The picture appears again in the light curtain, and the person in the picture becomes Yura.

Eura stands alone by the lake not far outside Mondstadtt.

The clear blue sky, the calm lake, Eura greeted the glow, took a deep breath, and crossed her hands above her head.

As a familiar classical guitar music sounded again, Eura said softly: "The third act of the dance of the ceremony, the sparkling candlelight..."

As soon as Yura's words fell, the rhythm of the music began to accelerate, and Eura danced with it.

Yura's posture is beautiful, and the sound of 'clicking' when her high heels step on the ground echoes the music, which is very addictive.

Yura has a light posture and seems to have been accustomed to dancing like this in high heels.

After a gorgeous spinning dance step, the picture follows her to the bridge outside Mondstadt.

In front of her, there was a large wave of Abyss Mages and Chuchu people.

But Yura acted very relaxed, and smoothed her hair.

What surprised the audience in the live broadcast room was that Yura's fighting style was very elegant, still like dancing, and it was very agile.

In particular, the action of carrying a very heavy big sword behind him made many people who used the big sword widen their eyes.

But before they could finish sighing, Yura's voice sounded again:

"It was originally a ceremony for famous families to show their dignity..."

"Solid ice, break the deep hatred!"

With this goosebump-giving voice, three sentences flashed in the video picture.

[The Seal of Ice that the Lawrence family is proud of. [

To the last descendants of the rebellion, forge the blade of the old enemy.] [

I only want to cut off the cruelty and arrogance in the depths of my blood.]

"The descendants of sinners must break free alone from the yoke of vengeance."

The insignia of the Lawrence family appeared in Youra's hands, but Yura did not hesitate to crush it.

"Frost! Broken! As

the battle picture between Eura and the monster continues to flicker, it shows her elegance and calmness, nobility and beauty when fighting.

Each dance corresponds to one of her attacks.

When all the monsters are cleaned up, Yura's dance also comes to the final finish.

Just when everyone in the live broadcast room felt that the video would end here, Eura looked at Amber who suddenly appeared behind her.

"When else do you want to steal a look?"

Amber scratched her head a little embarrassed, "I'm just worried about you, so..." Seeing

this, Yura smiled and stretched out her hand towards Amber, "Then... How about dancing with sinners? "


With Amber's final surprise, the video picture gradually turned black.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was immersed in Youra's dancing and praised her.

[Nilu: If nothing else, Miss Youra dances quite well, and you can see that she has the foundation of hard practice for many years. ] [

Dixia: Being able to use the great sword so carefully, and also combining combat skills with dance, is really powerful. 】

【Kamisato Lingren: In the video, she claims to be a descendant of a sinner, and mentions the Ice Seal of the Lawrence family, can it be said... Is she a descendant of the Lawrence family? [

Yae Miko: It should be like this, dressed appropriately, with an aristocratic demeanor in her speech and behavior, it seems that this little girl has a lot of stories on her body. [

Amber: Although it was a little embarrassing to peek at the time, it was worth it to let everyone appreciate the different side of Youra! [

Jean: Through this video, people can also learn more about Yura, and I hope to improve the prejudice against her. 【

Beidou: Also uses a big sword, I wonder if she also likes to drink? Next time invite her over to my boat for a drink. [

Empty: Er... Yura's amount of alcohol (/ sweating)...

] [Keqing: What's wrong?] Traveler, do you know something? [

Empty: I can't spoil (/ helpless.] Seeing

the traveler's two words, Yura panicked at this time.

"It won't! This live broadcast room won't blow that thing out again, right? "

[Ding! 【

After the video is played, please answer the following questions within five minutes.】 【

Excuse me, which of the following is not the nickname of Youra?】 (1de4y117RE)

] [A: Vengeful Knight

] [B: Gang Leader

] [C: Mond Dance

King] [D: Ice Crossing Sea True King]

As soon as the problem came out, the live broadcast room became more lively.

[Goro: If I'm not mistaken, it was mentioned in the video just now that Yura is a Wave Knight. 【

Xingqiu: I know the gang master, but what kind of organization is the gang? Could it be that Miss Eura also formed a gang behind her back? Hiss~~~]

[This character setting is good! ] On the surface, he is an upright knight of the order, and after a famous family. Secretly, he is the leader of a gang, who wants to cut off the cruelty and arrogance in the depths of his bloodline. 【

Wendy: It's really a pillow... Teacher Xingqiu, imagination is rich, but Yura does not have any secret identity. 【

Kerly: Why is Sister Yura called the Mond Dance King?】 Does it mean that Sister Yura dances very well? Na Kelly also wants to learn to dance with her. 【

Jean: @可莉, Yura's dance has been practiced since she was a child, and the practice process is extremely hard, and the toes will be injured and bleeding from time to time, do you still have to learn? [

Keli: Then Keli still doesn't learn, just listening to it, I feel that her toes hurt, and Sister Yura is so pitiful(╥_╥). ] 】

【Keqing: What is generally called what is the true monarch, it is all our immortals on the Liyue side, so do you choose the fourth question for this question?

[Zhongli: In terms of universal rationality, this is true. But judging by the content of the video, each of the four options is likely to be the right answer.

[Kavi: Huh? Can you judge from the video content? How can I not tell? [

Ellheisen: So, someone should read more, otherwise how can they run for the next great sage? How can you build a house on a dead domain? 【

Kavi: Al Heisen! You are insinuating me!! [

Elheisen: I'm talking about someone, you have to take a seat yourself, then I can't help it. 【

Kavi: You! You!! [○・'Д ́・ ○]]

Unlike the cheerfulness of the live broadcast room, all four people in the answer space frowned except for Kazuto Arataki.

Compared with the first question, the difficulty of this question has suddenly improved a lot, and even some of the nouns in the options do not know what they mean.

Half a minute later, Kaiya snapped, "I'm going to use a prop and remove a wrong answer."

As soon as Kaiya's words fell, in his light curtain, option B was removed, and Kaiya was greatly relieved in his heart.

He knows that Yura's mantra is 'I wrote down this revenge', but this is not that Yura really wants revenge, but a manifestation of a bad mouth.

So A's choice of the Avenging Knight, Kaia felt that it would not be the right answer.

"It's okay, otherwise this opportunity would have been wasted. Then the answer is chosen between C and D, but this Ice Crossing Sea True Monarch..." Kaiya

was very unhappy with this option for no reason, staring at this option fiercely, eager to stare out of a hole in the light curtain.

After seeing Kaiya use props, Collet also followed, "Use props, remove a wrong answer." Subsequently

, on Collet's light curtain, option C was removed.

Considering that Eura is the holder of the Eye of God of the ice attribute, and his strength is strong, it should not be too difficult to cross the sea with elemental power, so he chose option B.

Ning Guang thought for a while and decisively chose option D.

After all, he is a Liyue person, and he still has an understanding of immortals.

Moreover, those who have the title of immortals in Tivat live in Liyue.

Besides, if there really was a figure like Condensing Ice Crossing the Sea True Monarch, she couldn't possibly not know.

As for Kazuto Arataki....

"What's so difficult about this, the above question is three long and one short choice is the shortest, this question is obviously the longest choice of three short and one long choice, I choose D!"

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