strength, Power Attack Spirit Master with great defensive power. He let Huo Yun's attacks hit him, the attacks barely did any damage due to his strength, but when Huo Yun got close to him, he would launch his attacks. And while Tai Long was handling the brunt of Huo Yun's attack, Jing Ling was waiting for opportunities and doing sneak attacks when he spotted them.

After several rounds of attacks, Huo Yun was defeated by Tai Long and Jing Ling.

Huo Yu was even more unlucky. He was facing Tang San and Huang Yuan. Before he even reached his opponents, he was bound tightly by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass and Huang Yuan appeared near him and slapped him away.

While everyone was focusing on the other fights, no one was paying attention to a black shadow that emerged from the Blazing Academy's Auxiliary Spirit Master's shadow.

"Second Spirit Ability, *Hell Hundred Claws*." Zhu Zhuqing revealed herself, her second Yellow Spirit Ring began to shine, her claws elongated before she attacked Blazing Academy's two Auxiliary Spirit Masters in succession.

The combat prowess of Auxiliary Spirit Masters is inherently weak, even if Blazing Academy's Auxiliary Spirit Masters is different from usual Spirit Masters, the power gap that existed prevented them from creating any resistance to Zhu Zhuqing's attacks.

Hearing the movement behind her, Huo Wu hurriedly turned around, just in time to see Zhu Zhuqing frantically attacking her Team's two Auxiliary Spirit Masters.

"First Spirit Ability, *Rotating Fire Shadow*."

Huo Wu waved her arm, her Fire Shadow Spirit that had emerged behind her made the same movement. Her First Spirit Ring flashed, and dozens of small fireballs flew towards Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure once again turned into a black shadow and disappeared. The dozen or so small fireballs directly bombarded the bodies of the two Auxiliary Spirit Masters.

The two Auxiliary Spirit Masters were previously wildly attacked by Zhu Zhuqing, and now they were hit by more than a dozen fireballs, since they could no longer b.a.r.e their wounds, they fell unconscious.

Not only did Huo Wu fail to save her teammates from Zhu Zhuqing's attacks, but she had instead beaten her Teammates until they were unconscious. This made her furious, but she could no longer see Zhu Zhuqing on the stage, leaving her full of anger and not knowing where to vent it.

Blazing Academy's two Auxiliary Spirit Masters were eliminated. Without their support, their fights with Shrek Academy's Players took a turn for the worse.

Chen Feng passed by Huo Wushuang and charged straight at Huo Wu who was behind him. Huo Wushuang wanted to stop Chen Feng but he was blocked by Dai Mubai.

Seeing Chen Feng approaching her, Huo Wu released her Third Spirit Ability, *Defying Flame Ring*.

This ability has no offensive power, but it can repel approaching enemies who are attacking her, but this ability also has its limits.

Just like Xiao Wu's *Paragon Golden Body*, when the attack's power surpasses a certain level, the ability can be broken.

With Chen Feng's strength, he does not find it difficult to break the Spirit Ability, but he did not do that, because if he wishes to forcefully break through the *Defying Flame Ring*, strength on par with a Spirit Saint is required. Therefore, if he breaks it, he will be exposing too much strength too early in the Tournament.

When his fist touched the golden-red halo around Huo Wu's body, a strong elastic force repelled him, causing him to retreat.

But when the golden red halo around Huo Wu disappeared, Chen Feng attacked Huo Wu again.

At this time, the other four Contestants of Blazing Academy had returned to defend at the same time, one after another, they used their third Spirit Ability.

"Third Spirit Ability, *Wrath of The Fire Dragon*."

"Third Spirit Ability, *Fire Crane Clone*."

"Third Spirit Ability, *Seven Star Fiery Bullet*."

These Spirit Abilities blocked Chen Feng's path. After the Auxiliary Spirit Masters were eliminated, the members of Blazing Academy knew that they had no hope of winning.

What they must do now is teach Chen Feng a lesson to not overestimate himself, and to not make promises he cannot keep.

"Fourth Spirit Ability, *Brilliant Sun*."

The fourth Spirit Ring on Huo Wu's body lit up, and she slowly raised her hands. Two orange-red flames rose from her palms, as she raised her hands, the orange flames became lighter before becoming incandescent and condensing into a white light cl.u.s.ter above her head.

Her fourth Spirit Ability needs a lot of time to acc.u.mulate energy before it can be released, but Chen Feng was stalled by Huo Wushuang and the others' attacks, normally, it would be too late to interrupt her from casting the Ability by them time a person finishes defending against the attacks.

But Chen Feng was not so simple nor was he weak.

"*Ghost Perplexing Track*."

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth raised slightly, his feet became illusory as he began walking through Hu Wushuang and the others' attacks.

"Brother Feng's proficiency in *Ghost Perplexing Track* is no longer inferior to mine." Tang San inwardly muttered.

The scorching fireball, the violent fire dragon, and the soaring Fire Crane all passed by Chen Feng, but none of them hit him.

Chen Feng passed through the attacks, by the time he had finished going through them, Huo Wu's Fourth Spirit Ability was not yet ready.

"It's over." Chen Feng smiled faintly.

Huo Wu's complexion changed sharply, and before she could react, Chen Feng punched her but considering that Huo Wu is a girl, Chen Feng's fist avoided some s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e places.

At the same time, a Golden Light Orb burst out of Huo Wu's body.

"Ding Dong! Obtained the *Dao Fusion Path Technique*. Do you wish to learn it?" A mechanical prompt sounded in Chen Feng's ears.


Chen Feng answered, a volume of information poured into his mind, but he quickly digested it.

When Huo Wushuang and others began to defend under Shrek Academy's onslaught of attacks, they knew that in a short while, they will be defeated just like all the other Teams that faced Shrek Academy.

Tang San bound them with his Blue Silver Grass and Dai Mubai, Huang Yuan and the others kicked the few remaining Contestants from Blazing Academy off the Stage.

From the start of the Match to when Huo Wushuang and the others had flown out of the Ring, only 28 seconds had passed.

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