Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Chapter 53 - 26 Condensing Soul Core, Netherworld Domain 22

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Chen Feng acc.u.mulated and waited so long at Rank 50 just to condense his Soul Core after breaking through to Spirit King. Now, he had delayed this for a few days because of Qian Renxue.

Finding a secluded valley, he let loose his Mental Power, after confirming that nothing can threaten his existence in a radius of ten miles, he began to condense his Soul Core.

He raised his right hand slowly, dark, black Mental Power began to flow out. He coated the Mental Power in his Spirit Power, so none was lost and overflowed.

The Mental Power gradually increased, it began to levitate in Chen Feng's palm and slowly rotate.

Under his control, the rotation speed of his Mental Power began to increase and at the same time, it began to slowly be compressed. Along with compressing his Mental Power, Chen Feng increased the output of his Mental Power.

The black Mental Power gradually became more and more viscous. If you looked closely, you could see that there is a layer of faint dark gold Spirit Power enveloping the black Mental Power. It is this layer of dark gold Spirit Power that fully guarantees the Mental Power will not fluctuate, remain under control and not be wasted.

If it were another Spirit Master and they release their Mental Power outside their body in the same way as Chen Feng without using a Spirit Ability to contain the Mental Power, the Mental Power would overflow and dissipate making the process pointless.

The Mental Power gradually turned into a solid state and Chen Feng's expression finally became solemn, under the control of his powerful Spirit Power, the Mental Power still did not deviate at all, retaining a stable rotation.

Compress, then compress more; rotate, then rotate more and repeat.

Around the solid Mental Power, twisted light lines began to become more and more obvious, the intense suction not only absorbed the Heaven and Earth Spirit qi, but also absorbed Chen Feng's own Spirit Power.

Under Chen Feng's control, the solid Mental Power steadily and continuously increased in volume and concentration and the speed of the surging heaven and earth qi continued to increase accordingly.

As time passed, Chen Feng's own Spirit Power was nearly half integrated into this solid core of Mental Power and he could no longer stop this process from continuing. In other words, Chen Feng had no path of retreat, he could only succeed, not fail. Once he fails, he would die.

50%, 60%, 70%...

After 80% of his Spirit Power was absorbed by the core of solid Mental Power, Chen Feng had to allocate a part of his Spiritual Power to control his body and slow down the fading speed of his Spirit Power.

At this moment, the original black Mental Power unexpectedly began to change colour. from black to dark gold. This was a manifestation of his Spirit Power in his Soul Core, which represented Chen Feng's success, it was also the most dangerous moment.

There was a fine bead of sweat on Chen Feng's forehead, his face turned pale. Currently, his mental and Spirit Power was almost exhausted, but he was still trying to control the steady rotation of Mental Power.


Chen Feng gritted his teeth and turned his last few droplets of Mental Powers into a mental shock which was aimed at his rotating core. At this moment, the solid Mental Power trembled, it began to rotate and spin extremely fast. It began to slow down after some time and came to a complete stop later.

"Is this my Soul Core?"

Chen Feng opened his eyes and looked at the whirlpool-like Soul Core black hole in front of him. He just looked at it and felt as if his mental and Spirit Power was about to be s.u.c.k.e.d in.

After he successfully condensed his Soul Core, it meant that Chen Feng had succeeded. The only thing left was to integrate the Soul Core into his body.

This process is also very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be destroyed by the Soul Core.

Chen Feng was not eager to fuse with the Soul Core immediately, he first adjusted his state to the best he could. The Soul Core he condensed was very stable, and it did not matter if he did not integrate into his body for the time being.

When he fully restored his Spirit and Mental Power fully, Chen Feng took a deep breath and was about to integrate the Soul Core.

With a light hook of his finger, the Soul Core flew between his eyebrows and slowly entered. Chen Feng's body suddenly shook violently, and his Spirit Sea seemed to have confronted indescribable terrifying force.

This force was like a sharp spear, it felt as if it were about to tear his head apart, it was about to suck his soul. This kind of pain made Chen Feng never want to experience it a second time.

Although Chen Feng's body was trembling, he still sat firmly, his hands clenched into fists, and the huge Mental Power still moved in accordance with his thoughts in his Spirit Sea resisting the intense pain.

Time slowly passed and the trembling of Chen Feng's body slowly stopped. When he was completely stable, his own breath seemed to disappear completely, he sat there like a stone.

Chen Feng completed an amazing feat, condensing his first Soul Core as a Spirit King.

However, Chen Feng did not wake up right away, he still sat there, seeming to have completely entered a special state.

In an instant, a month passed.

Chen Feng opened his eyes suddenly and two brilliant lights burst out, it looked as if it tore space apart.

"The harvest this time is really great." Chen Feng muttered softly.

In addition to successfully condensing his Soul Core this time, he also had an unexpected gain, he awoke the Netherworld God Tiger's innate talent, the Netherworld Domain.

The Netherworld domain can weaken and suppress the opponent's strength by 30% and increase his own strength by 50%. It can also continuously swallow the Spirit Power of people in the Netherworld domain to make up for the consumption of using this talent. He can also hide within the domain.

When the Netherworld Domain awakened, it meant he just obtained another trump card.

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