Exploring the World of Live Broadcast

Chapter 196: 【196】Organization Channel

Regarding the expedition of the Five Immortals King Zang, Jiang Le drove a live broadcast throughout the entire journey.

All the thrilling pictures on the way were clearly seen by the friends in the live broadcast room, and they also attracted the attention of many experts and scholars.

It can be said that since the events in Kunlun Ancient City, Jiang Le's live broadcast room has become a must-see program for many domestic experts. As soon as Jiang Le starts broadcasting, those experts will come to join in.

The existence of the Five Immortals King Zang is undoubtedly one of the great relics in the history of the Eastern Kingdom. Once discovered, it has great research value.

As the No. 1 local tyrant and No. 1 iron in Jiang Le's live broadcast, Long Chen naturally watched the whole process. When Shen Beifeng appeared in the camera, he instantly remembered Lin Li's friend who had lost his brother.

He quickly picked up his cell phone and called Lin Li, telling him this.

"What? Shen Beifeng found it? I'm going, I'll tell Zhengye to go now." After Lin Li heard the news from Long Chen, he hung up and called Shen Zhengye, and at the same time told the other side the good news.

The Shen family’s generation consists of two males, Shen Zhengye and Shen Beifeng. The disappearance of Shen Beifeng is a major blow to the Shen family. Now after learning that Beifeng is still alive, all the Shen family have downloaded the Tiger Shark TV app. Entering Jiang Le's live broadcast room, just to see Shen Beifeng with his own eyes.

Jiang Le and his party searched around in the tomb. According to Shen Beifeng, who had some memory loss, he came to this place accidentally while running around. Someone who didn’t know what was chasing him and said, “Outsiders” Can't enter this place without permission'.

This was the scene that Jiang Le discovered when Shen Beifeng happened.

According to Shen Beifeng's statement, this tomb must have a road leading to other places, but after everyone searched the entire tomb, no clue was found.

"It's weird, can this guy still fail to penetrate the wall, otherwise how could he come here." The crow wondered.

Jiang Le looked at the terrain detector. According to the detector’s display, there was indeed another space ten meters away from them, but there was no road connecting the tomb and that space at all. Unless the road was violently opened, they It's impossible to reach that place.

Everyone has already seen how hard the materials used in the walls of this tomb chamber are. The crow used the most powerful explosive in his hand to explode some gaps. Ten catties of explosives can't do it.

Obviously, it was impossible for the crow to carry so many explosives on his body at this time. For a while, everyone was in trouble again.

There is no way, Jiang Le can only pull Shen Beifeng and ask: "Think about it carefully, and remember where you came from. We have no way to go now. It's up to you whether we can leave or not."

Shen Beifeng was thinking hard, but he couldn't remember anything. When people fell into extreme panic, they would indeed choose to temporarily block all the memories around them. Jiang Le knew this, but if Shen Beifeng could not say why at the moment. , I'm afraid it's because they will be trapped here for not knowing how long.

"We rummaged up and down this place, but we didn't find anything. It's really evil." Crow, Gong Xiran, Zhang Ziqiu and others walked over and said.

"I really, I really can't remember anything. I just remember that something seemed to be chasing me after me just now. I just ran all the way and appeared here." Shen Beifeng looked helpless. Said.

Jiang Le frowned. He didn't believe that there was any wall penetration technique in this world. Shen Beifeng must have triggered a certain mechanism by accident, and then came here, and this mechanism must be hidden in this tomb. Somewhere.

Since Shen Beifeng couldn't rely on it, relying on himself, Jiang Le immediately began to search the tomb with his investigative ability.

The crows are not professional in investigation and counter-reconnaissance, so many details and clues will be lost. Jiang Le is an expert in this aspect. If he searches for it, he may be able to find some differences.

About ten minutes later, Jiang Le suddenly stopped in front of a stone wall. This stone wall was no different from other places. At first glance, it seemed that there was no clue at all.

But the problem lies on the ground. On the ground, there is a linear accumulation of dust.

If it was someone else, he would have ignored this detail, but Jiang Le didn’t. He stretched out his hand and stroked the stone wall. If he guessed correctly, the dust must have fallen from the stone wall and then it would be on the ground. A straight line of dust is formed.

As Jiang Le continued to fumble on the stone wall, the others immediately came over.

"Is there anything wrong with this wall?" Zhang Ziqiu asked.

Jiang Le suddenly pressed **** a place on the stone wall, and suddenly a square stone the size of a palm was pressed down by him.


The stone wall sank underground in an instant, and then it was as if a domino had been activated. Pieces of stone slabs the size of a security door sank into the ground one after another, forming a channel leading to nowhere.

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