Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 544 Don’t get close, don’t forgive, don’t forget


In a dilapidated noble manor,

An old man and a young man, two figures facing each other at the door.

Facing the old man's sensational words, Youla didn't feel any fluctuation in her heart.

As the daughter of an aristocrat from the Lawrence family, she understands the shamelessness of aristocrats better than anyone else.

When she looks at people, she never looks at what others say, only what they do.

No matter what the old man in front of her or her grandfather said, Yula would not believe a word.

Unless he actually takes action.

"Speak directly, Grandfather. It's not the job of a nobleman to beat around the bush."

Youra looked at the other party coldly.

The old man sighed slightly: "You have grown up, little Youla, and you are better than the rest of the family."

After a pause, the old man looked at Youla and said, "If I hand over everything in the Lawrence family to you, will you still be willing to come back?"

As he said that, the old man looked at Youra with hope, hoping that the girl would nod.

Unfortunately, the girl remained indifferent: "Grandfather, Lawrence is hopeless in Mondstadt. Don't you understand?"

Thousands of years of entanglement, there is no telling how many grudges there are.

It is impossible for the people of Mondstadt to forgive Lawrence;

It was impossible for Lawrence to bow his head and admit his mistake to the people of Mondstadt.

Alternatively, Lawrence could become extinct in Mondstadt, completely change his surname, and perhaps still be able to live like an ordinary person.

Alternatively, Lawrence could overthrow the Knights and return Mondstadt to its old aristocratic period.

But at present, the second method is obviously unlikely to be realized.

"." The old man's body became more and more shaky, as if the girl's words once again took away part of his spirit.

"Yes, there is no way to save the Lawrence family. They will either die slowly or fight to the death."

The old man's eyes suddenly became sharp,

He looked at Yora, his face was cold: "Yora Lawrence, if the family completely turns against the Knights, will you wield your sword against the clan members?"

Yora's heart trembled, but she still looked at her grandfather firmly and coldly: "If Lawrence still wants to poison Mondstadt, then Lawrence should be terminated by me myself."

"We are cold and noble and are not afraid of the wrath, and we are tough and calm and will not be shaken."

"Since Lawrence can no longer stick to these two beliefs, it's better for me to end Lawrence completely."

Yola's cold voice echoed in Lawrence's manor,

Some of Lawrence's tribe looked at her from a distance, with hatred and disgust in their eyes.

However, there seems to be a whisper floating in the sky,

Looking at the old man in front of her indifferently, Youla was ready to take action at any time.

Seeing the killing intent in the eyes of the girl in front of him, the old man finally regained his old appearance.

"Little Yula, we have been oppressed for thousands of years. Isn't the punishment for thousands of years not enough? Your people, your brothers and sisters, they just want to live like normal people."

The old man said in a sad voice.

Youla's eyes softened, and the cold color faded slightly.

"If you really want to live a normal life, then you should not continue to cling to the so-called glory of the past, put down the surname Lawrence, and return to the common people. People who are superior will never be accepted by everyone."

Whether it's a noble, a hero, or some big shot,

As long as he often appears in front of people,

He always looks aloof,

Then, the people of Mondstadt will never accept him.

The god of wind has given this place freedom,

People will worship heroes and praise the capable,

But they will never allow anyone to be superior.

The ancient nobles enslaved the people. It was enough once in history. Do you want to do it again? That is courting death.

"In that case, the surname Lawrence will really be gone." The old man's tone became increasingly sad.

Yora remained indifferent: "The glory of our ancestors who once overthrew the tower was ruined long ago when they enslaved the people of Mondstadt. There is nothing to miss with a sinful surname."

Yula saw it very clearly,

As long as the Lawrence family clings to the name Lawrence, the people of Mondstadt will never forgive Lawrence.

This is targeted hatred that spans time, gender, words and books.

simply put,

How do you feel when you see a Japanese soldier wearing World War II military uniform?

It was probably the same as when the people of Mondstadt saw Lawrence with a noble family tree.

A blood feud.

If you admit your mistake obediently, I can still pretend that I haven't seen you as a person. I can at most scold you a few times in my heart, and everyone will be in peace.

But if you criticize me, can I still forgive you? The reason why I don't kill you is because legally you are still a human being, and it would be against the law to kill you.


Lawrence will never be forgiven until he lets go of his last name.

The old man was silent for a moment, then waved his hand in frustration: "I understand."

Then he looked at Youla with a forced smile and said, "You finally came back. Please stay and eat. I asked the chef to make your favorite snacks, which are all chilled."

Unfortunately, the old man's invitation carried a dangerous signal in Yula's eyes.

"No, I still have something to do, and besides, I'm a traitor, aren't I?"

The old man's breath stagnated slightly, and finally he waved his hand in disinterest: "In that case, go ahead and do your work first."

Yola turned around without hesitation and was about to leave.

The old man stretched out his hand, but in the end he didn't say a word of pity.

Yora left.

The middle-aged man ran to the old man from the corner,


"Did you hear what I just said?"

"I heard it." The middle-aged man nodded honestly.

"Any ideas?"

The middle-aged man was slightly silent: "Father, are we..."

He wanted to ask if the Lawrence family was really hopeless.

The old man nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

The middle-aged man's face turned pale.

the other side,

Yula walked towards the Knights' building.

Probably because of the showdown with the Lawrence family,

Youla was in a good mood, and she ignored the disgusted looks from people on the roadside.

We walked back to the Knights Building in a relaxed and happy way,

Yura went directly to the library.

As soon as she entered the library, she attracted the attention of the bards,

Although I still have a deep dislike for Lawrence in my heart,

But considering that Yula is here to help them,

These bards nodded politely: "Miss Yola, welcome."

Of course, the main reason for saying welcome is because of what Xin Yan said before about resistance.

By joining the Knights, Eura was rebelling against Lawrence.

Such remarks made the bards hate Yura a little less.

Although this is still a Lawrence, she is a Lawrence who resists Lawrence, and that should be considered a somewhat good Lawrence.

Sensing that these people's attitude towards her had changed, Youla's heart fluctuated slightly, but she didn't show it. She just nodded calmly: "I'm here to help you translate. Are you ready with the information?"

"Hey, is it Miss Yula here?"

Xin Yan walked out from the depths of the library. After seeing Youla, he smiled: "Miss Youla, I want to talk to you alone, is that okay?"

Yora frowned slightly and glanced at the bard beside her, and she probably understood the reason for these people's change in attitude.

"My time is limited."

"Of course, I won't interrupt for too long, I just want to ask a question."

Hearing this, Youla nodded: "Okay."

Xin Yan smiled: "Then let's go over there, it's quieter over there."

The two went to a corner of the library.

"Miss Yola, before I ask the formal question, I would like to ask, what do you think of the spirit of resistance?"

Facing Xin Yan's polite questions, Youla felt a little uncomfortable.

Except for individual members of the Knights, among the people Yula came into contact with, few people were so polite to her.

"Rebellious spirit? You want to ask me what I think about Vanessa overthrowing our Lawrence."

Xin Yan was stunned for a moment, not expecting Youla to be so direct. However, after a moment of relief, Xin Yan said directly: "Yes, I want to know, in your opinion, Miss Youla, Lady Vanessa Is what you did just?"

Youla did not answer directly, but thought for a moment, and then looked at Xin Yan: "Do you know how I grew up when I was a child?"

Although the other party's words seemed to have nothing to do with his own problem, Xin Yan still shook his head slightly, saying that he could not understand.

"As the sons and daughters of the Laurence family, we are extremely special in Mondstadt. When other children were playing, we were learning aristocratic etiquette, learning fighting techniques, learning the art of calligraphy and painting, and everything a noble should learn. When I was a child, The only time that can be called entertainment is when I am learning ritual dance. Only during that dance time can I feel a little peace."

Xin Yan remained silent, knowing that the other party had definitely not finished speaking.

Sure enough, Youla just paused and continued: "This kind of life is actually not chosen by Lawrence's children. In addition to the requirements of the elders, the more reason is that we only have this choice, to be an ignorant Lawrence." When you go out to the street and try to get close to another child, hoping for friendship, you often get scolding, anger, and contempt."

As she said that, Youla showed some recollection: "Can you imagine? When a child extends a hand of friendship to the outside world, what he gets in return is eternal rejection, once, twice, three times, until countless times later, Only then will he understand how evil the surname [Lawrence] is in the eyes of the people of Mondstadt."

Xin Yan nodded slightly: "So, after understanding their situation, the children will withdraw their outward friendship and instead protect their own family, because the outside world is malicious, and only goodwill exists within the family. "

Youla laughed and looked at Xin Yan with appreciation in her eyes: "I can see that you must have experienced being rejected, but you still can't imagine [Lawrence]'s situation in Mondstadt."

There was a hint of coldness in her eyes, ice elements gathered around her, and the frost froze the surrounding air.

"[Lawrence] represents being unapproachable, unforgivable, and unforgettable."

"How terrible that the people of Mondstadt will not get close to Lawrence's children, and will not let their children come into contact with Lawrence's children, so the bridge of trust will never be built."

"They will not forgive Lawrence, and they will tell their children that the sins Lawrence has committed will never be atoned for."

"At the same time, they will not forget Lawrence. The blood feud will never end."

Yura's voice was very low, but extremely powerful.

Xin Yan felt the power in this girl, not the cold ice elemental power, but the perseverance of the soul.

"So, do you think Vanessa is wrong?"

Xin Yan asked the original question again.

Yora smiled slightly, and the elemental power around her dispersed: "Answering from the perspective of the Spray Knights of the Knights of the West Wind, Lady Vanessa is certainly not wrong. If it weren't for her, Mondstadt might still be under the rule of darkness today. I thought about it for a moment , even though I may be a beneficiary of the dark rule, my temperament makes it difficult for me to accept that kind of life."

Then, her face changed and she became serious: "But speaking of the hardships brought to me by the name Lawrence, Vanessa liberated Mondstadt, but she did not liberate the old nobility. She could obviously deprive the old nobility of everything. She scattered them and rejoined the common people, but she did not do this, so that a family of sinners like Lawrence could still survive for thousands of years."

"Thousands of years have not eliminated the hatred, but have become more profound."

"If I have any dissatisfaction with Lady Vanessa, it would be that she did not directly destroy the old nobles completely."

As she spoke, Yula's tone became slightly depressed.

If Vanessa had directly destroyed the old aristocracy, then she might just be a child from an ordinary family in Mondstadt.

There is a high probability that there will not be such a wonderful life as now, but there will also be no hardships caused by the name [Lawrence].

"I agree with Vanessa's approach, but I'm dissatisfied with her 'kindness'. Is that what you think?" Xin Yan nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Miss Youla, for your explanation. I probably understand it. Then, please help us translate those ancient books."

Xin Yan did not go any further on the topic. She had already gotten the answer she wanted to know.

So, Xin Yan ended the topic and took Youla to start the translation of ancient books.

And Yura deserves to be a true noble,

Each of their pale ancient books was transformed into beautiful modern paragraphs under Yula's translation.

A difficult-to-pronounce ancient word, Youla can often be translated into beautiful and smooth common language.

"It's incredible that it can be translated like this." The bards marveled at Yura's translation skills of ancient texts.

And Yola shook her head: "In your opinion, the descriptions in these ancient classics are too direct and pale, but from the perspective of the old nobles, these classics describe magnificent stories."

"The bard who once composed poems for the old aristocracy recorded the story of Lady Vanessa overthrowing the old aristocracy in the same way."

As she said that, Youla twitched the corner of her mouth slightly: "It's really ironic."

The artistic description form pioneered by the old aristocrats was finally used to describe the story of the old aristocracy being eliminated.

This made Yula feel dramatic.

However, this did not affect Yula's translation work. With her strong artistic skills, these materials were translated into common language bit by bit.

Then it was sent to Xin Yan for use in composing music.

After all the translation work is completed,

Youla looked at Xin Yan, who was deep in creative contemplation, and did not interrupt. She just nodded calmly to the bards around her.

Then he left alone.

Leaving the Knights Building,

Yora stood alone by the road, suddenly feeling a little lonely.

Then an enthusiastic voice came from not far away.

"Yura, Yula, come here quickly."

When Yula heard a familiar voice, she turned around and looked,

Sure enough, the lively Amber pulled Kelai and waved to her at the intersection.

"Amber, Kelai, are you waiting for me?" Yola walked over and looked at the two of them and asked.

Kelai didn't speak. She was still not good at dealing with people.

Amber held Kelai with one hand and Youla with the other: "Let's go, let's go, they are going to have a barbecue party by the Cider Lake. There are a lot of delicious food and drinks. Let's go there quickly, or we won't have a seat."

With that said, Amber took the two of them and rushed to the Cider Lake.

Feeling the warmth of Amber's little hand, Youla's heart warmed a little, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and she ran towards the destination along with Amber's footsteps.

the other side,

Fruit wine lakeside,

Wang Dao turned the skewers in his hand,

Watching Xiangling and Yun Jin follow Diona in preparing a special drink, they felt a little panicked.

The cat can make a special drink because of the blessing of the spring water spirit.

If you two follow the same steps, you may not be able to mix it up.

Although Wang Daoyi knew that based on Xiang Ling's understanding of the ingredients, the prepared food wouldn't taste bad, but it would definitely be weird.

Turning his eyes, he looked at Tinari who was setting up a camping tent on the other side.

I secretly thought that if the drink didn't taste good, I would give it to Tinari, saying that it was a test for him to guess what ingredients were used in the drink.

Thinking of such a good idea, Wang Daoyi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a beautiful smile.

Tinari, who was setting up the camping tent, twitched his big ears and felt a bad premonition.

He raised his head and glanced around,

Then he set his eyes on Sano, who was playing cards with other camping tourists.

The Lord of Red Sand will not harm him,

Not to mention Albedo,

Therefore, my bad premonition was probably due to Sano.

As a result, Tinari looked at Seno with a dangerous light in his eyes.

He secretly made up his mind that he must not leave Seno in the cold today.

Sano played a food card, then suddenly shuddered, raised his head in confusion, and looked around again, but found nothing.

At the urging of his poker friends, he turned his attention back to the poker game.

Amber held one hand by the other and rushed to the edge of the fruit wine lake.

At the same time, a young man with white silk stockings and a green cloak came around from the other side of the fruit wine lake.

"Hey, is this a barbecue party? Why don't you call me for such a good thing?"

Wendy rubbed her little hands and approached the wine box next to Wang Daoyi.

With one quick glance and quick hands, Wang Dao pressed the lid of the wine box.

Then he looked at Wendy whose little hands were not very clean,

"Want to have sex for free?"

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