But who knows, when the fat man just stuck his head out, a human face suddenly condensed on the calm river!

Suddenly condensed?

The fat man looked a little dazed and scratched his hair, only feeling as if something was wrong.

This face is a reflection of himself..........

However, it was as if there was a sluggishness between him and his movements.

This reflected human face, the gaze is very empty, the face highlighted by the river is green, and the eyes are directly hooked to look at the fat man.

And the face on the surface of the water, seeing the fat man reaching out and grabbing his hair, did not know where to stretch out an arm, and also grabbed the fat man's hair.

Scratching the fat man's hair......... Not the hair of that human face............

"It doesn't seem to be a problem."

The fat man muttered, as if he didn't notice anything abnormal, and continued to look down at the raft.

And the face on the surface of the water slowly opened its mouth, revealing a weird smile..........


Who's laughing?!"

The fat man paused sharply and hurriedly looked at the face, and the reflected face immediately put away a weird smile and looked at the fat man with the same posture.

"Hiss... Strange, could it be that the fat master I hallucinated? The

fat man muttered and looked back at Qin Chuan and the others, who didn't seem to notice the sharp laughter just now.

"Well, just when I hallucinate."

A look of helplessness flashed on the fat man's face, and he continued to look under the raft.

I saw that this raft was indeed floating on the water, and the distance was probably less than ten centimeters, almost sticking to the surface of the water.

And under the raft, it was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

"Hey! Anyone! The fat man couldn't help but roar into the darkness below the raft.

However, under the raft, it was still dark, and there was no other sound except the sound of the river flowing.

"Hehe, look, I said, even if this raft is floating on the water, there can't be anyone below!"

The fat man smiled and said to Liu Xinyan.

But who knows in the next moment!



The river under the raft surged violently, and then a shadow silhouette emerged from the river below, and a hoarse and faint voice sounded.

"Someone... Someone..."

The voice, like a patient whose trachea had been cut, was hoarse with a sharp and sharp sound, accompanied by the sound of breathing air!

"Hehe, so there is someone

!!..." I'm tired... What a person! The

fat man's relaxed voice jerked, and then his voice suddenly rose by at least eight degrees!

I was so frightened that I almost didn't fall off the raft!


Under the raft of this Kunlun Divine Wood, there are really people!

"You, who are you? Why are you below!

Liu Xinyan and the others also heard this hoarse voice, and couldn't help but tremble and ask.

"I... I am a sinner......... He...... He told me to be here..." the

figure under the raft continued to answer in a hoarse voice!

At this moment, everyone only felt a terrifying and weird breath, which instantly rushed to their minds! Even my scalp started to tingle!

It's so weird, it's so creepy!

Especially Liu Xinyan, she just said casually, who could know that there was really a person under the raft!

Knowing this, she just wouldn't have said that kind of thing anyway!

The group, riding on a raft, originally thought that they were floating in the river, but they did not expect that there was a person below, holding them up, marching in the river!

No wonder, no wonder the raft just now suddenly trembled violently, it is estimated that the person below, or some unknown creature, tripped a little!

"My Nima!"

"This, what exactly exists in this underground dark river?"

"Damn, there is really a person below, it's creepy to think about!"

"Don't mention it, now Lao Tzu is in bed, I suspect that there is someone under my bed!"

"Who is that person, little brother, will they be in danger?"

"Dead fatty, there's nothing to ask about it!"

In the live broadcast room, many netizens were also startled by this sudden sound!

It's like you're lying on a good bed and suddenly asking under the bed on a whim!

And under the bed, there is really a "person" who answered you!

This feeling of extreme fear instantly spread to more than a billion viewers watching the live broadcast!

There are even quite a few, and they have already begun to scold the fat man!

After all, this person can also be regarded as a fat man!

And here, the fat man had already begun to tremble all over his body, and stammered and asked.

"So, who is that person... Why did he let you hold the raft..."Below

the raft, the unknown figure, hearing the fat man's question jerked, the entire raft instantly swayed violently

, it seemed to be thinking about something, and a moment later, a hoarse low voice sounded.

"He... He is...... Can't say......... He wouldn't let me say......... I...... I'm here...... It's atonement... It is atonement..."

He, who the hell is he!"

For a while, everyone on the raft only felt as if they were trapped in a thick fog!

A weird underground river, a mysterious man holding a raft!

And, that mysterious him!

Who is he?!

Who is he again?!

And who are they ?!

It's over, everything is at a loss, everything is not clear!

"You, how many years have you been in this river, holding a raft?"

Hongyue seemed to have thought of something and asked.

"I... How many years have it been... Can't remember exactly... It seems to be......... It's been a thousand years..."

the mysterious figure under the raft, the hoarse voice sounded.


Thousands of years!

What crime did he commit, punished in this underground dark river, holding up a raft for thousands of years!

Every day, every night, he soaked in the icy and biting river.

At this moment, Liu Xinyan suddenly set her gaze on Qin Chuan's body.

Thousands of years ago, it was the time when that exquisite queen ruled the thirty-six countries of the Western Regions!

And in the previous expedition, the mysterious queen once said that thousands of years ago, it was Qin Chuan who sealed her in the coffin of the Kunlun Divine Wood!

Is there any inevitable connection between this?!

Still, still!!

"He didn't forgive me... I'm going to continue......... Atonement..." The

next moment, the hoarse voice sounded again, and the raft slowly began to descend.

"Wait, big brother, can you tell me if you are the only one in this river... Person!

At this moment, the fat man suddenly asked

, he was also afraid, a person scared him enough, in case there are a few more, it is not scared to death!

"Hehe, hey, he's alone.

, "Yes, just him!"

"None of us are human!"

But who knows, as soon as the fat man's words fell, faces suddenly appeared on the surrounding river!

The expressions on their faces showed a weird smile, and while laughing, they said, their eyes staring directly at Qin Chuan and several people!

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