Zhang Qiangren's voice was eerie and terrifying, as if he was creating some kind of strange atmosphere, but in the next moment!


Suddenly, a harsh howling sound suddenly sounded, and everyone was startled, and hurriedly looked in the direction where the voice came from.

But at this moment, the night sky was dim, and there were towering ancient trees all around, and it was impossible to tell where the bitter scream came from!

"Everyone, did you hear it, there are dirty things in this old forest!" Zhang

Qiangren's words fell, and a mountain wind suddenly blew, because Qin Chuan and the others were on the other side of the fire, the mountain wind blew, and the thick smoke suddenly surrounded several people.

When that Zhang Qiangren saw this scene, he immediately took out a package of powder from his bag and threw it into the fire without a trace.

"Guys, that little temple is still far from here, and I guess even if there is dirt, it is impossible to follow here.

Zhang Qiangren showed a weird smile on his face, his words fell, and he made a gesture to the subordinates around him covertly!

"Since that dirty thing won't come, then don't be afraid. The

fat man said with a big grin, but at this moment.

"Go!" Qin

Chuan, who had been leaning against a big tree, suddenly opened his eyes, said in a decisive tone, and immediately walked towards the direction of Eagle's Beak Peak.

"I said little brother!"

"What's wrong?"

several people were puzzled, but Qin Chuan left without saying a word, and they had to follow.

"Boss Shan, thank you for your food, we will have a period later.

After Liu Xinyan finished speaking, she immediately followed Qin Chuan.

"Qin Chuan, what happened just now, is it because of that scream?"

Liu Xinyan said a little puzzled, it stands to reason that with Qin Chuan's character, even if he heard something, he would not go so decisively.

"Those guys, lying, have problems.

Qin Chuan glanced at Liu Xinyan lightly, and an icy voice came.

Could it be that what they said was false!" several

people were startled.

In fact, they are all caught in the wrong impression of preconceptions.

Because Qin Chuan and his party had encountered strange incidents before, when that Zhang Qiangren said, they would subconsciously choose to believe, and

if they believed together, then their vigilance would decrease, even if they only believed a little.

"Hiss... Why is my head suddenly a little dizzy?" said Little Buddha with a frown, rubbing his forehead.

"Little Buddha, I just saw that Zhang Qiangren took advantage of the mountain breeze to add something to the fire. The fat man said after realizing it.

"That's right, it's not just Little Buddha, I also feel a little, it's just that we just left quickly, so we didn't get hit

!" Liu Xinyan said with a scared face, if they were half a minute at night just now, I am afraid that they would have been killed by that group

of people!" "Damn, Laozi will go back to take revenge!" The fat man gritted his teeth, just estimated that only he completely believed that group of people.

But who knows, Qin Chuan suddenly stopped in front of the fat man, and only spit out a word in his mouth.

"Wait!" Qin

Chuan's gaze looked at the mountain col that had just left, that scream was definitely made by humans, and what happened to the person lurking in the secret, would let out that miserable howl?

"Boss, even if they go fast, or several of them will become our ghosts under the knife today!" The

man with a fat face looked at the direction Qin Chuan's group left, and snorted.

"If I am distracted, I can leave immediately, these people are not ordinary people, okay, let the third man come back."

Zhang Qiangren said in a condensed voice, the third man, the person he let lurk in the shadows before, in order to deal with some sudden accidents.

The scream just now was issued by the third elder, specifically to scare Qin Chuan and several people.

The tall thin man immediately walked towards the jungle on one side, shouting softly as he walked.

"Mistress... Third man, come out quickly, those people have been scared away..." But

who knows, as soon as his words fell, the jungle in front of him suddenly shook violently, accompanied by a miserable howl.


"My Nima's, the third man, don't pretend to be a ghost, those people are scared away, hurry up!

But who knows, the third man didn't answer the thin and tall man at all, but continued to scream.

With the jungle in front of him shaking violently, the thin and tall man was also stunned in his heart, but he still walked over hard.

Parting the jungle that blocked his vision, the thin and tall man saw an unusually burly figure in front of him, with his back to him, as if he was eating some food.

"Hiss... Strange, I haven't seen it for a few minutes, how did the third man's body become so burly?" muttered

the thin and tall man with a puzzled face, it was dark night, and the towering ancient trees in the old forest blocked the night sky, and even a trace of starlight could not be spilled in.

He could only see that the burly shadow was shaking up and down, and there was a sound of swallowing.

The tall thin man didn't think much, immediately walked over, slapped the shoulder of the "third man", and said dissatisfied.

"I said, Mistress, why are you eating alone here?"

Although the old three-body is burly, it does not have so much

long hair! This figure is all long hair, and when you wipe it hard, you even have a little tie your hands.

"Old Mistress, I said what are you doing with so much grass on your body?

But who knows, the "third old" didn't pay attention to him at all

! Sitting on the ground with his own care, constantly sending something to his mouth

! "Special code, Laozi is giving you a face, right!" At

this time, the thin and tall man was completely annoyed, grabbed the hairy head of the "old third" with both hands, and jerked it back! "


The next moment, the thin and tall screaming voice suddenly sounded, he trembled, his face was pale, his eyes were terrified, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying!

The scarlet and murderous eyes have confirmed the look

, this, this is a human bear! And in the mouth of this human bear, there is actually a bite on half of the human arm

! The blood and flesh that have been gnawed by this human bear are blurred!

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