These ice giants vary in height and height, but the only thing they have in the same is that they are all hunched forward.

Step by step, a deep footprint, as if, as if their sorrow is holding something heavy!

So that they will not be able to straighten up at all!

"They, they won't be the legendary Ancient Sins, right?"

At this moment, Liu Xinyan on the side looked at these ice and snow giants and suddenly spoke.

Ancient Sinners?

Qin Chuan frowned, this name, he had never heard of it, and even in his mind, he had no memory at all.

Liu Xinyan paused and spoke.

"I once saw the myth of the ancient sins in an ancient mythological book."

"Legend has it that the ancient sin race was one of the countless races of antiquity, but later I don't know for what reason, they were degraded by heaven and earth as sinners, they forever walked through the Kunlun Glacier stretched out, their bodies pressed against the punishment of heaven and earth, their hands, bound by iron chains, step by step, never stopped, walking in this extremely cold Kunlun land, atonement!"


Qin Chuan couldn't help but look over carefully, and sure enough, on the bodies of those ice giants, he could vaguely see the cold ice chains that were bound.

It's just because they don't know how long they have been walking in this Kunlun land, and their bodies are covered with ice and snow, and if they don't look closely, they can't see clearly at all!

Ancient Sinners!

Similarly, Liu Xinyan's words also shocked netizens in the live broadcast room!

For the historical record of this world, there is actually a fault.

In ancient history tens of thousands of years ago, no country has recorded documents.

And the modern and modern civilization of human beings seems to have suddenly appeared thousands of years ago!

And the ancient book that Liu Xinyan mentioned was actually deciphered by the Chinese Academy of Sciences of the Dragon Kingdom on a piece of oracle bones.

"The Ancient Sinners...,"

"What sin did they commit?" Why should heaven and earth punish them?

"It seems like a sin, but for some reason, I seem... It seems that it can connect the events that happened to the little brother and their forbidden land expedition?

"I don't know, but such a big giant, Lao Tzu is still the first time to see it."

Netizens in the live broadcast room talked a lot, and they couldn't understand it.

Longguo Central Research Institute.

"Ancient Sin Race, did the legendary race also appear?"

Dean Zheng Dajiang looked at those ice and snow giants, and couldn't help

muttering, the information recorded on that piece of oracle bones, most people just regarded it as ancient people, saw something they couldn't explain, and then made it up.

But who would have thought that they actually saw the Ancient Sinners!

However, as these chained ancient sinners appeared, the surrounding explorers also gathered.

After all, these ancient sinners are too obvious, it is equivalent to a moving coordinate!

In less than half an hour, at least fifty or sixty explorers gathered nearby.

"Oh buy ga, such a big giant, could it be that God used too much energy when he made them?"

"Fart, this giant belongs to our Dragon Kingdom, to be manufactured, it is also made by the emperor!"

"Hmph, so many giants, I see that your Dragon Kingdom is simply the birthplace of demons!"

"Damn, Ozekuni's garbage, keep your mouth clean!"

When there are many people, there are many things, and if there are many things, then conflicts are easy to break out!

In particular, the explorers who gathered here

, including those of the Dragon Country, Ozawa Country, Europe, and South Asia, can be said to be of all skin colors and forces, and they are about to fight.

And yet, right now!

I saw that the hundreds of ancient sinners who were walking through the ice and snow suddenly stopped brushing in unison!

I rub!

What do these ancient sinners want?

Damn, they're not going to attack us, are they?

For a moment, the explorers gathered nearby suddenly became nervous.

After all, the size of these ancient sinners is too huge!

Each of them has at least six or seven meters in height, as if a building is standing in front of you, how can you not feel afraid!

If they suddenly attack, I am afraid that everyone present will not be able to escape!

But who knows, just when everyone was panicking, I saw that an ancient sinner who hit the head suddenly turned around and faced a certain direction in the glacier!

What is he looking at?

At this time, the explorers were at a loss.

In that direction, except for two inconspicuous icebergs, it seems that there is nothing!

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also puzzled.

Didn't Liu Xinyan say just now that these ancient sinners were punished by heaven and earth, bound in chains, walked through the glacier, endured hunger and cold, and never stopped atonement.

But why did they suddenly stop.

"That's not right!"

"They're not looking at the two glaciers in the distance!"

At this moment, I don't know which netizen in the live broadcast room suddenly sent out a barrage!

"Aren't you looking at a glacier in the distance? So what are they looking at?

"Isn't it always tired to take a break?"

Netizens in the live broadcast room said one after another.

"Take a closer look, that ancient sinner, who is under his feet in front of him!"

The netizen who just spoke sent out a barrage again.

"Who is under his feet in front of him?"

"Qin Chuan! In front of that ancient sinner, it's the little brother! At

this time, someone in the live broadcast room finally reacted!

"Groove! It's really a little brother!

"But what is this ice giant doing looking at the little brother? It won't be that you want to do something to the little brother, right? There

was an exclamation in the live broadcast room, and outside, other explorers also noticed this.

"Haha! It looks like that kid in the Dragon Kingdom is going to be unlucky!

"It is estimated that he provoked the ice and snow giant, and he will be killed soon!"

"Hahaha! The great revenge of our country has finally been revenged! "

Many explorers of foreign forces have had a festival with Qin Chuan, and seeing this scene, they naturally applauded!

There are even some who can't wait to see the picture of Qin Chuan being trampled to death by that ancient sinner!

"Soga, Qin Chuan, you also have today, don't worry, your corpse will definitely be trampled into meat mud by these giants!"

In a certain corner, Matsushita Duantori took the only two remaining team members, staring at Qin Chuan with his eyes full of hatred.

Although he does not know where this hatred comes from.

But he just hated Qin Chuan!

Hate Qin Chuan is better than him, hate Qin Chuan is stronger than him!

"Damn, is this abominable Dragon Kingdom kid finally going to die?"

"His existence has made the entire Forbidden Land Expedition his home field!"

"Hurry up and die! Trampled to death by those giants! Behind

the scenes, the leaders of several major forces also looked at the screen expectantly.

But who knows, at the next moment that everyone was looking forward to, the ancient sinner who hit the head suddenly let out a strong cry!

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