Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 52 - 26 Condensing Soul Core, Netherworld Domain 12

Sorry for the late chapter, I had Parents Evening just now and Phew! I didn't get any bad feedback!

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"What is your favourite colour?" Chen Feng questioned.

This time Qian Renxue did not answer, but instead turned her head and glanced at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng directly slapped her THICC A.S.S again, he raised his hand again and threatened: "What are you looking at, answer quickly."

Qian Renxue glared, her eyes seemed to burn Chen Feng with its intensity, but she saw Chen Feng's raised hand. Gritting her teeth: "Gold."

"What is your favourite food?" Chen Feng asked.

"Osmanthus cake." Qian Renxue replied.


"I'm going to find something to eat. Stay here and do not run around. Your Spirit Power is sealed, and you are seriously injured. Even if you encounter a 100-year-old Spirit Beast, it will be very dangerous for you. And I heard that there are Acacia Apes nearby. You should know that if you encounter it, what will happen to you." Chen Feng informed as well as subtly threatened.

Qian Renxue did not speak, but when she heard the words 'Acacia Ape', her eyes changed obviously.

After Chen Feng had absorbed the Dark Devil God Tiger's Spirit Ring, the Dark Devil God Tiger's body immediately dissipated, so he now needs to find something to eat.

Moving away the stone blocking the entrance of the cave, with a thought, the Wind-Thunder wings spread out behind him and he flew out into the distance.

After a quarter of an hour, Chen Feng returned to the cave with two washed hares, stuck them onto a wooden spit, made a fire, and put them above the fire to roast them.

Soon, the bright red meat turned golden yellow, dripping with fat and exuded an attractive fragrance.

"Do you want to eat some?" Chen Feng handed over the roasted rabbit meat.

Qian Renxue did not speak and looked at Chen Feng with cannibalistic eyes. If her eyes could kill people, Chen Feng did not know how many times he'd have died by now.

"I was just joking with you before and beat you a few times, but I saved your life, aren't we even then?" Chen Feng smiled and tried reconciling their differences.

"No way." Qian Renxue grit her teeth.

"Then how about you fight back?" Chen Feng asked.

"Asshole." Qian Renxue scolded angrily.

"If you want revenge, you have to fill your stomach first otherwise you won't have the strength to get revenge." Chen Feng placed one of the rabbits beside her not far away, picked up the other one and ate it by himself.

Even after Chen Feng had eaten his fill, Qian Renxue still did not move, and Chen Feng did not care about her anymore, he leaned on the mountain wall and fell asleep.

An hour later.

Seeing that Chen Feng was asleep, Qian Renxue quietly picked up the rabbit meat and ate it one bite at a time. She had been educated by nobles and currently, her appearance may not have been appealing as she was dirty and bloody, but she looked at least elegant while eating the rabbit compared to Chen Feng's barbarous appearance while eating.

Chen Feng's mouth twitched slightly and then there was no more movement.

There were no more words spoken through the night. Early next morning, Chen Feng looked at the bones on the ground and cursed pretending that he didn't know anything: "There must have been a mouse coming in last night. It must've eaten all the rabbit meat."

"You are the mouse; your whole family are mice." Qian Renxue cursed secretly.

"I'm going out. Be careful. The mice here might eat people." Chen Feng said. After speaking, regardless of Qian Renxue's reaction, he left the cave directly. He was afraid that he would be unable to hold himself and laugh at her.

"Asshole, don't let me find a chance, otherwise I will definitely return the humiliation I have suffered thousands of times." Qian Renxue grit her teeth when Chen Feng had gone away.

After cursing, Qian Renxue calmed down a bit, sat down cross-legged, and began to attack and undo the seal inside her body.

Chen Feng did not come back until evening; he brought some food back. He ate some of it himself, and 'left' some for her.

When Chen Feng came back, Qian Renxue stopped attacking the seal, pretending that she had done nothing but sleep, she waited for Chen Feng to 'sleep', and quietly ate the 'leftover' food.

Seven days passed in this way, and at noon on the seventh day, Qian Renxue finally broke through the seal in her body.

After her strength was restored, the first thing she thought of was to seek revenge from Chen Feng. After several days of observation, she found that Chen Feng's Spirit Power Rank was not at Rank 80 i.e a Spirit Douluo or Rank 90 or above i.e Title Douluo as she had previously guessed, but rather, he was just a Spirit King.

As soon as she walked out of the cave, she saw a stone monument erected at the entrance of the cave with a letter written on it.

Dear Xiao Xue'er:

I am leaving, do not send anyone to after me, because you will not find me.

If we are destined, we will meet again.

"Asshole." After Qian Renxue finished reading the letter, she crushed the stone tablet with a wave of her palm. She did not know that Chen Feng had seen all her little hidden actions and tricks these days.

"With his age and strength, he will definitely participate in the Advanced Continent Spirit Master Elite Tournament, and I will definitely find you at that time." Qian Renxue secretly plotted in her heart.

Through observations these days, she also has a more accurate estimate of Chen Feng's age, which is about fifteen years old.

When she made this judgment, she was shocked in her heart. When she was fifteen, her Spirit Power was only Rank 48. You must know that her Spirit Power is inherently Rank 20. Before that, she thought she was the mainland's top genius. Compared to her, the golden trio generation of Spirit Hall were far inferior.

If she knew that Chen Feng was not fifteen years old, but rather, he was twelve years old, and had reached Rank 50 more than a year ago, she would be even more surprised.

Qian Renxue left, Chen Feng's appearance stimulated her eagerness to win and compete. In addition to seeking revenge from Chen Feng, she also wants to see who the greater genius between them is.

Not long after Qian Renxue left, Chen Feng's figure appeared from behind a big tree.

"It's time to condense my soul core."

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