Seeing this title, many Monds in the live broadcast room were shocked in their hearts.

Especially Yura, her heartbeat stopped for a second.

Ritual dance? What's the situation?

Is this live broadcast room going to broadcast the unbearable history of Mondstadt under the rule of the Lawrence family?

[Sora: Ritual Dance? This is not ¥%#¥#... Belch? Why am I prompted for a violation? Do you say that you will be banned if you say more than three times?

[Diluc: I got a hint too. [

Jean: Again, it seems to have triggered some kind of ban in the live broadcast room. 】

【Tips: In order to ensure the viewing experience of other viewers in the live broadcast room, spoilers are prohibited during the live broadcast. 】

【If you violate it repeatedly, you will be punished by kicking out of the live broadcast room.】 As

soon as the system sound fell, the light curtain lit up again.

I saw that in a house, a person carried everyone on his back.

This man wears a red official uniform and a black gauze hat with an oval wing on the left and right of the hat.

As a burst of classical guitar music sounded, the man raised his arms above his head.

"The Dance of the Sacrifice Act III, The Burning Candlelight."

As soon as the words fell, the people in the video closed their eyes, danced, and the rhythm of the music began to accelerate.

In the bright music melody, the people in the video dance lightly, and various movements are hand-to-hand, showing a beautiful dance posture.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt very fresh when they saw this scene.

After all, everyone wants to watch a beautiful dance.

As the music comes to an end, so does the dance of the people in the video.

It ends with a scissor hand with both hands raised above the head.

The picture of the video is also gradually turning black.

【Please answer the following questions within five minutes based on the video content above.】

【Excuse me, if the ritual dance is performed according to the ancient rituals of the past, who will perform the solo dance in the third act of the flickering candlelight in the following options?】 [

A: Jean Gunhilde

] [B: Diluc Leganfinder

] [C: Yura

] [D: Fischer von Rufschloss Nefidot]

in the live broadcast room.

As the video finishes playing, and the first question is asked, the number of barrages is increasing exponentially.

[Bennett: The man in the video dances very well, but it's hard for me to imagine Lord Diluc dancing this dance. [

Wendy: I think Master Diluc can dance very well, do you want to try it (/ naughty

)] [Donna: (/ like) (/ blush)] [

Diluc: @温迪, next time I won't let you on credit. [

Fischer: I am the queen daughter of conviction, and I came here at the call of fate, how can I be called by my name? But the live broadcast room is an otherworldly existence, so you are allowed to act. [

Oz: Miss means, hello, it's nice to meet you. [

Fischer: Oz! [

Xingqiu: It seems that this question is about Mond, and the one named Kaiya will have a great advantage. [

Chongyun: Lord Ning Guang's information is very extensive, and this question should not be difficult for her. 【

Nilu: The ritual dance should be similar in essence to the dance of the flower god, right?】 Could it be a woman who performs the solo dance? 】

【Shinobu Kusaki: Boss, he... It's going to be okay, right? As

the time passed, the people in the live broadcast room gradually stopped discussing, and their eyes converged on the four people in the answer space.

Arataki Kazuto: "Except for option C, how can everyone else's name be so awkward." I remember who once said that multiple choice questions are the shortest of three long and one short, that's right! I choose C! Unlike

Arataki Kazuto, who was so blind, the other three were obviously much calmer.

As early as the moment the music started, Kaiya had a magnificent silhouette in her mind.

When the question came out, Kaiya also wanted to choose B, but finally chose the correct answer.

Ning Guang recalled the information about Mondstadt, knew about the ritual dance and the history of the Lawrence family.

Through elimination, Condensation also locks in the correct answer.

Although Collet is not familiar with the history of Mond, after the "Black Fire Case" in the early years, the Wind and Flower Festival some time ago, and the correspondence with Amber over the years, she also has a certain understanding of the four people in the options.

Especially Yura, at the last Wind Flower Festival, she had a lot of fun with her and Amber.

Yura not only studied with Amber's grandfather, but also was the leader of the guerrilla squad of the Knights after a famous family.

But option D....

"Fischer? The queen daughter of conviction? The name... Hiss~~"

Collet thought seriously for a long time, seeing that there was less than a minute left in the countdown before choosing the answer.

Not long after Collet finished selecting the answer, the system's prompt sounded again.

【5... 4... 3... 2... 1! 【

Answer time is over! 】 The correct answer is now announced! 【

The correct answer is C!】 Congratulations to Kaiya, Condensing Light, Kazuto Arataki, and Collet for answering correctly and each getting a point! 【

Please prepare the players, the next video will be played, the sparkling candlelight! 】 】

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