"Okay, don't scream! That pheasant didn't bite you. Little Buddha couldn't help but say.

"No, it didn't bite me, I said why it doesn't hurt." The

fat man muttered, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and his gaze fell on Hongyue's body.

"Hehe, red girl, thank you for that root..."

Red Moon glared at the fat man fiercely, she swore that if this fat man dared to say that word, her next whip would definitely fall on the fat man's body!"

At this moment, Liu Xinyan's voice suddenly sounded, and she had been watching the neck of this pheasant.

Even if the red girl's whip shattered the head, but this pheasant's neck, as if it was not dead at all, there was only a bloody wound left on its neck, and even the head was shattered, and it even crawled to the jungle next to it!

And this pheasant neck, in the blink of an eye, actually disappeared abruptly in the mountains and forests!"

"This snake will take revenge."

At this moment, Qin Chuan's icy voice sounded.

The status of snakes in the northeast is no less than that of yellow-skinned and gray rats, and even, in some legends, it is even more terrifying.

In the memories obtained by Qin Chuan, there are many strange incidents about pheasant necks.

In an inconspicuous village in the northeast, a villager inadvertently killed a pheasant neck, knowing that he would be retaliated by the pheasant's neck, so he hurriedly returned home and hid in the water tank, trying to avoid the retaliation of the pheasant's neck.

But who knows, as soon as he hid, a huge pheasant neck climbed up along the door of his house, circled around the water tank where the villagers were hiding, and left.

A day later, the villager, thinking he had escaped the retaliation of the pheasant's neck, hurried out of the tank.

But who knows, when he went out of his house, he saw that the entire village had all collapsed at the door of his house, one by one, the villagers were pale, their necks were strangulated, and many even spit out their tongues! In the distance, there were some traces of snakes


And the culprit villager, subconsciously looked down, only to see where there was still flesh and blood on his body? He had long

been dead, and after the big pheasant's neck circled around the water tank where he was hiding, his flesh and blood had been taken away by the pheasant's neck!

Kill one, and the whole village is killed.

And just now the neck of the pheasant, although the head was smashed, but not dead, if you can't do it, you have to come back to take revenge!

"Hmph, will take revenge? Then let them come as much as they want, fat master, I will kill one with one bullet!" The

fat man snorted, raised the submachine gun in his hand and said.

"Look, over there!" At

this moment, Liu Xinyan suddenly exclaimed, and everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of her finger, only to see that in the distance, the originally cloudy mountain range suddenly dispersed the clouds and mist, revealing an extremely precipitous mountain!

Little Buddha couldn't help but mutter, only to see that mountain, as if an eagle towered

, the top of that mountain, like the head of an eagle! Moreover, this mountain peak is completely made of a monolithic rock, and the sharp rock hangs down, like an eagle's beak.

The whole mountain is extremely precipitous, and it is estimated that no one can climb it except for the use of helicopters!

On the opposite side of this eagle-beak-like peak, separated by a distance of no more than 100 meters, is another mountain.

The shape of this mountain peak is more like a fierce tiger, majestic and majestic, separated from Eagle's Beak Peak by a line of sky

! And the remnants of these two peaks extend in all directions, spreading into the old forests of the entire Daxing'an Ridge!


Chuan looked at these two imposing peaks, and his face couldn't help but be solemn


But these two peaks are treacherous, and if there is a tomb, it must be a dangerous tomb

!" "Lying trough, there are still such two imposing mountains in this Great Xing'an Ridge!"

Such a mountain, I seem to have heard of it somewhere, this, this will not be called Weihu Mountain, right?!" The

live broadcast equipment also focused the camera on these two imposing mountains, and netizens were even more shocked by the momentum of these two peaks!

At this moment, Liu Xinyan on the side suddenly spoke.

Her identity represents the official, and she definitely has more information.

"The tiger stone in the north is like an overlord covering the top, and the eagle's beak peak in the south is an inverted sky lantern, exactly the same as in the record.

Liu Xinyan said, looked at Qin Chuan, and then said.

"This was not once a forbidden place, but in the last century, the scope of the Daxing'anling Forbidden Land was expanded, which surrounded it, and legend has it that among these two peaks, there is an ancient tomb of a great general of the Yuan Dynasty.

Hearing this, Qin Chuan couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and subconsciously held the black gold ancient knife.

If memory serves, the origin of this black gold ancient knife is a great general of the Yuan Dynasty....


The next moment, Qin Chuan's black gold ancient knife suddenly trembled violently, and a thick evil aura was released from

the black gold ancient knife! Qin Chuan's face changed slightly, and his black gold ancient knife seemed to resonate with something!

Moreover, during this period of time, Qin Chuan's use of the black gold ancient knife always felt that it was not as smooth as before, could it be related to the ancient tomb of the great general of the Yuan Dynasty?

"There seems to be some buildings up there.

At this time, the little Buddha, who had been observing the two peaks with a telescope, suddenly spoke.

"This place was once occupied by a gang of bandits, and those buildings may have been left by bandits.

Liu Xinyan said.

Bandits, villages, spoiled brides!

Qin Chuan seemed to have an idea of what happened in this old forest hundreds of years ago.

"What should we do, shall we go over and take a look?" The little Buddha couldn't help but fall his gaze on Qin Chuan's body, and Qin Chuan

was already carrying a black gold ancient knife on his back and walking towards the two peaks!

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