However, Qin Chuan was not in the mood to deal with them.

That face, Qin Chuan had indeed seen, but it was not before, but just now!

In the memory brought to him by the Black Gold Ancient Dao just now, there was such a human face!

He was hung from a tree and hanged alive! Finally, he was thrown into the river by that ancient general!

If all the memories brought by the black gold ancient knife are true,

doesn't it mean that these strange faces of the underground dark river are the parents who once hanged themselves because they were killed by the great generals of the Yuan Dynasty?

This underground dark river is a river of corpses!

In an instant, Qin Chuan connected all his memories together,

including the origin of this black gold ancient knife!

That great general of the Yuan Dynasty, using this black gold ancient knife to slaughter the city, and the parents of the dead children, hanged themselves in grief, and finally, were thrown into this underground dark river.

These faces are the same parents who died thousands of years ago!

If this story is told, I am afraid that no one will believe it,

but Qin Chuan knows that this is definitely true!

The cause that was planted thousands of years ago finally bears fruit after thousands of years!

Otherwise, how to explain the origin of these faces!

However, what about the evil Yuan Dynasty general!

Qin Chuan's pupils shrank sharply, as if he had thought of something!

That Yuan Dynasty general was tall, and even in his memory, he was almost as tall as the other ordinary people, an absolute giant!

Perhaps, he is now suffering the punishment of the evil he sowed!



At this moment, the faces on the surface of the river seemed to sense something, and they all made a burst of roaring sounds.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the leech that was holding them suddenly rose from the water and surrounded the entire raft from above!

Fierce and resentful gaze, staring at the person on the raft, or rather, Qin Chuan!

Qin Chuan!

How can it be??

What the hell does he have to do with these faces!


..." "Give me back the child..." "

The devil... You are the devil! "

The next moment, hundreds of faces made a burst of roaring sounds, as if they wanted to tear everyone on the raft to pieces!

"It's over, it's completely over!"

"Damn, poor fat master I'm still a virgin, I'm going to die here today!"

"Fatty, who is not the same as the one who is talking about!"

"You two don't have to be tough, hurry up and find a way!"

The anxious voices of the fat little Buddha and Hongyue sounded, and at this moment, Liu Xinyan's gaze suddenly fell on Qin Chuan's body.

I saw Qin Chuan suddenly raise his legs and walk towards the edge of the raft.

He stood on the edge of the raft, holding a black gold ancient knife and looking at the strange faces floating in the air, his cold expression actually flashed a touch of shame!

These strange faces, who were once also suffering people, were forced to die by that Yuan Dynasty general, and finally, I don't know for what reason, they were raised by this yin water!

Next moment!

Qin Chuan held the black gold ancient knife, rotated slightly on his wrist, and a drop of Qilin blood suddenly condensed.

However, unlike before, this drop of Qilin blood did not carry any offensive aura, but was quite mild.

Falling into this underground dark river, in an instant, with the raft as the center, a majestic energy surged up and down the entire underground dark river!

Everywhere he passed, all the gloomy and cold aura generated by the underground dark river all dissipated in the next moment.

And those strange faces with hideous faces, after coming into contact with this majestic energy, the resentment in their eyes slowly dissipated, and their distorted expressions became mild.

"The evil consequences of this knife committed a thousand years ago, I will return it!!"

The next moment, Qin Chuan's deep voice sounded!

The evil of a thousand years ago, I will return it!

Liu Xinyan and the others couldn't help but look at Qin Chuan, they didn't understand, why, why did Qin Chuan repay what evil consequences?

Longguo Central Research Institute.

"That knife from a thousand years ago?"

Dean Zheng Dajiang frowned and dropped his gaze on the black gold ancient knife held by Qin Chuan.

"Dean, this knife is called the Black Gold Ancient Knife, also known as the Black Gold of Slaughtering the City, in the legend, a great general of the Yuan Dynasty once used this knife to slaughter a city, doing many evils and committing monstrous crimes!"

"It's just that it's just a legend, appearing in wild history, and it is impossible to determine its authenticity."

An expert who specializes in history next to him hurriedly said.

"Then, it should be true..." Zheng

Dajiang nodded slowly, and at the same time, his gaze looking at Qin Chuan began to become complicated.

What is his identity?

Why did he pay for this murderous knife for a thousand years of evil?

Why did he seal that Exquisite Queen for a thousand years!

"Little brother... It's so domineering!

"A thousand years of evil, he will return it!"

"Although he didn't have anything to do with the little brother at all, the little brother was still able to stand up and take on the responsibility bravely!

In the live broadcast room, many netizens seemed to be infected by the responsibility brought by Qin Chuan's words.

And those strange faces heard Qin Chuan's words, as if they had touched them something.


They resented for a thousand years.

Tearing that body underwater for thousands of years.

By now, everything should have passed....

As the Qilin blood continued to spread, those people's faces disappeared into the river one by one, and the entire underground dark river did not have that eerie and terrifying feeling.

It's like a normal river.

"Qin Chuan, what did you plant a thousand years ago..." Liu Xinyan couldn't help but ask.

But who knows, as soon as her words fell, Qin Chuan actually jumped sharply and disappeared directly into the underground dark river!


A large amount of river water erupted, and on the raft, several people looked at each other, their faces full of confusion.

Why, suddenly thrown into the river?

Even if those weird faces have sunk to the bottom, no one can guarantee that they will really let go of their grudges.

Little brother, isn't he afraid of encountering any danger?

"Little brother! Where are you?! "

Come up!"

Several people called anxiously, but there was still no movement underwater, and the raft they were riding on did not stay, and continued to float downstream for a long time.

At this moment, under the water

, Qin Chuan was like a swimming fish, shuttling through the underground dark river.

This dark river was far deeper than expected, and just after diving a few meters, Qin Chuan's figure jerked and looked down.

I saw that at the bottom of the river, there was a densely packed corpse.

These corpses have not known how long they have been soaked here, and they are covered with dark green water plants, which should be the same substance as the robber corpses seen in the house before.

It's just that one has been around longer.

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