The sound is indescribable, like a language, like saying something.

But all those who heard this voice had an incomparably pale feeling in their hearts!

As if the voice came from an ancient call, vast, sad, and endless apologies...


How can it be!

Everyone was shocked!

How could they hear the apologies from this voice?!

But to whom are the giants repenting? And repented of something!

The next moment, I only saw that the ancient sinner at the head suddenly trembled, and then his legs began to bend, along with a piece of ice and snow falling, he, he actually knelt in front of Qin Chuan!

He, bow down to Qin Chuan!


I only saw that a thick chain appeared out of thin air, this chain connected hundreds of ancient sinners, and as the first ancient sinner bowed down to Qin Chuan, one after another behind him, all the ancient sinners bowed down to Qin Chuan!




Their heavy bodies, their sinful bodies, knelt on the ground and made a rumbling crashing sound!

And every ancient sinner bowed down, and everyone present, including more than a billion netizens in the live broadcast room, also trembled!

They, bowed down, they, bowed down to Qin Chuan!


The voice filled with endless vastness and repentance sounded again, and this time, all the ancient sinners made that sound!

Between heaven and earth, it seems to be filled with endless sins!

All hearts are also repentant of their sins!

Gluttony, arrogance, jealousy, laziness, greed...

They have committed too many sins!

However, their sins are far less profound than those of these ancient sinners!


Qin Chuan muttered, looking at the ancient sinner kneeling in front of him.

But why should they repent to themselves?

Or do they feel that they owe themselves something?

After kneeling for a while, these ancient sinners got up one after another and continued to walk towards the depths of the Kunlun Glacier.

It's just that after this, their steps are obviously much heavier, and even their arched backs are even lower.

The endless guilt makes them never able to stand upright!

"What the hell is going on with this kid?"

"Why did those ancient sinners bow down to him?"

"I don't know, but I feel like he's weird."

The explorers all set their eyes on Qin Chuan's body, and even Liu Xinyan and Yang Xueli looked puzzled.

"Qin, Qin Chuan, those ancient sinners, did you do anything to be sorry for you? They seem to want to ask for your forgiveness.

Qin Chuan looked at the direction where those ancient sinners were going, and said faintly. Maybe..."

Gee, weird, weird, weird!"

"Old man, the first time I saw you, I thought you were very strange, sure enough."

Old Man Chen looked Qin Chuan up and down, and a sighing sound came out of his mouth.

"Where should we go now?" Yang Xueli said.

"Follow them." Qin Chuan pointed to the ancient sinners who were moving forward, and if he wanted to solve the mystery, he had to follow them into the depths of Kunlun Mountain!

"That kid, they're gone!"

"Even followed those giants, what should we do?"

"Of course, keep up with it, in case something is discovered!"

Dozens of explorers talked about it, and finally decided to follow those ancient sinners as well.

Dozens of explorers, no matter which side of the force they came from, at this moment, they came together strangely, which could not help but make people feel puzzled.

After all, in the previous two episodes of the Forbidden Land Adventure Program, it never happened.

In the blink of an eye, the group had walked for most of the day, and although those ancient sinners were extremely tall, the speed of travel was very slow because of the guilt they carried, so it was not difficult for everyone to catch up.

Liu Xinyan's gaze also moved away from Qin Chuan's body and fell on the surrounding snow-white ice and snow.

Here, if there are no weird and terrifying things, it is really a place worth yearning for.

However, at this moment, in the snow-white not far away, a red point of light suddenly flashed quickly!

"What's that?!"

Liu Xinyan couldn't help but exclaim, which attracted the attention of many people, and

the other explorers also subconsciously turned their heads to look, only to see that the red light spot in the white snow was extremely conspicuous, slowly falling in the snow, fluttering its wings slightly.

"That's a... Beetle? "

Shhhh Strange, in this frozen land, ordinary bugs can't survive at all, how can there be beetles! The

explorers were puzzled, but no one would come closer, after all, everything in the forbidden land was strange and dangerous.

"This beetle is so beautiful."

However, at this moment, an East Asian female explorer suddenly walked out, her eyes glowing at the beetle.

This beetle is indeed more vivid, bright red carapace, very colorful in the snow.

The East Asian woman said, taking out a transparent glass jar from her backpack, and then cautiously stepped forward to catch the red carapace bug.

Seeing this scene, Liu Xinyan couldn't help but get closer and watch carefully, but who knows, she just took two steps, but she was directly dragged by Qin Chuan behind.

"You'd better not go over, that bug is in danger,"

Qin Chuan's indifferent voice sounded.

"You, you know this bug? What are the dangers?

Liu Xinyan looked at Qin Chuan with some surprise.

Qin Chuan nodded and glanced at the female explorer who was not afraid of death approaching. "You'll find out right away."

"Hmph! Dangerous? Qin Chuan, you won't be so daring, right? Think that in the forbidden land, everything is dangerous? Matsushita Duantori heard Qin Chuan's words and said with disdain on his face.

"That's it, Qin Chuan, don't think that only you know the forbidden land here!"

"Hmph, timid Dragon Countryman!"

"Then I'm afraid of this bug, what are you doing in the Kunlun Glacier?"

Several explorers around united to satirize Qin Chuan.

However, in the face of these people's faces, Qin Chuan still indifferently did not answer them.

Qin Chuan felt that he didn't have to explain anything to these people, but silently walked away with the squad.

I saw that the female explorer approached cautiously, and then slammed the glass bottle in her hand and directly caught the fiery red bug in the bottle.

"Look at that, it's so gorgeous, it's a masterpiece of nature,"

the female explorer sighed, then closed the lid and said with a happy face

, "yes, this bug is really beautiful."

"It's well-behaved and doesn't fly."

Several explorers approached and looked carefully at the fiery red bug.

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