In the blink of an eye, Corey had no life, the concentrated burning flame continued to burn, and even the human oil in his skin muscles burned out, making a crackling sound.

Seeing this scene, several other explorers were completely dumbfounded.

What the hell is that woman, and her wooden child

???It's terrible, how can such a terrible thing appear in this ancient forest

?!"Run! Run!"

Jackman exclaimed, even from the most elite, mysterious, and powerful special forces in the United States, at this moment he was almost scared out of his guts

! What companion?

What revenge!

Jackman and another explorer of a small Ze country did not hesitate at all, pulled out their legs and ran

! "Jack San

!" "Don't leave me! Don't leave me!" Masao

Nakagawa was also scared enough, one of his legs was bitten off a large piece of flesh and blood, limped, and fled with the two companions who abandoned him!"

Hmph, this is the end of your evil thoughts

!" "If they hadn't touched this weird woman, I'm afraid they wouldn't have suffered such a terrifying thing at all

!" "Yes!"

In the live broadcast room, the audience sent out a barrage, but as the three people fled, the live broadcast equipment also left.

That strange woman, her terrifying mouth slowly returned to its original state, and the hideous expression on her face also became mournful like a weak person.

"Child... My child!" the

strange woman stumbled up from the ground, and then took the wooden child in her arms.

"Child, it's okay, mother will protect you..."

the strange woman said sadly, holding her wooden child and disappearing into the mountains and forests.

A few days later, in the middle of a precipitous mountain.

Qin Chuan and several people were walking through quickly.

After a few days of hurrying, they now at least go hundreds of kilometers deep into the mountains and forests of Daxing'anling, which can be said to be quite fast.

This is also because the physical strength of several people is very strong, and the only physical strength that cannot keep up is the fat man.

"No, I can't stand it, fat master, I want to rest for a while!" The fat

man wailed, his fat body lost two or two, and he couldn't get up when he sat on the ground.

"I said fat master, it's not too early now, and when it gets dark, I'm afraid that some snakes, insects, rats and ants will emerge from this forest."

Little Buddha smiled and said to the fat man.

"Cut, don't say that I came out of the forest, even if I got out of the crotch of my pants, I definitely won't move!"

After the fat man finished speaking, he slammed to the ground, like a half-failed patient.

"Hmph, fatty, if you don't leave, we'll go by ourselves.

, At this moment, Hongyue snorted and suddenly spoke.

"Hehe, red girl, I see if you stay with me, the two of us are together, and we won't be lonely." The

fat man had a mean smile on his face.

This Hongyue's personality and Liu Xinyan have a fight, are very spicy, as soon as she heard the fat man teasing her, her eyes immediately widened, and then she pulled out the whip, wanting to teach the fat man a lesson.

But who knew that at this moment, Hongyue's complexion changed sharply, and she hurriedly shouted.

"Fat man, hurry up

!" "What for? Scare me? Fat master, I don't eat that set!" the fat man snorted, his face full of disdain.

"Hurry up!"

reminded Red Moon again.

"Cut, I can't afford it, what can you do to me, bite me?" the fat man snorted.

But who knows, as soon as the fat man's voice fell, he suddenly felt his shoulders sink sharply, as if something suddenly fell on his shoulders.

The fat man's expression changed suddenly, and he finally realized that Hongyue's reminder just now was not a joke with him at all!

He couldn't help but slowly turn his head, but only saw that a strange snake covered in green scales and a layer of red scales on its neck climbed onto his body along the branches next to him!

The fat man was shocked by fright, and the fat on his body also trembled violently, and just like that, the strange snake that climbed on his shoulder was frightened, erected his neck full of scarlet scales, spit out meat letters, and made a "hissing" sound.

"This, this is a pheasant neck!" "Lying groove, such a big pheasant

neck, it's really rare!" "It's over, the fat man is unlucky, although the pheasant's neck is not poisonous, but it likes to eat some poisonous poison, so it carries venom in the mouth!" In

the live broadcast room, many netizens are estimated to be from the northeast,

and they all know this strange snake.

Pheasant neck, is a folk name, the scientific name is tabby snake, also known as chicken crown snake.

Although it is not poisonous, but the temperament is fierce, in the wild, do not provoke

this pheasant neck snake! Because once you provoke it, unless you kill it directly, it will follow you all the way back to your home, hide in all corners of your home, and bite you hard while you are not paying attention!

And this pheasant neck, at least the thickness of the wrist, is quite a big one!"

Little brother, Buddha, hurry, take this pheasant neck away!" The

fat man was trembling with fat all over, even if he knew that this play should be poisonous, but if he was bitten, he couldn't bear it!

Qin Chuan, Liu Xinyan, and Little Buddha looked at each other, and walked back without a trace.

It's not that they don't want to save the fat man, the main thing is that the snake of the pheasant neck belongs to the crazy type of people, if there are too many people around, it will make it mistakenly think that it is in danger, and it is too close to the fat man, if it suddenly attacks, I'm afraid Qin Chuan may not be able to react!"

"Qin Ye, fat master, little pepper!

But who knows, the neck of the pheasant was already in extreme vigilance, and was so excited by the fat man, the cold bound pupil of the neutral horse flashed a murderous look, and bit the fat man's neck fiercely

! And at the same time, the red moon, which had retreated a few meters away, jerked out the long whip, the slender whip cut through the air, and the acceleration brought by it had broken through the speed of sound, and with incomparable accuracy, it fell on the head of the pheasant's neck!

The deafening sound of the air explosion suddenly sounded

, and the neck of the pheasant that attacked the fat man was under the whip of the red moon, and the head was hard to burst! The fat man was screaming, and then, without thinking, he jumped up directly on the spot!

"Mom, I was bitten by a snake!" The

fat man cried out in panic, in fact, long before he was bitten, the head of the pheasant's neck had been smashed by the red moon.

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