This gloomy wind is cold and cold, obviously it is three volts of weather, but everyone can't help but tremble, as if they are in a 10,000-year ice cave!

The next moment, Liu Xinyan and Hongyue reacted, hurriedly turned on the flashlight, and shone it into this bandit village.

There were shabby wooden furniture, tables, wooden stools, and they were placed messily in this small room, as if they had been ransacked!"

It was covered with thick dust, and I am afraid that no one came in for at least decades.

Liu Xinyan put on gloves and touched the chair that happened to be beside her and said.


, a rotten human hand suddenly slapped on the chair that Liu Xinyan had just touched

! "Ah!" Liu

Xinyan exclaimed, only feeling that her blood stopped flowing in an instant, and even her heart suddenly stopped!

If I hadn't hidden quickly, I'm afraid this human hand would have been slapped on my

hand!" "Lying groove

!" "Special, scared Lao Tzu!" "

Damn, I just gnawed a foot-soaking phoenix claw, this special rotten human hand, it looks like a foot-soaking phoenix claw!"

In the live broadcast room, netizens were also frightened and exclaimed.

This suddenly decaying human hand is indeed almost not much different from the foot-soaking phoenix claw.

The whole human hand is a kind of dark green, with a layer of soft green hair on it, and even a few fingers, all revealing several years of miserable white bones

! "Boom!" Almost

at the same time, the chair that was slapped by the man's hand suddenly shattered like a bubble, accompanied by a burst of dust, everyone looked again, but only felt that the back of their neck collar, as if blown by something strange blow a breath of cold air

! ! People can't help but shrink their necks

! I saw that behind the broken chair was a strange human corpse

! The clothes on his body exuded a moist luster, as if he had been thrown into the water and then just fished out!

What is even more strange is that this corpse is full of yin color, his face is also covered with a layer of yin green flull, and his eyes are protruding outward like goldfish!

A whole eyeball, at least two-thirds outward, as if with a little force, the entire eyeball will hang down, and then reveal the flesh tendons inside

! Moreover, in the swollen eyes of this corpse, a frightened expression can be faintly seen

! Weird! It's too weird

! He seems to be drowning alive, but the gaze revealed in his eyes is scared to death!

"Hiss... In particular, the eyes of this corpse, I am full of cool breeze when I look at the

fat master!" The fat man muttered, and couldn't help but look away, but who knows, when his gaze just swept away, the pupils of his eyes suddenly contracted

! "Lying groove, there is another body over there!" Everyone

subconsciously looked over, and saw that on the side of the door, there was a corpse standing against the wall

! ! Almost close to Qin Chuan and several people, if it weren't for the fat man's sudden shift of gaze, I'm afraid that several people would not have found

this corpse! It was almost exactly the same as the previous corpse, wet all over, as if it had just been fished out of the water, his eyes were out, and his skin was covered with a layer of green fluff!

"Is this a zombie?" "

No, generally zombies are in the coffin, how can these two be outside?

"It's not impossible!"

In the live broadcast room, netizens fell their eyes on the strange corpse standing against the wall.

But who knew that at this moment, the corpse's

eyes suddenly turned, hollow and with a trace of horror and strange gaze, and met everyone's gaze!


!" "This corpse is alive!" "

I see, I see his eyes looking at me!"

Instantly, a creepy breath suddenly pervaded, even across the screen, the netizens in the live broadcast room only felt that they trembled.

The corpse suddenly moved forward, and then fell stiffly to the ground

, "Live, live?"

However, he did not live, he just fell limply to the ground.

"There is still over there!"

exclaimed Hongyue, shining a flashlight over, and saw that in this room, there were at least a dozen corpses lying crookedly.

Their bodies were covered with viscous liquid, dripping to the ground drop by drop, their faces were gloomy and green, their eyes were bulging, their expressions were frightened, and they couldn't say anything strange.

"They should have died, only because of decades of air closure, and now we suddenly broke in, the two gases hit each other, causing these corpses to suddenly move, not resurrected."

At this moment, Liu Xinyan slowly explained.

"If that's really what you said, but where did these corpses come from, and why do they all have sticky water stains on them?"

said Little Buddha, pointing to several corpses.


flash of doubt flashed in Liu Xinyan's eyes, according to their dress, these corpses will probably die for at least a few decades.

Instead of rotting up, their bodies were still wet, as if they had just been

fished out! If they were really just

fished out, then who was it who fished them out! It was terrifying to think about them!

Could it be that someone fished these bodies out of the water in advance, before they arrived here!

But what was his purpose in doing this for that unknown thing?

Is it just to scare them with a few weird corpses? Impossible

! Whew~

A gloomy and cold yin wind blew again, only this time, it was not blown out of the room, but from the outside of the door, blown behind Qin Chuan and several people!

Do you feel as if someone is behind me, blowing a cool breeze at my neck?"

the fat man couldn't help but tremble and shrunk his neck.

"I also feel it, there seems to be someone behind me, my neck is so cold..."

Hongyue muttered, and then subconsciously wanted to look back.

But who knows, Qin Chuan, who has been silent, suddenly spoke

! "Don't look back!" The

icy voice carried a touch of solemnity, and several people who wanted to look back suddenly shook, and then, without thinking, hurriedly turned back to their heads!

"Xiao... Little brother... Why, why can't you look back?"

the fat man stammered and asked.

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