Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 195: 【195】Snake Venom Anti-Clean

"Ah! It hurts!" The prince called out in pain.

Everyone could see with the naked eye the position where the tip of his nose was bitten, and a purple color began to emerge, like a drop of purple ink falling into the clear water, and the toxins were spreading.

Jiang Le grabbed the little snake's head, forcibly pinched it, opened his mouth, and took it from the prince's nose.

"Leave it to me." Zhang Qiu said aloud at this time.

Jiang Le nodded, and handed the little snake to the other party.

When everyone was concerned about the situation of the prince, he quickly bought a bottle of omnipotent snake venom anti-clear from the system mall, ready to use it to save the life of the prince.

Pretending to take Antiqing out of his pocket, Jiang Le directly reached out and poured the universal snake venom Antiqing into the king's mouth in one breath. No one knows how poisonous this snake is, in case it is comparable to the world's top venomous snake. Toxins, if you can't detoxify the prince in a few seconds, even the presence of the Immortal Daluo will be useless.

"Is it okay? The prince."

After drinking the Kangqing given by Jiang Le, the toxins on the prince's nose were instantly controlled, and the purple toxins no longer spread to the side, but there was no posture to fade away.

At this time, the bite of the prince's nose was swollen like a tumor, which looked very funny.

"Master, you said that you are such a big person, and you are so careless." Zhang Ziqiu said silently.

"Jiang Le, what did you drink for the prince just now?" Crow asked.

Jiang Le: "A kind of snake venom is anti-qing. I brought it with me when I entered Changbai Mountain this time to prevent accidents."

"Thank you Jiang Le, if I hadn't resisted the Qing Dynasty like you, I'm afraid I would really burp here today."

Jiang Le looked at the prince’s nose: “Prince, your toxin has only been controlled and has not been completely emptied yet. Look at how your nose is swollen.”

The prince touched it, and sure enough, his nose was like a water-filled balloon at the moment. It was swollen to the touch, and very soft when pressed down, as if it might burst at any time, and then splashed with water.

Jiang Le took out a small knife and swiped the prince's nose at a very fast speed. Suddenly, the poisonous water gushed out from the mouth and all fell on the skeleton in the coffin.

"Come out first, in case there are snakes in it, it will be troublesome."

The crowd hurriedly pulled the prince out of the coffin and checked every corner inside the coffin, but found nothing in the end.

"The coffin is well sealed, how can there be snakes?" The crow scratched his head, but was very puzzled.

Although snakes like to live in cold and humid places, but the Five Immortals King Zang has been isolated from the outside world for hundreds of years, and there are still snakes, which is really unbelievable.

Jiang Le lowered his head and looked at the skeleton in the coffin carefully.

I saw that the skeleton was wearing rough armor, holding a bow and an arrow on his hand, all of which were specially made, and there were a lot of talisman sticks on these arrows. At first glance, one felt something was not quite right.

"Can any of you understand these talisman?" Jiang Le turned his head and asked.

Among the people, there are only a few who have done in-depth research on this aspect, and when they get to the side of the coffin, their faces are confused.

"do not know."

"do not know."

The prince was holding his nose, but he looked thoughtful: "This seems to be the Ba Snake Imperial Spirit Talisman."

"Bashe Yuling Talisman? What is this."

The prince said: "I have also heard other people say that it seems to be a kind of tantric talisman in the late Ming Dynasty. It seems to say that an animal and a human corpse are raised together and a ritual is performed. Fertilizer nourishes psychic animals, which can prolong their lives for hundreds of years and are good at guarding tombs."

"If you say that, isn't the snake just..." The crow suddenly realized, but this kind of thing is still too weird. After all, the life span of the snake is not long. It can extend the life of the snake for hundreds of years. The power of this talisman is really difficult. Imagine.

"Open the other coffins and take a look. If it is as the prince said, then there should be an animal in the other coffins." Gong Xiran is a resolute person, and he walked to the next one as soon as his voice fell. In front of the coffin, a strong push pushed the coffin away.

These coffins were fixed with a tenon and tenon structure hundreds of years ago, but with the passage of so long, the wood has long decayed, so talents can push them away so easily.

When the coffin board landed on the ground, as expected, a turquoise long snake was immediately caught in Gong Xiran's eyes.

The moment he saw Gong Xiran, Long Snake directly twisted his body, staring at Gong Xiran very vigilantly, like a hunter who had found its prey.

"If I didn’t make a mistake, this place should be the “willow” of the five houses. There is a snake in every coffin here. The coffin has decayed for a long time. Very troublesome." Jiang Le reminded.

"I thought that the Five Immortal King's Treasure was full of treasures stored in the Eight Banners back then, but I didn't expect it to be like a game of hurdles. I had known it so that I wouldn't have travelled far and wide." The crow touched his head and had a headache.

"Don't worry, the five immortals represent the five levels. Now we have gone through the third level. As long as we pass the two more levels, we will be able to see the true appearance of the five immortal kings. Everyone must hold on." Zhang Ziqiu said. Encouraged.

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