"Drowning corpse, out of the soul!" Qin

Chuan said six words in a short voice.

Under normal circumstances, people like this who were drowned by water before their lives will form a very broken resentment qi, and this resentment qi will merge with the soul to form a powerful ghost, that is, the legendary water ghost.

Even if they are not in the water, as long as they are entangled by this kind of water ghost with a strong resentment, it will be quite troublesome, and they can be said to be "ghosts" in the real sense!

Drowning corpses....

Everyone couldn't help but wonder for a while, because there is no large water source near these two mountain ranges!

At this moment, behind several people, there was a sudden strange laughter that made people's scalps tingle, and everyone felt that their backs suddenly sank, as if they had been pressed by something.

Moreover, that thing not only pressed on their backs, but also constantly blew a gloomy cold breath towards their ear holes

! For a moment, several people felt that their bodies were stiff at this moment!

Little brother... I fell into the lake, I was about to drown!" At

this moment, the little Buddha suddenly shouted with a distorted face, and then he saw that his face suddenly turned red, gulping and swallowing

the air! It was like falling into the abyss lake, the little Buddha swallowed the air, as if drowning, while constantly flowing out of the yin green liquid from his nose, it was

actually about to die!

He thought that those behind them might be water ghosts, but he didn't expect that those dirty things were already so powerful

! Obviously there is no water, but it can create the illusion of drowning!

Now, the dirty thing has affected the consciousness of the little Buddha, and the picture that the little Buddha sees is that he and others have fallen into the lake.

Moreover, a huge stone was tied to his back, constantly pressing him, falling

to the bottom of the water! He felt that his lungs were about to explode, and he couldn't help it, swallowed a mouthful of water fiercely

! A large amount of blood burst out of Little Buddha's nostrils, and his body began to tremble violently, almost choking to death by his own blood!

!Several other people, almost the same, first sprayed a yin green liquid from their eyes, mouth and nose, and then spewed out a large amount of blood

! But in their line of sight, they had already fallen into a bottomless lake

! However, Qin Chuan did not receive any influence, and he didn't even have the feeling of carrying a boulder behind his back!

Qin Chuan's eyes suddenly flashed a light, the Qilin bloodline, all evils are inviolable, they are not possessed by water ghosts, it is completely because they dare not approach themselves

! The next moment

! Qin Chuan violently pulled out the black gold ancient knife, made a circle on his wrist, a drop of yin red Qilin blood suddenly condensed out, without any pause, Qin Chuan immediately smeared this drop of Qilin blood on his eyes, and then turned his head to look!

I saw that the four people, Little Buddha, Fat Man, Liu Xinyan, and Hongyue, each carrying a humanoid phantom with a distorted face behind their backs

! These people, each holding a rope, strangled the neck of the fat man and others

! This is also the real reason why they feel a kind of suffocation

! Not drowning, but a ghost, using a rope, strangling their necks!

The next moment, Qin Chuan's furious voice suddenly sounded! The

four water ghosts were stunned, and a flash of disbelief flashed on the face of the green-faced fangs, looking at Qin Chuan.

How could

this living person see them!"

"Life soul, this living soul is extremely powerful, take his living soul, we can be reborn!" The

four water ghosts immediately reacted and emitted a harsh and vicious laughing sound at Qin Chuan.

This sneer, as if he had some kind of ability, actually made Qin Chuan distracted for a moment, and when Qin Chuan reacted, the four water ghosts had already dragged their ghost ropes and came to Qin Chuan!

Qin Chuan snorted coldly, and then the black gold ancient knife in his hand turned sharply, aiming at one of the water ghosts who pounced and slashed fiercely

! Zila

!!! Like a red-hot iron rod inserted in the fat, the water ghost that was cut by the black gold ancient knife immediately split into two halves from the middle, and the wounds on both sides were constantly eroded by the evil qi on the black gold ancient knife, emitting a violent corrosive sound!

The next moment, a harsh howling sound suddenly sounded, the water ghost that was divided into two halves, the two grimaces had distorted expressions of pain, it was constantly struggling in the air, but it was impossible to put the two halves of the body together!

"Lying groove?" "

Did you hear

the scream?" "Is there really ah, this scream is too scary, right?"

In the live broadcast room, netizens only heard a miserable and numbing howl, and then they saw Qin Chuan holding a black gold ancient knife, constantly waving it in the air

! As if he was fighting with something unseen!

At this moment, the little Buddha and several people finally eased up, although they vomited a lot of blood just now, but the injury was not very serious.

However, when they heard that miserable howl, several people were shocked and hurriedly got up from the ground.

But he only saw that the black gold ancient knife in Qin Chuan's hand kept flashing with a ghostly light, and before it flashed once, the miserable howl sounded.

It is clear that the little brother is indeed fighting with something unknown dirty.

However, why can't they see?

!"Die!!" At

this moment, I saw Qin Chuan suddenly whispered, and then, a terrifying energy condensed around his body, and this energy turned into a mighty unicorn phantom, aiming at the four water ghosts with a sharp mouth

! Roar!!

The roaring sound from the ancient holy beast suddenly sounded, and even, this roar containing terrifying energy, abruptly shook the air out of a circle of air ripples visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, it was pushed to the four water ghosts! !

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