"Boss Kuroko, let's eat something."

Several Dragon Kingdom men greeted one after another.


Kuroko nodded, stretched out his already grown arm, and took the food sent by the subordinate.

"Boss Kuroko, have you contacted Mr. Qin?"

One of his subordinates asked suspiciously.

"Contacted, and Mr. Qin asked us to hunt everyone else who illegally entered the Kunlun Mountain Forbidden Land."

Kuroko said to the group of subordinates.


"Then the forces combined, I am afraid that there must be at least a few hundred people, right?"

The subordinates couldn't help but talk about it.

After all, on the first day they entered Kunlun Mountain, they had solved more than a dozen people from foreign forces!

"So, when does it start?"

One of his subordinates asked suspiciously.

"Now, a few kilometers away from our camp, there is a group of foreign forces."

Kuroko's voice suddenly became gloomy.

The group set off towards a hidden camp not far away.

A moment later.


A violent gunshot suddenly sounded, and in the dark night wind and snow, the sound did not spread far.

However, inside the tent, Qin Chuan, who was resting, suddenly opened his eyes!

There are gunshots!

Qin Chuan's ears trembled slightly, beyond the physique of ordinary people, and also brought him six senses beyond ordinary people.

However, on such a silent night, which force is fighting?

Qin Chuan slowly closed his eyes, ignoring the gunshots coming from the wind and snow,

this night was not destined to be a stable night.

Liu Xinyan couldn't sleep over and over, she wanted to ask what Qin Chuan meant by what he said before

, but she knew that with Qin Chuan's personality, if he wanted to tell her, he would have already told her.

In the same way, Yang Xueli also stayed up all night.

She couldn't figure it out, since Qin Chuan knew his identity, why did he let himself go?

Or did he awaken memories from thousands of years ago?

Yang Xueli looked at Qin Chuan who closed her eyes and raised her mind, she knew that maybe at this time, Qin Chuan was also observing her..........

Finally, as the sun shone on the Kunlun Glacier again, the snowstorm that had fallen all night finally stopped.

"Whew... Last night, old man, I slept so comfortably!

Old man Chen woke up from his sleep and stretched his waist with a look of high spirits

, "Hmph, you slept comfortably, we were almost killed by you!"

Yang Xueli snorted, as if she had returned to her normal state.

"Snoring, grinding teeth and fart, I said Old Man Chen, where did you get so many bad habits?"

Yang Xueli said with a dissatisfied face

, in fact, in the middle of the night last night, she was already a little sleepy, but Old Man Chen, this guy, snored like a tractor.

"Hehe, don't make trouble, old man, I won't snore again."

Old Man Chen smiled and quibbled.

"Yes, snorers, never admit it."

Liu Xinyan shook her head and walked to Qin Chuan's side.

"Qin Chuan, should we go?"


Come on!

Who knows, Qin Chuan, who closed his eyes tightly, opened them suddenly, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes!

"Qin Chuan? What's wrong?

Liu Xinyan's face was dazed, why was Qin Chuan shocked?

"Get out!"

Without having time to elaborate, Qin Chuan's voice fell, and he immediately dragged Liu Xinyan and Yang Xueli out of the tent, and rolled to one side on the spot!

Rumble...... Rumble...... Boom............

At the same time, a violent vibration suddenly came, and the three Qin Chuan who rolled to the side hurriedly looked up, but only saw that an ice and snow giant was walking forward!

The height of the giant was at least seven or eight meters above, and the footprints left on the ground were exactly the same as the footprints they saw before Qin Chuan!

And most importantly, the direction in which he was heading was exactly the tent they had just drilled out!

I saw that at this moment, Old Man Chen came out of the tent, and when he saw the bright sun outside, Old Man Chen stood at the door of the tent and stretched out a long lazy waist!

"Alas! No, old man, I still have something left in it.

Old Man Chen grabbed his already small hair and wanted to turn around and go back to the tent to get something.

But who knows, as soon as he turned around, he suddenly felt a shadow hanging over his head.

Old Man Chen subconsciously raised his face to look up, only to see a big foot descending from the sky, wiping the tip of his nose, and landing on the tent in front of him!


With a loud bang, the entire tent was directly trampled by the big feet of the ice and snow giant, and the splashed wind and snow directly blew Old Man Chen's face white!

I don't know if I was scared or because of the snow-white snow.

Anyway, I only saw Old Man Chen snorting all over, and then sat on the ground with his butt!

The giant's feet were even as thick as Old Man Chen sitting on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the ice and snow giant raised his foot again, passed Old Man Chen, and walked forward step by step.

"Qin... Qin Chuan......... I...... Am I dead?

Old Man Chen trembled all over, and the expression on his face could not tell whether it was joy or sadness.

What did he just see?

A giant seven or eight meters tall stepped over his head!

That terrifying big foot almost didn't step on his head directly!

You know, with Old Man Chen being so close to the ice and snow giant, the giant he saw was even taller!

It was like a mountain blocking in front of him!

"You're not dead, but if you continue to sit here, you're going to die."

Qin Chuan's faint voice sounded, Old

Man Chen shuddered, subconsciously looked forward, and saw that more than a hundred meters in front of him, there was also an ice and snow giant walking towards him!

"Mommy, Mommy!"

Old Man Chen screamed, and rolled towards Qin Chuan and them!

This scares him enough!

What a situation!

Early in the morning, so many giants suddenly appeared!

The live streaming device is also automatically turned on.

"Groove! What do I see?

"So, is that a snowy mountain?" A snowy mountain that moves?

"What snowy mountain, that's a giant, that's a giant in the Kunlun Glacier!"

"This, this, this is too big! It's bigger than an elephant!

"How can there be such a large human being on Earth, and they live in the Kunlun Glacier!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room exclaimed, and they, like Qin Chuan and others, were also full of shock!

After all, this is not some beast, nor an ancient ferocious beast, but a man!

At the very least, humanoids!

Ice giant!

Qin Chuan's eyes looked over again, and he saw that on this road forward, at least hundreds of ice and snow giants were walking!

At a glance, you can't see the edge, and it is said that there are hundreds of them are less!

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