Explorer of Teyvat

Chapter 545 Immortal made of wind and snow

"Want to have sex for free?"

Wang Daoyi's voice echoed in this area,

Everyone looked over,

I saw an embarrassing scene of a little boy with white stockings reaching for the wine box and then being caught.

"Ahem, I'm not, I didn't, you're talking nonsense." The white silk bard withdrew his little hand with a 'whoosh' sound, and then denied it repeatedly.

"How can there be no bard at the party? I'm here to sing!" Wendy said as if I was very useful.

Wang Daoyi curled his lips, but also withdrew his hand pressing the wine box.

Anyway, the wine was brought out, just for people to drink.

Since Wendy is here to sing, it’s not impossible to share it.

"Then please invite the best bard in Tivat to perform for us."

Wang Daoyi opened the wine box, took out a bottle of Dawn Wine, and threw it to Wendy.

Wendy took the wine with satisfaction,

Morning Wine, he sang at the Angel's Gift Tavern, so the hateful boss Diluc was willing to give him cider on credit.

"Haha, then listen, the best bard in Teyvat is about to strum his strings."

Put away the wine in your hand,

Wendy took out his xylophone and started playing it gently.

Beautiful and soft music began to float around people,

Looking at the stars in the sky and the lake view at night,

A sense of peace and beauty arose in everyone's hearts,

Music can really make people feel beautiful.

Even Yora, who was full of worries just now, gradually calmed down.

Sitting next to the tent, hugging my knees, quietly looking at the calm lake and listening to the beautiful music of the piano.

Beside her, Amber and Kelai were also whispering.

Not long after,

Xiangling and Yun Jin held the drinks they had prepared and began to give them to everyone.

With a relaxed and happy step, Xiang Ling ran to Wang Daoyi and handed the colorful creative drinks to Wang Daoyi like a treasure.

He deliberately refused, but looking at the girl's expectant eyes, Wang Daoyi couldn't open his mouth and could only take the drink with a grin.

He took a gentle sip,

The sweet and sour taste echoed on Wang Daoyi's tongue.

The strong sour smell for a moment makes people frown, but soon the sweet fragrance of sweet flowers makes people relax their brows.

took another taste,

Wang Daoyi nodded with satisfaction: "It's very good, but the sourness at the beginning is too strong. You can adjust it appropriately."

Xiangling nodded: "Okay, I'll change it right now."

Saying that, Xiangling hurriedly ran towards Diona again,

As for Yun Jin, she walked to the other side with a drink, where Xingqiu and Chongyun were talking to Abedo.

Xingqiu's work "The Record of Shen Qiu's Picking Up Swords" has become very popular in Inazuma because of the illustrations of Teacher Bai Ke. This makes Xingqiu have a very high respect for Teacher Bai Ke.

After visiting Diluc during the day, a banquet was held by the lake in the evening. Xingqiu came here with the morning wine he bought as a gift from the angel. After discovering that Albedo was also there, he and Abbedo continued to talk about literature here. .

But Chongyun just stayed by Xingqiu's side habitually.

"You three, come and try my new drink." Yun Jin handed the drink to the three of them with an expectant look on her face.

The three of them didn't have any precautions. They took it directly and brought it to their mouths.

next moment,

"Cough cough cough cough cough, what is this?" Xingqiu's little face was twisted, saliva flowed irritatingly from his mouth, his teeth were bared, and there were even tears in the corners of his eyes.

Chongyun immediately stopped bringing the cup to his mouth and looked at Xingqiu's reaction with some horror.

Yun Jin hasn't spoken yet,

Abedo put down the cup easily. The drink in the cup had disappeared, and he drank it all in one gulp.

"Oh Luo Luo Mei, sweet flower, well, it is a special version cultivated with sugar. Miss Yun Jin, you can try replacing No. 35 Luo Luo Mei with No. 46 Luo Luo Mei modified with sugar. In this case, the acidity will be more reasonable."

Abedo not only finished the drink, but also gave advice.

Next to him, Xingqiu looked at Abedo with admiration as if he was seeing a god.

Yun Jin's eyes were bright, and she nodded gratefully to Abedo: "Okay, okay, thank you, Mr. Abedo, I will change it right now."

As an opera master in Liyue, Yun Jin usually doesn't have much entertainment activities. Today, she and Xiang Ling learn how to make drinks with Diona, which is a rare entertainment for her.

Therefore, Yun Jin was really happy and willing to accept and try Albedo's suggestion.

Watching Yun Jin leave quickly, Xingqiu had a bad feeling that he might become an experimenter.

On the other side, Wang Daoyi sprinkled the last seasoning on the barbecue skewers in his hand, and then shouted loudly: "The barbecue is ready, everyone can help themselves."

So, everyone who was playing their own game gathered around,

You make a skewer, I make a skewer, and we share all the barbecue on the baking sheet.

Wendy played the music and looked at the 'dishes' that disappeared in an instant, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Then a small hand stretched out and handed him a skewer of barbecue.

Amber: "I've been playing for so long, why not eat something first."

Wendy: "..."

"Thank you, Miss Scout Knight." Wendy put away the xylophone, took the barbecue that Amber handed him, and said thank you.

Amber waved her hand nonchalantly and walked to her friend's place.

With skewers in one hand and a wine bottle in the other, Wendy walked over to Wang Daoyi, sat down, and watched Wang Daoyi start the barbecue again.

"What do you think?" Wendy looked at Youra.

"This is a tough girl, but her relationship with Lawrence still seems to be not good. What do you want to do?"

Wang Dao turned over the skewers in his hand and answered Wendy's question.

He probably understood Wendy's idea and used Yola to influence the current Lawrence family and give the Lawrence family a new choice.

However, Wang Daoyi still doesn't know exactly what Wendy will do, but it is probably related to Xin Yan.

The wind called Xin Yan to sing for resistance. If Wendy was not planning something behind the scenes, Wang Daoyi would not believe it.

"What do you think, let the Lawrence family leave Mondstadt?" Wendy said.

Wang Daoyi laughed out loud and said: "Ha, it's impossible. Let's not talk about whether Lawrence is willing to give up Mondstadt. It is impossible for the Knights to let Lawrence leave Mondstadt."

In any case, Lawrence was the former controller of Mondstadt. They didn't know how many secrets they had hidden about Mondstadt. To put it bluntly, the Knights would rather exterminate Lawrence than let him go.

And Lawrence himself is unlikely to leave Mondstadt.

Although they are now called sinners, Lawrence is still the original pioneer of Mondstadt.

After the ancestors overthrew the Solitary King of the Tower, it was Lawrence's ancestors who stood up and led Mondstadt's ancestors to continue to develop, and Mondstadt became what it is today.

Although the former glory of Lawrence has declined, in the eyes of the Lawrence family, this is still their foundation.

To move them away from Mondstadt is to turn them away from their roots.

Therefore, Wang Daoyi is not optimistic about Wendy's idea.

Wendy nodded and did not continue talking. After finishing the skewers in her hand, she drank another bottle of wine, stood up without changing her expression, and picked up the xylophone again.

The fingers wave slightly on the strings,

The familiar melody attracted the attention of those around him,

The people of Mondstadt can recognize this tune immediately.

Vanessa Story Poetry!

[Drinking friends of Mondstadt, don’t stop drinking.

Respect freedom, respect the god of wind!

To Vanessa, the first knight!

Descendants of Mondstadt, never forget the gift of the wind god

No. Freedom is not a gift, struggle is


There is a girl in prison

She comes from the wilderness of the south

Born free but in chains

Although the body is restrained by the tyrant

The devout girl never gives up praying

Pray for the people, Mondstadt and false freedom]

Fruit wine lakeside,

Amber looked at her partner with some worry;

Youla's face was calm, as if she didn't feel anything.

Just with a little force on the fingers holding the wine bottle, a hint of paleness appeared on the fingertips.

"Yura." Amber called out worriedly.

Youla forced a smile and shook her head: "I'm fine Amber, I'm used to it."

As she spoke, Eura looked at the singing bard,

She happened to see the bard looking at her too.

Suddenly, Yura felt that the other party's poem was sung just for her.

Eye contact is instantaneous,

Youla lowered her head again, took the bottle and took a sip into her mouth.

The taste of Chenxi Wine is soft, but its stamina is not small. Normally, Youla particularly prefers this kind of wine.

But now, Youla wants to try the various spirits in Liyue.

I heard that in Liyue, there is strong liquor that can make you drunk after three bowls. I really don’t know what it feels like.

With a trace of sadness in her heart, Youra lay gently on the lawn by the lake.

He looked at the stars in the sky and slowly closed his eyes.

When Yula opened her eyes again,

But he found himself lying in a tent,

Outside the camp, there seemed to be some different sounds.

Youla frowned slightly, listened for a while, and then remembered, this was the sound of howling wind and snow,

She often goes to the lake of Longji Snow Mountain to bathe, and is already very familiar with the sound of wind and snow.

"That's not right. I was drinking by the Cider Lake. How could there be the sound of wind and snow?"

With doubts, Yula opened the door of the tent, and then she saw a scene that surprised her.

A large number of simply dressed soldiers gathered in the wind and snow. They held simple metal weapons in their hands and did not even have any protection on their bodies.

Among them, a large number of beasts that Yula had seen in ancient family books were piled up, which seemed to be the trophies of these warriors.

On the other side, some pale warriors covered their wounds and fell sideways on the ground, letting out low moans.

Clearly these men were wounded warriors.

Youla frowned. If they were the Knights of the West Wind, these warriors should have been rescued by the priest of the West Wind Church.

But now, Yula didn't see any medical staff.

"Lawrence, have you rested?" A voice sounded in Yula's ear.

Youla was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw a tall, strong man standing not far behind her.

"Why don't you speak, Lawrence? Did yesterday's battle scare you?" The strong man said with some dissatisfaction when Yula didn't speak.

Youla frowned slightly: "Where is this?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Youla felt something was wrong. This was not her voice. With a hint of surprise, Youla looked down at her outfit.

Although it is still a very intuitive female body, it is obviously not her own dress.

They were better than the warriors she saw just now. They were covered in armor, but the style was not the armor of the current Knights of the West Wind. Instead, it looked like ancient armor from ancient ruins.

"This is me." Youla had some suspicions in her heart.

"This is a pioneer camp, are you sleeping stupidly?" The strong man looked at Youla with some dissatisfaction, and then said, "No matter what happened to you, since you are a Lawrence, then pick up your big sword, The beast tide will come again soon."

"If we can't open up more living space, how can we have the nerve to go back to Mondstadt (Gumond, now the ruins of Wind Dragon) to see our families?"

Seeing that Youla didn't speak, the strong man curled his lips and said something encouraging, then turned and left.

Yula was left alone, frowning slightly and thinking.

"So, is this an illusion or reality?" Yula thought, and the ice elements responded to her call and gathered around her.

"This body does not have the Eye of Ice God, but the ice element still responded to my call. Therefore, I am Yora Lawrence, not the Lawrence in this body."

"So, this is not real, is it an illusion?"

After thinking for a while, Youla felt that she might have fallen into some illusion.

However, she did not panic. In reality, she had friends by her side. If Amber and the others found themselves in an illusion, they would naturally save her.

"However, since it is an illusion, or an illusion related to Lawrence, let me see what is causing trouble."

Thinking about it, Youla took a look into the previous tent, and sure enough, a big sword was placed inside.

"What a rough construction technique. It seems that the time period of the illusion is very old. Plus the person just mentioned the camp development, could this be..."

Yula already had a guess at the time and place of the fantasy.

Before she could think about it, the roar of wild beasts came from the edge of the huge pioneer camp.

The strong man who left just now appeared quickly, holding a big sword in his hand. No, it should be a huge sword. After a little visual inspection, Yula was sure that the sword was at least two and a half meters long.

"This kind of giant sword, I really came to Mondstadt in the barbaric period."

Yura mentally confirmed the time period in which this illusion was located.

Wind and snow, development, beast tide, plus the giant sword to fight against giant beasts,

All this reminded Yora of the story of Lawrence's ancestors pioneering New Mondstadt as described in the family inheritance.

"Lawrence, follow up, don't embarrass the Lawrence family."

When the strong man passed by Youla, he shouted coldly.

Yula's eyes flashed, she picked up the big sword in the tent, and followed silently.

Running wildly, Yora saw the edge of the camp.

A large number of cedar trees formed a defense line against horses.

Outside the battle line, there are densely packed beasts. These beasts have thick fur, which not only resists wind and snow, but also resists arrows.

"No wonder there are very few archery and crossbowmen in family stories. Such giant beasts and crossbows are really useless in direct confrontation."

If it is hunting, it is naturally very good to use a crossbow to fly kites for giant beasts.

But in the confrontation between the defense line and the beast tide, unless it is a giant ballista for defense, other crossbows are really of little use.

If you can't kill the giant beast directly, you can't stop the charge of the giant beast.

When Youla sighed, the strong man who had just spoken to her had already rushed into the battlefield. He swung the giant sword in his hand and cut off the necks of the beasts with unusual precision.

With every swing, a beast dies.

In the defense line, the soldiers cheered,

"It's Lawrence, Lawrence is here, everyone, hold on."

The cheers of the soldiers made Yula feel a little dazed.

It turns out that the people of Mondstadt will be happy to see Lawrence?

"Hey, Lawrence, don't stand still, it's time to rush."

Another man with a big sword rushed past Yura and called Yura at the same time.

Youra's eyes fluctuated slightly,

"It turns out that Lawrence was once a hero!"

On the big sword in his hand, wisps of ice elements gathered.

Yura tiptoed and rushed into the battlefield.

The sword is swung like a graceful dance, the blade intersects with the beast,

Blood and wind and snow dance,

It's both gorgeous and dangerous.

The cheers of the soldiers grew louder and louder in my ears,

The dancing steps of Yula's toes are like a dancer performing on a gorgeous stage,

Show your graceful figure in the cheers,

Blood is a bouquet, wind and snow are ribbons,

The cheers of the soldiers are the cheers of the audience,

Beside Yula, many warriors holding big swords showed admiration.

Together with Youla, they danced their swords and shuttled through the tide of beasts with their vigorous figures, bringing up bloody flowers.

"Lawrence! Lawrence! Lawrence!"

Behind these charging warriors, a large number of pioneering group members armed with simple weapons followed step by step.

They shouted Lawrence's name and charged together with the soldiers at the front.

The beast tide was pushed back by the soldiers.

In the face of horrific casualties, ferocious beasts will also be afraid. With several long roars after the beast tide, the beast tide began to retreat.

Yora leaned on her sword and panted slightly.

The physical strength of this body is not comparable to her real body,

After wielding the sword for nearly an hour, she was exhausted, and Yura could only keep standing by leaning on the sword.

But Yula didn't have any negative emotions in her heart. She wielded the sword, bringing blood and glory.

She had never tasted this before,

For the first time since childhood, she felt the true glory of Lawrence.

It turns out that when Lawrence wields his weapon, the people of Mondstadt will cheer.

It turns out that when Lawrence kills, the people of Mondstadt will follow him.

It turns out that Lawrence's real glory was not when he ruled Mondstadt.

The strong man with blood on his face and scars all over his body walked up to Yula with a giant sword in hand.

He was smiling, but he looked a little ferocious because of the blood on his face, but Yula recognized it.

"Well done, you are now a qualified Lawrence."

There was joy in the strong man's voice, as if seeing a 'real Lawrence' was more deserving of happiness than breaking through the beast tide himself.

Youla nodded: "So, is this Lawrence?"

The strong man laughed: "Hahahaha, yes, this is Lawrence. We overthrew the lonely king of the tower. Now we want to open up a new Mondstadt. Under Lawrence's blade, the people of Mondstadt will definitely be able to survive." Live a good life."

"Use the wind and snow to create our immortality, use the sharp edge to guard our glory, this is Lawrence."

"Little guy, bring your big sword. You performed well today. I will take you to eat delicious food."

The strong man slapped Yula on the body,

Youla loosened her hands and was knocked to the ground.

This body was already exhausted, and after being slapped by the strong man again, it really couldn't hold on any longer.

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