“That guy Kokolia…”

It is still in Lin Hao’s classroom.

Looking at the future self on the screen, he is fighting with Raiden Buddy and Kiana with the “Shameful Law” Wendy.

Bronia’s expression was not very good-looking.

Because she can see it….

In that future battle, his former “boss”.

Kokolia that guy, she controls through the highest authority command of the chip.

Let yourself go on the offensive against Wendy.

Although the current Bronia’s emotional system has collapsed.

But she can still clearly feel her dissatisfaction with Kokolia from her words.


At the same time, in another time and space.

Among the headquarters of the World Serpent.

As the real “behind-the-scenes leader” of this organization.

The strongest man named Kevin……

He also looked at this screen that suddenly appeared out of thin air with interest, looking at the picture in it.

This thirteenth hero of the last civilization era.

He seemed very interested.

“It seems……. There really is nothing worth noting about that Wind Lawyer.

After all, it was not a true lawyer.

Even if she has the power of a lawyer, there is still a qualitative gap between her and the real lawyer…”

While speaking, Kevin shifted his gaze to the other “Royal Three Families” in the picture.

“However, I can feel a different feeling from those three Valkyries….

It seems that in the future, they should grow to a very exaggerated point.

Perhaps, they are the existence of defeating Honkai in this era of civilization. ”

From this moment on, Kevin began to pay attention to the three existences of the “Royal Three Families”.


But in fact, what is even more unexpected is …

In this “three-jumper” world.

Kevin, he’s the only man who can match Wendy’s record.

At the same time, fight against Bronia, Kiana and Raiden Bud Yi.

It’s just……

Wendy is dealing with three B-class Valkyries.

And Kevin, he is….. Everyone who understands it.


Go back to that screen.

I saw that at this time, the “disgraced” Wendy, she was still trying to resist the three “peak combat powers” of the three worlds.

Even Wendy, who is a lawyer, can’t tell the winner or loser in a short period of time.

Even, she was already in a bitter battle.


However, although the current Kiana, Raiden Bud Yi and Bronia are still just B-class Valkyries.

But that’s just grading….

Actual hard power, that’s another matter.


Even, after a long period of fighting.

The physical strength troughs on both sides have already bottomed out.

Wendy, Bronia, Kiana, and Raiden.

The breathing of all four of them began to become disordered.


Even Wendy, whose height suspended in mid-air dropped a few points.

The green breeze that surrounded her was also a little thinner.

“But… Abominable…….

What’s going on with these three B-class Valkyries?

Unlike ordinary Valkyries, the strength is not at the same level.

It actually put me in a bitter battle!?

Physical strength is already running out ….

I have to speed up to end this battle! ”

Saying that, the green wind on Wendy’s body began to fierce again.

It looks like .


She seemed to want to use the last of her physical strength to divide the victory and defeat in one breath.

Otherwise, she is a “lawyer of the wind”.

If it was just a loss to three B-rank Valkyries, it would be really humiliating.


However, Wendy wants to use her remaining physical strength to divide the victory and defeat in one breath.

On the other side, Bronia, Kiana and Raiden Bud Yi.

The three of them thought the same thing….

There is no doubt that the physical strength of the three of them has bottomed out now.

Then, if you want to divide the victory and defeat and defeat the “wind lawyer” in front of you.

Only with the last physical strength, make the final blow!

This is the last option left to them!


Outside the picture, in Lin Hao’s classroom.

Watch this video that is coming to an end…….

Lin Hao, he also said in a thinking voice at a volume that only he could hear.

“This video is almost over…

Whose video would be better for me next?

Otto womenswear? The Karen Thief?

This depends on the good??? ”

PS: Get up early in the morning, the data has not risen at all, see through the defense. The evaluation vote barely moved, crying, little author I pain mask ah QAQ

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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