Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 175 - 138 The Power Of Fusion

The entire Arena fell into a short silence. In the eyes of most of the audience, Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy are Teams with a record of victories and no losses. The Match between the two Teams will be a Match between a dragon and tiger.

But Shrek Academy ended the Match in only 28 seconds, which was beyond the vast majority of the audiences' expectations.

"Referee, can you announce the result of the Match?" Chen Feng looked at the referee.

The referee recovered and coughed slightly before announcing: "In the Eleventh Round of the Qualifiers, Shrek Academy faced Blazing Academy, Shrek Academy has won!"

"Shrek! Shrek!"

"Shrek! Shrek!"

The originally quiet audience stage suddenly burst into cheers. Some Blazing Academy fans saw the people next to them chanting Shrek and paused before finally following the crowd in chanting "Shrek".

Shrek Academy had eliminated Blazing Academy in only 30 seconds, undoubtedly pulling itself above all the other Teams, taking the First position on the Rankings.

The faces of the seven Contestants of Blazing Academy no longer had the confidence they possessed before. Huo Wu's large, beautiful eyes stared at Chen Feng and Zhu Zhuqing tightly, her eyes full of unwillingness.

"We will meet again, and I will defeat you next time!" Huo Wu gritted her teeth.

"That's what you said last time." Zhu Zhuqing responded lightly; her words were like a sharp knife that thrust into Huo Wu's heart fiercely.

"You--" Huo Wu wanted to rush over angrily, but Huo Wushuang pressed her shoulders: "Sister."

After the Match ended, the Contestants from both Academies left the Stage.

As soon as everyone in Shrek Academy returned to the Contestant Resting Area, Ma Hongjun rushed over and wanted to give Chen Feng a bear hug but remembered that Chen Feng would always avoid it every time. Thus, he turned around and hugged Dai Mubai who was next to him.

"Brother Feng, Boss Dai, you were so handsome in the Match!" Ma Hongjun said excitedly.

"I am always handsome." Chen Feng replied solemnly and reached out his hand to touch his face.

"Brother Feng, you are getting more and more narcissistic." Ning Rongrong spat out her tongue and smiled.

"What I'm saying is the truth. If you do not believe me, you can ask my Zhuqing, she'll tell you its the truth." Chen Feng said, reaching out to hug Zhu Zhuqing.

However, he suddenly felt a pain in his waist, he looked down and saw it was Zhu Zhuqing's ultimate art, *360O Flesh Twisting Fingers*! They were twisting the soft flesh on his waist.

"It hurts, Zhuqing, let go." Chen Feng pleaded.

Everyone laughed, but they were envious at the same time.

The Contestants of Blazing Academy returned to the Contestant Resting Area, all of them felt unwilling about the result of the Match, but what could they do? They knew that an unsurmountable chasm existed between them and Shrek Academy.

"Huo Wushuang, I will get revenge for you in a few days."

When the members of Blazing Academy were at the lowest point in their depression, a man in a Blue Team Uniform walked over. This man is the Captain of the Godwind Academy, Feng Xiaotian.

Huo Wushuang responded uncomfortably: "Our Blazing Academy does not need others to avenge it. Besides, why are you so sure that your Godwind Academy can defeat them? Forget the unfathomable Chen Feng, are you sure you can even defeat Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing? They alone are extremely difficult to deal with, let alone Chen Feng."

When Feng Xiaotian heard this, he fell into silence. So far, no one has been able to even injure or push back Chen Feng. They did not even know his Martial Spirit yet!

"It seems that only those monsters from Spirit Hall can contend with Shrek." Feng Xiaotian gave a wry smile. He was also not sure that he could defeat Shrek Academy.

"I will defeat them myself." Huo Wu said unconvinced.

She has lived in an environment when she is the centre of the world, where she is the sun and everyone else the moon. Since she was a child, she had never lost, thus, she felt uncomfortable and unwilling in swallowing this loss.

But today, they were defeated mercilessly. How could she not forget the smile on Chen Feng's face when he defeated her.

After the Match, everyone in Shrek returned to the Academy. On their way back to the Academy, Chen Feng had been thinking about the Dao Fusion Path Ability. He discovered that the key point of the *Dao Fusion Path Technique* was the control of Spirit Power, and this was his strong point.

The effect of the *Dao Fusion Path Technique* is mainly reflected in two aspects:

Firstly, it enables one to instantly release Spirit Power from several Spirit Rings at the same time, it enables a Spirit Master to even use multiple Spirit Rings' Abilities at the same time. It can even superimpose Abilities, making them stronger and maximising the usage of Spirit Power, if he does fuse Spirit Abilities', then the resulting Ability's power can be double or higher.

Secondly, Spirit Power of different attributes can be merged into the same form Spirit Power, this usage of the Dao Fusion Path Ability can superimpose the Spirit Power of several Spirt Masters, making the person they focused their Spirit Power onto, soar in strength.

"Dean, you go back first, I have something to do." Halfway through the journey, Chen Feng planned to find a place to test the effect of the Dao Fusion Path Ability. It would be inappropriate to cast it inside the Academy, he could only go and test it outside the City.

"Yeah." Flender nodded.

After separating from the crowd, Chen Feng went straight to a small forest outside the City.

"*Netherworld God Tiger*, possession!" Chen Feng released his Martial Spirit, and six Spirit Rings, one Purple, four Black, and one Red Ring rotated slowly around his body.

"I hope I succeed in the first go."

Chen Feng prepared for a moment, and then the six Spirit Rings on his body flashed at the same time, and within him, six strands of Spirit Power were released instantly, and under his control, they merged.

"Fourth Spirit Ability, *Sacred Tiger Roar*."

Chen Feng let out a huge roar, a spiralling sound wave gushed out of his mouth.

The majestic energy that was released created an explosion and continued for 200-300 meters in the woods, the attack was so strong, it directly pulverized everything in its path and left a huge ravine on the ground.

Chen Feng was shocked when he saw the effect of *Sacred Tiger Roar*. It was at least twice as strong as before. This was the first time he used the effect of Dao Fusion Path Ability, if he trained more in it, its power and resulting boost would definitely increase.

"The *Dao Fusion Path Technique* has such a powerful effect. I don't know how far it can grow and how it can compare to the *Great Sumeru Hammer*." Chen Feng muttered softly. According to his understanding, the *Great Sumeru Hammer* and it's *Exploding Ring* Ability is more powerful than his *Dao Fusion Path* Ability.

When Tang Hao first became a Title Douluo, he fought Qian Xun Ji and the other two Title Douluo. Apart from relying on his 100,000-Year Spirit Ring, he mainly relied on the *Great Sumeru Hammer* to defeat them.

However, it is not easy to get the *Great Sumeru Hammer*. As far as he knows, in the entire Douluo Continent, only two people know this Ability, Tang Hao and Tang Chen, even the Clan Head of the Clear Sky Clan, Tang Xiao, does not know it.

"When I get the chance, I will fight with Uncle Hao again, or go to the Slaughter City to beat Tang Chen, but with my current strength, I can defeat the Blood-Red Nine-Headed Bat King. But I may not be able to defeat Tang Chen yet." Chen Feng inwardly muttered.

Tang Chen is known as being invincible on land, even Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi cannot beat him on land.

"First, I must thoroughly master the *Dao Fusion Path Technique*."

Chen Feng shook his head, no longer thinking about the *Great Sumeru Hammer*.

However, the *Dao Fusion Path Technique* does not necessarily require him to merge all his Spirit Rings to use it, he can learn to merge fewer Spirit Abilities, thereby consuming less Spirit Power.

By the evening, due to his training, the woods in front of him had been destroyed.

However, after less than a day of practice, Chen Feng's proficiency in the *Dao Fusion Path Technique* is already very high, in addition to Huo Wu's minor experience in the *Dao Fusion Path Technique*, the reason he had become so proficient in the technique is because of his already high control of Spirit Power.

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