A day in the Tivat calendar.

Empty cards have been playing cards these days to the point of dizziness, but for the rough ah no! In order to find my sister sooner, we are looking for the next player.

Zhong Li was carrying an expensive thrush cage and was walking leisurely down the street of Liyue, stopping at a stall from time to time.

Yae Miko sits in Yaedo and is reviewing various light novels submitted with the editors.

Captain Qin had just finished dealing with the various things piled up by the Knights, stood up and stretched his waist, and rested for a while.

Al Heisen, who successfully resigned his position as acting sage, sat in a comfortable chair, stretched his legs, and read a book very engagedly.

Everything seemed so peaceful.

Right now!

A voice sounded in everyone's head at the same time.

[The interactive live room system descends on Tivat. 【

The first live broadcast will start in half an hour, so please be prepared.】 】

【Before the official start of the live broadcast, a number of people will be randomly selected to enter the answer space.】

】【Special note: The rules of the interactive live broadcast room are not static, and the final interpretation right belongs to the live broadcast room.

As several tones fell, a clear virtual light curtain appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of prompt messages quickly scrolled on the light curtain.

"Welcome Diluc into the

live broadcast room✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿" "Welcome Wei into the live broadcast room━(*'∀ ́*)ノ亻!"

"Welcome Kazuto Araki into the live broadcast room~Ω Xuan~

" "Welcome Kavi into the live broadcast room╰(*°▽°*)

╯"""'Doctor' enters the live broadcast room (╯‵□′)╯┻┻┻"


This kind of information scrolled on the light curtain for more than ten minutes before gradually stopping.

[Everyone has entered the live broadcast room, the barrage and red envelope functions have been turned on, and the relevant instruction manuals have been distributed. ] 【

If you don't want to watch it, you can also opt out directly.】 However, after exiting, you cannot re-enter today. At

the bottom of the light curtain, there was an extra barrage area, an option to send red packets, and a closed fork.

It didn't take long for the barrage area to come alive.

[Null: What is the situation?] An unfamiliar voice appeared in my head, was I playing cards hallucinating?

Paimon: Not an illusion, so am I.

[Diluc: @温迪, you haven't paid for your last drink?] [

Wendy: Master Diluc will be accommodating, I'll make up for it next time, hehe.]

【Morning grapefruit: I slept well, but I was woken up by this voice, and now I can't sleep.】 【

Condensation: Could this be the latest technology from Meru?】 An upgraded version of Void Terminal? [

Elheisen: As far as I know, Meru is not enough to make such a device that can affect the people of the whole Teyvat.

[Nasida: Yes, it feels more like a product of the outside world. 【

Dadalia: This red envelope function is quite convenient, and it can send items regardless of space and distance, @托克. 【

Trafigury: It's amazing! I really received the latest one-eyed treasure sent by my brother. 【

Goro: Such a convenient ability, you don't have to worry about any accidents when you buy supplies in the future.】 [

Doctor: There is still this kind of power, hehe. 】


For everyone in Tivat, this sudden appearance of the live broadcast room undoubtedly has an unparalleled attraction for them.

On the streets of Liyue.

Zhong Li looked at the light curtain in front of him, as well as the red envelope function, and his pale golden eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of surprise.

As the oldest demon god, he has experienced a lot of things, and he thought that there was nothing in this world that would surprise him.

But now...

"Interesting! From unknown forces beyond the world? What kind of change will you bring to the world?

Zhong Li immediately stopped thinking about it and continued his shopping trip today.

"It just so happened that the stone boss of Xie Fei Xing entered a batch of good goods and asked me to taste them. Then appreciating it and watching it get better. "

After all, rocks have always stood for fortitude and steadiness.

In addition to Zhong Li, many intellectuals who are keen on research have also become very interested in this live broadcast room and are doing various experiments.

[Please note that there are still five minutes left until the first live stream.] 【

Now select a number of lucky people to enter the answering space and participate in the interactive answering of this live broadcast.】 】

【In this interaction, each respondent can use the prop X1 that removes one wrong answer.】 】

【After the live broadcast, rewards will be distributed according to the score of the answerer.】 】【

Don't be discouraged if you are not selected, as long as you actively participate in the interaction, maybe the next one to be selected will be you~~】After

listening to this series of rules, everyone also roughly understood the operation of this live broadcast room.

If you understand correctly, the lucky winner will answer the question based on the content of the video.

As long as you answer the questions correctly, you can get the treasures of the other world.

In an instant, everyone's enthusiasm was mobilized.

[The time has come, congratulations to Kaiya, Ning Guang, Kazuto Araki, and Collet for being selected as the answerers of this time. ] 】

【Tip: There are four questions in this answer, please use props reasonably.】

With a flash of white light, the four of Kaiya immediately disappeared in place and appeared in the answer space.

The answering space is similar to the stage of 'one stop to the end', and the live broadcast room also conveys the pictures on the field to the light curtain from time to time.

Kaiya spread his hands, his expression a little regretful, "Alas~~ I can't return to Mond for the time being, it seems that everyone in the Knights is really busy now." Ning

Guang put away the fan and said with a smile: "In Xia Tianquan Ning Guang, everyone is welcome to come to Liyue, and partners who have business cooperation intentions are also welcome." "

Arataki Kazuto took out a small comb out of nowhere, just combed his snow-white hair, and put on a very handsome POSE.

"Hehe, the first fight in the Arataki world is here! Do you want to follow Uncle Ben and join the Arataki faction? If so, please contact Shinobu immediately.

Collet lowered his head slightly nervously, "Hello everyone, I'm trainee ranger Collet." Kaiya

came to Collet's body, "Yo~~ Long time no see."

Collet was a little restrained, "Captain Kaia, long time no see."

Kaiya waved his hand, "Everyone is an acquaintance, don't let go so much." By the way, did you have fun at the Wind Flower Festival last time? Listen to the adventurer Saino who traveled with you, you also got a nice nickname called Colele.


Collet said in his heart, "I know that as soon as I show up, I will definitely be tricked by this cavalry captain."

After seeing the speeches of the four people, many of the audience in the live broadcast room were not calm.

[Diluc: @琴, it is recommended that the Knights severely punish those who are lazy in their work in the future, especially a certain cavalry captain. [

Wendy: Don't be so serious, after all, touching fish is also a common human feeling. 【

Amber: Collet! When will you come back to Mond to play? 【

Keqing: As Ning Guang said, if you want to invest in land construction in Liyue, please contact me. 】

【Coral Palace Xinhai: In the past, because of the road, policies, etc., it was very troublesome to get something from Liyue. Now with the red envelope function, I believe there will be many things to talk about with this Lord Condensing Light. 】

【Shinobu Kusaki: Although Inazuma's environment is much better now than before, don't be so ostentatious, boss! 】

【Kujo Hira: Declare in advance that if this statement of Arataki Kazuto causes unnecessary trouble to Inazuma, Tenling will be held accountable to the end! 】

【Tinari: After participating in the Windflower Festival in Mond, Collet is much stronger, so you must cheer! But...... Coleleis? @赛诺 (/ white eyes)]

[Xino: Doesn't you think it's interesting? Similarly, there are Kavivi and Jing Yuanyuan.

[Kavi: Huh? Why bring me? 】


The barrage content scrolling in the live broadcast room cannot be seen by the four people in the answer space at present.

The four of them walked to their respective positions and prepared for the next answers.

As the countdown on the light curtain jumps to the last second, the light curtain turns black and the system's prompt sounds again.

[Interactive live streaming will start soon, please prepare for the participants.] 【

Please watch "The Dance of the Ceremony, but it's an adult (1M54y1c78A)" and answer the questions.] 】

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