These human faces float on the surface of the river, and their facial expressions are unusually distorted as the water flows.

There are men, there are women, there are old people, it looks quite terrifying!

"Hahaha......... We're all here..." "

Are you looking for us?"

On the surface of the water, the faces of the faces made strange and strange laughing sounds, and slowly moved towards the raft from all directions.

It's like a school of fish, and in the blink of an eye, the entire raft is surrounded by such human faces!

Densely packed, the fat people who watched it felt numb in their scalps for a while!

"Damn, Laozi is not looking for you, hurry up and get out of here for me!"

The fat man finally couldn't bear it, pulled out a sapper shovel, and slapped it fiercely at the face of a person approaching!


A large number of dark green rivers were photographed out, and that human face, the facial features on its face, were all blasted by the fat man!

The nose, mouth, and flesh and blood were blurred, and the two eyeballs were directly slapped out and landed on the raft!


The fat man exclaimed, but before he could react, the strange faces around him seemed to have been activated by some signal.

The strange expressions on their faces suddenly became extremely ferocious, emitting a piercing howling sound, and they actually jumped up from the water and rushed towards the people on the raft!

This is............

Several people's eyes were stunned, and they only felt a creepy breath shrouded in an instant!

It was not their faces, but the ones connected to their faces turned out to be huge leeches with thick wrists! That is, leeches!

The body of these leeches does not have smooth skin, but a familiar layer of green fluff, their heads are topped by those strange human faces, and the bodies of leeches are floating below the surface of the water!

"Not good!"

"Fight back, can't let them come up!"

Little Buddha and the others exclaimed, and immediately took out their respective weapons!


Suddenly, a dense gunshot sounded, and the fat man and the little Buddha took out their submachine guns, and aimed at these faces to pull the trigger!


The bullets left bullet marks on those faces, and even, some of the weird faces were directly destroyed by the dense bullets!

The eyes flew around, and all the organs on the face were blown out of a bloody hole by the powerful impact of the bullet!

However, these strange faces did not pause at all, even if the faces were smashed, they still rushed towards several people at the fastest speed!

"Hit them in the neck, that is, those leeches!"

At this moment, Liu Xinyan suddenly shouted, and then, she pulled out a dagger and aimed it at the neck of the nearest human face!


The wrist-thick leech was directly cut off by Liu Xinyan's dagger.

As if cutting off their aorta, scarlet blood suddenly spilled out, and the strange human face, together with the leech cut off by Liu Xinyan, fell onto the raft like an oversized tadpole.

Seeing this scene, the little brother and the others also reacted, and hurriedly aimed the muzzle at the leeches connected to strange people.

Bang bang!

There was another burst of gunfire, at least a dozen strange faces, and leeches connected to them, which were broken abruptly by bullets!

And on the side of the red moon, a whip played out of the ordinary, and all the strange faces that dared to approach her were all burst at once!

In the blink of an eye, at least dozens of strange faces were interrupted by several people.

Their spooky faces, together with the broken leech bodies, landed on the raft, almost without a place to get off.

However, there are too many of these weird faces!

For every part of them cut off, a part emerges from the river.

Endless, simply impossible to measure!

"Damn, no, can't hold on!"

"The number of these weird faces is too much, and it will kill us!"

Little Buddha and Liu Xinyan gritted their teeth and subconsciously fell their gaze on Qin Chuan, but they only saw that Qin Chuan was holding the black gold ancient knife at this moment, as if he was in deep thought!

"Little brother!"

"You're awake!"

"Those faces are coming up!"

Several people couldn't help but let out a call, but at this moment, Qin Chuan, who was holding the black gold ancient knife, trembled violently.

I only felt that a strange memory appeared in my mind again.

It was a war-torn city, a tall ancient general, armed with a black and gold ancient knife, he was slaughtering the city!

Countless people died under his knife, and even many children were directly brutally killed.

And the parents of those children, after seeing their children die tragically, could not stand such a blow, and they all chose to hang themselves one by one!

Their necks were pulled by slender ropes, and finally they were cruelly thrown into the river by the ancient general!

Little brother, wake up!

At this moment, a call pulled Qin Chuan back to reality from his memory.

He looked back sharply, and saw the fat man and the others, looking at him anxiously.

"Little brother, these faces rushed up." Little Buddha hurriedly said.


Qin Chuan was slightly stunned, turned his head to look, and saw that the surface of the river was indeed densely covered with human faces.

These people have a resentful expression on their faces, as if they have experienced some kind of hatred that cannot be forgotten!

However, I am afraid that they will die for at least hundreds of years, what kind of grudge, what kind of hatred? Can they not forget for hundreds of years?

However, at this moment, Qin Chuan's gaze jerked and fell on one of the faces.


"Little brother, what are you looking at?"

The fat man smashed a pounced face, and then asked hurriedly.

But I saw that Qin Chuan's pupils shrank sharply, and then pointed to the face and said.

"I... Know that face..."

I, know that face??!

"I'm Nima!"

"Little brother, don't you bring such a scary!"

"These weird faces have probably been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, how can you possibly know them?

"If the little brother really knows each other and is still very familiar with these faces, doesn't that mean..."

Little brother, you, who the hell are you! In

the live broadcast room, Qin Chuan's words directly made all the audience's hearts cold!

Too special scary, right?

Little brother, he, he actually knows those weird human faces!

This is special to make people's hearts twitch alive!

The fat man trembled even more, and covered his heart and said.

"Little, little brother, you, don't scare me, is it possible, you, you are also one of these weird faces?!"

Hearing this, the other few people only felt a tingling in their scalps.

Little brother he... He...... Not really!!

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