Hongyue screamed, and her body fell uncontrollably into the river.

And at this critical moment, a strong hand suddenly grabbed Hongyue's arm, and together with the raft floating on the river, it also stopped.

Hongyue hurriedly turned her head to look, and it was Qin Chuan who grabbed her.

"Whew... Qin Chuan, for some reason, the inertia of this raft drifting is very large.

Hongyue let out a long breath, and the fat man and Little Buddha also reacted immediately, dragging Hongyue back with seven hands and eight feet.

You know, this raft is not very large, and the speed of the river is not very fast, with the inertia generated by this energy, the red moon should not be brought into the river at all.

"Let's go up first."

Qin Chuan glanced at the raft that suddenly stood still on the surface of the river and spoke.

Several people fixed their minds and immediately walked down the stone steps cautiously.

The length and width of the raft is about two meters, and five people standing on it is more than enough, but there is nothing on this raft that can control the direction, that is, once they come up, they can only go down the river!


This way of handing over his fate to the unknown, Qin Chuan was very uncomfortable.

He frowned and carefully observed the raft, but for some reason, this raft actually produced a familiar feeling!

"Little brother... The wood of this raft, how, how is it like the Kunlun divine wood you encountered in Lop Nur exploration before!

At this moment, Liu Xinyan on the side suddenly spoke!

Although she had never entered Lop Nur, she had completely observed the Kunlun Divine Wooden Coffin that stored the Exquisite Queen through the live broadcast equipment!

It looks inconspicuous, but it always exudes the breath of life, even if it may have been broken for thousands of years, it still grows tender green brittle buds!

And this raft, at the break on both sides, also grows green shoots!

It's Kunlun Shenmu, that's right!

"You see, on this raft made of Kunlun Divine Wood, there are still traces of knife cutting... It's like it was cut off artificially.

Little Buddha squatted on the raft and touched an arm-thick Kunlun Divine Wooden Trunk and said.

"The marks carved by

the knife..." A trace of doubt flashed in Liu Xinyan's eyes, and she subconsciously looked at the black gold ancient knife that Qin Chuan was carrying.

Take a look at the deep knife marks............

It seems like!

It seems to be left by the Black Gold Ancient Dao!

"Qin... Qin Chuan, can you use your Black Gold Ancient Dao......... Give it a try?

Liu Xinyan's eyes flickered, looking at Qin Chuan and said.

Qin Chuan nodded, also puzzled in his heart.

He slowly pulled out the black gold ancient knife, and then placed it on the knife mark.

Tight seams, no difference!

This, how is this possible?!

The hearts of everyone trembled violently!

The black gold ancient knife that Qin Chuan was carrying was completely consistent with the marks of the knife on this raft composed of Kunlun Divine Wood!

Doesn't that mean that it was Qin Chuan who cut off the Kunlun Divine Wood and then made this raft!

However, this is the first time Qin Chuan has arrived here!

Qin Chuan had never come in before, and before, Qin Chuan's performance was completely unfamiliar here!

If this is really the case, then wouldn't it be, Qin Chuan is lying to them!

He's already been here!

Otherwise, why, this Kunlun Divine Wood raft will leave traces of Qin Chuan!

For a while, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Qin Chuan's body with incomparable complexity.

Qin Chuan is hiding them?

What is he hiding!

And almost at the moment when the black gold ancient knife and that profound knife mark collided, the entire black gold ancient knife trembled!

An energy that had never been experienced before emanated from the Black Gold Ancient Dao and poured into Qin Chuan's mind!

Qin Chuan's line of sight seemed to be no longer on this underground dark river.

Chaotic and blurry space, a tree that reaches the sky descends into the thick soil and connects to the sky!

And a figure dressed in black, holding a long black knife, cut off this tree of heaven!

What is it?!

Qin Chuan's pupils shrank sharply, and it was obvious that this person dressed in black and holding a long knife was himself!


But why!

You want to cut off the Kunlun Divine Wood yourself?

It was he who used the Kunlun Divine Wood to make the coffin that stored the exquisite queen, and he used the Kunlun Divine Wood to create this raft!

It was a fragment of Qin Chuan's memory, but in just a few seconds, it completely disappeared.

"Little brother... Little brother? You, are you all right?

Little Buddha said with concern on his face.

In these few seconds, they also thought that maybe this black gold ancient knife was just obtained by Qin Chuan by accident.

Perhaps, this black gold ancient knife has other backgrounds, and since entering the forbidden land, Qin Chuan has been protecting them.

If they suspected Qin Chuan because of this matter, wouldn't they also be too desperate?

Several people felt guilty, and it was not good to ask again, and Qin Chuan's character, they don't say not to ask, even if they asked, Qin Chuan would not answer.

The raft floats down the underground river, surrounded by thick layers of dirt and rock, and even many plants with developed root systems extend the root system from the perimeter to the underground dark river to absorb water.

It is like a winding and rugged underground diving dragon, nourishing all the plants and life along the way.


At this moment, the Kunlun Shenmu raft drifting along the river suddenly shook violently, as if something underneath had tripped.

Soon, however, the raft returned to stability.

"That's not right!"

"Something is wrong with this!"

At this moment, Liu Xinyan, who was watching the movement of the river, suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong, what did you find?" The fat man hurriedly asked.

"You see, just now the raft shook violently, but the surrounding river did not have any fluctuations, that is, it was not the mysterious creature in the river that hit the raft."

And, more importantly, the raft drifting did not push away the surrounding river, it seemed to float on the surface of the river! Like, as if under the raft of the Kunlun Divine Wood, there is a man who is holding the raft and marching in the river!

Liu Xinyan's tone became more and more urgent, as if she wanted to go to the river to see it in person!

Everyone immediately looked, sure enough, the passage of the raft did not cause any ripples on the surrounding river, but now they are obviously riding the raft, floating on the water!

"Cut! Don't say it's so mysterious, the color of this river is green, I am afraid that it must be at least three meters deep, unless it is a giant that has never appeared on the earth, holding a raft below. The

fat man snorted in disbelief, and then, he actually directly stuck his head out from the edge of the raft, wanting to see what was below!

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