In an instant, the black qi seemed to explode at this moment, and

the tentacles condensed by those black qi were full of evil, plus the two distorted white faces in the black qi!

Let everyone who saw this scene imprint it in their minds!

The incomparably evil power poured out instantly, but Qin Chuan's body trembled at this moment!

It was as if something was about to drill out of his body!

No! Not his body, but his bloodline!

From his bloodline, an aura from the Flood Desolate Beast burst out!


With a roaring sound that made the entire space tremble, a hideous phantom quickly condensed in the sky above Qin Chuan!

From illusory to real, in the end, the real body of the unicorn came out fiercely!

Kirin !

Ancient unicorn!

An incredible voice came from that black gas!

Qin Chuan's eyes seemed to burn with flames, but between the swaying of this flame, it was as if two unicorn beasts roared in Qin Chuan's pupils!

Divide the gold knife method!


One cut!

With the roar of the unicorn!

That ancient unicorn true body instantly broke through some kind of restraint, and Qin Chuan's black gold ancient knife collided with that black qi at almost the same time!



A miserable scream suddenly sounded, obviously it was an evil black qi, but it gave Qin Chuan the feeling that his black gold ancient knife really pierced something!


A pair of miserable white hands stretched out from that black qi, he grabbed the blade of the black gold ancient knife, inch by inch, and finally, stopped in front of Qin Chuan!

"You, you can't stop it, you can never stop it..." From

the billowing black gas, there was an unwilling voice, and then, the black gas dispersed, and I saw that the two explorer corpses that were inhaled into the body by the black gas before also fell to the ground!

It's just that the flesh and blood in their bodies have completely disappeared at this moment, leaving only miserable white bones!

And above the neck bone, there is also a flesh-and-blood face connected.



Skeleton is not exactly skeleton!

But with the flesh and blood of a face!

Far more terrifying than a real skeleton!

"He... He's dead?

"What did he say before he died?"

"Unstoppable? What can the little brother never stop? In

the live broadcast room, many netizens recovered from their fear and were even more puzzled.

He seems to be saying again, what does the little brother want to block?

yes, what am I going to block?

Qin Chuan slowly withdrew the black gold ancient knife, and the Qilin True Body above his head also dissipated in the air.

At this moment, Qin Chuan's lone figure stood in the glacier tunnel.

But for some reason, the netizens who saw this scene felt that they seemed to have never known the little brother.

They just knew that the little brother was a person dressed in black, with an indifferent personality, and carrying a black gold ancient knife.

But I don't know why he did this.

At the end of the glacier tunnel is a huge cave.

And they continued to walk out along the cave, but what they saw was a glacier that was even more precipitous than before!

The exposed 10,000-year-old cold ice, like an ice dragon, winds and twists, with no end in sight.

The endless wind and snow, mixed with sharp ice.

They didn't even go far, and their faces were already blown out of the wounds by ice and snow.

"Qin Chuan let us go, but, when will he be able to follow?"

Liu Xinyan turned her head to look at the cave that seemed to be covered with ice and snow, and said with a worried face.

"Hehe, I see that Qin Xiaozi's life is big, it's nothing."

Old Man Chen said with a look of indifference.

"Let's find a place not far away and wait for Qin Chuan."

Yang Xueli suggested.

The three nodded, and then, in front of them to find a shelter from the wind and snow

, and then took out the tent, camped, this tent is also specially provided by the program group, light and small and portable, but once stretched open, at least there is more than ten square meters of space, not to mention the three of them, and then two people can fully live.

The night soon came, in the night in the hinterland of the Kunlun Glacier, probably because of the ice and snow, the sky was dark, there was no light, even if you stood face to face, at most you could see an outline.

However, in this silent glacial night, you can see that the faint light is constantly flickering.

The live broadcast equipment had been turned off, and Yang Xueli, Liu Xinyan, and Old Man Chen were sitting separately in the three corners of the tent.

For some reason, without Qin Chuan there, the three of them didn't seem to have any intention of resting at all.

Even if both eyes have been closed, looking at the posture of the three people, it is definitely the kind of reaction that if something happens, they can react immediately.



At this moment, a slight sound of footsteps suddenly sounded!

Inside the tent, Yang Xueli and the three suddenly opened their eyes.


Yang Xueli let out a low sigh, her face full of vigilance.

She said that there were people, but she was just subconscious, but you must know that in this environment, the people outside the tent are not necessarily people!

"Could it be Qin Xiaozi?"

Old Man Chen said with some doubt.

"No, this footstep seems to be very careful, if it is Qin Chuan, I am afraid he will approach at a faster speed."

Liu Xinyan shook her head, through the tent, you can see that a figure outside is standing in front of the tent, as if listening to what is happening inside

the tent, the three took out their weapons and looked at the figure outside the tent vigilantly.

A moment later, the figure moved, and a deep voice sounded.

"Mr. Qin?"

"Are you inside?"

Mr. Qin?

Several people in the tent couldn't help but be stunned, could it be that the thing outside came to find Qin Chuan?

"Who are you?"

Liu Xinyan fixed her mind and asked.

"Miss Liu? You are Miss Liu Xinyan, right? The

man outside heard Liu Xinyan's voice, and his tone immediately became a little excited.

"Miss Liu, I am Mr. Qin's bodyguard, my name is Kuroko, we met last time you came to the company!"


Liu Xinyan frowned, the man in the suit flashed in her mind

, indeed, there was such a person in Qin Chuan's company.

However, how could Kuroko come to the Kunlun Glacier!

"Kuroko, what's the matter with you?" Liu Xinyan's eyes were still vigilant, here, it was too difficult to trust others

, even except for Qin Chuan, she didn't even believe the two people around her.

"Can you let me in first?"

Kuroko's shadow shook twice and spoke.

"Sorry, I can't!"

Liu Xinyan directly refused, she had seen Kuroko, but she had only met once!

"Well, Miss Liu, in fact, I came here to know Mr. Qin's situation, and in the afternoon, I couldn't receive Mr. Qin's information."

Kuroko's voice outside sounded again.

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