Moreover, the heads of these corpses were raised in a strange posture, densely packed as if an army was saluting.

If such a scene is captured by the live broadcast equipment, I am afraid it will cause great shock in the outside world.

A river like an abyss, but everywhere,

a place to raise corpses!

Qin Chuan's pupils shrank sharply, even if that Yuan Dynasty general slaughtered the city and killed so many people, he would not raise these innocent people into yin corpses.

Obviously, something else is doing it.

But fortunately, Qin Chuan had just used the Qilin blood to dissolve the thick resentment among their corpses, and now these corpses could be said to be real corpses.


Qin Chuan looked over carefully, and saw that the faces of these corpses seemed to have been cut abruptly by something, and there was an obvious blood mark around the face!

This is even more certain of Qin Chuan's thoughts!

These corpses were used by something to become what they were before!

Yet in the next moment.


The face of one of the corpses suddenly trembled, as if some mechanism had been opened, and the crack around his face slowly expanded, as if something was about to come out of it!


Qin Chuan muttered in his heart, subconsciously approaching, but only saw that a creature that was several meters long and seemed to be flattened meat intestines squirmed out from the broken face of the corpse!

Its body is section by section, with green fluff on the outside, and a ring of hideous mouthparts at the front end!


Qin Chuan's heart moved, and in his mind, the true identity of these leeches was immediately revealed.

Corpse blood leech!

It is rumored to be an extremely evil creature that was artificially placed inside a corpse and survived with the blood preserved in the corpse.

And after reaching a certain time, the corpse blood leech will increase the resentment of the corpse before death, and finally manipulate the corpse and evolve into a yin corpse!

No wonder, those corpses exude a strong resentment, which turned out to be caused by such creatures.

Qin Chuan's eyes narrowed slightly, people die big, but someone actually used these corpses to raise Yin corpses!

Imprison their souls and drive their dead bodies!

Thanks to the fact that this is in the underground dark river, if it were on the ground, such an evil technique would have been blown up by the rolling heavenly thunder!

The corpse blood leech that drilled out twisted twice in the underground dark river, and immediately detected the thick smell of blood in the river.

Following the source of the smell of blood, the corpse blood leech finally found Qin Chuan!

Leeches are creatures that love blood and suck blood, and if injured people or animals fall into a pool full of leeches, I am afraid that in a few minutes, they will be sucked dry by swarming leeches!

And now, for this corpse blood leech, Qin Chuan is obviously that prey!

Find death!

Seeing the corpse blood leech squirming towards him, Qin Chuan snorted coldly, directly pulled out the black gold ancient knife, and slashed at the corpse blood leech!


The powerful force, even in the deep water, also burst out terrifying energy, that corpse leech was directly cut into countless pieces by the black gold ancient knife that quickly slashed, and on the surface of the river, because of the powerful energy that Qin Chuan burst out, a water curtain was born!


The entire underground dark river boiled, as if someone had dropped a grenade under the river.

"Groove! Look, the river behind bursts!

"Damn, what the hell is going on down there?" It won't be the little brother fighting below, right? "It's

a pity that we can't see such a wonderful scene."

"Little brother won't be in any danger, right?"

In the live broadcast room, netizens who saw this scene talked about it.

The reason why Qin Chuan turned off the live broadcast equipment was because he didn't want them to see the situation underwater.

After all, the real reason why Qin Chuan went into the water was not these corpses.

And at this moment, more and more leeches were drilling out of those corpses below, and Qin Chuan's speed of wielding the black gold ancient knife was getting faster and faster!

Finally, with a rapid flash of sword light, the hundreds of leeches surrounding Qin Chuan turned into a ball of meat mud and fell towards the bottom of the river.

And Liu Xinyan and their group had already left on a raft.

Qin Chuan did not leave, but waited quietly in the water.

A moment later, I only saw a corpse that was more than three meters tall and highly decomposed, stepping on the water, slowly walking upstream

, and above his head was the raft that Qin Chuan and the others were riding on, as if he was completing some task

, step by step, mechanically walking in the river.

However, at this moment, his huge body jerked, and then slowly walked towards Qin Chuan.

"I... Complied with your punishment ... Walking in this tributary of the Oblivion River... A thousand years..."

the tall and burly figure said slowly towards Qin Chuan.

My punishment?

Qin Chuan couldn't help but be stunned, looking at this tall figure again, only feeling the memory fragments in his mind, slowly coinciding with this figure.

That Yuan Dynasty general who held a black gold ancient knife and slaughtered the city!

Sure enough, it's him!

Qin Chuan's pupils shrank suddenly!

Although Qin Chuan had already guessed his true identity!

But why, why did he say that he let him walk among the tributaries of the Forget River?!

It's himself, punishing him!

"Me, who am I?" Qin Chuan couldn't help but ask.

The Yuan Dynasty general shook his head and said in a hoarse voice. "Sages..."


Another sage!

Qin Chuan only felt as if his mind was trapped in a fog!

Himself a sage!

But he had never entered this world before!

That was thousands of years ago!

Could it be that he had already descended here thousands of years ago!

However, why, I can't remember everything that happened a thousand years ago!

Could it be that I can't do it, myself......... Amnesia!

"You came from chaos......... You gave me the Black Gold Ancient Knife......... You made me atone for my sins in this river of forgetfulness......... You...... disappeared into the place where the dragon vein originated..."The

great general of the Yuan Dynasty, after saying these words, as if sensing something, turned around and continued to walk towards the upper reaches of the river.

"You asked me to wait for you here, you came... My sins have not been taken away. The

voice fell, and his figure became farther and farther away, until he disappeared into this underground dark river.

Could it be that he really came here thousands of years ago?

However, where have you been in the past thousand years?

Qin Chuan grabbed his hair hard, and suddenly thought of the human-faced tree growing in this Great Xing'an Ridge.

It is said that the fruit of the human face tree has magical power to remind those who eat it of past and present lives!

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