“It looks like the final winner is going to be decided….

The two sides seem to be truly evenly matched.

Whichever side wins the battle is not surprising.

After all….

This humiliating lawyer is now fighting with three B-class Valkyries to a close match! ”

In the Mandate of Heaven headquarters in a certain timeline.

Looking at the screen, the snobbers on both sides are ready to divide the final victory.

Otto made a disdainful sound.

He didn’t expect much about the outcome of this battle.

The strength of the “disgraced” is too humiliating, it is not surprising to lose.

At the same time, as a “lawyer”, she also wins battles but seems very normal.

Therefore, Otto did not care at all about the outcome of this battle.


However, after a little complaining.

In Otto’s eyes……. But suddenly there was a flash of light.

Then, he continued to speak in an interesting voice.

“Compared to now, the battle of this disgraced man

I’m looking forward to the next video.

I don’t know, which Valkyrie appeared? ”

It always felt like Otto was looking forward to that scene.

The woman he longed to see the most.


On the other side, in the position of the New Zealand Mandate branch.

Wendy herself, the “Lawyer of the Wind” above the wilderness, was also very worried, urgent, and angry at the screen.

There is no doubt about it……

She is also looking forward to her future self and winning the battle.

However, she also knew that even if she won this battle, it would be good.

Her reputation has been ruined….

A “lawyer” is actually an equal match for fighting with three B-class Valkyries.

Even to fight the last of your strength to get the battle that doesn’t have a high chance of winning.


Continue back to the mysterious giant screen.

There is no doubt about it…

Now, whether it’s “The Law of the Wind” Wendy.

Or Bronia, Raiden and Kiana.

They are all ready to use their last physical strength to make a desperate final blow and decide the final victory!


But right in this instant!

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

From the sky…………

A large number of anti-entropy titan troops arrived.

The huge machinery of steel moved and made a continuous roar.

Kokolia took the anti-entropy titan force and finally arrived at this battlefield!


It should be said that she deliberately waited until this time to appear.

When Wendy, the “Wind Lawyer”, was completely consumed by the three B-class Valkyries…

Of course, her tactic was also built on the situation that the “Wind Lawyer” was humiliating enough.

Normal “lawyers”, that is not something that three B-grade Valkyries can compete with at all.


And watch Kokolia arrive with the anti-entropy titan troops.

Whether it was Wendy or the “Royal Three”.

Several of them were extremely surprised and tricky.

After all….

The “destiny of heaven” and “anti-entropy” at this stage are still mortal enemies.

The Titan mech is also one of the Valkyrie’s main enemies!


“Titan mech with reverse entropy!?”

Looking at these numerous mechs, Wendy made a tricky sound.

But in the next scene, an even more astonishing situation happened….

Just one hit!

The Titan mech troops, with just one blow, easily put down the “Wind Lawyer” Wendy.

It can be said that ….

At this moment, it is the most humiliating moment for this “disgraceful lawmaker”!

As a “lawyer”, he was actually put down by the creation of human science and technology?

If this were to be known to other “lawyers”, it is estimated that Wendy would be expelled from the “lawyers” on the spot.


Meanwhile, off-screen….

In Lin Hao’s classroom.

After watching this video, they didn’t wait for the three little ones of the “Royal Three Families” to make a complaining sound.

Lin Hao, he himself also made an expectant voice and spoke.

“I don’t know, what kind of fun will happen when the next video starts playing?

When those Valkyries saw…

The cold-blooded and ruthless Destiny boss they used to be is actually a man who can wear women’s clothing.

What a beautiful picture…”

After speaking, Lin Hao’s expression became expectant…

PS: There will be two more changes later, tomorrow the impact of the fifth change, today there will be a fourth change!!!

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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