
A harsh howl suddenly sounded, and at the same time, Qin Chuan and the others, who had already descended the stone stairs, also heard this scalp-numbing howl.

"Hiss... What's going on? What happened in the room again? The

fat man shuddered, and couldn't help but want to go back to the room to take a look.

"Fatty, leave it alone!"

Little Buddha let out a low sigh, no matter what happened after they left, it had nothing to do with them at the moment.

The group spun down the stone stairs again, and this deep cave became wider and wider the lower it went, walking for nearly ten minutes, and the underground space had reached a radius of hundreds of meters.

"Ahem... The taste here is so pungent.

Liu Xinyan coughed and said with a somewhat painful face.

"It's miasma, because the air is not circulating, I have some family secret pills here, and taking them can resist miasma."

The red moon next to him followed, and immediately took out five small red pills from his arms and gave them to Liu Xinyan, Fatty and others.

But when he arrived in front of Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan shook his head.

"Little brother, this miasma is poisonous, if inhaled for a long time, it will make people hallucinate, and even die." Hongyue said a little puzzled.

Qin Chuan doesn't take pills, is it possible, isn't he afraid of these miasma?

However, Qin Chuan still shook his head and refused.

With the Qilin bloodline, the physique itself is different from others, this underground miasma may be fatal to others, but it does not do any harm to Qin Chuan.

"Okay, little brother, if you don't feel well, tell me immediately."

Hongyue reluctantly withdrew the pill, but at this moment.


A sound of water suddenly came out from the deep hole below.

"Listen, there is the sound of water!"

Liu Xinyan exclaimed lowly.

"Could it be that there is an underground dark river underneath?" The fat man muttered, and then took the lead and headed down.

It didn't take long for the air below to become more and more humid, and the sound of flowing water became louder and louder, and finally, under the illumination of the strong light flashlight, several people only saw a violent refracted light below.

Underneath this deep cave, a slowly flowing river is found!

The speed of the river is not fast, it can even be said to be very slow.

As if it had stood still, the entire river took on an eerie gloomy green color under the illumination of the light.

The rising water vapor is very thick, just for a while, several people only feel that their hair and eyelashes seem to be hung with a dense layer of water droplets, and the clothes on their bodies are even more damp!

Moreover, this stone staircase enters directly into the river below, and there is no open space around.

"Hiss... Wrong! How does the water vapor rising from this river feel so familiar to me?

Liu Xinyan muttered, and then her pupils shrank sharply!

This river, the water vapor rising from this river, is exactly the same as the corpses of those robbers found in the room before!

The robbers' bodies were wet, and there was a layer of dark green spears floating on their faces, exactly the same color as this river!

"Isn't it, those corpses came from this river?"

Little Buddha frowned, obviously thinking of this as well.

However, what made everyone even more puzzled was how those corpses came from this river to the house above!

The length of this stone step is probably more than a few hundred meters, since they are already corpses, how can they climb up a distance of hundreds of meters!

"Groove! Look, there are people in the river!

At this moment, the fat man's exclamation made everyone's hearts sink!

There are people in the river!

In an underground river that I don't know how many tens of thousands of years have not seen the light of day, and even in the Dragon Kingdom official has never been an exception, there are people?!

The expressions of several people changed, and then they hurriedly looked down, and saw that on the surface of this river, there were indeed many figures, but these figures... Why does it look so strange?

One by one, as if they were climbing in the water, while Qin Chuan looked down, "they" also looked up!

"Fat master, I said you can see it again, the figure displayed on the water surface is obviously a reflection of a few of us!"

Little Buddha couldn't help but say with a helpless look.

"Huh? Pour...... Inverted image? The fat man was stunned, and then hurriedly looked down again.

Sure enough, the few shadows that suddenly appeared on the surface of this river are not the reflections of a few people!

It's just that with the slow flow of the river, the reflection of several people seems to be able to do their own movements, slowly twisting on the surface of the river.

"Hehe, this, this is me nervous... I'm nervous...," the fat man smiled, grabbing his wet hair and said with embarrassment on his face.

"Hmph, even if you are not scared to death by a ghost, you have to be scared to death." Hongyue snorted coldly, turned around, and continued to climb down slowly.

Qin Chuan and several people also breathed a sigh of relief, after all, they had just arrived here, and if something suddenly happened, I am afraid it would be really difficult to deal with.


A few people didn't notice!

It stands to reason that the reflection reflected on the surface of this river should be consistent with the movements of several of them!

And now, their gaze has begun to look upward, and the reflection on the river surface is not consistent with their movements at all!

Still "lying" in the water, staring straight at them!

It's like you're looking in the mirror alone at home, you've turned your head and turned around, but the "you" in the mirror doesn't move the same as you!

It's standing behind your back, with both eyes, straight hooked...

Staring at you!!!


At this moment, the slow-flowing water suddenly rushed, and then, in the upper reaches of this underground river, it turned out to be a wooden raft that was not too small to follow the flow of the river!

"Look! A wooden raft floated down from it!

"Let's hurry down, if we wait for the wooden raft to drift away, we can only flow the river!"

Liu Xinyan and Hongyue exclaimed in surprise, and then hurriedly crawled down.

And when they reached the end of the stone steps, on the surface of the underground dark river, the wooden raft floated directly below them.

Hongyue pulled out the whip, flicked it violently, and the flexible whip tip directly wrapped around the wooden raft, but who knew that the wooden raft that should have gone down the river did not have any intention of staying!

Even if he was dragged by the red moon, he still didn't stay!

After drifting, the inertia generated by the raft spirit was too great, and it actually dragged the red moon directly and fell into the river!


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