Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 193: 【193】Find the target

Crow is very well-known in Luoyang's back-to-back circles. He didn’t love reading since he was a child, but he was only interested in chemistry. However, due to insufficient basic scores, he could not pass the university of his choice. In the end, he had to Went to a vocational school.

However, Crow, with his strong talent for self-learning, has made a lot of achievements in chemistry, even as long as he has enough materials, he can develop gunpowder on his own.

Relying on this craft, the crow is very famous in the circle of inverted fights, and many people will come here and take the initiative to buy gunpowder from him.

The crow has also continuously developed and strengthened the power of its own gunpowder for many years.

The bomb he just dropped is the most commonly used in his daily life. It is powerful enough to blow up a small two-story building, but the stone floor shows no signs of being destroyed. There is no way, the crow can only take it. Out of the assassin that he rarely uses in his daily life.

Bull Demon!

This is a collection of gunpowder, and the power can be used to blow up the mountains in the mine. The crow does not have much inventory on hand, only three. When he took out the Bull Demon King, he had encountered a hard stubble.

After everyone had withdrawn ten steps away, the crow threw the Bull Demon into the hole, and then he turned madly and ran towards Jiang Le and the others.

A puff of black smoke floated out of the hole, and a firelight spewed out from the hole, illuminating the entire space, and a sound wave spreading towards the surroundings, directly exploding the crows that hadn’t had time to run far. Flying high.

Fortunately, Jiang Le shot and caught him in time, otherwise his fate must be miserable.

The entire underground was buzzing, and the mercury pool not far away shook visible ripples, and some even splashed onto the shore.

"Did it succeed? Did it succeed?" Wang Ye asked excitedly.

However, no one could answer his question at this time. When the smoke cleared, the heat wave in the cave gradually cooled, and everyone leaned forward.

"Good fellow! This power is not small." Looking at the scorched soil on the edge of the cave, the prince made a surprised voice.

This made the crow stunned. Although his face was ashamed of being blown up at the moment, he still couldn't hide the pride on his face at all.

"Put the drill down and try again." Gong Xiran said.

Zhang Qiu immediately did the same. When the drill touched the stone layer again, it was very easy to drill a hole in the hard and indestructible stone layer.

Suddenly, an expression of excitement appeared on everyone's face.

Jiang Le looked at this group of people. Each of these people possessed special abilities. If they were united together, they would become a powerful force.

When the stone layer was drilled open, the road to the next layer appeared in front of everyone.

Jiang Le took out a high brightness light stick and threw it down. The light of the light stick fell all the way, and finally fell to the ground when there was only a small spot left.

"From this distance, the height is at least more than 20 meters." The prince smiled bitterly.

He is already an elderly man. This time he will be sent to a height of tens of meters, and then he will have to climb down more than 20 meters. This is too much torturing the elderly.

It happened that he couldn't give up this meeting, because they had no retreat and could only choose to go all the way forward.

"I'll go down and take a look." Jiang Le took the lead and crawled into the cave first.

Since this road was dug out with violence, it was not so convenient to get in and out. After Jiang Le landed carefully, he immediately patrolled the surrounding environment.

It is completely in the style of a tomb. Every place where you can stay is filled with coffins. The materials used for these coffins must be very good. Hundreds of years have passed. The surface of the coffins still looks as new as before. It's just being placed here.

Manchu was written on each coffin, and Jiang Le learned through a text translator that all the coffins contained in these coffins were the Baqi brothers who died when the Eight Banners entered the customs and fought with the Ming army.


Just when Jiang Le was about to walk over and take a look, he didn't know which corner there was a sudden sound. Jiang Le directly looked in the direction of the sound and shouted, "Who?!"


The voice seemed to scare the guy, and he saw a begging for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't know anything."

"It's a man!" Jiang Le hurriedly walked over, beside a coffin, curled up a man. He looked very embarrassed, dirty and stained with a lot of mud, and his hair was messy. The same as a bird's nest.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Jiang Le asked vigilantly.

There was a guy who didn't know where it came from inside the five immortal kings. This thing was so weird.

Could it be possible that there are other entrances to the Five Immortals King Zang? Or that this person entered the Five Immortal King Cang earlier than them? But how did he pass the two levels of the fox and the mercury pond?

A lot of question marks appeared in Jiang Le's mind.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't know anything." The man was so scared that he didn't dare to look up at Jiang Le. This made Jiang Le suddenly think of something.

So he asked tentatively: "Shen Beifeng?"

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