Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 194: 【194】Snake

[Mission completed (2/1), find the target Shen Beifeng, exploration point +200, mall experience value +200]

[Task (2/1): Successfully rescue Shen Beifeng]


Following Jiang Le's sentence, the man immediately raised his head in surprise, very unbelievable: "You, how do you know my name?"

"You really are still alive." Jiang Le breathed a sigh of relief: "I am here to save you. Shen Zhengye is your brother, right? I learned from him that you were missing in the Changbai Mountains."

"Brother... it's my brother." Shen Beifeng stood up from the ground holding the coffin, very excited: "Then, then you can quickly take me out of this ghost place, I don't want to stay here for a minute."

Jiang Le shook his head: "Sorry, even I am trapped in this place now. There is no way to take you away immediately, but you can tell me how you came to this place first, maybe I can come from you. The place found a way to get out of here."

Shen Beifeng clutched his head and fell into thinking: "I, I also forgot, it seemed that some place was chasing me before, so I kept running, running all the time, everyone else was dead, and I was the only one left. I didn't see those things until I hid here."

At this time, Shen Beifeng's spirit was very chaotic, and Jiang Le felt that his words were not very trustworthy. Someone would be able to reach the Five Immortal King Cang all the way? Is this kind of thing possible?

Therefore, Jiang Le suspected that the Five Immortal King Zang must have other entrances besides the entrance where he came in, and it was only by chance that Shen Beifeng broke in by accident.

This gave Jiang Le hope that if he could find the entrance where Shen Beifeng came in, he would be able to leave this place.

After reporting to the others that it was safe, they climbed down one by one, and when they saw that there was a person standing beside Jiang Le, everyone trembled in their hearts.

But fortunately, Jiang Le quickly explained the ins and outs, and they suddenly realized.

"The prince's hexagram technique is really exquisite, and the person Jiang Le is looking for is really in the five immortal kings."

"That is, I am not self-proclaimed as the first hexagram of the capital." The prince said proudly.

"All the people placed here are the Eight Flags brothers. I don't know if there is any connection with the remaining three immortals in the Five Immortals. I can't see any way of Feng Shui here. Everyone should be more careful." Zhang Ziqiu took it. Feng Shui Pan reminded.

This is a reminder for Jiang Le. Wuxianli Hu Huang, Bai Liu Hui and the others have gone through before and after, there should be three more in the follow-up. According to the order, the next one is very likely to be Bai.

White refers to the hedgehog, and no one can guess in what form the opponent will appear.

"Shen Beifeng, do you remember where you came from?" Jiang Le asked.

Shen Beifeng shook his head, then nodded, his face was confused.

Jiang Le had to shut up. He knew that he couldn't count on this guy at this time, and he didn't know what kind of fright he had suffered, and he had faint signs of dementia.

"I'm already a little regretful about coming to the Five Immortals King Cang. This one is a puzzle game." The prince leaned on a coffin and gasped.

Among them, he is the oldest and the weakest. After climbing up and down, he can still keep up with everyone. He is already a very strong old man.

The prince was leaning on a coffin, but he never thought that the coffin board of this coffin was very loose, and the entire coffin board was cut out when he touched it. The prince did not react for a while, and he fell into the coffin. .


This exclamation instantly caught everyone's attention. Everyone ran over, and saw that the prince was lying on a white bone in the coffin, and a black and red snake quietly climbed onto his chest.

"Don't move the prince! Don't move." Jiang Le quickly reminded.

It is very dangerous to encounter a snake in the wild, let alone encounter a snake in a tomb. The snake lying on the prince’s chest has only the thickness of a thumb, but it has a length of less than a meter, and its body proportions. Looks very weird.

Everyone who saw it had an idea in their hearts.

This snake is poisonous!

"Ah, this, where did this come from." The prince was obviously a snake-fearful master. After he saw clearly that such a thing was lying on his chest, the whole person was frightened and his hair stood straight.

Jiang Le was also the first time in his life when he saw someone frightened, every hair would stand up like a lightning rod.

If it wasn't for the serious atmosphere at the moment, he really wanted to take out the phone and take this picture.

"Master, don't panic, as long as you don't move, the snake will not attack you actively." The crow felt very experienced in this aspect, and immediately began to comfort the prince.

However, as soon as the voice fell, the little snake had already bitten towards the prince, hitting his nose.



Everyone: "..."

Facts have proved that nothing can always be judged by experience, and sometimes unexpected things happen.

Now that the prince has been bitten, the people also put away the thought of dealing with it carefully, and directly took out the tools at hand, intending to drive the snake away from the prince.

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