Well, the little brother's decision is never made by words, but by personal actions.

Several people glanced at each other, and could only quickly follow Qin Chuan.

Although it is not far to look at the two towering peaks, there is quite a distance to walk.

Several people walked to the dark, and did not reach the target, but came to a dense forest.

At this moment, not far from Qin Chuan, they were in a mountain col.

Several figures sat together, and in the middle rose a fire, on which a whole roe deer was burned.

"Hehe, boss, the ladies in that temple are really strong!"

said a man with a fat face with a smile and an endless aftertaste.

"Hmph, who would have thought that there could be such a superb in such a place where birds don't?

A man with a beard and a fierce look said.

These people are all dressed as old farmers, with bulging waist, and there are several cloth pockets next to them, which contain mountain treasures such as ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum.

It looks like they are a few mountain chasers, but they all look fierce and have a strong body, which is definitely not as simple as it seems.

And just speaking this, it was their leader, Zhang Qiangren.

"Boss, I heard that the treasure of that mountain eagle back then was hidden in Hutou Mountain, and this time we are going to get rich!"

another tall and thin man said with a smile and a greedy face.

"Hmph, we snatched the treasure map from that lady, naturally we can find the treasure, but now in this forest, there is also a team of explorers organized by the government, you have to be cautious, don't be the first to be given by them!"

Zhang Qiangren stretched out a sharp knife, fiercely cut off a piece of roe deer meat, and stuffed it into his mouth and said indistinctly.

There are three treasures in Daxing'anling, thief pheasant, silly roe deer, and black bear paw, which can be said to be wild game in the world!

The fat man saw that the roasted roe deer meat was good, and hurriedly cut off a piece and said while eating.

"Don't worry, boss, where can those explorers compare with us who drill into the old forest every day?

"Friend, since you are here, don't hide your face!" and

at the same time, behind the jungle.


Chuan frowned, his eyes met with Little Buddha and the others.

Just now, when they passed here, they found a fire not far away, and they wanted to come over to check it, but they didn't expect to run into another group of people.

"Looking at their attire, they don't look like our explorers, but how can there be other people in the depths of this forbidden land?

"The Daxing'anling forbidden land is rich in products, and the surrounding villages, and even towns, there are special mountain chasers, these mountain chasers are basically handed down from ancient times, generally with relatives as a relationship bond, each of them has some unique skills, can go deep into the forbidden land, search for mountain treasures, dig spiritual medicine, and make a living!"

said Hongyue next to her, her family is in the northeast, and she is very familiar with some folk things in the northeast.

"It's impossible, this is already the center of the forbidden land, even if you are a mountain chaser, you will not easily enter. Liu Xinyan's eyes flashed with a hint of vigilance.

"Perhaps, they are lost?"

said the little Buddha on the side with an innocent face.

"Cut, whatever they are, since you let us go out, then go and meet them!" The

fat man snorted, even the ghosts were touched, how many people could he be afraid of?


that the fat man was alone, the treasure hunters glanced at each other, looking at the person's costume, it should be those explorers, but fortunately, there was only one person, and it could be solved casually.

But who knows, this idea has just been born, and Qin Chuan, Little Buddha, Liu Xinyan, and Hongyue came out one after another!

"Hmph, let's see what they want to do," Zhang Qiangren snorted coldly, and then his face changed instantly, and he greeted him with a smile.

"Everyone, we are all mountain chasers in this old forest, I didn't expect to meet you here, so let's make something to eat together."

Zhang Qiangren said with a smile.

"Okay, fat master, I've been hungry for half a day!" The fat

man saw the roast meat on the fire, his eyes were about to glow green, and he hurried up the mountain, dragging down a thigh meat and about to gnaw it.

"Fatty, you still eat indiscriminately!"

the little Buddha couldn't help but scold angrily, last time it was because the fat man ate indiscriminately, and he almost didn't bite to death with the mother and son cannibal fetus on his back.

"Uh... Little brother, look at this..." The fat man also reacted, and hurriedly looked at

Qin Chuan, however, Qin Chuan did not answer him, and walked to the corner with his own care.

No problem! The

fat man's eyes lit up, if the little brother was born and stopped him, then I'm afraid there was really something wrong, and he didn't make a sound, then it was said that there was nothing wrong with his life

! Thinking of this, the fat man immediately aimed at the roe deer thigh in his hand and bit it fiercely!

"Lying groove, look at how delicious the fat master eats!" "

I also really want to eat ah, is roe deer meat delicious?"

Hmph, if you dare to eat it, the official will dare to reward you with a silver bracelet!" "

Friendly reminder, roe deer is a second-class protected animal, and it is strictly forbidden to eat it..."

"These people look a little strange, if they can't get it right, there is something wrong." In

the live broadcast room, a group of netizens also fell on these mountain chasers, after all, this deep mountain and old forest, countless dangers, these people's identities are definitely problematic.

"Boss Shan, we are all explorers who entered this forbidden land, I wonder if you have encountered any strange things?" Liu Xinyan walked to the fire and asked.

"Strange things..."

Zhang Qiangren's eyes narrowed slightly, and then a look of panic immediately appeared on his face.

"Guys, you can ask the right person, just last night, I took my brothers to a mountain not far from here, found a small temple, and wanted to go in and rest for the night.

"However, in the middle of the night, a strange woman dressed in red suddenly walked in holding a child



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