"Qin Chuan, he's fine."

Liu Xinyan paused and said in a wary tone.

The sunspot outside suddenly had no sound, but he could see that his shadow was still standing outside the tent

, but who knew that the next moment, his shadow suddenly swayed, and then disappeared completely!


Another sound of footsteps came, the three people in the tent suddenly tensed

, just now Kuroko's matter was already a little wrong, why did he just disappear, and then there was a sound of footsteps?

Only this time, the figure outside looked somewhat familiar.

"Qin, Qin Chuan, is that you?"

Yang Xueli's voice trembled a little, as if she was really scared.

"That's right, it's me."

Qin Chuan's familiar voice sounded.

It's back!

Inside the tent, Old Man Chen had already fallen asleep, allowing the lice on his body to crawl into his mouth, while Yang Xueli and Liu Xinyan were excited, and hurriedly opened the tent door and let Qin Chuan outside come in.

"Qin Chuan, where is that alien ghost? How is he?

Liu Xinyan hurriedly asked, not caring about the strange ghost.

"He died, he was killed by me."

Qin Chuan glanced at her and spoke.

He's dead?

Liu Xinyan frowned, only feeling as if something was wrong.

Qin Chuan... When did so much talk come out?

If it is under normal circumstances, I am afraid that Qin Chuan will reply with the word "um".

However, Liu Xinyan did not suspect anything, after all, Qin Chuan was standing in front of her eyes, very real.


this moment, outside the tent, there was a sound of footsteps

again, Liu Xinyan and Yang Xueli turned their heads to look over, and saw a figure appear again, that figure was carrying something that looked like a knife, very obvious.

Qin... Qin Chuan!

At this time, the two women in the tent were a little uncalm!

Qin Chuan, Qin Chuan again!

However, if the one outside the tent was Qin Chuan, then who would it be standing with them now?

Or, the one outside is not Qin Chuan at all!

"You, who are you?"

Yang Xueli and Liu Xinyan stood together, hiding from Qin Chuan inside the tent, and then asked Qin Chuan outside.

"Qin Chuan!"

This question, whether inside the tent or outside the tent, came a voice!

Two people answer at the same time, who should they believe!

And at this moment, Qin Chuan outside the tent heard a voice inside, his eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, without any hesitation, he pulled out the black gold ancient knife and rushed directly into the tent!

For a while, the two Qin Chuan looked at each other!

"You, who are you the real Qin Chuan!"

The two women were completely flustered, they were standing in one corner of the tent, the two Qin Chuan were each standing in a corner, and the rest was Old Man Chen sleeping there!

"I am the real Qin Chuan!"

The Qin Chuan who entered the tent first immediately spoke.

On the other side, Qin Chuan directly pulled out the black gold ancient knife and slashed towards him!

"This, why did this fight without saying a word?"

Yang Xueli and Liu Xinyan were full of confusion, but the next moment, Liu Xinyan reacted violently and shouted.

"The last one to come in was Qin Chuan!"


Yang Xueli was a little puzzled, why was Liu Xinyan able to tell it directly?

"Because, with Qin Chuan's character, he won't prove anything to others, and if he finds someone who impersonates him, he will kill him directly!"

Liu Xinyan said with a determined face

, "Gaga, I wanted to play for a while, but I didn't expect that I would be recognized by you so quickly."

Sure enough, as a sharp and piercing sound sounded, Qin Chuan, who was the first to come in, his face suddenly twitched violently!

Immediately afterwards, I saw that his eyes, nostrils, and mouth were all fused together!

On his call, it turned into a miniature face!

The rest of the skin is all normal

, but his face has become smaller!

"Faceless Evil Corpse!"

Qin Chuan's indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

The Faceless Evil Corpse, a powerful ghost in the Kunlun Glacier Forbidden Land, the specific origin is unknown, but it is said that he will tear off people's faces and paste them on his own face, so that he can transform into other people's forms!

However, why did he turn into Qin Chuan's form!

I saw that the faceless evil corpse let out an eerie laugh, and then rushed towards Liu Xinyan on the side!

"I want your face!"

His claws grabbed Liu Xinyan's absolutely beautiful face, but Liu Xinyan's reaction speed was also quite fast, dodging sharply, and then drawing a dagger to block!


The dagger collided violently with the claws of the faceless evil corpse, and a string of sparks shot out, and at this time, Qin Chuan's black gold ancient knife also fell, directly slashing into the arm of the faceless evil corpse!


A large amount of black-red blood gushed out, and the arm of the faceless evil corpse was directly cut off by Qin Chuan's sword!


"Damn it!"

The faceless evil corpse howled, and instantly rushed out of the tent and disappeared into a cloud of ice and snow.

"No need to chase."

Qin Chuan blocked Liu Xinyan, who wanted to chase him out.

"After you came out, did you encounter any other situations?"

Qin Chuan's gaze swept over Liu Xinyan, and finally fell on Yang Xueli's body.

"No, no, it's just, just now a man named Kuroko came looking for you."

For some reason, Yang Xueli's tone suddenly stuttered.

Qin Chuan slowly walked in front of Yang Xueli and looked directly at her with his eyes.

However, Yang Xueli's gaze was extremely evasive.

"You, enough playing?"

The next moment, Qin Chuan's voice suddenly sounded!

Enough playing?

What's enough playing?

Liu Xinyan looked dazed, although Yang Xueli was sometimes weird, she didn't do anything out of the ordinary!

"Qin Chuan, you, what do you say? I do not know.

Yang Xueli shook her head and dodged her gaze, indicating that she was very innocent.

"Do you want to open the bronze door?"

Qin Chuan pressed again.

This time, Yang Xueli was completely stunned.

Or rather, another soul in her body was stunned.

She wants to open the bronze door?

Or else?

Perhaps, she just wanted to use this method to get someone's attention.

She was afraid of being forgotten, she was afraid of being locked up in that dark coffin, spending thousands of years in a lawless way.

After all, she had tasted that taste, and she knew how lonely it was!

Qin Chuan slowly looked away, then sat in the corner, his eyes slowly closed.

Ghost, bronze door, waiting.

Qin Chuan wanted to connect these points together, but there were many gaps.

At this moment, the Faceless Man left the tent and came to another camp.

In the camp, several men from the Dragon Kingdom were preparing some food, but when this faceless man came in, his face immediately changed into a dark face.


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