But who knew that at this moment, the gorgeous insect that had been caught in the glass bottle suddenly trembled its wings twice, emitting a piercing chirping sound!

Immediately afterwards, under the incredible gaze of several explorers nearby, this gorgeous bug slammed into the glass bottle!


I saw that the hard glass bottle shattered in response!

A bug actually smashed the glass bottle directly!

At this moment, the people around were also shocked, and the fragments generated by the bursting of the glass bottle were actually directly cut through the face of the female explorer before!

Scarlet blood instantly flowed out, and the female explorer trembled slightly, only to see that the gorgeous bug that smashed the glass bottle actually flew towards her!

The female explorer did not choose to dodge, but watched as the bug landed on her wound!

It seems... Kissing your own wounds!

"Haha! Look, this bug, this bug is kissing my wound!

The female explorer said with a smile.

Yes, it seems that this gorgeous bug is indeed kissing her wounds.


"So it is, it scares us!"

"It seems that this bug is not dangerous."

"Damn, look at that kid in the Dragon Kingdom, it's a shame to hide so far!"

The explorers said one after another, and some people deliberately pointed to Qin Chuan in the distance, with a face full of contempt.

The female explorer snorted and said disdainfully.

"Hmph, the people of the Dragon Kingdom are also afraid of this little guts, even a worm... Ho...... Ho..."

Suddenly, the female explorer's voice suddenly paused, and then, from her mouth, there was a burst of suppressed howling!

"Groove! Mary, what's wrong with you?

A male explorer next to her, who looked like he should be with her, asked with a surprised face.

However, Mary could not answer him at the moment!

Her hands showed her sharp nails and grabbed her neck frantically!

"Ho... It's so hot......... Inside my stomach... It's so hot..."

Mary roared with pain on her face, but the next moment, from her mouth, a strange blue flame spewed out!


As this flame erupted from her mouth, it was as if something had begun to burn!

I saw that this Mary's skin cracked one crack after another, and then from the crack, the weird blue flame like before gushed out!


"Help! My body, internal organs, is on fire!

Mary's miserable howl suddenly sounded, and along with her violent struggle, the gorgeous little bug before was also burning with a strange blue flame on her body at this moment!

It's just that this gorgeous little bug obviously has nothing to do, with strange flames, it continues to fly in the air!



In an instant, the flames burning the body caused the shrill sound of the fat in the body bursting, accompanied by Mary's miserable howl, which resounded throughout the Ice and Snow Valley!

Everyone was stunned!

Even a couple of explorers from Mary's gang!

Their eyes looked at Mary, who was already wrapped in blue strange flames, in panic!

In the live broadcast room, netizens who saw this scene were also shocked.

"I wipe, what's going on here? Well, why did it suddenly land?

"Could it be that this female explorer is actually a gas canister?"

"It's over, the flames have engulfed her whole body!"

"Help! Save me!

Mary suddenly screamed, and then grabbed the male explorer who had just spoken!

The male explorer did not react, and was directly grabbed by Mary's arm!

But who knew that the next moment, the strange blue flame burning on Mary's body was actually transmitted along her arm to the male explorer!


Suddenly, the blue strange flame suddenly burned!


"Damn, damn Mary, what are you infecting me for!"

The same miserable howl of the male explorer sounded!

At this moment, everyone reacted, and the strange blue flame was actually able to infect!


In the blink of an eye, the male explorer's arm had been burned to the elbow by the flames, but who would have thought that this explorer was also a ruthless character!

Seeing that the flames were about to spread throughout his body, he gritted his teeth, a fierce look flashed in his eyes, and then pulled out a Rambo knife and aimed it at his arm and slashed it fiercely!

Poof!! "


With a miserable howl, a burning arm with a strange blue flame fell on top of the snow!

"What are you still stunned for? Bury the woman with snow! The

crowd didn't know who roared, and the others hurriedly used their weapons.

Long knives, sapper shovels and other things, and then crazy rise of the snow under the feet, in the blink of an eye, buried Mary, who was full of flames, under the snowdrift!

It's like a snowman.

For a moment, it didn't seem dangerous.

"Damn, damn it, you especially want me to be burned alive too, don't you!"

The male explorer turned pale and stood in front of the snowdrift with his severed arm covered and cursed.

But who knew that the next moment, I saw that the snowdrift that had been calm suddenly trembled, and then an arm that was burned by the flames with only bones stretched out sharply, and suddenly grabbed the unbroken arm of the male explorer!


The male explorer screamed in fright, struggling violently, but he couldn't struggle at all!

On the skeleton arm, there was also a blue strange flame that had not yet burned, which followed the man's arm and passed to his body again!


The burning sound that made the scalp numb sounded again, only this time, the male explorer only had one arm left, and there was no way to cut himself off!

"Help me, help me!"

"Please, help me cut off my arm!"

The male explorer waved his burning arm, his voice was painful, and he looked miserable and asked the explorers around him for help, but no one would help him.

It's like hiding from a plague, wherever he goes, people will hide.

After all, no one wants to provoke the upper body, and it is such a terrifying and weird flame.

In the live broadcast room, netizens who saw this scene were speechless for a while.

"No zuo no die..."

"If you don't die, you won't die!"

"I'm unlucky, admit it."

"You can avoid cremation, in one step!"

"The death is really miserable, it's so enjoyable for us to watch..."

However, the man obviously did not want to give up his torn life, and he stumbled and walked in front of several people in Qin Chuan.

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